
制度变迁视角下创新型产业用地政策的理论内因、演进逻辑与治理路径 / Theory and Rationale Underlying the Evolution and Governance of Innovative Industrial Land Use based on Institutional Changes
Document Type
Academic Journal
南方建筑 / South Architecture. (12):32-39
institutional change
innovative industrial land use policy
internal theory
evolutionary logic
governance strategy
China has entered the stage of transformation and development after experiencing the"new normal"of economic development,which is essentially characterized by technological innovation and high quality.Local governments have initiated changes in"land finance"policies in an effort to realize"sustainable growth"in taxes while ensuring continuous output.In this context,innovative industrial land use policy has been utilized as a new institutional design for optimizing urban land resource allocation and innovative economic development in China.However,few studies analyzed the institutional logic and the theoretical basis of policy decisions. Institutions constrain behaviors.Various land policies allocate and constrain spatial resources.Thus,the various land policies,including industrial strategies,can be regarded as institutions.Institutions evolve with the environment and time.Institutional changes are promoted by market needs or the pursuit of maximum benefits by the government.In this study,the internal theoretical basis and evolutionary logic of current innovative industrial land use policies in China were analyzed.Toward this end,the institutional change theory in institutional economics was utilized. The emergence of innovative industrial land policies represents institutional change based on induced guidance and mandatory regulation.Induced guidance is designed to adapt to new innovative production methods and talent based on innovative economic development.Accordingly,market enterprises break through constraints against spatial supply mechanisms,functional forms,and other aspects of traditional industrial land management.The guidance requires changes in government policy in accordance with market needs.Mandatory regulation by government involves supply of comprehensive benefits except for those based on market economics during allocation of industrial space to subjects with comprehensive performance and social benefit.It includes mandatory supervision.Cities with innovative industrial land use have experienced large-scale policy evolution via induced guidance and mandatory regulation.The induced guidance approach is predominant in fish culture during early stages.It entails transition to delegation of power and strengthening regulation during the late reflection and adjustment stages,thus enforcing mandatory regulation.The combination of induced guidance and mandatory regulation contribute to mature and stable institutional operation. Based on the analysis of internal theory and evolutionary logic of the current policies on innovative industrial land use,the government can assess the urban experience comprehensively to provide effective governance.The governance includes the full life cycle of"before-during-after land supply".Appropriate policies based on the rationale and complete frameworks are then designed.Induced guidance and mandatory regulation are implemented based on the idea of"control of two ends and the release of central links".Specifically,induced guidance is apparent in mid-end links and complete release of market vitality in terms of land supply mode,index setting and land use compatibility.It is adapted to the market needs and the goal of"building nests to attract phoenix and releasing water to raise fish".Mandatory regulation is manifested at front and back ends.It reinforces front-end accession and back-end supervision of innovative industrial land use by relatively rigid institutions.It guarantees economic and social benefits of land use,and contributes to high-quality urban development.