슈베르트 <세레나데>를 활용한 연주·감상·창작 통합수업 지도방안 연구 / A Study on Teaching Guidelines for the Integrated Performance, Appreciation, and Creation using F.Schubert
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
제5차 교육과정(1987-1992)부터 2022 개정 교육과정까지 통합교육과정의 중요성은 꾸준히 강조되고 있다. 국가 교육과정의 영향으로 음악 교과에서도 교과 내, 교과 간통합이 이루어지고 있으며 관련 연구도 활발하다. 선행연구들은 학생 참여 및 이해력 증진을 위한 여러 유형의 체계적인 통합수업 연구가 지속적으로 필요함을 시사했다.이에 본 논문은 교육과정 통합 모형의 유형을 분석한 후, 적절한 모형을 선택하여 고등학교 일반 선택 과목 음악의 교수·학습 지도안을 개발하였다. 2022 교육과정을 기반 으로 연주·감상·창작 세 영역을 통합, 반영한 것이 특징이다.3차시의 지도안은 낭만주의 시대 대표작곡가 슈베르트의 가곡집 《백조의 노래》 중 4번째 곡 를 중심으로 구성된다. 는 사랑 노래로, AAB형식의 독일 예술가곡이다. 악곡 전체에 기타를 뜯는 듯한 음형이 반복되는데 세레나데가 연인의 집 근처에서 기타를 연주하며 밤에 부르던 노래였기 때문이다. 본격적인 작성에 앞서 2015 교과서 활용 실제 분석, 악곡 화성 분석, 독어 번역, 우쿨렐레 코드표 제작이 우선된다. 지도안의 1차시는 원어 가창, 2차시는 우쿨렐레 연주, 3차시는 우쿨렐레 범주범창 및 극본 일부 창작하기 중심으로 구성된다. 가창 수업에서는 이론적 배경과 번역 가사 가창도 함께 이뤄진다. 악기 연주 수업에서는 크기가 크고 초보자가 연주하기 어려운 기타 대신 음색이 비슷하고 쉽게 배울 수 있는 우쿨렐레를 사용한다. 극본 창작 활동에서는 슈베르트가 작곡한 다른 가곡들을 활용하며, 협동 수업의 형태를 띤다. 위 지도안은 실음 중심 수업을 목표로 개발되었다. 기존 감상 위주 수업에서 벗어나 균형을 갖춘 학생 참여형 수업을 추구한다.
The importance of the integrated curriculum has been consistently highlighted from the 5th Curriculum (1987-1992) to the 2022 Revised National Curriculum.Under the influence of the National Curriculum, a teaching method of integrating one or more subjects is being applied in practice in the music classes, and a number of relevant studies are underway. Previous studies have suggested a need for systematic and continuous research on various types of integrated classes to enhance students’ participation and understanding. In these circumstances, this research analyzed the integrated model of the curriculum, adopted an appropriate model, and developed a teaching and learning guideline for music, a general elective subject in high school. This guideline is unique in that it integrates and reflects the three areas of performance, appreciation, and creation based on the 2022 Revised Curriculum.The guideline composed of the three sessions centers on four songs, , from the collection of love songs, 《Swan Song》, by F. Schubert, a notable composer of the Romantic era. is a love song and a German kunstlied in AAB format. The piece is characterized by the repeated sound pattern of a guitar being plucked, as it was traditionally sung while playing the guitar near the lover’s house. To start with, actual analysis of the use of the 2015 textbook, analysis of musical harmony, German translation, and production of ukulele chord tables were predetermined. The first session of the guideline focuses on singing in the original language, the second session on ukulele playing, and the third session on ukulele playing and singing together while creating parts of the play.Specifically, the singing session provides background knowledge lessons and singing with translated lyrics. In the musical instrument playing session, the ukulele, a beginner-friendly instrument with a tone similar to the guitar, is used in place of the guitar as it is large and difficult for beginners. In the play creation session, many musical pieces by Schubert, who composed more than 600 artistic pieces, are used as learning materials. All the sessions above are given in a cooperative/collaborative format with fellow students. The guideline aims to transition from an appreciation-oriented music class to a student-participatory class centered on real sound. The study concludes that such an integrated approach can significantly enhance the learning experience.
The importance of the integrated curriculum has been consistently highlighted from the 5th Curriculum (1987-1992) to the 2022 Revised National Curriculum.Under the influence of the National Curriculum, a teaching method of integrating one or more subjects is being applied in practice in the music classes, and a number of relevant studies are underway. Previous studies have suggested a need for systematic and continuous research on various types of integrated classes to enhance students’ participation and understanding. In these circumstances, this research analyzed the integrated model of the curriculum, adopted an appropriate model, and developed a teaching and learning guideline for music, a general elective subject in high school. This guideline is unique in that it integrates and reflects the three areas of performance, appreciation, and creation based on the 2022 Revised Curriculum.The guideline composed of the three sessions centers on four songs, , from the collection of love songs, 《Swan Song》, by F. Schubert, a notable composer of the Romantic era. is a love song and a German kunstlied in AAB format. The piece is characterized by the repeated sound pattern of a guitar being plucked, as it was traditionally sung while playing the guitar near the lover’s house. To start with, actual analysis of the use of the 2015 textbook, analysis of musical harmony, German translation, and production of ukulele chord tables were predetermined. The first session of the guideline focuses on singing in the original language, the second session on ukulele playing, and the third session on ukulele playing and singing together while creating parts of the play.Specifically, the singing session provides background knowledge lessons and singing with translated lyrics. In the musical instrument playing session, the ukulele, a beginner-friendly instrument with a tone similar to the guitar, is used in place of the guitar as it is large and difficult for beginners. In the play creation session, many musical pieces by Schubert, who composed more than 600 artistic pieces, are used as learning materials. All the sessions above are given in a cooperative/collaborative format with fellow students. The guideline aims to transition from an appreciation-oriented music class to a student-participatory class centered on real sound. The study concludes that such an integrated approach can significantly enhance the learning experience.