
Analysis Facilities for HL-LHC
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Experiment
The HL-LHC presents significant challenges for the HEP analysis community. The number of events in each analysis is expected to increase by an order of magnitude and new techniques are expected to be required; both challenges necessitate new services and approaches for analysis facilities. These services are expected to provide new capabilities, a larger scale, and different access modalities (complementing -- but distinct from -- traditional batch-oriented approaches). To facilitate this transition, the US-LHC community is actively investing in analysis facilities to provide a testbed for those developing new analysis systems and to demonstrate new techniques for service delivery. This whitepaper outlines the existing activities within the US LHC community in this R&D area, the short- to medium-term goals, and the outline of common goals and milestones.
Comment: Contribution to Snowmass 2021