
1인 미디어를 활용한 휴먼브랜딩 : V LIVE를 이용하는 K-POP 스타의 중국 팬덤을 대상으로
Human Branding Using One-Person Media : A Study on the Chinese Fandom of K-POP Stars Using V Live
Document Type
광고PR실학연구, 02/28/2021, Vol. 14, Issue 1, p. 96-120
1인 미디어
휴먼브랜디드 콘텐츠
내용적 특성
시청자 간 관계성
One-person media
Human brand
Human branded content
Content characteristics
Consumption behavior
One-person media is a means for stars to communicate with their fans, and is a human branded content that enhances the value of the stars’ human brand. This study examined how the characteristics of human branded contents affect fans’ content consumption behavior. Specifically, this study tested the effect of the content characteristics of human branded content (informativeness, trustfulness, playfulness, creativity), the interactivity of the platform, and the relationship between other fans on users’ consumption behavior. In this study, the Chinese fandom of K-POP stars using real-time broadcasting of K-POP stars through V LIVE. Recently, K-POP stars have formed a strong fan base around the world and are enjoying a lot of popularity in China. The survey was conducted as an online survey in the WeChat or QQ chat room, used by Chinese fans of K-POP stars. As a result of the study, first, informativeness in the content characteristics was found to have a positive effect on ‘viewing’, ‘participation on paid contents’, and ‘imitating’ among content consumption behaviors, but did not have a significant effect on ‘participation on free contents’. The trustfulness and playfulness of the content did not have any effect on the user’s content consumption behavior. Creativity had a significant but negative effect on ‘participation on free contents’ and ‘imitating’ among the content consumption behaviors. Second, the interactivity of the platform and the relationship between other fans were the most important factors influencing the use of one-person media. Third, as a result of analyzing the four types of content consumption behaviors, ‘viewing’, ‘participation on free contents’, ‘participation on paid contents’, and ‘imitation’, it was shown that the content characteristics, the interactivity of platform, and the relationship between other fans have different effects on the content consumption behavior.