
Attitude of Norwegian nursing students towards a career in geriatric nursing after graduation / Norske sykepleiestudenters syn på eldreomsorgen som arbeidsplass etter endt utdanning
Document Type
Journal Article
Vård i Norden. 22(2):21
Adult / Vuxna
Aged / Äldre
Attitude of Health Personnel / Attityder hos hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal
Career Mobility / Karriärstege
Choice Behavior / Valbeteende
English Abstract / Engelsk sammanfattning
Geriatric Nursing / Äldrevård
Humans / Människa
Longitudinal Studies / Longitudinella studier
Norway / Norge
Surveys and Questionnaires / Kartläggning och enkäter
Students, Nursing -- psychology / Sjuksköterskestuderande -- psykologi
Workplace / Arbetsplats
explore Norwegian student nurses’attitudes towards older patients,their work preferencesthroughout their student years,why students choose/do not chooseto pursue a career in geriatricnursing after graduation, andwhat changes students deemnecessary for them to contemplateworking within this field ofnursing.The students’ attitudes towardsolder patients improved somewhatduring college. While twostudents preferred to work witholder patients throughout, fivestudents changed their work preferencesto geriatric nursing betweentheir second and third yearof training.Reasons for choosing geriatricnursing were genuine interest inolder people, and work satisfaction.Reasons for not choosinggeriatric nursing were related towork conditions and their nurse’straining. Improvements both ingeneral work conditions and conditionsrelated to professionalwork satisfaction were deemednecessary by these students forthem to choose such a careerafter graduation.