
Effect of sildenafil administration on penile hypoxia induced by cavernous neurotomy in the rat
Document Type
Academic Journal
International Journal of Impotence Research. Jan 01, 2008 20(1):60-67
Hypoxia is a normal, physiological condition in penile tissue, which is interrupted by reoxygenation associated to sleep-related erections. We previously described in the rat that a penile fibrosis and overexpression of the pro-fibrotic endothelin-1 type B receptor (ETB) are associated to prolonged (3 months) hypoxia induced by the bilateral surgical resection of the cavernous nerves (bilateral cavernous neurotomy (BCN)). The aim of the present study was to define the time frame in which BCN induces hypoxia and ETB overexpression in the penile tissue. In addition, we studied the time-dependency of the rescuing effect of an acute administration of the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, sildenafil. We found that BCN induced penile hypo-oxygenation (immunohistochemistry for Hypoxyprobe), penile ETB mRNA overexpression (quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction) and hypersensitivity to the ETB agonist IRL-1620 (in vitro contractility study). Sildenafil treatment was able to counteract all these alterations (penile hypoxygenation, hyper-sensitivity to IRL-1620 and ETB overexpression), with its effect being more evident the earlier it was administered.