
FRANCOEUR: Chamber Music
Document Type
Classical Music
Track Details: I. Adagio (04 min. 28 sec.) / Francoeur -- II. Courente (04 min. 08 sec.) / Francoeur -- III. Sarabande (04 min. 03 sec.) / Francoeur -- IV. Rondeau (03 min. 30 sec.) / Francoeur -- Scanderberg, Act III Scene 1: Fureur, Amour, secondes mon impatience (Fury, Love, further my impatience) (04 min. 15 sec.) / Rebel -- I. Adagio (02 min. 21 sec.) / Francoeur -- II. Allegro (03 min. 24 sec.) / Francoeur -- III. Pastourelle (02 min. 18 sec.) / Francoeur -- Pirame and Thisbe, Act III Scene 4: L'Amour fair naitre nos desirs (Love awakens our desires) (02 min. 38 sec.) / Rebel -- 12 Violin Sonatas, Book 2: Violin Sonata No. 1 in A Major: IV. Gay (02 min. 38 sec.) / Francoeur -- Scanderberg, Prologue: Air tendre pour l'Amour: Loin de nos coeurs les tristes plaintes (Banish from your hearts sad complaints) (03 min. 03 sec.) / Rebel -- Tarsis and Zelie, Act I Scene 3: Vole de victoire en victoire (Fly from victory to victory) (03 min. 56 sec.) / Rebel -- Scanderberg, Act IV Scene 5: Splendete, luci belle (Shine, lovely eyes) (04 min. 57 sec.) / Rebel -- I. Adagio (02 min. 32 sec.) / Francoeur -- II. Allemande (04 min. 27 sec.) / Francoeur -- Tarsis and Zelie, Act II Scene 6: Que dans ce sejour … (In this abode let us show our transports …) (02 min. 03 sec.) / Rebel -- 12 Violin Sonatas, Book 2: Violin Sonata No. 2 in D Minor: III. Sicilienne (03 min. 33 sec.) / Francoeur -- Pirame and Thisbe, Act I Scene 4: Lance tes traits, Amour! (Shoot your arrows, Love!) (02 min. 14 sec.) / Rebel -- IV. Rondeau (02 min. 35 sec.) / Francoeur -- V. Adagio (NaN min. NaN sec.)(34 sec.) / Francoeur -- Pirame and Thisbe, Prologue: D'un tendre Amour, ne craignez rien (Have no fear of tender love) (01 min. 02 sec.) / Rebel -- Amans voules-vous etre heureux? (Lovers, if you will be happy?) (02 min. 48 sec.) / Francoeur -- 12 Violin Sonatas, Book 2: Violin Sonata No. 2 in D Minor: VI. Gay (03 min. 57 sec.) / Francoeur
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