
Spectral Purity Evaluation of VNA Frequency Extenders to Enable Electronic Software-Based Power Control
Document Type
2023 101st ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG) ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), 2023 101st. :01-04 Jun, 2023
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Power measurement
Power control
Power system harmonics
Harmonic analysis
Frequency measurement
frequency extenders
spectral purity
device characterization
In this paper, we present an experimental strategy to analyze the harmonic content of mm-wave frequency extenders using the VNA (absolute) power calibration step, without requiring spectrum analyzers and/or separate downconverters. The spectral purity of the upconverted band of the extenders is a key requirement to enable entirely software-based power control required for the accurate analysis of an (active) device under test. The proposed approach is based on the complementary response provided by the calorimeter-based power meter (i.e. VDI PM5) capable of integrating the entire spectral content of the waveguide band, in respect to the extreme frequency selectivity of the narrow-band mixer-based downconverter of the VNA. This complementary integration bandwidth response allows to compare the two results at each input drive level (at the power calibration setup, in-situ) and link the difference to the increased harmonic content contribution, with respect to the spectral content value at the saturation drive level, i.e. nominal manufacturer specified. The paper presents tests carried out in the WR10 (75–110 GHz) and WR6 band (110–170 GHz). The WR10 resulted in a harmonic contribution on the total output power of a maximum of 0.3 dB down to -33 dBc power back off from saturation level, and less than 1 dB down to -38 dBc while the WR6 the same parameter is less than 1 dB over the entire frequency band excluding the lower frequency points.