
Comparisons of size class structure among populations and growth characteristics as population dynamics of Callianthemum miyabeanum(Features I) / ヒダカソウ(Callianthemum miyabeanum)の主要な生育地間のサイズクラス構成の比較と個体群動態からみた生育特性(<特集1>アポイ岳の植物群落-アポイ岳の高山植物群落の現状と将来について-)
Document Type
Journal Article
日本生態学会誌 / JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 2005, 55(1):99
Callianthemum miyabeanum
Individual-based monitoring
Population dynamics
Rare plant
Size class structure
Callianthemum miyabeanum is a rare and endemic species growing on Mt. Apoi in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Size structures of Callianthemum miyabeanum were compared in five populations, and size-class transition based on basal-leaf number and flowering behavior of individual plants was monitored in a population during a four-year period to estimate the population dynamics. The proportion of juvenile plants having one or two leaves was about 90% in four of the populations, and the number of flowering plants was very small in every population. New recruitment was only 5% of all individuals, including revival individuals after one or two year's dormancy. About 60% of juvenile individuals remained at the same class in the following year, and 18% showed a decrease in size class. Plants that bloomed once within the monitored plots did not bloom again during the monitoring period. These results suggest that growth of this species is restricted by resources. Survival rate was high (88% on average) and increased with size class. Populations of this species were considered to be maintained by low mortality, despite the low recruitment.