
Spectral analysis of the sdO standard star Feige 34
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We present our current work on the spectral analysis of the hot sdO star Feige 34. We combine high S/N optical spectra and fully-blanketed non-LTE model atmospheres to derive its fundamental parameters (Teff, log g) and helium abundance. Our best fits indicate Teff =63 000 K, log g=6.0 and log N(He)/N(H)=-1.8. We also use available ultraviolet spectra (IUE and FUSE) to measure metal abundances. We find the star to be enriched in iron and nickel by a factor of ten with respect to the solar values, while lighter elements have subsolar abundances. The FUSE spectrum suggests that the spectral lines could be broadened by rotation.
Comment: to be published by Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series in the proceedings of the "20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs"