
B123 底吹きノズルから出る気泡の過渡的な様態 / Transient Behaviors of Bubbles Brown from a Bottom Nozzle
Document Type
Journal Article
可視化情報学会誌 / Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan. 2003, 23(Supplement2):73
Bubble deformation
Digital streak picture
High-speed camera
Liquid microjet
Transient bubble
fragment of bubble
Bubble behaviors in liquid have been studied in many engineering fields relating to a power plant, chemical reactor, mixing system, and so on. In those systems, Bubble shapes, motions and surface areas are the most important subjects in order to pursue transport phenomena and to estimate mixing performance. When gases are blown into liquid, bubbles are formed. Once this procedure is observed through high-speed camera, they exhibit anomalous transient shapes and behaviors are found. Similar bubble-shapes had been found in the cavitation, which occurs quite different circumstances from the present case. In this paper, a variety of bubble shapes and behaviors are shown but transient procedures how those features are continuously changing. The transient phenomena play an important role in many gas-liquid two-phase systems, since during the transient period, bubbles are exposed to rushing flow and bubbles cause turbulent flow.

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