
Repercursiones en la biblioteca del Hospital Virgen de la Torre tras su integración en un proyecto de cooperación bibliotecaria
Document Type
Conference poster
De-la-Torre-Aragonés, Teresa-María and Estrada-Lorenzo, José-Manuel Repercursiones en la biblioteca del Hospital Virgen de la Torre tras su integración en un proyecto de cooperación bibliotecaria., 2005 . In XI Jornadas Nacionales de Información y Documentación en Ciencias de la Salud, Terrassa (Barcelona), 6-8 octubre 2005. [Conference poster]
DK. Health libraries, Medical libraries.
FA. Co-operation.
The law 12/2001, of December 21st, of Ordenación Sanitaria of the Community of Madrid (LOSCAM) establishes the creation of the Centre of Bibliographical Information and Documentation in the Health Sciences (Laín Entralgo Agency). Its first project was the development of the Virtual Library, that, among other activities, carries out a join purchase of electronic journals and databases. At the same time, the Virgen de la Torre Hospital was included into this project (after having had closed its library during the year 2002). Objective of this poster: To evaluate the implications that for the library of a small size hospital (< 200 beds) has its integration in a libraries consortium. Method: A cross study in 2001 and 2004 (before and after joining the consortium) was carried out. Analysis of the library services (serials catalogue, document delivery, access to electronic resources) and the information resources (journals and databases). Questionnaire for users. Results: The serials collection of Virgen de la Torre Hospital library has increased significantly from 2001 to 2004 by the incorporation of the centre to the libraries consortium of the Laín Entralgo Agency. The number of titles in all the medical specialities of interest for the hospital has increased, as well as the number of accessible databases. Besides, various automated library services (service of interlibrary loan, among others) have been implemented. The users value the accessibility to the new resources and they ask for training sessions in order to do an optimal usage. Conclusions: The numerous advantages obtained by small size libraries joining a library consortium are shown, since it allows to have access to a greater number of information resources, facilitates the equity in the access to these resources and enables the library cooperation. On the other hand, it implies a greater work load and new roles for the librarians.