
Intruder dominance in the 02+ state of Mg 32 studied with a novel technique for in-flight decays
Document Type
Physical Review C. 100(4)
The development of advanced γ-ray tracking arrays allows for a sensitive new technique to investigate elusive states of exotic nuclei with fast rare-isotope beams. By taking advantage of the excellent energy and position resolution of the Gamma-Ray Energy Tracking In-beam Nuclear Array, we developed a novel technique to identify in-flight isomeric decays of the 02+ state in Mg32 populated in a two-proton removal reaction. We confirm the 02+→21+γ-ray transition of Mg32 and constrain the 02+ decay lifetime, suggesting a large collectivity. The small partial cross section populating the 02+ state in this reaction provides experimental evidence for the reduced occupancy of the normal configuration of the 02+ state, indicating the intruder dominance of this state.