
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Similarities and Differences/Yavas Bilissel Tempo ve Dikkat Eksikligi Hiperaktivite Bozuklugu: Benzerlikleri ve Farkliliklari
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. November 2020, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p170, 10 p.
Teachers -- Surveys
Teacher evaluation -- Surveys
Child behavior -- Surveys
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Surveys
Children -- Behavior
Teachers, Rating of -- Surveys
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Surveys
Giris Yavas bilissel tempo (YBT) hayale dalip gitme, bos gozlerle bakma, kafasi karisik ve saskin gorunumde olma, yavas hareket etme ve kolay yorulma gibi bulgularla karakterizedir ve toplumda sikligi epidemiyolojik [...]
Objectives: Sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) is characterized by daydreaming, staring blankly, mental confusion, and hypoactivity. The most important question is how we should evaluate its relationship with the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Our aim in this study is to determine the behavioral and emotional differences between ADHD and SCT cases. Materials and Methods: The cases included in the study were evaluated using the Atilla Turgay DSM-IV-based child and adolescent disruptive behavioral disorders Screening and Rating scale, child behavior checklist, Barkley child attention survey and teacher rating form. Among 4 groups (145 cases in the only ADHD group, 23 cases in the only SCT group, 71 cases in the ADHD + SCT group, 92 cases in the healthy controls), Rating scale scores evaluated by families and teachers were compared. Results: The ADHD group had more symptoms in the evaluation of symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity and conduct disorder in both family and teacher scores (p Conclusion: Patients with the symptoms of SCT have difficulties with socially withdrawn and ADHD cases have difficulties in terms of aggression and delinquent behavior problems. The answer to the question of whether or not the reason that the SCT cases show social withdrawal is social phobic features, or reluctance to social communication, or failure to understand social cues will help develop appropriate therapeutic methods. Keywords: Sluggish cognitive tempo, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Child Behavior checklist, social withdrawn Amac: Yavas bilissel tempo (YBT) hayale dalip gitme, bos gozlerle bakma, kafasi karisik ve saskin gorunumde olma, yavas hareket etme ve kolay yorulma gibi bulgularla karakterizedir. En onemli soru, dikkat eksikligi hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) tanisi ile iliskisini nasil degerlendirmemiz gerektigi olmustur. Bu calismadaki amacimiz ise DEHB ve YBT olgularinin arasindaki davranissal ve emosyonel farkliliklari saptamaktir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismaya dahil edilen olgular klinik gorusme ve Atilla Turgay yikici davranim bozukluklari icin DSM- IV'ye dayali Tarama ve Degerlendirme olcegi, 4-18 Yas Davranis Degerlendirme olcegi, Barkley cocuk dikkat anketi ve ogretmen bilgi formu kullanilarak degerlendirildi. Pur DEHB grubuna 145 olgu, pur YBT grubuna 23 olgu, DEHB + YBT grubuna 71 olgu ve saglikli kontrol grubuna 92 olgu dahil edilmistir. Bu 4 grup arasinda aile ve ogretmen tarafindan degerlendirilmis olcek puanlari karsilastirilmistir. Bulgular: Hiperaktivite/durtusellik ve davranim bozuklugu semptomlarinin degerlendirilmesinde hem aile hem de ogretmen puanlamasinda DEHB grubu istatiksel olarak anlamli duzeyde fazla semptom tasimaktaydi (p Sonuc: YBT semptomlarina sahip olgular sosyal ice donukluk konusunda, DEHB olgulari saldirgan davranis ve suca yonelik davranis sorunlari acisindan zorluk yasamaktadir. YBT olgularinin sosyal ice donukluk gostermelerinin sebebi sosyal fobik ozelikler mi yoksa sosyal iletisime olan isteksizlik ya da sosyal ipuclarini anlayamama midir sorusunun cevabi uygun tedavi edici yontemlerin gelismesine yardimci olacaktir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yavas bilissel tempo, dikkat eksikligi ve hiperaktivite bozuklugu, Davranis Degerlendirme olcegi, sosyal ice donukluk