
Evaluation of Factors Affecting Mortality in Newborns with Great Artery Transposition/ Buyuk Arter Transpozisyonu Olan Yenidoganlarda Mortaliteyi Etkileyen Faktorlerin Degerlendirilmesi
Original Article/Orijinal Arastirma
Document Type
Academic Journal
Forbes Journal of Medicine. April 2023, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p57, 5 p.
Health aspects
Mortality -- Analysis
Pulmonary hypertension -- Diagnosis
Congenital heart defects -- Diagnosis
Newborn infants -- Health aspects -- Analysis
Pediatric cardiology -- Health aspects -- Analysis
Neonatology -- Health aspects -- Analysis
Surgical clinics -- Health aspects -- Analysis
Congenital heart disease -- Diagnosis
Infants (Newborn) -- Health aspects -- Analysis
GIRIS Yenidogan ve bebeklerde en sik gorulen siyanotik konjenital kalp hastaligi (KKH) olan buyuk arter transpozisyonu (BAT), dogustan kalp defektlerinin %5-7'sini olusturur. (1) Durum genellikle fetus tarafindan iyi tolere edilir, [...]
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the factors affecting mortality in infants who were followed up and treated with the diagnosis of transposition of the great arteries (TGA) in a neonatal-focused cardiovascular surgery unit. Methods: The data of newborn babies who were followed up with the diagnosis of TGA in the pediatric cardiovascular surgery center focused on neonatology between February 2018 and February 2021 were analyzed retrospectively. Results: When the patients with death were evaluated, in this group; presence of pulmonary hypertension in the preoperative period, impaired perfusion in the perioperative period and myocardial edema in the intraoperative period were found to be risk factors for mortality. Conclusion: Correction of pulmonary hypertension and providing good perfusion in the preoperative period may help reduce mortality rates. Keywords: Newborn, great artery transposition, mortality Amac: Bu calismanin amaci; neonatoloji odakli kardiyovaskuler cerrahi yapilan bir unitede buyuk arter transpozisyonu (BAT) tanisi ile takip ve tedavi edilen bebeklerde mortaliteyi etkileyen faktorlerin degerlendirilmesidir. Yontem: Subat 2018 ile Subat 2021 tarihleri arasinda, neonatoloji odakli pediatrik kardiyovaskuler cerrahi merkezinde BAT tanisi ile izlenen yenidogan bebeklerin verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Eksitus olan hastalar degerlendirildiginde, bu grupta; preoperatif donemde pulmoner hipertansiyon olmasi, perioperatif donemde perfuzyonun bozuk olmasi ve intraoperatif donemde miyokard odemi varliginin mortalite acisindan risk faktoru oldugu tespit edildi. Sonuc: Preoperatif donemde pulmoner hipertansiyonun duzeltilmesi ve iyi perfuzyon saglanmasi mortalite oranlarini azaltmada yardimci olabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yenidogan, buyuk arter transpozisyonu, mortalite