
고등학생들의 여드름 발생요인 및 여드름이 학업에 미치는 영향 / A Study on Factors of pimple and Its Effect on Schoolwork for Highschool Students.
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
The present research examined the factors that caused pimples and further investigated the effects of pimples on schoolwork. To do this, the research employed 300 highschool students in Taegu and Gyeongbuk areas. and the data was collected in 15days and analyzed with SPSS program. The results are as follows, first, participants in the below 6 hours of sleeping time condition had higher rate of pimples than those in the above 6 hours of sleeping time condition. Second, participants in the condition of parents, brothers, and sisters with pimples had higher rate of pimples than those in the condition of brothers and sisters with pimples. Third, participants in the condition of eating fast-food more than 3 times a week had higher rate of pimples than those in the condition of eating fast-food less than 3 times a week. Forth, participants in the make-up condition had higher rate of pimples than those in the no make-up condition. Fifth, for the first and third year students in highschool, those without pimples thought that pimples had more influential on schoolwork compared with those with pimples. However, for the second year students in highschool, those with pimples thought that pimples had more influential on schoolwork compared with those without pimples.