
广东省制造业空间转移的总体特征及趋势:基于改进的相对净流量指标测度 / General Characteristics and Trends of Spatial Transfer of Manufacturing in Guangdong Province:Based on Improved Index Measure of Relative Net Flow
Document Type
Academic Journal
开发研究 / Research on Development. (6):86-96
industrial transfer
relative netflow
location entropy index
Guangdong Province
Quantitative measurement of industrial transfer is the foundation for evaluating the effectiveness of in-dustrial transfer policies and is also an academic difficulty.Using the improved index measure method of relative net flow,this paper makes a comparative analysis on the characteristics of the spatial transfer of manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province from 2009 to 2020 in the two stages of"double transfer"and industrial co-construction at the spatial level of the Pearl River Delta,Eastern Guangdong,Western Guangdong and Northern Guangdong.The study found that the inter-regional transfer of manufacturing in Guangdong Province has always existed from 2009 to 2020,but the transfer scale of the"double transfer"stage is significantly higher than that of the industrial co-construction stage.The inter-regional transfers in manufacturing of labor-intensive,resource-intensive and technology-inten-sive have obvious differences in direction,scale and evolution path without a sustainable and stable evolution trend.Among the three types of manufacturing industries,labor-intensive manufacturing has been the largest scale of trans-fer,technology-intensive manufacturing is the smallest,and resource-intensive manufacturing is in the middle.A-mong the four major regions of the province,Northern Guangdong undertakes large-scale industrial transfer in the Pearl River Delta,Eastern Guangdong and Western Guangdong,and is the region with the most obvious effect of in-dustrial transfer policies.It is recommended to improve the interest incentive mechanism for cross regional layout of the industrial chain to avoid the attenuation of policy effects,and to promote the formation of a relatively balanced de-velopment pattern throughout the province by enhancing self-development capabilities in the eastern,western,and northern regions of Guangdong.