
Is the weight loss of hyperbaric habitation a disorder of osmoregulation
Document Type
Aerospace Medicine
To examine the weight loss of hyperbaric helium-oxygen habitation, the exchange of liquids and calories was measured in six men who lived in this atmosphere for 32 d. The maximum pressure was 49.5 ATA. The men lost 3.7-10.1 kg, in spite of warm ambient (31-32 C) temperatures and adequate calories (2,737 kcal/d) provided for the sedentary ways of chamber living. Weight loss and a calculated fluid deficit were accompanied by significant hemoconcentration, shown by increases in serum proteins. These changes were followed by a rise in urinary aldosterone and vasopressin, but not thirst. Weight loss in hyperbaric atmospheres is probably multifactorial, but the data suggests an uncoupling of normal osmoregulation may have occured in the present set of subjects. This may have been due to altered lung mechanics, increased catecholamines, or effects of high pressure on cellular responses to vasopressin.