
Decade quad monolithic POS modeling
Document Type
PPPS-2001 Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. Digest of Papers (Cat. No.01CH37251) Pulsed power plasma science Pulsed Power Plasma Science, 2001. PPPS-2001. Digest of Technical Papers. 1:657-660 vol.1 2001
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Plasma sources
Plasma x-ray sources
Equivalent circuits
Delta modulation
Water resources
Plasma simulation
Magnetic separation
The decade quad (DQ) was initially fielded as a large area bremsstrahlung (LAB) source. This utilized the four decade modules (DM) triggered simultaneously but each driving a separate hard X-ray bremsstrahlung radiation source (BRS). Recently, water convolute hardware was installed that combines the power from the four Decade modules to drive a soft X-ray plasma radiation source (PRS). The water convolute configuration also enables the use of a monolithic plasma opening switch (MPOS) for driving a common BRS or PRS load. The work reported here was performed in support of the use of an ACE 4 type POS on DQ. The modeling included equivalent circuit and DELTA-CREMIT magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. The circuit analysis extracted equivalent circuit parameters from ACE 4 data and applied them to the planned DQ MPOS-BRS configuration. The MHD analyses evaluated strategies to optimize the DQ MPOS.