
Guidelines to Compare Semantic Segmentation Maps at Different Resolutions
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on. 62:1-16 2024
Signal Processing and Analysis
Semantic segmentation
Spatial resolution
Task analysis
Remote sensing
Error metrics
quality assessment
remote sensing
semantic segmentation
Choosing the proper ground sampling distance (GSD) is a vital decision in remote sensing, which can determine the success or failure of a project. Higher resolutions may be more suitable for accurately detecting objects, but they also come with higher costs and require more computing power. Semantic segmentation is a common task in remote sensing where GSD plays a crucial role. In semantic segmentation, each pixel of an image is classified into a predefined set of classes, resulting in a semantic segmentation map. However, comparing the results of semantic segmentation at different GSDs is not straightforward. Unlike scene classification and object detection tasks, which are evaluated at scene and object level, respectively, semantic segmentation is typically evaluated at pixel level. This makes it difficult to match elements across different GSDs, resulting in a range of methods for computing metrics, some of which may not be adequate. For this reason, the purpose of this work is to set out a clear set of guidelines for fairly comparing semantic segmentation results obtained at various spatial resolutions. Additionally, we propose to complement the commonly used scene-based pixel-wise metrics with region-based pixel-wise metrics, allowing for a more detailed analysis of the model performance. The set of guidelines together with the proposed region-based metrics are illustrated with building and swimming pool detection problems. The experimental study demonstrates that by following the proposed guidelines and the proposed region-based pixel-wise metrics, it is possible to fairly compare segmentation maps at different spatial resolutions and gain a better understanding of the model’s performance. To promote the usage of these guidelines and ease the computation of the new region-based metrics, we create the seg-eval Python library and make it publicly available at https://github.com/itracasa/ seg-eval.