
Artfulness in the Organisational Playground: Actions and choices-Editorial
Document Type
Action Research; 20240101, Issue: Preprints
14767503; 17412617
Let us start at the beginning of this Special Issue on Artfulness with the Call for Papers. As a reminder, we invited contributors to write from their experience and to experiment with bringing their entire selves to their organisational and community work. In the Call for Papers we highlighted that this means ‘not only the rational and logical parts of who we are, but also our creative, intuitive, relational and artistic abilities in their many forms’. We stressed that art can be both an artefact, for example, a painting, piece of music or even a project. Or it can be the creative processes we use, for example, the artfulness of how we work with others in an organisation or in creating art. We see lively tensions between the two. When the submissions came through, we were heartened by how authors/contributors had responded to the invitation in artful, creative and imaginative ways.