
Digital Platforms and the ELA Classroom: A Policy Research Brief
Document Type
Reports - Research
National Council of Teachers of English. 2023.
Learning Management Systems
Language Arts
English Instruction
Educational Technology
Data Use
Minority Group Students
Instructional Effectiveness
Educational Policy
Educational Practices
A digital platform is a networked infrastructure that allows people to engage in various kinds of interactions: social, economic, political, educational. Digital platforms can play a fundamental part of today's English language arts (ELA) classroom. Students read, write, view, connect, and interact with, on, and through a kaleidoscope of digital platforms. Google Docs, Turnitin, and Flip, among many others, have become part of the very infrastructure of classroom life (Garcia & Nichols, 2021). These same platforms are further used by educators, administrators, and third-party companies to instruct, assess, track, communicate with, respond to, and discipline students. This policy brief examines how digital platforms have been used in ELA Education and concludes with recommendations for teachers, administrators, and policymakers who implement digital platforms in the ELA classroom.

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