
An educational distributed Cosmic Ray detector network based on ArduSiPM
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Physics - Physics Education
Physics - Physics and Society
The advent of microcontrollers with enough CPU power and with analog and digital peripherals makes possible to design a complete particle detector with relative acquisition system around one microcontroller chip. The existence of a world wide data infrastructure as internet allows for devising a distributed network of cheap detectors capable to elaborate and send data or respond to settings commands. The internet infrastructure enables to distribute the absolute time (with precision of few milliseconds), to the simple devices far apart, with few milliseconds precision, from a few meters to thousands of kilometres. So it is possible to create a crowdsourcing experiment of citizen science that use small scintillation-based particle detectors to monitor the high energetic cosmic ray and the radiation environment.