
Demonstration of the Two-Fluxonium Cross-Resonance Gate
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
The superconducting fluxonium qubit has a great potential for high-fidelity quantum gates with its long coherence times and strong anharmonicity at the half flux quantum sweet spot. However, current implementations of two-qubit gates compromise fluxonium's coherence properties by requiring either a temporary population of the non-computational states or tuning the magnetic flux off the sweet spot. Here we realize a fast all-microwave cross-resonance gate between two capacitively-coupled fluxoniums with the qubit dynamics well confined to the computational space. We demonstrate a direct CNOT gate in 70 ns with fidelity up to $\mathcal{F}=0.9949(6)$ despite the limitations of a sub-optimal measurement setup and device coherence. Our results project a possible pathway towards reducing the two-qubit error rate below $10^{-4}$ with present-day technologies.
Comment: 7 pages + 10 pages of Supplementary Materials