
Statistical manipulation learning of unknown objects by a multi-fingered robot hand
Document Type
4th IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2004. Humanoid Robots Humanoid Robots, 2004 4th IEEE/RAS International Conference on. 2:726-740 2004
Robotics and Control Systems
Principal component analysis
Learning systems
Robot sensing systems
Sensor phenomena and characterization
Information science
Electronics packaging
Analysis of variance
Functional analysis
Clustering methods
Manipulation learning
Statistical analysis
Higher-order local autccorrelation
This paper proposes a learning method for multi-fingered manipulation of unknown objects. The method is a combination of higher-order local autocorrelation (HLAC), principal components analysis (PGA), and mean-shft clustering. Our results show that the different geometric restrictions of manipulation maximize the variance in the space of Feature vectors identified by HLAC analysis. As a result, the data corresponding to each manipulatory act are clustered in a high-dimensional space in accordance with the restrictions via PCA. Mean shift clustering method classify the clusters which correspond the restrictions. The efficacy of the proposed method is shown by means OF handling experiments of given diameter caps subjected to rotational restriction.