
Status of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger and Muon Barrel Trigger and First Results from Cosmic-Ray Data
Document Type
Aielli, G.Aloisio, A.Alviggi, M.G.Antonelli, S.Ask, S.Bellagamba, L.Ami, S. BenBenhammou, Y.Berge, D.Bianco, M.Biglietti, M.G.Boscherini, D.Bressler, S.Bruni, A.Bruni, G.Buda, S.Camarri, P.Canale, V.Caracinha, D.Cardarelli, R.Carlino, G.Chiodini, G.Ciapetti, G.Coluccia, M.R.Constantin, S.Conventi, F.DeAsmundis, R.DellaPietra, M.DellaVolpe, D.Dogaru, M.De Pedis, D.Di Girolamo, A.DiCiaccio, A.Di Mattia, A.Ellis, N.Etzion, E.Farthouat, P.Fukunaga, C.Gallno, P.Gorini, E.Grancagnolo, F.Giusti, P.Haas, S.Haller, J.Hasegawa, Y.Iacobucci, G.Ikeno, M.Iengo, P.Ishino, M.Iwasaki, H.Izzo, V.Kadosaka, T.Kajomovitz, E.Kanaya, N.Kawagoe, K.Kawamoto, T.Kiyamura, H.Klofver, P.Kobayashi, T.Kohno, T.Krasznahorkay, A.Kubota, T.Kurashige, H.Kuwabara, T.Lellouch, D.Levinson, L.Liberti, B.Lifshitz, R.Luci, C.Lupu, N.Marchese, F.Messina, A.Mikenberg, G.Migliaccio, A.Nagano, K.Nisati, A.Niwa, T.Nomachi, M.Nomoto, H.Nozaki, M.Ochi, A.Ohm, C.Okumura, Y.Omachi, C.Oshita, H.Patricelli, S.Pauly, T.Perantoni, M.Junior, H. Pessoa LimaPetrolo, E.Pasqualucci, E.Pastore, F.Pectu, M.Perrino, R.Polini, A.Primaver, M.Roich, A.Rosati, S.Salamon, A.Sakamoto, H.Santonico, R.Sasaki, O.Schuler, G.de Seixas, J.M.Sekhniaidze, G.Solfaroli, E.Spagnolo, S.Spila, F.Spiwoks, R.Sugaya, Y.Sugimoto, T.Takahashi, Y.Takeda, H.Takeshita, T.Tanaka, S.Tarem, S.Tomoto, M.Treidel, O. BahatVari, R.Veneziano, S.Wengler, T.Yamaguchi, Y.Yasu, Y.Zanello, L.
2007 15th IEEE-NPSS Real-Time Conference Real-Time Conference, 2007 15th IEEE-NPSS. :1-6 Apr, 2007
Computing and Processing
Large Hadron Collider
Power engineering and energy
Particle accelerators
Elementary particles
Particle beams
Colliding beam devices
The ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be exposed to proton-proton collisions from beams crossing at 40 MHz. A three-level trigger system will select potentially interesting events in order to reduce the readout rate to about 200 Hz. The first trigger level is implemented in custom-built electronics and makes an initial fast selection based on detector data of coarse granularity. It has to reduce the rate by a factor of 10 4 to less than 100 kHz. The other two consecutive trigger levels are in software and run on PC farms. We present an overview of the first-level central trigger and the muon barrel trigger system and report on the current installation status. Moreover, we show analysis results of cosmicray data recorded in situ at the ATLAS experimental site with final or close-to-final hardware.