
Design and Optimisation of Strong Electromagnetic Pulse Protection Devices Based on Semiconductors and Gas Discharges Tube
Document Type
2023 Cross Strait Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSRSWTC) Cross Strait Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSRSWTC), 2023. :1-3 Nov, 2023
Computing and Processing
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Photonics and Electrooptics
Signal Processing and Analysis
Semiconductor devices
EMP radiation effects
Discharges (electric)
Electron tubes
Time factors
high frequency electromagnetic pulse
transient voltage suppressors
gas discharge tubes
Strong EMP Protection
RF front-end equipment in the face of strong electromagnetic pulse becomes unbearable, in order to protect the circuit sensitive equipment from damage, the actual research often use some semiconductor devices and switching devices in the circuit front-end design protection module. This paper combines transient voltage suppressors and gas discharge tubes for strong EMP protection, and discusses the impact of the number of TVS tubes on the protection module. After simulation experiments, the increase in the number of TVS tubes can reduce the full response time of the module and increase the effect of pulse protection, and the full response time of the module is less than 40ns and the protection effect is more than 36.9dB when 5 TVS tubes are connected in parallel.