
Constructive friction? Exploring patterns between Educational Research and The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Document Type
EuroSoTL 2017,Lund, Sweden,-- Transforming patterns through the scholarship of teaching and learning : The 2nd European Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - The 2nd European Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. :161-165
Social Sciences
Educational Sciences
While educational research (EdR) and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) are overlapping fields there remains considerable friction between the two. Shulman, (2011, p. 5), recounts a situation when an EdR colleague accused him “of contributing to the bastardization of the field by encouraging faculty members who were never trained to conduct educational or social science research to engage in studies of teaching and learning in their fields.”. Miller-Young & Yeo (2015) argue that defining SoTL as a field independent of education has created unnecessary tensions as there are more similarities than differences. However, they also maintain that SoTL scholars could benefit from a better understanding of EdR theories and methods. So what underpins differences between each of these fields and how might they be explained? What patterns can be identified in the conceptualisation of SoTL and EdR? This study explores empirical, interview-based viewpoints from new and experienced SoTL-ers and educational researchers respectively. Participants were purposefully selected, drawn from attendees at two conferences in 2015: Euro-SOTL and EARLI. In analysing the material some aspects have come forward as central: community membership, research rigour, purpose and focus of inquiry, and intended recipients of inquiry results. Some dimensions therefore stand out as crucial in identifying patterns within and between the two communities: what and who determines the value of the contribution to the field and why it is valuable. This presentation offers theoretical explanations for the differences between the communities and the degree to which these communities may hold differing values. This review is intended to deepen understanding about the relative attributes of either community in order to advance understanding and further develop fruitful and constructive inter-relationships.