
配戴不同眼鏡從事網球運動對視覺疲勞之影響 / The effect of wearing different glasses in tennis on visual fatigue
Document Type
中原體育學報 / Chung Yuan Physical Education Journal. Issue 21, p67-80. 14 p.
Critical Fusion Frequency
Exercise Intervention
Purpose: This study was to compare the trail of visual fatigue during 120 min tennis playing among collegiate tennis players wearing eyeglasses (EG) and contact lens (CL)for their myopic problem. Methods: We recruited 15 collegiate tennis players who were myopic. They played tennis for 120 min in two consecutive nights. For their refractive error problem, they wore EG to play tennis in one night and wore CL in another night. Their critical fusion frequency (CFF) was measured before, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 min playing tennis using a critical fusion frequency threshold meter. The lower of CFF is to indicate the higher level of visual fatigue. We also computed the difference of CFF (∆CFF) by subtracting the CFF after playing tennis from the CFF before playing tennis. The larger of ∆CFF is to indicate the higher level of visual fatigue. Paired t-test were used to compare how CFF varied from time while wearing the same type of spectacles, and to compare ∆CFF between the two types of spectacles on the same tennis time. Results: During the session of wearing EG, significant worse CFF was seen after playing tennis for 30 min (31.62Hz, p<.05) and 120 min (31.89 Hz, p<.05), respectively, than that before playing tennis (33.24 Hz). During the session of wearing CL, there was no significant change in CFF either before, playing tennis for 30 min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 min (p >.05). When comparing ∆CFF between the two types of spectacles, the significant difference was only seen at playing tennis for 120 min (p<.05). Conclusion: (1) There was no significant change of visual fatigue when wearing CL and playing tennis for 120 min. (2) There was worse visual fatigue when wearing EG and playing tennis for 120 min. (3) When playing tennis for 120 min, wearing CL show less problem of visual fatigue.

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