
Dépistage duCampylobacter pylori en microscopie électronique à balayage Etude chez 1 200 patients
Document Type
Original Paper
Acta Endoscopica. September 1987 17(5):303-308
Campylobacter pylori
miscroscopie électronique àbalayage
scanning electron microscopy
Summary:The detection of campylobacter pylori was carried out with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on 3 301 biopsies taken from 1 200 adult patients (1 050 duodenal biopsies, 1 176 antral biopsies and 1 075 fundic biopsies). The fragments of mucosa obtained by endoscopy had their mucus removed and were fixed with glutaraldehyde, dehydrated, critical point dried with CO2 or H.M.D.S., mounted, coated with gold and observed in SEM.CP was detected in 1 164 patients. In SEM, CP is characterized by its spiral appearance, (the long form 2,5 to 6 µn) or by its curved appearance (the short form 1,5 µm) and by its relatively constant diameter (O,5 µm). CP was present in 455 patients (39 %) and was mainly found in the fundus and antrum, near the neck of the gastric glands and at the level of the intercellular spaces. CP was never present on the surface of the enterocytes but was found on the 18 duodenal biopsies in the gastric metaplasia areas and on the surface of adjacent muciparous cells.The main epithelial lesions associated with CP are of an erosive or desquamative type.The high definition given by SEM allows to distinguish CP from other micro- organisms observed on the surface of the gastroduodenal mucosa: bacteria and contamination cocci, Candida albicans, giardia lamblia, spirochetes...SEM is a technique well adapted for the detection of CP. Rapid (less than 2 hours), specific and reliable, it gives quantitative data on the infestation of CP over wide areas of gastroduodenal mucous membranes.