
Mode switching and oscillations in PSR B1828-11
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
The young pulsar PSR B1828-11 has long been known to show correlated shape and spin-down changes with timescales of roughly 500 and 250 days, perhaps associated with large-scale magnetospheric switching. Here we present multi-hour observations with the Parkes and Green Bank Telescopes at multiple phases across the roughly 500-day cycle and show that the pulsar undergoes mode-changing between two stable, extreme profile states. The fraction of time spent in each profile state naturally accounts for the observed overall "shape parameter" (defined to be 0 for wide profiles and 1 for narrow ones); this and the variable rate of the mode transitions are directly related to the spin-down changes. We observe that the mode transition rate could plausibly function as an additional parameter governing the chaotic behaviour in this object which was proposed earlier by Seymour and Lorimer. Free precession is not needed to account for the variations.
Comment: 13 pages, accepted to MNRAS