
Gaia Astrometry and MIKE+PFS Doppler Data Joint Analysis Reveals that HD 175167b is a Massive Cold Jupiter
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
HD 175167b is a cold ($P_{b}\sim 1200$ days) Jupiter with a minimum mass of $M_{p}\sin i=7.8\pm3.5\ M_J$ orbiting a Sun-like star, first discovered by the Magellan Planet Search Program based on MIKE observations. Through a joint analysis of the MIKE data and the Gaia two-body orbital solution, Winn (2022) found a companion mass of $M_{p}=14.8\pm1.8\ M_J$ and suggested that it might be better designated as a brown dwarf. Additional publicly available radial velocity data from Magellan/PFS better constrains the model, and reveals that the companion is a massive cold Jupiter with a mass of $M_p=10.2\pm0.4\ M_{J}$ and a period of $P_b=1275.8\pm0.4$ days. The planet orbit is inclined by $i=38.6\pm1.7^{\circ}$ with an eccentricity of $0.529\pm0.002$.
Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to RNAAS