
Rapid mass oscillations for gravitational wave emission: superconducting junctions
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - General Physics
We revisit the superconducting junction dynamics as a quantum two-level system in order to provide evidence that the oscillating current density in the junction is related to an oscillating charge and mass density in addition to an oscillating velocity. As a result, the superconducting junction emerges as a solid state device capable of producing rapid charge and mass oscillations inaccessible in other contexts. Rapid mass oscillations are required for gravitational wave emission when small masses are involved in the emission process. As a result, a superconducting junction device can produce gravitational waves provided the mass oscillation has a non-zero quadrupole moment component. The smallness of $G c^{-5}$ can be fully compensated by the largeness of $e^4 \hbar^{-6}$.