
暗玉米雙雜交種蛋白質含量及其胺基酸组成之研究 / The Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition of Thirteen Double Crosses of Opaque-2 Corn
Document Type
中華農業研究 / Journal of Agricultural Research of China. Vol. 26 Issue 4, p297-306. 10 p.
1. The protein contents, amino acid composition and agronomic characters of thirteen double crosses of opaque-2 corn were studied. All double crosses were grown in Taichung, Taiwan in fall, 1974. 2. The protein contents of 13 double crosses of opaque-2 corn varied from 9.39-11.01% which were similar to those of the commercial double crosses of ordinary corn, Tainan No. 5 and No. 11 which showed 9.60% and 9.64% of protein respectively. 3. The fat contents of 13 double crosses of opaque-2 corn were from 4.60-5.70% whereas that of Tainan No. 5 and No. 11 were 4.95% and 5.50% respectively. 4. The lysine contents of 13 double crosses of opaque-2 corn also varied considerably. As expressed in gm/100gm protein, No. 2 showed 70% more than that of Tainan No. 5. Six opaque-2 double crosses showed 50% more, while other opaque-2 double crosses increased only 10-20%. 5. Based on the balanced essential amino acid requirements of meanling rat reported by Purdue Scientists, the balance of amino acid composition of all opaque-2 double crosses having higher lysine contents were not altered, This indicates that lysine is the limiting amino acid in protein of ordinary corn. 6. We found that there were some associations among the 17 amino acids of the 13 opaque-2 double crosses. It showed that the increase of lysine content was accompanied by the increase of histidine, arginine, isoleucine and valine and the decrease of proline, alanine, methionine, glycine, glutamic acid, and phenylalanine. 7. If 13 double crosses of opaque-2 corn were judged by their agronomic characters and lysine content, crosses No. 2, 34, 46, 77 and 97 would be considered promising for commercial production.

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