
A 350-MHz Green Bank Telescope Survey of Unassociated Fermi LAT Sources: Discovery and Timing of Ten Millisecond Pulsars
Document Type
Working Paper
ApJ, Vol 966, 20 pp. (2024)
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
We have searched for radio pulsations towards 49 Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) 1FGL Catalog $\gamma$-ray sources using the Green Bank Telescope at 350 MHz. We detected 18 millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in blind searches of the data; 10 of these were discoveries unique to our survey. Sixteen are binaries, with eight having short orbital periods $P_B < 1$ day. No radio pulsations from young pulsars were detected, although three targets are coincident with apparently radio-quiet $\gamma$-ray pulsars discovered in LAT data. Here, we give an overview of the survey and present radio and $\gamma$-ray timing results for the 10 MSPs discovered. These include the only isolated MSP discovered in our survey and six short-$P_B$ binary MSPs. Of these, three have very low-mass companions ($M_c$ $\ll$ 0.1M$_{\odot}$) and hence belong to the class of black widow pulsars. Two have more massive, non-degenerate companions with extensive radio eclipses and orbitally modulated X-ray emission consistent with the redback class. Significant $\gamma$-ray pulsations have been detected from nine of the discoveries. This survey and similar efforts suggest that the majority of Galactic $\gamma$-ray sources at high Galactic latitudes are either MSPs or relatively nearby non-recycled pulsars, with the latter having on average a much smaller radio/$\gamma$-ray beaming ratio as compared to MSPs. It also confirms that past surveys suffered from an observational bias against finding short-$P_B$ MSP systems.
Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (25 pages, 15 figues, 4 tables)