
Moving North Carolina Forward: High Standards 'and' High Graduation Rates. A Framework for Next-Generation Assessment and Accountability Indicators
Document Type
Reports - Evaluative
Achieve, Inc. 2007.
North Carolina
A policy analysis conducted jointly by Achieve, Inc. and Jobs for the Future, outlined in this report, suggest ways that North Carolina can create a more coherent, intentional, and aligned assessment and accountability system to improve both achievement and graduation rates for struggling and out-of-school students. The report includes a preliminary framework for next generation high school accountability indicators that recognize and reward schools that help all students graduate on time with a college and career-ready diploma. This report to the North Carolina State Board of Education and Blue Ribbon Commission on Testing and Accountability makes six recommendations: (1) Rounding out the end-of-course assessment system with upper-level tests for core subjects in the Future-Ready Core Course of Study; (2) Strengthening the quality of the end-of-course tests to assess a broader range of skills more deeply and provide leadership for improved diagnostic testing at the local level; (3) Making every end-of-course exam count for students, but considering multiple kinds of stakes; (4) Making graduation rates and readiness for college and careers central to high school accountability; (5) Rewarding schools for helping students earn "career-ready" industry-recognized credentials and college credit; and (6) Investing in data systems to make all of this possible.