
A pump-probe experiment in cw-mode on ionization of Rydberg atoms
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Atomic Physics
Rydberg atoms are in the focus of intense research due to the peculiar properties which make them interesting candidates for quantum optics and quantum information applications. In this work we study the ionization of Rydberg atoms due to their interaction with a trapping laser field, and a reaction microscope is used to measure photoelectron angular and energy distributions. Reaction microscopes are excellent tools when brandished against atomic photoionization processes involving pulsed lasers; the timing tied to each pulse is crucial in solving the subsequent equations of motion for the atomic fragments in the spectrometer field. However, when used in pump-probe schemes, which rely on continuous wave probe lasers, vital information linked to the time of flight is lost. This study reports on a method in which the standard ReMi technique is extended in time through coincidence measurements. This is then applied to the photoionization of $^6$Li atoms initially prepared in optically pumped $2^{2}S_{1/2}$ and $2^{2}P_{3/2}$ states. Multi-photon excitation from a tunable femtosecond laser is exploited to produce Rydberg atoms inside an infrared optical dipole trap; the structure and dynamics of the subsequent cascade back towards ground is evaluated.
Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures