
Generation of ultrashort (~10ps) spontaneous emission pulses by quantum dots in a switched optical microcavity
Document Type
Working Paper
Light Sci. Appl. 10, 215 (2021)
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Physics - Optics
Quantum Physics
We report on the generation of few-ps long spontaneous emission pulses by quantum dots (QDs) in a switched optical microcavity. We use a pulsed optical injection of free charge carriers to induce a large frequency shift of the fundamental mode of a GaAs/AlAs micropillar. We track in real time by time-resolved photoluminescence its fundamental mode during its relaxation, using the emission of the QD ensemble as a broadband internal light source. Sub-ensembles of QDs emitting at a given frequency, interact transiently with the mode and emit an ultrashort spontaneous emission pulse into it. By playing with switching parameters and with the emission frequency of the QDs, selected by spectral filtering, pulse durations ranging from 300 ps down to 6 ps have been obtained. These pulses display a very small coherence length, which opens potential applications in the field of ultrafast imaging. The control of QD-mode coupling on ps-time scales establishes also cavity switching as a key resource for quantum photonics.
Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; includes supplemental material