
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 179건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Staplin, NHaynes, RJudge, PKWanner, CGreen, JBEmberson, JPreiss, DMayne, KJNg, SYASammons, EZhu, DHill, MStevens, WWallendszus, KBrenner, SCheung, AKLiu, ZHLi, JHooi, LSLiu, WJKadowaki, TNangaku, MLevin, ACherney, DMaggioni, APPontremoli, RDeo, RGoto, SRossello, XTuttle, KRSteubl, DPetrini, MSeidi, SLandray, MJBaigent, CHerrington, WGAbat, SAbd Rahman, RAbdul Cader, RAbdul Hafidz, MIAbdul Wahab, MZAbdullah, NKAbdul-Samad, TAbe, MAbraham, NAcheampong, SAchiri, PAcosta, JAAdeleke, AAdell, VAdewuyi-Dalton, RAdnan, NAfricano, AAgharazii, MAguilar, FAguilera, AAhmad, MAhmad, MKAhmad, NAAhmad, NHAhmad, NIAhmad Miswan, NAhmad Rosdi, HAhmed, IAhmed, SAiello, JAitken, AAitSadi, RAker, SAkimoto, SAkinfolarin, AAkram, SAlberici, FAlbert, CAldrich, LAlegata, MAlexander, LAlfaress, SAlhadj Ali, MAli, AAlicic, RAliu, AAlmaraz, RAlmasarwah, RAlmeida, JAloisi, AAl-Rabadi, LAlscher, DAlvarez, PAl-Zeer, BAmat, MAmbrose, CAmmar, HAn, YAndriaccio, LAnsu, KApostolidi, AArai, NAraki, HAraki, SArbi, AArechiga, OArmstrong, SArnold, TAronoff, SArriaga, WArroyo, JArteaga, DAsahara, SAsai, AAsai, NAsano, SAsawa, MAsmee, MFAucella, FAugustin, MAvery, AAwad, AAwang, IYAwazawa, MAxler, AAyub, WAzhari, ZBaccaro, RBadin, CBagwell, BBahlmann-Kroll, EBahtar, AZBains, DBajaj, HBaker, RBaldini, EBanas, BBanerjee, DBanno, SBansal, SBarberi, SBarnes, SBarnini, CBarot, CBarrett, KBarrios, RBartolomei Mecatti, BBarton, IBarton, JBasily, WBavanandan, SBaxter, ABecker, LBeddhu, SBeige, JBeigh, SBell, SBenck, UBeneat, ABennett, ABennett, DBenyon, SBerdeprado, JBergler, TBergner, ABerry, MBevilacqua, MBhairoo, JBhandari, SBhandary, NBhatt, ABhattarai, MBhavsar, MBian, WBianchini, FBianco, SBilous, RBilton, JBilucaglia, DBird, CBirudaraju, DBiscoveanu, MBlake, CBleakley, NBocchicchia, KBodine, SBodington, RBoedecker, SBolduc, MBolton, SBond, CBoreky, FBoren, KBouchi, RBough, LBovan, DBowler, CBowman, LBrar, NBraun, CBreach, ABreitenfeldt, MBrettschneider, BBrewer, ABrewer, GBrindle, VBrioni, EBrown, CBrown, HBrown, LBrown, RBrown, SBrowne, DBruce, KBrueckmann, MBrunskill, NBryant, MBrzoska, MBu, YBuckman, CBudoff, MBullen, MBurke, ABurnette, SBurston, CBusch, MBushnell, JButler, SBüttner, CByrne, CCaamano, ACadorna, JCafiero, CCagle, MCai, JCalabrese, KCalvi, CCamilleri, BCamp, SCampbell, DCampbell, RCao, HCapelli, ICaple, MCaplin, BCardone, ACarle, JCarnall, VCaroppo, MCarr, SCarraro, GCarson, MCasares, PCastillo, CCastro, CCaudill, BCejka, VCeseri, MCham, LChamberlain, AChambers, JChan, CBTChan, JYMChan, YCChang, EChant, TChavagnon, TChellamuthu, PChen, FChen, JChen, PChen, TMChen, YCheng, CCheng, HCheng, MCChing, CHChitalia, NChoksi, RChukwu, CChung, KCianciolo, GCipressa, LClark, SClarke, HClarke, RClarke, SCleveland, BCole, EColes, HCondurache, LConnor, AConvery, KCooper, ACooper, NCooper, ZCooperman, LCosgrove, LCoutts, PCowley, ACraik, RCui, GCummins, TDahl, NDai, HDajani, LD'Amelio, ADamian, EDamianik, KDanel, LDaniels, CDaniels, TDarbeau, SDarius, HDasgupta, TDavies, JDavies, LDavis, ADavis, JDavis, LDayanandan, RDayi, SDayrell, RDe Nicola, LDebnath, SDeeb, WDegenhardt, SDeGoursey, KDelaney, MDeRaad, RDerebail, VDev, DDevaux, MDhall, PDhillon, GDienes, JDobre, MDoctolero, EDodds, VDomingo, DDonaldson, DDonaldson, PDonhauser, CDonley, VDorestin, SDorey, SDoulton, TDraganova, DDraxlbauer, KDriver, FDu, HDube, FDuck, TDugal, TDugas, JDukka, HDumann, HDurham, WDursch, MDykas, REasow, REckrich, EEden, GEdmerson, EEdwards, HEe, LWEguchi, JEhrl, YEichstadt, KEid, WEilerman, BEjima, YEldon, HEllam, TElliott, LEllison, REpp, REr, AEspino-Obrero, MEstcourt, SEstienne, LEvans, GEvans, JEvans, SFabbri, GFajardo-Moser, MFalcone, CFani, FFaria-Shayler, PFarnia, FFarrugia, DFechter, MFellowes, DFeng, FFernandez, JFerraro, PField, AFikry, SFinch, JFinn, HFioretto, PFish, RFleischer, AFleming-Brown, DFletcher, LFlora, RFoellinger, CFoligno, NForest, SForghani, ZForsyth, KFottrell-Gould, DFox, PFrankel, AFraser, DFrazier, RFrederick, KFreking, NFrench, HFroment, AFuchs, BFuessl, LFujii, HFujimoto, AFujita, AFujita, KFujita, YFukagawa, MFukao, YFukasawa, AFuller, TFunayama, TFung, EFurukawa, MFurukawa, YFurusho, MGabel, SGaidu, JGaiser, SGallo, KGalloway, CGambaro, GGan, CCGangemi, CGao, MGarcia, KGarcia, MGarofalo, CGarrity, MGarza, AGasko, SGavrila, MGebeyehu, BGeddes, AGentile, GGeorge, AGeorge, JGesualdo, LGhalli, FGhanem, AGhate, TGhavampour, SGhazi, AGherman, AGiebeln-Hudnell, UGill, BGillham, SGirakossyan, IGirndt, MGiuffrida, AGlenwright, MGlider, TGloria, RGlowski, DGoh, BLGoh, CBGohda, TGoldenberg, RGoldfaden, RGoldsmith, CGolson, BGonce, VGong, QGoodenough, BGoodwin, NGoonasekera, MGordon, AGordon, JGore, AGoto, HGowen, DGrace, AGraham, JGrandaliano, GGray, MGreene, TGreenwood, GGrewal, BGrifa, RGriffin, DGriffin, SGrimmer, PGrobovaite, EGrotjahn, SGuerini, AGuest, CGunda, SGuo, BGuo, QHaack, SHaase, MHaaser, KHabuki, KHadley, AHagan, SHagge, SHaller, HHam, SHamal, SHamamoto, YHamano, NHamm, MHanburry, AHaneda, MHanf, CHanif, WHansen, JHanson, LHantel, SHaraguchi, THarding, EHarding, THardy, CHartner, CHarun, ZHarvill, LHasan, AHase, HHasegawa, FHasegawa, THashimoto, AHashimoto, CHashimoto, MHashimoto, SHaskett, SHauske, SJHawfield, AHayami, THayashi, MHayashi, SHazara, AHealy, CHecktman, JHeine, GHenderson, HHenschel, RHepditch, AHerfurth, KHernandez, GHernandez Pena, AHernandez-Cassis, CHerzog, CHewins, SHewitt, DHichkad, LHigashi, SHiguchi, CHill, CHill, LHimeno, THing, AHirakawa, YHirata, KHirota, YHisatake, THitchcock, SHodakowski, AHodge, WHogan, RHohenstatt, UHohenstein, BHooi, LHope, SHopley, MHorikawa, SHosein, DHosooka, THou, LHou, WHowie, LHowson, AHozak, MHtet, ZHu, XHu, YHuang, JHuda, NHudig, LHudson, AHugo, CHull, RHume, LHundei, WHunt, NHunter, AHurley, SHurst, AHutchinson, CHyo, TIbrahim, FHIbrahim, SIhana, NIkeda, TImai, AImamine, RInamori, AInazawa, HIngell, JInomata, KInukai, YIoka, MIrtiza-Ali, AIsakova, TIsari, WIselt, MIshiguro, AIshihara, KIshikawa, TIshimoto, TIshizuka, KIsmail, RItano, SIto, HIto, KIto, MIto, YIwagaitsu, SIwaita, YIwakura, TIwamoto, MIwasa, MIwasaki, HIwasaki, SIzumi, KIzumi, TJaafar, SMJackson, CJackson, YJafari, GJahangiriesmaili, MJain, NJansson, KJasim, HJeffers, LJenkins, AJesky, MJesus-Silva, JJeyarajah, DJiang, YJiao, XJimenez, GJin, BJin, QJochims, JJohns, BJohnson, CJohnson, TJolly, SJones, LJones, SJones, TJones, VJoseph, MJoshi, SJudge, PJunejo, NJunus, SKachele, MKadoya, HKaga, HKai, HKajio, HKaluza-Schilling, WKamaruzaman, LKamarzarian, AKamimura, YKamiya, HKamundi, CKan, TKanaguchi, YKanazawa, AKanda, EKanegae, SKaneko, KKang, HYKano, TKarim, MKarounos, DKarsan, WKasagi, RKashihara, NKatagiri, HKatanosaka, AKatayama, AKatayama, MKatiman, EKato, KKato, MKato, NKato, SKato, TKato, YKatsuda, YKatsuno, TKaufeld, JKavak, YKawai, IKawai, MKawase, AKawashima, SKazory, AKearney, JKeith, BKellett, JKelley, SKershaw, MKetteler, MKhai, QKhairullah, QKhandwala, HKhoo, KKLKhwaja, AKidokoro, KKielstein, JKihara, MKimber, CKimura, SKinashi, HKingston, HKinomura, MKinsella-Perks, EKitagawa, MKitajima, MKitamura, SKiyosue, AKiyota, MKlauser, FKlausmann, GKmietschak, WKnapp, KKnight, CKnoppe, AKnott, CKobayashi, MKobayashi, RKobayashi, TKoch, MKodama, SKodani, NKogure, EKoizumi, MKojima, HKojo, TKolhe, NKomaba, HKomiya, TKomori, HKon, SPKondo, MKong, WKonishi, MKono, KKoshino, MKosugi, TKothapalli, BKozlowski, TKraemer, BKraemer-Guth, AKrappe, JKraus, DKriatselis, CKrieger, CKrish, PKruger, BKu Md Razi, KRKuan, YKubota, SKuhn, SKumar, PKume, SKummer, IKumuji, RKüpper, AKuramae, TKurian, LKuribayashi, CKurien, RKuroda, EKurose, TKutschat, AKuwabara, NKuwata, HLa Manna, GLacey, MLafferty, KLaFleur, PLai, VLaity, ELambert, ALanglois, MLatif, FLatore, ELaundy, ELaurienti, DLawson, ALay, MLeal, ILee, AKLee, JLee, KQLee, RLee, SALee, YYLee-Barkey, YLeonard, NLeoncini, GLeong, CMLerario, SLeslie, ALewington, ALi, NLi, XLi, YLiberti, LLiberti, MELiew, ALiew, YFLilavivat, ULim, SKLim, YSLimon, ELin, HLioudaki, ELiu, HLiu, JLiu, LLiu, QLiu, XLiu, ZLoader, DLochhead, HLoh, CLLorimer, ALoudermilk, LLoutan, JLow, CKLow, CLLow, YMLozon, ZLu, YLucci, DLudwig, ULuker, NLund, DLustig, RLyle, SMacdonald, CMacDougall, IMachicado, RMacLean, DMacleod, PMadera, AMadore, FMaeda, KMaegawa, HMaeno, SMafham, MMagee, JMah, DYMahabadi, VMaiguma, MMakita, YMakos, GManco, LMangiacapra, RManley, JMann, PMano, SMarcotte, GMaris, JMark, PMarkau, SMarkovic, MMarshall, CMartin, MMartinez, CMartinez, SMartins, GMaruyama, KMaruyama, SMarx, KMaselli, AMasengu, AMaskill, AMasumoto, SMasutani, KMatsumoto, MMatsunaga, TMatsuoka, NMatsushita, MMatthews, MMatthias, SMatvienko, EMaurer, MMaxwell, PMazlan, NMazlan, SAMbuyisa, AMcCafferty, KMcCarroll, FMcCarthy, TMcClary-Wright, CMcCray, KMcDermott, PMcDonald, CMcDougall, RMcHaffie, EMcIntosh, KMcKinley, TMcLaughlin, SMcLean, NMcNeil, LMeasor, AMeek, JMehta, AMehta, RMelandri, MMené, PMeng, TMenne, JMerritt, KMerscher, SMeshykhi, CMessa, PMessinger, LMiftari, NMiller, RMiller, YMiller-Hodges, EMinatoguchi, MMiners, MMinutolo, RMita, TMiura, YMiyaji, MMiyamoto, SMiyatsuka, TMiyazaki, MMiyazawa, IMizumachi, RMizuno, MMoffat, SMohamad Nor, FSMohamad Zaini, SNMohamed Affandi, FAMohandas, CMohd, RMohd Fauzi, NAMohd Sharif, NHMohd Yusoff, YMoist, LMoncada, AMontasser, MMoon, AMoran, CMorgan, NMoriarty, JMorig, GMorinaga, HMorino, KMorisaki, TMorishita, YMorlok, SMorris, AMorris, FMostafa, SMostefai, YMotegi, MMotherwell, NMotta, DMottl, AMoys, RMozaffari, SMuir, JMulhern, JMulligan, SMunakata, YMurakami, CMurakoshi, MMurawska, AMurphy, KMurphy, LMurray, SMurtagh, HMusa, MAMushahar, LMustafa, RMustafar, RMuto, MNadar, ENagano, RNagasawa, TNagashima, ENagasu, HNagelberg, SNair, HNakagawa, YNakahara, MNakamura, JNakamura, RNakamura, TNakaoka, MNakashima, ENakata, JNakata, MNakatani, SNakatsuka, ANakayama, YNakhoul, GNaverrete, GNavivala, ANazeer, INegrea, LNethaji, CNewman, ENg, TJNgu, LLSNimbkar, TNishi, HNishi, MNishi, SNishida, YNishiyama, ANiu, JNiu, PNobili, GNohara, NNojima, INolan, JNosseir, HNozawa, MNunn, MNunokawa, SOda, MOe, MOe, YOgane, KOgawa, WOgihara, TOguchi, GOhsugi, MOishi, KOkada, YOkajyo, JOkamoto, SOkamura, KOlufuwa, OOluyombo, ROmata, AOmori, YOng, LMOng, YCOnyema, JOomatia, AOommen, AOremus, ROrimo, YOrtalda, VOsaki, YOsawa, YOsmond Foster, JO'Sullivan, AOtani, TOthman, NOtomo, SO'Toole, JOwen, LOzawa, TPadiyar, APage, NPajak, SPaliege, APandey, APandey, RPariani, HPark, JParrigon, MPassauer, JPatecki, MPatel, MPatel, RPatel, TPatel, ZPaul, RPaulsen, LPavone, LPeixoto, APeji, JPeng, BCPeng, KPennino, LPereira, EPerez, EPergola, PPesce, FPessolano, GPetchey, WPetr, EJPfab, TPhelan, PPhillips, RPhillips, TPhipps, MPiccinni, GPickett, TPickworth, SPiemontese, MPinto, DPiper, JPlummer-Morgan, JPoehler, DPolese, LPoma, VPostal, APötz, CPower, APradhan, NPradhan, RPreiss, EPreston, KPrib, NPrice, LProvenzano, CPugay, CPulido, RPutz, FQiao, YQuartagno, RQuashie-Akponeware, MRabara, RRabasa-Lhoret, RRadhakrishnan, DRadley, MRaff, RRaguwaran, SRahbari-Oskoui, FRahman, MRahmat, KRamadoss, SRamanaidu, SRamasamy, SRamli, RRamli, SRamsey, TRankin, ARashidi, ARaymond, LRazali, WAFARead, KReiner, HReisler, AReith, CRenner, JRettenmaier, BRichmond, LRijos, DRivera, RRivers, VRobinson, HRocco, MRodriguez-Bachiller, IRodriquez, RRoesch, CRoesch, JRogers, JRohnstock, MRolfsmeier, SRoman, MRomo, ARosati, ARosenberg, SRoss, TRoura, MRoussel, MRovner, SRoy, SRucker, SRump, LRuocco, MRuse, SRusso, FRusso, MRyder, MSabarai, ASaccà, CSachson, RSadler, ESafiee, NSSahani, MSaillant, ASaini, JSaito, CSaito, SSakaguchi, KSakai, MSalim, HSalviani, CSampson, ASamson, FSandercock, PSanguila, SSantorelli, GSantoro, DSarabu, NSaram, TSardell, RSasajima, HSasaki, TSatko, SSato, ASato, DSato, HSato, JSato, TSato, YSatoh, MSawada, KSchanz, MScheidemantel, FSchemmelmann, MSchettler, ESchettler, VSchlieper, GRSchmidt, CSchmidt, GSchmidt, USchmidt-Gurtler, HSchmude, MSchneider, ASchneider, ISchneider-Danwitz, CSchomig, MSchramm, TSchreiber, ASchricker, SSchroppel, BSchulte-Kemna, LSchulz, ESchumacher, BSchuster, ASchwab, AScolari, FScott, ASeeger, WSegal, MSeifert, LSeifert, MSekiya, MSellars, RSeman, MRShah, SShainberg, LShanmuganathan, MShao, FSharma, KSharpe, CSheikh-Ali, MSheldon, JShenton, CShepherd, AShepperd, MSheridan, RSheriff, ZShibata, YShigehara, TShikata, KShimamura, KShimano, HShimizu, YShimoda, HShin, KShivashankar, GShojima, NSilva, RSim, CSBSimmons, KSinha, SSitter, TSivanandam, SSkipper, MSloan, KSloan, LSmith, RSmyth, JSobande, TSobata, MSomalanka, SSong, XSonntag, FSood, BSor, SYSoufer, JSparks, HSpatoliatore, GSpinola, TSquyres, SSrivastava, AStanfield, JStaylor, KSteele, ASteen, OSteffl, DStegbauer, JStellbrink, CStellbrink, EStevenson, AStewart-Ray, VStickley, JStoffler, DStratmann, BStreitenberger, SStrutz, FStubbs, JStumpf, JSuazo, NSuchinda, PSuckling, RSudin, ASugamori, KSugawara, HSugawara, KSugimoto, DSugiyama, HSugiyama, TSullivan, MSumi, MSuresh, NSutton, DSuzuki, HSuzuki, RSuzuki, YSwanson, ESwift, PSyed, SSzerlip, HTaal, MTaddeo, MTailor, CTajima, KTakagi, MTakahashi, KTakahashi, MTakahashi, TTakahira, ETakai, TTakaoka, MTakeoka, JTakesada, ATakezawa, MTalbot, MTaliercio, JTalsania, TTamori, YTamura, RTamura, YTan, CHHTan, EZZTanabe, ATanabe, KTanaka, ATanaka, NTang, STang, ZTanigaki, KTarlac, MTatsuzawa, ATay, JFTay, LLTaylor, JTaylor, KTe, ATenbusch, LTeng, KSTerakawa, ATerry, JTham, ZDTholl, SThomas, GThong, KMTietjen, DTimadjer, ATindall, HTipper, STobin, KToda, NTokuyama, ATolibas, MTomita, ATomita, TTomlinson, JTonks, LTopf, JTopping, STorp, ATorres, ATotaro, FToth, PToyonaga, YTripodi, FTrivedi, KTropman, ETschope, DTse, JTsuji, KTsunekawa, STsunoda, RTucky, BTufail, STuffaha, ATuran, ETurner, HTurner, JTurner, MTye, YLTyler, ATyler, JUchi, HUchida, HUchida, TUdagawa, TUeda, SUeda, YUeki, KUgni, SUgwu, EUmeno, RUnekawa, CUozumi, KUrquia, KValleteau, AValletta, Cvan Erp, RVanhoy, CVarad, VVarma, RVarughese, AVasquez, PVasseur, AVeelken, RVelagapudi, CVerdel, KVettoretti, SVezzoli, GVielhauer, VViera, RVilar, EVillaruel, SVinall, LVinathan, JVisnjic, MVoigt, Evon-Eynatten, MVourvou, MWada, JWada, TWada, YWakayama, KWakita, YWalters, TWan Mohamad, WHWang, LWang, WWang, XWang, YWanninayake, SWatada, HWatanabe, KWatanabe, MWaterfall, HWatkins, DWatson, SWeaving, LWeber, BWebley, YWebster, AWebster, MWeetman, MWei, WWeihprecht, HWeiland, LWeinmann-Menke, JWeinreich, TWendt, RWeng, YWhalen, MWhalley, GWheatley, RWheeler, AWheeler, JWhelton, PWhite, KWhitmore, BWhittaker, SWiebel, JWiley, JWilkinson, LWillett, MWilliams, AWilliams, EWilliams, KWilliams, TWilson, AWilson, PWincott, LWines, EWinkelmann, BWinkler, MWinter-Goodwin, BWitczak, JWittes, JWittmann, MWolf, GWolf, LWolfling, RWong, CWong, EWong, HSWong, LWWong, YHWonnacott, AWood, AWood, LWoodhouse, HWooding, NWoodman, AWren, KWu, JWu, PXia, SXiao, HXiao, XXie, YXu, CXu, YXue, HYahaya, HYalamanchili, HYamada, AYamada, NYamagata, KYamaguchi, MYamaji, YYamamoto, AYamamoto, SYamamoto, TYamanaka, AYamano, TYamanouchi, YYamasaki, NYamasaki, YYamashita, CYamauchi, TYan, QYanagisawa, EYang, FYang, LYano, SYao, SYao, YYarlagadda, SYasuda, YYiu, VYokoyama, TYoshida, SYoshidome, EYoshikawa, HYoung, AYoung, TYousif, VYu, HYu, YYuasa, KYusof, NZalunardo, NZander, BZani, RZappulo, FZayed, MZemann, BZettergren, PZhang, HZhang, LZhang, NZhang, XZhao, JZhao, LZhao, SZhao, ZZhong, HZhou, NZhou, SZhu, LZhu, SZietz, MZippo, MZirino, FZulkipli, FH
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 12(1):39-50
Academic Journal
Judge, PKStaplin, NMayne, KJWanner, CGreen, JBHauske, SJEmberson, JRPreiss, DNg, SYARoddick, AJSammons, EZhu, DHill, MStevens, WWallendszus, KBrenner, SCheung, AKLiu, ZHLi, JHooi, LSLiu, WJKadowaki, TNangaku, MLevin, ACherney, DMaggioni, APPontremoli, RDeo, RGoto, SRossello, XTuttle, KRSteubl, DMassey, DLandray, MJBaigent, CHaynes, RHerrington, WGAbat, SAbd Rahman, RAbdul Cader, RAbdul Hafidz, MIAbdul Wahab, MZAbdullah, NKAbdul-Samad, TAbe, MAbraham, NAcheampong, SAchiri, PAcosta, JAAdeleke, AAdell, VAdewuyi-Dalton, RAdnan, NAfricano, AAgharazii, MAguilar, FAguilera, AAhmad, MAhmad, MKAhmad, NAAhmad, NHAhmad, NIAhmad Miswan, NAhmad Rosdi, HAhmed, IAhmed, SAiello, JAitken, AAitSadi, RAker, SAkimoto, SAkinfolarin, AAkram, SAlberici, FAlbert, CAldrich, LAlegata, MAlexander, LAlfaress, SAlhadj Ali, MAli, AAlicic, RAliu, AAlmaraz, RAlmasarwah, RAlmeida, JAloisi, AAl-Rabadi, LAlscher, DAlvarez, PAl-Zeer, BAmat, MAmbrose, CAmmar, HAn, YAndriaccio, LAnsu, KApostolidi, AArai, NAraki, HAraki, SArbi, AArechiga, OArmstrong, SArnold, TAronoff, SArriaga, WArroyo, JArteaga, DAsahara, SAsai, AAsai, NAsano, SAsawa, MAsmee, MFAucella, FAugustin, MAvery, AAwad, AAwang, IYAwazawa, MAxler, AAyub, WAzhari, ZBaccaro, RBadin, CBagwell, BBahlmann-Kroll, EBahtar, AZBains, DBajaj, HBaker, RBaldini, EBanas, BBanerjee, DBanno, SBansal, SBarberi, SBarnes, SBarnini, CBarot, CBarrett, KBarrios, RBartolomei Mecatti, BBarton, IBarton, JBasily, WBavanandan, SBaxter, ABecker, LBeddhu, SBeige, JBeigh, SBell, SBenck, UBeneat, ABennett, ABennett, DBenyon, SBerdeprado, JBergler, TBergner, ABerry, MBevilacqua, MBhairoo, JBhandari, SBhandary, NBhatt, ABhattarai, MBhavsar, MBian, WBianchini, FBianco, SBilous, RBilton, JBilucaglia, DBird, CBirudaraju, DBiscoveanu, MBlake, CBleakley, NBocchicchia, KBodine, SBodington, RBoedecker, SBolduc, MBolton, SBond, CBoreky, FBoren, KBouchi, RBough, LBovan, DBowler, CBowman, LBrar, NBraun, CBreach, ABreitenfeldt, MBrettschneider, BBrewer, ABrewer, GBrindle, VBrioni, EBrown, CBrown, HBrown, LBrown, RBrown, SBrowne, DBruce, KBrueckmann, MBrunskill, NBryant, MBrzoska, MBu, YBuckman, CBudoff, MBullen, MBurke, ABurnette, SBurston, CBusch, MBushnell, JButler, SBüttner, CByrne, CCaamano, ACadorna, JCafiero, CCagle, MCai, JCalabrese, KCalvi, CCamilleri, BCamp, SCampbell, DCampbell, RCao, HCapelli, ICaple, MCaplin, BCardone, ACarle, JCarnall, VCaroppo, MCarr, SCarraro, GCarson, MCasares, PCastillo, CCastro, CCaudill, BCejka, VCeseri, MCham, LChamberlain, AChambers, JChan, CBTChan, JYMChan, YCChang, EChant, TChavagnon, TChellamuthu, PChen, FChen, JChen, PChen, TMChen, YCheng, CCheng, HCheng, MCChing, CHChitalia, NChoksi, RChukwu, CChung, KCianciolo, GCipressa, LClark, SClarke, HClarke, RClarke, SCleveland, BCole, EColes, HCondurache, LConnor, AConvery, KCooper, ACooper, NCooper, ZCooperman, LCosgrove, LCoutts, PCowley, ACraik, RCui, GCummins, TDahl, NDai, HDajani, LD'Amelio, ADamian, EDamianik, KDanel, LDaniels, CDaniels, TDarbeau, SDarius, HDasgupta, TDavies, JDavies, LDavis, ADavis, JDavis, LDayanandan, RDayi, SDayrell, RDe Nicola, LDebnath, SDeeb, WDegenhardt, SDeGoursey, KDelaney, MDeRaad, RDerebail, VDev, DDevaux, MDhall, PDhillon, GDienes, JDobre, MDoctolero, EDodds, VDomingo, DDonaldson, DDonaldson, PDonhauser, CDonley, VDorestin, SDorey, SDoulton, TDraganova, DDraxlbauer, KDriver, FDu, HDube, FDuck, TDugal, TDugas, JDukka, HDumann, HDurham, WDursch, MDykas, REasow, REckrich, EEden, GEdmerson, EEdwards, HEe, LWEguchi, JEhrl, YEichstadt, KEid, WEilerman, BEjima, YEldon, HEllam, TElliott, LEllison, REmberson, JEpp, REr, AEspino-Obrero, MEstcourt, SEstienne, LEvans, GEvans, JEvans, SFabbri, GFajardo-Moser, MFalcone, CFani, FFaria-Shayler, PFarnia, FFarrugia, DFechter, MFellowes, DFeng, FFernandez, JFerraro, PField, AFikry, SFinch, JFinn, HFioretto, PFish, RFleischer, AFleming-Brown, DFletcher, LFlora, RFoellinger, CFoligno, NForest, SForghani, ZForsyth, KFottrell-Gould, DFox, PFrankel, AFraser, DFrazier, RFrederick, KFreking, NFrench, HFroment, AFuchs, BFuessl, LFujii, HFujimoto, AFujita, AFujita, KFujita, YFukagawa, MFukao, YFukasawa, AFuller, TFunayama, TFung, EFurukawa, MFurukawa, YFurusho, MGabel, SGaidu, JGaiser, SGallo, KGalloway, CGambaro, GGan, CCGangemi, CGao, MGarcia, KGarcia, MGarofalo, CGarrity, MGarza, AGasko, SGavrila, MGebeyehu, BGeddes, AGentile, GGeorge, AGeorge, JGesualdo, LGhalli, FGhanem, AGhate, TGhavampour, SGhazi, AGherman, AGiebeln-Hudnell, UGill, BGillham, SGirakossyan, IGirndt, MGiuffrida, AGlenwright, MGlider, TGloria, RGlowski, DGoh, BLGoh, CBGohda, TGoldenberg, RGoldfaden, RGoldsmith, CGolson, BGonce, VGong, QGoodenough, BGoodwin, NGoonasekera, MGordon, AGordon, JGore, AGoto, HGowen, DGrace, AGraham, JGrandaliano, GGray, MGreene, TGreenwood, GGrewal, BGrifa, RGriffin, DGriffin, SGrimmer, PGrobovaite, EGrotjahn, SGuerini, AGuest, CGunda, SGuo, BGuo, QHaack, SHaase, MHaaser, KHabuki, KHadley, AHagan, SHagge, SHaller, HHam, SHamal, SHamamoto, YHamano, NHamm, MHanburry, AHaneda, MHanf, CHanif, WHansen, JHanson, LHantel, SHaraguchi, THarding, EHarding, THardy, CHartner, CHarun, ZHarvill, LHasan, AHase, HHasegawa, FHasegawa, THashimoto, AHashimoto, CHashimoto, MHashimoto, SHaskett, SHawfield, AHayami, THayashi, MHayashi, SHazara, AHealy, CHecktman, JHeine, GHenderson, HHenschel, RHepditch, AHerfurth, KHernandez, GHernandez Pena, AHernandez-Cassis, CHerzog, CHewins, SHewitt, DHichkad, LHigashi, SHiguchi, CHill, CHill, LHimeno, THing, AHirakawa, YHirata, KHirota, YHisatake, THitchcock, SHodakowski, AHodge, WHogan, RHohenstatt, UHohenstein, BHooi, LHope, SHopley, MHorikawa, SHosein, DHosooka, THou, LHou, WHowie, LHowson, AHozak, MHtet, ZHu, XHu, YHuang, JHuda, NHudig, LHudson, AHugo, CHull, RHume, LHundei, WHunt, NHunter, AHurley, SHurst, AHutchinson, CHyo, TIbrahim, FHIbrahim, SIhana, NIkeda, TImai, AImamine, RInamori, AInazawa, HIngell, JInomata, KInukai, YIoka, MIrtiza-Ali, AIsakova, TIsari, WIselt, MIshiguro, AIshihara, KIshikawa, TIshimoto, TIshizuka, KIsmail, RItano, SIto, HIto, KIto, MIto, YIwagaitsu, SIwaita, YIwakura, TIwamoto, MIwasa, MIwasaki, HIwasaki, SIzumi, KIzumi, TJaafar, SMJackson, CJackson, YJafari, GJahangiriesmaili, MJain, NJansson, KJasim, HJeffers, LJenkins, AJesky, MJesus-Silva, JJeyarajah, DJiang, YJiao, XJimenez, GJin, BJin, QJochims, JJohns, BJohnson, CJohnson, TJolly, SJones, LJones, SJones, TJones, VJoseph, MJoshi, SJudge, PJunejo, NJunus, SKachele, MKadoya, HKaga, HKai, HKajio, HKaluza-Schilling, WKamaruzaman, LKamarzarian, AKamimura, YKamiya, HKamundi, CKan, TKanaguchi, YKanazawa, AKanda, EKanegae, SKaneko, KKang, HYKano, TKarim, MKarounos, DKarsan, WKasagi, RKashihara, NKatagiri, HKatanosaka, AKatayama, AKatayama, MKatiman, EKato, KKato, MKato, NKato, SKato, TKato, YKatsuda, YKatsuno, TKaufeld, JKavak, YKawai, IKawai, MKawase, AKawashima, SKazory, AKearney, JKeith, BKellett, JKelley, SKershaw, MKetteler, MKhai, QKhairullah, QKhandwala, HKhoo, KKLKhwaja, AKidokoro, KKielstein, JKihara, MKimber, CKimura, SKinashi, HKingston, HKinomura, MKinsella-Perks, EKitagawa, MKitajima, MKitamura, SKiyosue, AKiyota, MKlauser, FKlausmann, GKmietschak, WKnapp, KKnight, CKnoppe, AKnott, CKobayashi, MKobayashi, RKobayashi, TKoch, MKodama, SKodani, NKogure, EKoizumi, MKojima, HKojo, TKolhe, NKomaba, HKomiya, TKomori, HKon, SPKondo, MKong, WKonishi, MKono, KKoshino, MKosugi, TKothapalli, BKozlowski, TKraemer, BKraemer-Guth, AKrappe, JKraus, DKriatselis, CKrieger, CKrish, PKruger, BKu Md Razi, KRKuan, YKubota, SKuhn, SKumar, PKume, SKummer, IKumuji, RKüpper, AKuramae, TKurian, LKuribayashi, CKurien, RKuroda, EKurose, TKutschat, AKuwabara, NKuwata, HLa Manna, GLacey, MLafferty, KLaFleur, PLai, VLaity, ELambert, ALanglois, MLatif, FLatore, ELaundy, ELaurienti, DLawson, ALay, MLeal, ILee, AKLee, JLee, KQLee, RLee, SALee, YYLee-Barkey, YLeonard, NLeoncini, GLeong, CMLerario, SLeslie, ALewington, ALi, NLi, XLi, YLiberti, LLiberti, MELiew, ALiew, YFLilavivat, ULim, SKLim, YSLimon, ELin, HLioudaki, ELiu, HLiu, JLiu, LLiu, QLiu, XLiu, ZLoader, DLochhead, HLoh, CLLorimer, ALoudermilk, LLoutan, JLow, CKLow, CLLow, YMLozon, ZLu, YLucci, DLudwig, ULuker, NLund, DLustig, RLyle, SMacdonald, CMacDougall, IMachicado, RMacLean, DMacleod, PMadera, AMadore, FMaeda, KMaegawa, HMaeno, SMafham, MMagee, JMah, DYMahabadi, VMaiguma, MMakita, YMakos, GManco, LMangiacapra, RManley, JMann, PMano, SMarcotte, GMaris, JMark, PMarkau, SMarkovic, MMarshall, CMartin, MMartinez, CMartinez, SMartins, GMaruyama, KMaruyama, SMarx, KMaselli, AMasengu, AMaskill, AMasumoto, SMasutani, KMatsumoto, MMatsunaga, TMatsuoka, NMatsushita, MMatthews, MMatthias, SMatvienko, EMaurer, MMaxwell, PMazlan, NMazlan, SAMbuyisa, AMcCafferty, KMcCarroll, FMcCarthy, TMcClary-Wright, CMcCray, KMcDermott, PMcDonald, CMcDougall, RMcHaffie, EMcIntosh, KMcKinley, TMcLaughlin, SMcLean, NMcNeil, LMeasor, AMeek, JMehta, AMehta, RMelandri, MMené, PMeng, TMenne, JMerritt, KMerscher, SMeshykhi, CMessa, PMessinger, LMiftari, NMiller, RMiller, YMiller-Hodges, EMinatoguchi, MMiners, MMinutolo, RMita, TMiura, YMiyaji, MMiyamoto, SMiyatsuka, TMiyazaki, MMiyazawa, IMizumachi, RMizuno, MMoffat, SMohamad Nor, FSMohamad Zaini, SNMohamed Affandi, FAMohandas, CMohd, RMohd Fauzi, NAMohd Sharif, NHMohd Yusoff, YMoist, LMoncada, AMontasser, MMoon, AMoran, CMorgan, NMoriarty, JMorig, GMorinaga, HMorino, KMorisaki, TMorishita, YMorlok, SMorris, AMorris, FMostafa, SMostefai, YMotegi, MMotherwell, NMotta, DMottl, AMoys, RMozaffari, SMuir, JMulhern, JMulligan, SMunakata, YMurakami, CMurakoshi, MMurawska, AMurphy, KMurphy, LMurray, SMurtagh, HMusa, MAMushahar, LMustafa, RMustafar, RMuto, MNadar, ENagano, RNagasawa, TNagashima, ENagasu, HNagelberg, SNair, HNakagawa, YNakahara, MNakamura, JNakamura, RNakamura, TNakaoka, MNakashima, ENakata, JNakata, MNakatani, SNakatsuka, ANakayama, YNakhoul, GNaverrete, GNavivala, ANazeer, INegrea, LNethaji, CNewman, ENg, TJNgu, LLSNimbkar, TNishi, HNishi, MNishi, SNishida, YNishiyama, ANiu, JNiu, PNobili, GNohara, NNojima, INolan, JNosseir, HNozawa, MNunn, MNunokawa, SOda, MOe, MOe, YOgane, KOgawa, WOgihara, TOguchi, GOhsugi, MOishi, KOkada, YOkajyo, JOkamoto, SOkamura, KOlufuwa, OOluyombo, ROmata, AOmori, YOng, LMOng, YCOnyema, JOomatia, AOommen, AOremus, ROrimo, YOrtalda, VOsaki, YOsawa, YOsmond Foster, JO'Sullivan, AOtani, TOthman, NOtomo, SO'Toole, JOwen, LOzawa, TPadiyar, APage, NPajak, SPaliege, APandey, APandey, RPariani, HPark, JParrigon, MPassauer, JPatecki, MPatel, MPatel, RPatel, TPatel, ZPaul, RPaulsen, LPavone, LPeixoto, APeji, JPeng, BCPeng, KPennino, LPereira, EPerez, EPergola, PPesce, FPessolano, GPetchey, WPetr, EJPfab, TPhelan, PPhillips, RPhillips, TPhipps, MPiccinni, GPickett, TPickworth, SPiemontese, MPinto, DPiper, JPlummer-Morgan, JPoehler, DPolese, LPoma, VPostal, APötz, CPower, APradhan, NPradhan, RPreiss, EPreston, KPrib, NPrice, LProvenzano, CPugay, CPulido, RPutz, FQiao, YQuartagno, RQuashie-Akponeware, MRabara, RRabasa-Lhoret, RRadhakrishnan, DRadley, MRaff, RRaguwaran, SRahbari-Oskoui, FRahman, MRahmat, KRamadoss, SRamanaidu, SRamasamy, SRamli, RRamli, SRamsey, TRankin, ARashidi, ARaymond, LRazali, WAFARead, KReiner, HReisler, AReith, CRenner, JRettenmaier, BRichmond, LRijos, DRivera, RRivers, VRobinson, HRocco, MRodriguez-Bachiller, IRodriquez, RRoesch, CRoesch, JRogers, JRohnstock, MRolfsmeier, SRoman, MRomo, ARosati, ARosenberg, SRoss, TRoura, MRoussel, MRovner, SRoy, SRucker, SRump, LRuocco, MRuse, SRusso, FRusso, MRyder, MSabarai, ASaccà, CSachson, RSadler, ESafiee, NSSahani, MSaillant, ASaini, JSaito, CSaito, SSakaguchi, KSakai, MSalim, HSalviani, CSampson, ASamson, FSandercock, PSanguila, SSantorelli, GSantoro, DSarabu, NSaram, TSardell, RSasajima, HSasaki, TSatko, SSato, ASato, DSato, HSato, JSato, TSato, YSatoh, MSawada, KSchanz, MScheidemantel, FSchemmelmann, MSchettler, ESchettler, VSchlieper, GRSchmidt, CSchmidt, GSchmidt, USchmidt-Gurtler, HSchmude, MSchneider, ASchneider, ISchneider-Danwitz, CSchomig, MSchramm, TSchreiber, ASchricker, SSchroppel, BSchulte-Kemna, LSchulz, ESchumacher, BSchuster, ASchwab, AScolari, FScott, ASeeger, WSegal, MSeifert, LSeifert, MSekiya, MSellars, RSeman, MRShah, SShainberg, LShanmuganathan, MShao, FSharma, KSharpe, CSheikh-Ali, MSheldon, JShenton, CShepherd, AShepperd, MSheridan, RSheriff, ZShibata, YShigehara, TShikata, KShimamura, KShimano, HShimizu, YShimoda, HShin, KShivashankar, GShojima, NSilva, RSim, CSBSimmons, KSinha, SSitter, TSivanandam, SSkipper, MSloan, KSloan, LSmith, RSmyth, JSobande, TSobata, MSomalanka, SSong, XSonntag, FSood, BSor, SYSoufer, JSparks, HSpatoliatore, GSpinola, TSquyres, SSrivastava, AStanfield, JStaylor, KSteele, ASteen, OSteffl, DStegbauer, JStellbrink, CStellbrink, EStevenson, AStewart-Ray, VStickley, JStoffler, DStratmann, BStreitenberger, SStrutz, FStubbs, JStumpf, JSuazo, NSuchinda, PSuckling, RSudin, ASugamori, KSugawara, HSugawara, KSugimoto, DSugiyama, HSugiyama, TSullivan, MSumi, MSuresh, NSutton, DSuzuki, HSuzuki, RSuzuki, YSwanson, ESwift, PSyed, SSzerlip, HTaal, MTaddeo, MTailor, CTajima, KTakagi, MTakahashi, KTakahashi, MTakahashi, TTakahira, ETakai, TTakaoka, MTakeoka, JTakesada, ATakezawa, MTalbot, MTaliercio, JTalsania, TTamori, YTamura, RTamura, YTan, CHHTan, EZZTanabe, ATanabe, KTanaka, ATanaka, NTang, STang, ZTanigaki, KTarlac, MTatsuzawa, ATay, JFTay, LLTaylor, JTaylor, KTe, ATenbusch, LTeng, KSTerakawa, ATerry, JTham, ZDTholl, SThomas, GThong, KMTietjen, DTimadjer, ATindall, HTipper, STobin, KToda, NTokuyama, ATolibas, MTomita, ATomita, TTomlinson, JTonks, LTopf, JTopping, STorp, ATorres, ATotaro, FToth, PToyonaga, YTripodi, FTrivedi, KTropman, ETschope, DTse, JTsuji, KTsunekawa, STsunoda, RTucky, BTufail, STuffaha, ATuran, ETurner, HTurner, JTurner, MTye, YLTyler, ATyler, JUchi, HUchida, HUchida, TUdagawa, TUeda, SUeda, YUeki, KUgni, SUgwu, EUmeno, RUnekawa, CUozumi, KUrquia, KValleteau, AValletta, Cvan Erp, RVanhoy, CVarad, VVarma, RVarughese, AVasquez, PVasseur, AVeelken, RVelagapudi, CVerdel, KVettoretti, SVezzoli, GVielhauer, VViera, RVilar, EVillaruel, SVinall, LVinathan, JVisnjic, MVoigt, Evon-Eynatten, MVourvou, MWada, JWada, TWada, YWakayama, KWakita, YWalters, TWan Mohamad, WHWang, LWang, WWang, XWang, YWanninayake, SWatada, HWatanabe, KWatanabe, MWaterfall, HWatkins, DWatson, SWeaving, LWeber, BWebley, YWebster, AWebster, MWeetman, MWei, WWeihprecht, HWeiland, LWeinmann-Menke, JWeinreich, TWendt, RWeng, YWhalen, MWhalley, GWheatley, RWheeler, AWheeler, JWhelton, PWhite, KWhitmore, BWhittaker, SWiebel, JWiley, JWilkinson, LWillett, MWilliams, AWilliams, EWilliams, KWilliams, TWilson, AWilson, PWincott, LWines, EWinkelmann, BWinkler, MWinter-Goodwin, BWitczak, JWittes, JWittmann, MWolf, GWolf, LWolfling, RWong, CWong, EWong, HSWong, LWWong, YHWonnacott, AWood, AWood, LWoodhouse, HWooding, NWoodman, AWren, KWu, JWu, PXia, SXiao, HXiao, XXie, YXu, CXu, YXue, HYahaya, HYalamanchili, HYamada, AYamada, NYamagata, KYamaguchi, MYamaji, YYamamoto, AYamamoto, SYamamoto, TYamanaka, AYamano, TYamanouchi, YYamasaki, NYamasaki, YYamashita, CYamauchi, TYan, QYanagisawa, EYang, FYang, LYano, SYao, SYao, YYarlagadda, SYasuda, YYiu, VYokoyama, TYoshida, SYoshidome, EYoshikawa, HYoung, AYoung, TYousif, VYu, HYu, YYuasa, KYusof, NZalunardo, NZander, BZani, RZappulo, FZayed, MZemann, BZettergren, PZhang, HZhang, LZhang, NZhang, XZhao, JZhao, LZhao, SZhao, ZZhong, HZhou, NZhou, SZhu, LZhu, SZietz, MZippo, MZirino, FZulkipli, FH
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 12(1):51-60
Academic Journal
Abani, OAbbas, AAbbas, FAbbas, JAbbas, KAbbas, MAbbasi, SAbbass, HAbbott, AAbdallah, NAbdelaziz, AAbdelfattah, MAbdelqader, BAbdul, AAbdul, BAbdul, SAbdul Rasheed, AAbdulakeem, AAbdul-Kadir, RAbdullah, AAbdulmumeen, AAbdul-Raheem, RAbdulshukkoor, NAbdusamad, KAbed El Khaleq, YAbedalla, MAbeer Ul Amna, AAbel, LAbernethy, KAbeywickrema, MAbhinaya, CAbidin, AAboaba, AAboagye-Odei, AAboah, CAboelela, HAbo-Leyah, HAbouelela, KAbou-Haggar, AAbouibrahim, MAbousamra, AAbouzaid, MAbraham, MAbraham, TAbraheem, AAbrams, JAbrams, RAbu, HJAbu-Arafeh, AAbubacker, SMAbung, AAbusamra, YAceampong, YAchara, AAcharya, DAcheampong, FAcheampong, PAcheampong, SAcheson, JAchieng, SAcosta, AAcquah, RActon, CAdabie-Ankrah, JAdair, PAdam, ASAdam, FAdam, MAdamali, HAdamczyk, MAdams, CAdams, DAdams, KAdams, LAdams, NAdams, RAdams, TAdamu-Ikeme, LAdatia, KAdcock, KAddai-Boampong, LAddo, AAdeagbo, OAdebiyi, AAdedeji, OAdegeye, YAdegoke, KAdell, VAdenwalla, SAdeoye, FWAdesemoye, OAAdewunmi, EOAdeyanju, AAdeyemi, JAdeyemo, TAdhikari, BAdhikari, SAAdhikary, RAditya, AAdjepong, PAdkins, GAdnan, AAdriaanse, MAeron-Thomas, JAffleck, DAfnan, CAfridi, MAfrim, PAfriyie, FAAftab, ZAAfum-Adjei Awuah, AAgarwal, MAgasiya, PNAgbeko, RAgbo, CAggarwal, SAghababaie, AAguilar Jimenez, LAgyekum, JAAgyen, KAhadome, EKAhamed Sadiq, SAhammed Nazeer, MHAhmad, MAhmad, SAhmed, AAhmed, BARAhmed, BAhmed, FAhmed, HAhmed, IAhmed, KAhmed, LAhmed, MAhmed, MCAhmed, MSAhmed, NAhmed, OAhmed, RAAhmed, RAhmed, SAhmed, SGAhmed, SHAhmed Ali, RAhmed Mohamud, BAhmer, SAhonia, AAidoo, CAiken, CAil, DAinsworth, MAissa, MAitken, LAjay, BAjibode, AAjmi, AAkhtar, NAkili, SAkinbiyi, BAkindolie, OAkinfenwa, YAkinkugbe, OAkinpelu, IAkram, MAktinade, OAkudi, UAl Aaraj, ASARAl Balushi, AAl Dakhola, MAl Swaifi, AAl-Abadi, EAlabi, AAladangady, NAlafifi, MAlam, AAlam, SAl-Asadi, AAlatzoglou, KAlbert, PAlbertus, AAlbon, LAlcala, AAlcorn, GAlcorn, SAldana, AAlderdice, DAldesouki, AAldouri, RAldridge, JAldridge, NAle, RMAlegria, AAlexander, AAlexander, CAlexander, JAlexander, PDGAl-fori, JAlghazawi, LAlhabsha, OAl-Hakim, BAlhameed, RAl-Hayali, MAl-Hity, SAli, AAli, FRAli, JAli, MAli, MSAli, NAli, OAli, RAli, SAliberti, EAlin, JAlina, AAlipustain, AAlisjahbana, BAliyuda, FAlizadeh, KAl-Jibury, MAl-Juboori, SAl-Khalil, MAlkhudhayri, AAlkhusheh, MAllan, FAllan, NAllanson, AAllcock, RAllen, EAllen, JAllen, KAllen, LAllen, PAllen, RAllen, SAllen, TAlli, AAllison, KAllman, BAllsop, HKAllsop, LAllsup, DAlmahroos, AFTAl-Moasseb, HAl-Obaidi, MAlomari, LAl-Rabahi, AAl-Ramadhani, BAl-Saadi, ZAl-Sammarraie, RAlshaer, IAl-Shahi Salman, RAl-Shamkhani, WAlsheikh, FAl-Sheklly, BAltaf, SAlty, AAlvarez, MAlvarez Corral, MAlveyn, EAlzetani, MAmamou, SAmar, NAmbalavanan, SAmbrogetti, RAmbrose, CAmeen, AAmelia Ganefianty, AAmes, KAmezaga, MRAmin, AAmin, KAmin, SAmin, TAmit, BAmjad, AAmjad, NAmoah-Dankwa, JAmoako-Adusei, AAmosun, VAmsal, MAmsha, KAmuasi, JAmutio Martin, NAmy, PAnada, AAnand, AAnandappa, SAnantapatnaikuni, SDAndari, NKNAnderson, EAnderson, JAnderson, LAnderson, MAnderson, NAnderson, RAnderson, SAnderson, WAndreou, PAndrews, AAndrews, JAneke, KAng, AAng, WWAngel, TAngela, AAngelini, PAnguvaa, LAnichtchik, OAnim-Somuah, MAniruddhan, KAnnett, JAnning, LAnsah, MAnstey, PJAnstey, RAnthony, AAnthony-Pillai, AAntill, PAntonina, ZAnu, VAnwar, MAnwar, SApetri, EApostolopoulos, AAppleby, SAppleyard, DAquino, MFAraba, BAransiola, SAraujo, MArcher, AArcher, DArcher, SArcoria, DArdley, CArhin-Sam, GArias, A-MAribike, OArimoto, RArisanti, NLPEArkley, CArmah, CArmata, IArmistead, JArmitage, AArmstrong, CArmstrong, MArmstrong, SArmstrong, WArmtrong, PArndt, HArnison-Newgass, CArnold, DArnold, RArnott, AArora, DArora, KArora, PArora, RArter, AArthur, AArtini, NMArumaithurai, AArya, AArya, RAryal, DAsandei, DAsare, GAAsghar, AAsghar, MAshab, AAshbrook-Raby, CAshby, HAshcroft, JAshcroft, SAsher, GAshfak, ZAshfaq, AAsiamah, HAAshish, AAshley, DAshman-Flavell, SAshok, SAshour, A-E-AAshraf, MZAshraf, SAshraq, MBAshton, DAshton, SAshworth, AAshworth, FJAshworth, RAslam, AAslam, IAslam, SAslett, LAsogan, HAsrar, AAssaf, OAstin-Chamberlain, RAtabudzi, YEAthavale, PAthorne, DAtkins, BAtkins, CAtkins, SAtkinson, JAtkinson, VAtomode, AAtraskiewicz, BAttia, AAAttubato, EAttwood, MAubrey, PAuer, ZAujayeb, AAung, ATAung, HAung, HWWAung, KKAung, KTAung, NAung, YAung, ZMAustin, EAustin, KAuwal, AAvari, MAvery, MAveyard, NAvis, JAviss, GAvram, CAvram, PAwadelkareem, AAwadzi, GAwaly, MAwan, AAwisi, SAya, AAyaz, EAyerh, JMAyers, AAzam, JAzeem, AAzharuddin, MAziz, AAziz, GAziz, IAziz, NAzkoul, AAzman Shah, AAzzopardi, GAzzoug, HBabatunde, FBabi, MBabiker, BBabington, GBabirecki, MBabores, MBabs-Osibodu, AOBac, TBacciarelli, SBachar, RBachour, M-EBachti, ABacon, GBacon, JBadal, BBadat, ABader, MBadhan, GRBadhrinarayanan, SBae, JPBaggaley, ABaggott, ABagley, GBagmane, DBagshaw, LBahadori, KBahurupi, YBailey, ABailey, JBailey, KBailey, LBailey, MABailey, MBailey, PBailey, SBaillie, HBaillie, JKBain, JBains, VBaird, DBaird, EBaird, KBaird, SBaird, TBaird, YBajandouh, ABaker, DCBaker, EBaker, JBaker, KBaker, MBaker, RBaker, T-ABaker, VBakere, HBakerly, NBaker-Moffatt, MBakhai, ABakhtiar, NBakoulas, PBakthavatsalam, DBalachandran, NBalan, ABalasingam, PBalaskas, TBalasubramaniam, MBalatoni, NBalcombe, ABaldwin, ABaldwin, CBaldwin, DBaldwin, FBaldwin-Jones, RBale, NBalfour, JBall, MBall, RoBallard, KBalluz, IBalmforth, CBalogh, EBaltmr, ABaluwala, ABambridge, GBamford, ABamford, PBamgboye, ABancroft, EBancroft, HBanda, JBandaru, KBandi, SBandla, NBandyopadhyam, SBanerjee, ABanerjee, RBang, PBaniya, SBani-Saad, OBanks, HBanks, LBanks, PBann, CBannister, HBannister, OBanton, LBao, TBaptist, MBaqai, TBaral, AMBaral, SCBaramova, DBarber, RBarbon, EBarbosa, MBarbour, JBarclay, ABarclay, CBardsley, GBareford, SBari, SBarimbing, MBarker, ABarker, DBarker, EBarker, HBarker, JBarker, LBarker, OBarker-Williams, KBarkha, SBarla, JBarlow, GBarlow, RBarlow, VBarnacle, JBarnard, ABarnes, DBarnes, NBarnes, RBarnes, TBarnetson, CBarnett, ABarnett-Vanes, ABarning, PGBarnsley, WBarr, ABarr, DBarr, JBarr, CBarratt, NBarratt, SBarrera, MBarrett, ABarrett, FiBarrett, JBarrett, SBarrow, EBartholomew, JBarthwal, MSBartlett, CBartlett, GBartlett, JBartlett, LBartley, SBartolmeu-Pires, SBarton, ABarton, GBarton, JBarton, LBarton, RBaruah, RBaryschpolec, SBashir, HBashyal, ABasker, BBasnet, SBasnyat, BBasoglu, ABasran, ABassett, JBassett, GBassford, CBassoy, BBastion, VBastola, ABasumatary, ABasvi, PBatac, JABataduwaarachchi, VRBate, TBateman, HJBateman, KBateman, VBates, EBates, HBates, MBates, SBatham, SBatista, ABatla, ABatra, DBatty, HBatty, TBatty, ABaum, MBaumber, RBautista, CBawa, FBawa, TBawani, FSBax, SBaxter, MBaxter, NBaxter, ZBayes, HBayo, L-ABazari, FBazaz, RBazli, ABeacham, LBeadles, WBeadon, KBeak, PBeale, ABeard, KBearpark, JBeasley, ABeattie, SBeaumont, KBeaumont-Jewell, DBeaver, TBeavis, SBeazley, CBeck, SBeckett, VBeckitt, RBeckley, SBeddall, HBeddows, SBeeby, DBeeby, SBeech, GBeecroft, MBeer, NBeer, SaBeety, JBega, GBegg, ABegg, SBeghini, SBegum, ABegum, SBehan, TBehrouzi, RBeishon, JBeith, CBelcher, JBelfield, HBelfield, KBelgaumkar, ABell, DBell, GBell, JBell, LBell, NBell, PBell, SBellamu, JBellamy, MBellamy, TBellini, ABellis, ABellis, FBendall, LBenesh, NBenetti, NBengu, SABenham, LBenison-Horner, GBenkenstein, SBenn, TBennett, ABennett, CBennett, DBennett, GBennett, KBennett, LBennett, MRBennett, SBennion, KBenoy, GBenson, VBentley, ABentley, JBenton, IBeranova, EBeresford, MBergin, CBergstrom, MBernatoniene, JBerriman, TBerry, ZBest, FBest, KBester, A-MBeuvink, YBevan, EBevins, SBewick, TBexley, ABeyatli, SBeynon, FBhadi, ABhagani, SBhakta, SBhalla, RBhandal, KBhandari, ABhandari, LNBhandari, SBhanich Supapol, JBhanot, ABhanot, RBhasin, SBhat, ABhat, PBhatnagar, RBhatt, KBhayani, JBhojwani, DBhuie, PBhuiyan, MSBhuiyan, SBibby, ABibi, FBibi, NBibi, SBicanic, TBidgood, SBigg, JBiggs, SBiju, ABikov, ABillingham, SBillings, JBinh, PBinns, ABinRofaie, MBintcliffe, OBirch, CBirch, JBirchall, KBird, SBirt, MBishop, CBishop, KBishop, LBisnauthsing, KBiswas, NBittaye, MBiuk, SBlachford, KBlack, EBlack, HBlack, KBlack, MBlack, PBlack, VBlackgrove, HBlackledge, BBlackler, JBlackley, SBlackman, HBlackstock, CBlair, CBlakemore, FBlamey, HBland, ABlane, SBlankley, SBlaxill, PBlaylock, KBlazeby, JBlencowe, NBloom, BBloomfield, JBloss, ABlowers, ABlows, SBloxham, HBlrd, SBlundell, LBlunsum, ABlunt, MBlunt, TBlyth, IBlyth, KBlythe, ABlythe, KBoahen, KABoampoaa, MBoard, SBoatemah, EBobie, BBobruk, KBodalia, PNBodasing, NBoden, MBodenham, TBoehmer, GBoffito, MBohanan, KBohmova, KBohnacker, NBokhandi, SBokhar, MBokhari, SBokhari, SOBokobza, IBoles, ABolger, CBonaconsa, CBond, CBond, HBond, SBond, TBone, ABoniface, GBonney, JBonney, LBooker, LBoot, SBoothroyd, MBorbone, JBorman, NBosence, SBostock, KBotting, NBottrill, FBouattia, HBough, LBoughton, HBoult, ZBoumrah, TBourke, MBourke, SBourne, MBousfield, RBoustred, LBowes, ABowker, PBowker, TBowler, HBowman, LBowman, SBowmer, RBowring, ABowyer, HBoyd, ABoyd, JBoyd, LBoyer, NBoyle, NBoyle, PBoyle, RBoyles, LBrace, LBracken, ABradder, JBradley, CJBradley, PBradley-Potts, JBradshaw, LBradshaw, ZBrady, CBrady, RBrady, SBraga Sardo, PBraganza, DBraithwaite, MBrammer, SBranch, MBrankin-Frisby, TBrannigan, JBrattan, SBray, FBray, NBrazil, MBrear, LBrear, TrBrearey, SBremner, LBrend, MBresges, CBressington, CBretland, GBrewer, CBridgett, MBridgwood, GBrigham, SBright, JBrightling, CBrigstock, TBrimfield, LBrinksman, PBrinkworth, EBrittain-Long, RBritten, VBritton, HBroad, LBroadhead, SBroadhurst, RBroadley, ABroadway, MBrockelsby, CBrocken, MBrockley, TBrodsky, MBrogan, FBrohan, LBrokke, FBrolly, JBromley, DBrooke-Ball, HBrooker, VBrookes, MBrooking, DBrooks, ABrooks, DBrooks, JBrooks, KBrooks, NBrooks, PBrooks, RBrooks, SBroom, MBroomhead, NBroughton, CBroughton, NBrouns, MBrown, ABrown, CBrown, EBrown, HBrown, JBrown, LBrown, NBrown, PBrown, RBrown, SBrown, TBrowne, BBrowne, CBrowne, DBrowne, MBrownlee, SBrraka, ABruce, JBruce, MBrudlo, WBrunchi, ABrunskill, NBrunton, ABrunton, MBryant, MBryden, EBrzezicki, HBuazon, ABuch, MHBuchan, RBuchanan, RBuche, DBuck, ABuck, LBuckland, MBuckley, CBuckley, LBuckley, PBuckley, SBuckman, CBudds, ABugg, GBujazia, RBukhari, MBukhari, SBulbulia, RBull, ABull, DBull, KBull, RBull, ThBullock, EBullock, SBulteel, NBumunarachchi, KBungue-Tuble, RBurbidge, OBurchett, CBurda, DBurden, CBurden, TGBurgess, MiBurgess, RBurgess, SBurhan, EBurhan, HBurke, HBurke, KBurman, ABurnard, SBurnett, CBurnett, SBurns, ABurns, CBurns, JBurns, KBurrage, DBurrows, KBurston, CBurton, ABurton, BBurton, FBurton, HBurton, MButar butar, MButcher, DButler, AButler, EButler, JButler, PButler, SButt, A-TButt, MButt, MMButterworth, CButterworth-Cowin, NButtery, RButtle, TButton, HButtress, DBye, HByrne, JByrne, WByrne-Watts, VCabandugama, ACabrero, LCaddy, SCade, RCadwgan, ACahilog, ZCahyareny, ACairney, DCalderwood, JCaldow, DCale, ECalisti, GCallaghan, DCallaghan, JCallens, CCallum, DCalver, CCambell-Kelly, MCamburn, TCameron, DRCameron, ECameron, FCameron, SCamm, CCammack, FDCampbell, ACampbell, BCampbell, DCampbell, HCampbell, JCampbell, KCampbell, MCampbell, RCampbell, WCampbell Hewson, QCamsooksai, JCanclini, LCandido, SMCandlish, JCaneja, CCann, ACann, JCannan, RCannon, ACannon, ECannon, MCannon, PCannons, VCanonizado, ECantliff, JCap, NCaplin, BCapocci, SCaponi, NCapp, ACapstick, RCapstick, TCaraenache, CCard, ACardwell, MCarey, CCarey, RCarley, SCarlin, FCarlin, TCarmichael, SCarmody, MCarnahan, MCaroline, CCarpenter, JCarr, SCarrasco, ACarrington, ZCarroll, ACarroll, PCarson, RCart, CCarter, ECarter, JCarter, MCarter, NCarter, PCartwright, DCartwright, J-ACarty, CCarty, LCarungcong, JCarver, CCarver, ECarver, RCasey, SCassells, ACastiello, TCastle, GCastles, BCaswell, MCatana, AMCate, HCatelan Zborowski, ACathcart, SCathie, KCatibog, DCatley, CCatlow, LCaudwell, MCavazza, ACave, ACave, LCavinato, SCawa, FCawley, KCaws, CCawthorne, KCendl, HCentury, HCernova, JCesay, MCetti, EChabane, SChablani, MChabo, CChacko, JChadwick, DChadwick, JChadwick, RChakkarapani, EChakraborty, AChakraborty, MChakravorty, MChalakova, PChalise, BSChalmers, JChalmers, RChamberlain, GChamberlain, SChambers, EChambers, JChambers, LChambers, NChan, AChan, CChan, EChan, MChan, KChan, PChan, R (P-C)Chan, XHSChandler, CChandler, HChandler, KJChandler, SChandler, ZChandra, SChandran, NChandrasekaran, BChang, YChanh, HQChaplin, GChaplin, JChapman, GChapman, JChapman, KChapman, LChapman, MChapman, PChapman, TChappell, LCharalambou, ACharles, BCharlton, DCharlton, SChatar, KChatha, CChatterton, DChau, NChaube, RChaudhary, MYNChaudhary, BChaudhry, IChaudhry, ZChaudhuri, KChaudhuri, NChaudhury, MChauhan, AChauhan, RSChavasse, AChavasse, NChawla, VCheater, LCheaveau, JCheeld, CCheeseman, MChen, FChen, HMChen, TCheng, FCheng, LYCheng, ZChenoweth, HCheong, CHCherian, JJCherian, SCherrie, MCheshire, HCheung, CKCheung, ECheung, KCheung, MCheyne, CChhabra, SChia, WLChiang, EChiapparino, AChicano, RChikara, GChikungwa, MChikwanha, ZAChilcott, GChilcott, SChilvers, AChimbo, PChin, KWChin, WJChineka, RChingale, AChinonso, EChin-Saad, CChirgwin, MChisem, HChisenga, CChisholm, CChisnall, BChiswick, CChita, SChitalia, NChiu, MChiverton, LChivima, BChmiel, CChoi, SChoon Kon Yune, WChopra, MChoudhary, VChoudhury, OChoudhury, SChow, B-LChowdhury, MChowdhury, SChrisopoulou, AChristenssen, VChristian, PChristides, AChristie, FChristmas, DChristoforou, GChristopherson, TChristou, AChristy, MChrysostomou, PChua, YChudgar, DChudleigh, RChukkambotla, SChukwu, MEChukwulobelu, IChung, CYChurch, EChurch, SRChurchill, DCianci, NCicconi, PCinardo, PCipinova, ZCipriano, BClamp, SClancy, BClapham, MClare, EClare, SClark, AClark, CClark, DClark, EClark, FClark, GClark, JClark, KClark, LClark, MClark, NClark, PClark, RClark, TClark, ZClarke, AClarke, JClarke, PClarke, RClarke, SClaxton, AClaxton, LClay, KClayton, CClayton, EClayton, OClayton-Smith, JClearyb, BCleaver, CCleeton, RClement, IClemente de la Torre, CClements, JClements, SClenton, SCliff, SClifford, RClifford, SClive, AClouston, JClubb, VClueit, SClutterbuck, LClyne, ACoakley, MCoakley, PGLCobain, KCochrane, ACochrane, PCockayne, LCockerell, MCockerill, HCocks, SCodling, RCoe, ACoetzee, SCoey, DCohen, DCohen, JCohen, OCohn, MCoke, LCoker, OColbeck, NColbert, RCole, ECole, JColeman, GColeman, MColeman, NColes, HColin, MColino-Acevedo, AColley, JCollie, KCollier, ACollier, DCollier, HCollingwood, TCollini, PCollins, ECollins, JCollins, KCollins, MCollins, NCollins, SCollins, VCollinson, ACollinson, BCollinson, JCollis, MColmar, MColton, HEColton, JColville, KColvin, CCombes, EComer, DComerford, AConcannon, DCondliffe, ACondliffe, RConnell, EConnell, LConnell, NConnelly, KConnolly, GConnor, EConroy, AConroy, KConteh, VConvery, RConway, FConway, GConway, RConyngham, J-ACook, ACook, CCook, ECook, GCook, HCook, JCook, MCook, SCooke, DCooke, GCooke, HCooke, JCooke, KCooke, TCooke, VCooper, ACooper, CCooper, DCooper, HCooper, JCooper, LCooper, NCooper, RCooray, SCope, TCorbet, SCorbett, CCorbishley, ACorcoran, JCordell, CCordle, JCorfield, ACorless, JCorlett, ACornwell, JCornwell, MCorogeanu, DCorr, ACorredera, MCorrigan, RCorry, PCorser, RCort, JCosgrove, DCosier, TCosta, PCosta, TCoston, CCotgrove, SCoton, ZCottam, L-JCotter, RCotterill, DCotton, CCouch, GCoulding, MCoull, ACounsell, DCounter, DCoupland, CCourtney, ECourtney, JCousins, RCoutts, AJCowan, ACowan, ECowan, RCowell, RCowen, LCowman, SCowton, ACox, ECox, GCox, HCox, KCox, MCoy, KCradduck-Bamford, ACraig, HCraig, JCraig, VCraighead, FCramp, MCranston, HCrasta, SSCrause, JCrawford, ACrawford, ECrawford, ICrawshaw, SCreagh-Brown, BCreamer, ACreaser-Myers, ACremona, JCremona, SCrepet, ACresswell, JCribb, MCrichton, CCrilly, DCrisp, LCrisp, NCrocombe, DCroft, MCrooks, JCrosby, HCross, ECross, TCrothers, ACrotty, SCrouch, SCrow, MCrowder, ACrowley, KCrowley, TCroysdill, RCruickshank, CCruickshank, ICruise, JCruz, CCruz Cervera, TCryans, DCui, GCui, HCullen, LCummings-Fosong, GCunliffe, VCunningham, NCupitt, JCurgenven, HCurnow, GCurran, DCurran, SCurrie, CCurrie, JCurrie, SCurtis, JCurtis, KCurtis, MCurtis, OCurtis, TCuthbertson, RCuthill, JCutler, SCutts, SCzekaj, MCzylok, PD'Souza, Sda Rocha, JDadzie, GSDafalla, MDagens, ADaggett, HDaglish, JDahiya, SDale, ADale, KDale, MDale, SDales, JD'Alessandro, UDalgleish, HDallow, HD'aloia, CDalton, DDalton, MDaly, ZDamani, MDamm, EDan, LDanga, ADangerfield, JDaniel, ADaniel, PDaniels, ADann, ADanso, KGDanso-Bamfo, SDao, QTDarby, SDarbyshire, ADarbyshire, JDargan, PDark, PDarlington, KDarnell, SDarton, TDarylile, GDas, ADas, MDas, SDaschel, MDasgin, JDatta, DDaunt, ADave, VDavenport, EDavey, MDavid, MDavidson, ADavidson, LDavidson, NDavidson, RDavies, ADavies, BDavies, CDavies, DDavies, EDavies, FDavies, GDavies, HDavies, JDavies, KDavies, LDavies, MDavies, NDavies, ODavies, PDavies, RDavies, SDavis, ADavis, J-ADavis, KDavis, PDavis-Cook, ADavison, ADawe, CDawe, HDawkins, MDawson, ADawson, DDawson, EDawson, JDawson, LDawson, MDawson, SDawson, TDawson, IDaxter, ADay, ADay, JD'Costa, JDe, Pde Fonseka, Dde Freitas, TDe Los Santos Dominguez, PDe Pretto, RDe Santana Miranda, Fde Sausmarez, Ede Silva, Sde Silva, TDe Sousa, JDe Sousa, Pde Souza, JDe Souza, PDe Soyza, Ade Vere, Nde Vos, JDeacon, BDealing, SDean, ADean, JDean, KDean, SDean, TDeane, JDear, JDearden, EDeas, CDebbie, SDebreceni, GDeelchand, VDeeley, MDeery, JDefever, EDel Forno, MDela Rosa, ADe-La-Cedra, GDell, ADemetriou, CDeMets, DDemocratis, JDenham, JDenis, EDenley, LDenmade, CDent, ADent, KDent, MDenton, EDenwood, TDeole, NDepala, DDepante, MDermody, SDesai, ADesai, PDeshpande, SDeshpande, VDevkota, SDevkota, UDevonport, DDevonport, MDey, PDey, VDeylami, RDhaliwal, KDhangar, PDhani, SDhanoa, ADhar, MDhariwal, ADharmasena, DDhasmana, DDhillon, EDhillon, RDhillon, SDhimal, MDhiru, DDhorajiwala, TDias, PDiaz, SDiaz-Pratt, KDibas, MDickerson, DDicks, PDickson, MDickson, SDigby, JDigpal, RDillane, SDiment, SDimitri, PDimitriadis, GDin, SDinh, THDinh, TTTDipheko, CDipper, ADipro, SDirmantaite, LDismore, LDitchfield, LDiver, SDiwakar, LDiwan, PDixon, CDixon, GDixon, KDjeugam, BDlamini, SDlouhy, PD'Mello, ADmitri, PDo, TDobbie, LDobranszky Oroian, MDobson, CDobson, LDocherty, MDockrell, DDodd, JDodds, JDodds, RDodds, SDogra, RDoherty, CDoherty, EDoherty, WDoi, YDoig, IDoke, EDolan, DDolman, MDolman, RDonald, LDonald, KDonaldson, CDonaldson, DDonaldson, GDonaldson, KDong, PDonkor, MDonlon, SDonnachie, JDonnelly, EDonnelly, RDonnison, PDonohoe, ADonohoe, GDonohue, BDooks, EDoonan, RDoorn, RDoran, GDore, RDorey, KDorgan, SDos Santos, KDosani, MDosanjh, DDospinescu, PDoss, IDoudouliaki, TDougherty, ADoughty, JDouglas, KDouse, JDow, ADowden, LDower, MDowling, SDowner, NDownes, CDownes, RDownes, TDowney, DDowney, RDowning, CDowns, LDowson, SDragan, CDragos, CDrain, MDrake, CDrew, VDrewett, ODrexel, ADriscoll, CDrogan, HDrosos, ODrummond, GDrury, KDruryk, KDruyeh, RDryburgh-Jones, JDrysdale, SDsouza, PDu Thinh, ADuah, IKDube, HDube, JDuberley, SDuckenfield, PDuckles-Leech, HDuff, NDuffield, EDuffy, HDuffy, KDufour, LDuggan, ADugh, PDuhoky, RDuignan, JDulay, JDummer, SDuncan, ADuncan, CDuncan, FDuncan, GDuncan, HDuncan, RDundas, SDung, DDunleavy, ADunleavy, JDunn, ADunn, CDunn, DDunn, LDunn, PDunne, CDunne, KDunning, FDunphy, ADuong, TTHDuraiswamy, VDuran, BDuRand, IDurdle, LDuric, NDurie, ADurie, EDurogbola, SDurojaiye, CDurrans, LDurrant, KDurrington, HDuru, IDuvnjak, HDwarakanath, ADwarakanath, LDwomoh Nkrumah, DDwyer, EDyar, ZDyball, CDyer, KDymond, HDymond, TDzidzomu, EDEades, CEadie, LEadie, REagles, LEapen, BEarl, NEarly, JEarwaker, MEasom, NEast, CEasthope, AEaston, FEaston, JEaston, PEatough, REbigbola, OEbon, MEccles, AEccles, SEddings, CEddleston, MEdgar, MEdgerley, KEdmond, NEdmondson, MEdmunds, TEdwards, AEdwards, CEdwards, JEdwards, KEdwards, MEdwards, SElliot, LElliott, AElliott, FElliott, KElliott, SEllis, AEllis, CEllis, KEllis, LEllis, REllis, TEllis, YEllwood, AElmahdi, RElmahi, EElmasry, H-MEl-Naggar, MElndari, NElneima, OElokl, MElradi, AElsaadany, MElsayed, MASAEl-Sayeh, SEl-Sbahi, HElsebaei, MElsefi, TEl-Shakankery, KElsheikh, AEl-Taweel, HElyoussfi, SEmberey, JEmberson, JREmberton, JEmery, AEmmanuel, JEmmerson, IEmms, MEmond, FEmonts, MEnachi, NEnenche, DEngden, AEnglish, KEnimpah, CEntwistle, EEnyi, HErotocritou, MEskander, PEsmail, HEssa, FEvans, BEvans, CEvans, DEvans, EEvans, GEvans, IEvans, JEvans, LEvans, MEvans, REvans, SEvans, TEverden, CEverden, SEvery, LEvison, HEvison, LEzenduka, CFaccenda, JFahel, LFahmay, YFairbairn, IFairbairn, SFairbairn, TFairclough, AFairlie, LFairweather, MFajardo, AFalcone, NFalconer, EFallon, JFallow, AFaluyi, DFancois, VFarah, AFarah, MFarah, QFard, NZFares, LFarg, AFarmer, AFarmer, KFarmery, TFarnworth, SFarook, FFarooq, HFarooq, SFarquhar, FFarr, HFarrell, AFarrell, BFarrukh, FFarthing, JFarzana, SFasina, RFatemi, AFatemi, MFathima, SFatimah, NFaulkner, MFaust, SFavager, CFawad, AFawke, JFawohunre, SFazal, AFazleen, AFearby, SFearnley, CFeben, AFedel, FFedorova, DFegan, CFelongo, MFelton, LFelton, TFenlon, KFenn, AFennelly, RFenner, IFenton, CFenton, MFerenando, GFerguson, CFerguson, JFerguson, KFerguson, SFerguson, VFernandes, DFernandez, CFernandez, EFernandez, MFernandez Lopez, SFernandez Roman, JFernando, CJFernando, JFeroz, AFerranti, PFerrari, TFerrelly, EFerrera, AFerriman, EFerron, SFethers, NField, BField, JField, RFielder, KFieldhouse, LFielding, AFielding, JFielding, SFikree, AFilipa, SFilson, SFinan, SFinbow, SFinch, DJFinch, JFinch, LFinch, SFineman, NFinlayson, JFinlayson, LFinn, AFinn, JFinnerty, DFinney, CFinucane, DFiouni, SFiquet, JFiri, PFisher, JFisher, NFishman, DFishwick, KFitton, CFitzgerald, FFitzjohn, KFlaherty, JFlanagan, MFlanders, CFlaris, NFleming, GFleming, JFleming, LFleming, PFlesher, WFletcher, AFletcher, JFletcher, LFletcher, SFlett, FFlewitt, KFlockhart, SFlood, CFloodgate, IFlor, JFlorence, VFlowerdew, MFloyd, SFlynn, MJFlynn, RFoden, CFofana, AFogarty, GFoley, PFolkes, LFong, TFont, DMFoo, AFoo, JFoot, AFoot, HRFoot, JForbes, JFord, AFord, JFordham, IForeman, JForester, MForkan, MFornolles, CForrest, AForsey, EForsey, MForshall, TForster, EForsyth, AForton, JFoster, CFoster, EFoster, JFoster, RAFoster, TFoulds, AFoulds, IFowe, FFowkes, NFowler, EFowler, RFowler, SFox, AFox, CFox, HFox, JFox, LFox, NFox, OFox, SFoxton, S-JFraile, EFrake, RFrancioni, AFrancis, OFrancis, RFrancis, SFrancis-Bacon, TFrankland, HFranklin, JFranklin, SFraser, CFratila, AFrayling, SFredlund, MFreeman, AFreeman, CFreeman, EFreeman, HFreeman, NFreer, CFrench, EFrench, TFreshwater, KFrise, MFromson, RFrosh, AFrost, JFrost, VFroud, OFrowd, RFryatt, AFrygier, AFuller, BFuller, LFuller, TFullerton, DFung, CFung, GFunnell, SFurness, JFyfe, AG, NGabbitas, EGabriel, CGabriel, ZGachi, HGaffarena, SGage, SGahir, JGajebasia, SGajewska-Knapik, KGajmer, BGalani, ZGale, CGale, HGale, LGale, RGali, SGallagher, BGallagher, JGallagher, RGallagher, WGallam, FGalliford, JGalloway, CGalloway, EGalloway, JGalvin, AGalvis, VGamble, GGamble, LGammon, BGan, CNGanaie, MBGanapathi, JGanapathy, RGandhi, KGandhi, SGanesh, UGaneshanathan, TGanguly, SGani, AGanley, PGarcia, UGarden, E-JGardener, ADGardiner, EGardiner, MGardiner, PGardiner, SGardiner-Hill, CGardner, JGardner, LGarfield, MGarg, AGarg, IGarlick, NGarner, DGarner, JGarner, LGarner, ZGarr, RGarrero, KAGartaula, MGarty, FGascoyne, RGashau, HGatenby, AGaughan, EGaurav, AGavrila, MGaylard, JGayle, SGeddie, CGedge, IGee, SGeele, FGeerthan, KGellamucho, MGelly, KGelmon, LGelves-Zapata, SGenato, GGent, NGent, SGeoghegan, NGeorge, AGeorge, BGeorge, SGeorge, TGeorge, VPGeorges, SGeorgiou, DGerard, PGerdes, LGermain, LGerrish, HGetachew, AGethin, LGettings, SGhanayem, HGhavami Kia, BGhazal, SGherman, AGhosh, AGhosh, DGhosh, JGhosh, SGiang, TGiannopoulou, SGibani, MGibb, CGibbison, BGibbons, KGibson, AGibson, BGibson, JGibson, KGibson, SGigi, MGilbert, CGilbert, JGilbert, KGiles, BGilham, JGill, MGill, LGillen, PGillesen, AGillespie, KGillham, EGillian, AGilliland, DGillott, RGilmour, DGilmour, KGilmour, LGinn, LGinting, FGiokanini-Royal, TGipson, AGiri, BGirling, JGisby, RGkioni, AGkoritsa, AGkrania-Klotsas, EGladwell, AGlanville, JGlasgow, JGlasgow, SGlass, JGlass, LGlaysher, SGledhill, LGlenday, EGlennon, AGlossop, JGlover, JGlover, KGlover, MGlover Bengtsson, JGlowski, DGlynn, SGnanalingam, CGoddard, JGoddard, WGodden, EGodden, JGodlee, SGodson, EGodwin, GGogoi, SGoh, AGohel, MGoiriz, RGokaraju, SGoldacre, RGoldsmith, AGoldsmith, PGomersall, DGomez, LGomez-Marcos, RGondal, AGonzalez, CGoodall, JGoodall, VGoodenough, BGoodfellow, AGoodfellow, LGoodlife, JGoodwin, CGoodwin, EGoodwin, JGoodyear, PGooentilleke, RGoonasekara, MGooseman, SGopal, SGordon, CGordon, SGore, RGorick, HGorman, CGormely, SGorniok, MGorog, DGorst, MGorsuch, TGosai, JGosling, RGosling, SGosney, GGoss, VGotham, DGott, NGoudie, EGould, NGould, SGoumalatsou, CGourbault, LGovind, AGovindan, RGowans, SGowda, GGowda, RGower, HGoyal, PGoyal, SGraham, CGraham, JGraham, LGraham, RGraham, SGraham-Brown, MGrahamslaw, JGrana, GGrandison, TGrandjean, LGrant, AGrant, DGrant, KGrant, MGrant, PGravell, RGraves, JGray, AGray, CGray, GGray, JGray, KGray, NGray, RGray, SGrayson, AGreaves, FGreaves, PGreen, AGreen, ASGreen, CGreen, CAGreen, DGreen, FGreen, JGreen, MGreen, NGreen, SGreene, DGreenfield, PGreenhalgh, AGreenwood, DGreer, SGregory, JGregory, KGregory, TGreig, JGrenfell, RGrenier, TGrenville, JGresty, JGrevatt, SGrey, GGribben, SGribbin, AGribble, AGrieg, NGrieve, DGriffin, BGriffin, DGriffin, MGriffith, SGriffiths, AGriffiths, DGriffiths, IGriffiths, MGriffiths, NGriffiths, OGriffiths, SGriffiths, YGrigoriadou, SGrigsby, SGrist, PGrobovaite, EGrogono, DGrondin, CGroome, RGrose, PGrosu, LGrounds, JGrout, MGrover, HGroves, JGrubb, NGrundy, JGuarino, FGudur, SGuerin, JGuettari, SGulati, SGulia, VGunasekara, HGunasekera, PGunawardena, MGunganah, KGunn, JGunter, EGupta, AKGupta, AGupta, RGupta, TGupta, VGupta-Wright, AGuratsky, VGureviciute, AGurram, SGurung, AGurung, BGurung, LGurung, SGurung Rai, SGuth, HGuthrine, NGyambrah, SGyanwali, PGyawali, SHa, NHa, NXHa, NTHabibi, RHack, BHackett, JHackney, PHacon, CHaddad, AHadfield, DHadfield, NHadfield, SHadjiandreou, MHadjisavvas, NHaestier, AHafiz, NHafiz-Ur-Rehman, RHafsa, JHagan, SHague, JWHague, RHaider, NHaigh, KHaile, VHailstone, JHaines, CHainey, SHair, MHairsine, BHajnik, JHake, DHakeem, LHaldeos, AHalder, WHale, EHale, JHalevy, CHalford, PHalford, WHalim, AHall, AHall, CHall, EHall, FHall, HHall, JHall, KHall, LHallas, JHallas, KHallett, CHalliday, JHallman, AHalls, HHamdollah-Zadeh, MHamed-Adekale, IAHameed, BHameed, MHamers, RHamid, IHamie, MHamill, RHamilton, BHamilton, FHamilton, GHamilton, LHamilton, MHamilton, NHamilton, SHamlin, RHamlyn, EHammans, BHammersley, SHammerton, KHammond, BHammond, EHammond, LHammond, SHammonds, FHamoodi, IHampshire, KHampson, JAHampson, JHampson, LHamzah, LHan, JHanci, OHand, SHandayani, LHandford, JHandrean, SHandzewniak, NKHaney, SHang, VTKHanh, DHanif, SHanison, EHannah, JHannington, AHannun, MHanrath, AHanratty, HHansen, DHanson, AHanson, HHanson, JHanson, KHanson, SHao, NHaqiqi, AHaque, MHarcourt, HHarden, LHarding, ZHardman, SHardwick, MHardy, GHardy, JHardy, YHaresh, KHarford, RHargadon, BHargraves, JHargreaves, CHarin, AHaris, MHarlock, EHarman, PHarman, THarmer, MHaroon, MAHarper, CHarper, HHarper, JHarper, PHarper, RHarrhy, SHarrington, KHarrington, SHarrington-Davies, YHarris, JHarris, LHarris, M-CHarris, NHarris, SHarrison, DHarrison, LHarrison, MHarrison, OAHarrison, RHarrison, SHarrison, THarrison, WHarrod, EHart, CHart, DHartley, JHartley, LHartley, RHartley, THartrey, WHartridge, PHartshorn, SHarvey, AHarvey, MHarwood, CHarwood, HHarzeli, ZHaselden, BHasford, HHashem, KHashimm, MHashimoto, THashmi, IHaslam, JHaslam, ZHasnip, GHassan, AHassan, ZHassasing, SHassell, JHassell, PHastings, AHastings, BHastings, JHathaway-Lees, SHatton, JHau, JHavinden-Williams, MHavlik, SHawcutt, DBHawes, KHawes, LHawes, NHawker, LHawkins, AHawkins, JHawkins, NHawkins, WHawley, DHawley-Jones, EHaworth, EHay, AWHay, CHayat, AHayat, JHayathu, M-RHayes, AHayes, JHayes, KHayes, MHayes, FHayle, PHaylett, CHayman, AHayman, MHaynes, MHaynes, RHayre, RHays, CHaysom, SHayward, JHaywood, PHaywood Hasford, HHazelton, THazenberg, PHe, ZHeadon, EHeal, CHealy, BHealy, JLHearn, AHeasman, DHeath, AHeath, DHeath, RHeaton, DHeavens, AHebbron, KHeckman, CHector, GHeddon, SHedges, AHedges, KHeeley, CHeeney, EHeinink, RHeire, RHelgesen, IHemingway, JHemmila, UHemmings, BHemphill, SHemsley, DHenderson, AHenderson, EHenderson, JHenderson, SHenry, JHenry, KHenry, LHenry, MHenry, NHenshall, DHerdman, GHerdman-Grant, RHerkes, MHermans, LEHernandez, FHeron, EHeron, LHerrington, WHeselden, EHeslop, PHeslop, THester, SHetherington, EHetherington, JHettiarachchi, CHettiarachchi, PHewer, HHewertson, JHewetson, AHewins, SHewitson, NHewitt, CHewitt, DHewitt, RHey, SHeyderman, RSHeydtmann, MHeys, JHeywood, JHibbert, MHickey, JHickey, NHickey, PHickman, NHicks, AHicks, JHicks, SHien, PTTHien, THigbee, DHiggins, LHigham, AHighcock, MHighgate, JHikmat, MHill, AHill, HHill, JHill, LHill, PHill, UHilldrith, AHillman-Cooper, CHilton, JHilton, ZHinch, SHindle, AHindley, EHindmarsh, AHine, PHinshaw, KHird, CHirst, CHirst, LHives, JHlaing, HMHo, BHo, DKKHo, RHoa, LHoare, MHobden, DHobden, GHobrok, MHobson, SHodge, CHodge, SHodgen, LHodgetts, GHodgkins, HHodgkinson, SHodgson, DHodgson, HHodgson, LHodgson, SHodkinson, GHodson, KHodson, MHogan, AHogben, MHogg, LHoggett, LHolborow, AHolbrook, CHolbrook, RHolden, CHolden, JHolden, MHolden, SHolder, THoldhof, NHoldsworth, HHolland, LHolland, MHolland, NHolland, PHolland, SHollands, MLHolliday, EHolliday, KHolliday, MHolling, NHollos, LHollos, NHolloway, LHolloway, SHollowday, MHollyer, MHolman, AHolmes, AHolmes, MHolmes, RHolroyd, KHolroyd-Hind, BHolt, LHolt, SHolyome, AHome, MHomewood, RHong, KHoole, LHooper, CHope, SHopkins, BHorby, PWHorler, SHormis, AHornan, DHornby, NHorne, THorne, ZHorner, RHorrobin, CHorsford, LHorsford, MHorsham, VHorsley, AHorsley, EHorton, SHosea, JHoskins, THossain, MSHossain, RHough, MHough, SHoughton, CHoughton, KHoulihan, RHousely, KHouston, HHovvels, RHow, LHowaniec, LHoward, JHoward, KHoward, LHoward, MHoward, SHoward-Griffin, RHoward-Sandy, LHowe, SHowell, AHowells, MHowie, LHowlett, KHowlett, SHowman, RHrycaiczuk, JHtet, HHtoon, NZHtwe, SHu, YHuah, COHHuang, SHubbard, KHuckle, AHuda, SHudak, AHudig, LHudson, HHudson, SHudson, OHufton, AHuggins, CHughes, AHughes, CHughes, EHughes, GHughes, HHughes, LHughes, MHughes, RHughes, SHughes, VHughes, WHuhn, LHui, CHulbert, RHull, DHull, GHull, RHulme, AHulme, PHulse, WHulston, GHum, RHume, MHumphrey, CHumphries, AHumphries, JHung, THunt, CHunt, FHunt, JHunt, KHunt, LHunt, MHunt, SHunter, AHunter, CHunter, EHunter, KHunter, NHunter, RHunter, SHuntington, GHuq, FHurditch, EHurdman, JHurley, CHurley, KHusain, MAHusaini, SHuson, CHussain, AHussain, CHussain, IHussain, MHussain, RHussain, SHussain, YHussam El-Din, MHussein, SFEMHussein, ZHussey, RHussien, AHHutchinson, AHutchinson, CHutchinson, DHutchinson, EHutchinson, JHutsby, CHutton, PHuy, NQHuyen, NHuyen, THuyen, TBHuyen Thuong, NTHuynh, HHydes, DHyde-Wyatt, JHynes, NHyslop, MIakovou, AIbison, KIbraheim, MIbrahim, AIbrahim, JIbrahim, MIbrahim, WIcke, BIdowu, AIIdrees, MIdrees, NIftikhar, HIftikhar, MIgwe, CIgwe, OIjaz, MIkomi, AIles, CIliodromiti, SIlsley, MIlves, LIlyas, FMImam-Gutierrez, LIman, MImray, CImtiaz, HIngham, JIngham, RIngle, TInglis, JInglis-Hawkes, SIngram, AIngram, LIngram, TInnes, NInns, PInpadhas, VInweregbu, KIonescu, AAIonita, AIordanov, IIpe, AIqbal, JIqbal, MIqbal Sait, FIrabor, IIrisari, JIrons, RIrshad, MIrshad, MSIrvine, JIrvine, VIrving, RIshak, MIsherwood, EIsitt, GIslam, AIslam, MDTIslam, SIsmail, AIsmail, OIson, CIsraa, MIsralls, SIstiqomah, HIvan, MIvenso, CIvin, NIvy, AIwanikiw, SIxer, KIyer, MJabbar, KJack, CJackman, JJackman, SJackson, AJackson, BJackson, EJackson, HJackson, LJackson, MJackson, NJackson, SJackson, YJacob, JJacob, PJacob, RJacques, NJadhav, HJafar, AJafferji, DJaffery, AJagadish, CJagannathan, VJagne, AJagpal, MJain, NJain, SJaiswal, SJajbhay, DJaki, TJali, PJallow, BJaly, YJama, RJamal, AJamal, SJamal, ZJameel, YJames, AJames, CJames, KJames, LJames, MJames, NJames, OJames, PJames, RJames, SJames, TJameson, JJamieson, LJamison, AJane, PJanes, KJanmohamed, AJapp, DJaques, PJardim, VJardine, CJarman, CJarnell, EJarvie, EJarvis, CJarvis, RJastrzebska, PJaved, HJavier, AJawad, MJawaheer, LJayachandran, AJayachandran, DJayadev, AJayakumar, AJayaram, DJayaram, RJayasekera, GJayatilleke, TJayebalan, AJeater, JJeddi, SJeebun, VJeelani, MSJeffery, KJeffrey, HJeffrey, RJeffreys, NJeffs, BJeffs, CJeganathan Ponraj, JPJegede, DJemima, TJenkin, IJenkins, AJenkins, CJenkins, DJenkins, EJenkins, IJenkins, PJenkins, SJennings, FJennings, JJennings, LJennings, VJerome, EJerry, DJervis, GJessup-Dunton, EJesus Silva, JJetha, CJethwa, KJha, RKJhanji, SJian, KJiao, ZJimenez, LJimenez Gil, AJith, JJoefield, TJohal, NJohal, SJohannessen, KJohari, AJohn, AJohn, MJohn, NJohns, EJohns, MJohnson, AJohnson, EJohnson, GJohnson, KJohnson, LJohnson, MJohnson, NJohnson, OJohnson, RJohnston, BJohnston, CJohnston, JJohnston, SJohnston, VJohnstone, DJohnstone, EJohnstone, JJoishy, MJones, AJones, BJones, CJones, CEJones, DJones, EJones, GJones, JJones, KJones, KEJones, LJones, LMJones, MJones, NJones, OJones, PJones, PHJones, RJones, REJones, SJones, TJonnalagadda, RJordache, RJordan, MJordan, SJose, AJose, LJose, SJoseph, AJoseph, GJoseph, PAJoseph, RJoseph, SJoshi, DJoshi, MJoshi, PJoshi, TJosiah, BJoy, DKJoy, LJoyce, TJu, HJu Wen Kwek, AJudd, AJude, EJudge, PJuhl, JJujjavarapu, SJuniper, MJuszczak, EJyothish, DKabiru Dawa, KKacar, MKadad, DKadam, NKader, NKailey, AKain, MKakoullis, GKakrani, AKala Bhushan, AKalayi, RJKKaliannan Periyasami, RKalita, DKalla, IKallistrou, EKalmus Eliasz, TKalsoom, SKam, EKamara, JKamath, AKamath, PKamath, RKamerkar, SAKametas, NKamfose, MKamundi, CKanabar, DKane, LKanitkar, SKankam, OKannan, TKant, AKapil, VKapoor, RKapoor, SKaprapina, SKar, SKara, JKarbasi, EKarelia, SKark, RKarkey, AKarki, AKarmali, SKarunanithi, VKarunaratne, NKasianczuk, NKasiappan Balasubramanian, AKasipandian, VKassam, RKathirgamachelvam, JKati, MKatsande, VKaul, KKaur, DKaur, JKaur, SKausar, ZKavanagh, LKavanagh, sKawser, MAAKay, AKay, JKay, RKay, SKayappurathu, JNKayastha, SKaye, CKazeem, AKC, PKe, MKeady, TKearns, RKearsley, NKeating, JKeating, LKeddie-Gray, EKeegan, BKeen, RKeenan, NKefas, JKegg, SKeith, LKeke, UKellett, JKelliher, JKelly, AKelly, DKelly, EKelly, HKelly, LKelly, MKelly, RKelly, SKelly-Baxter, MKelsall, OKeltos, MKemp, TKendall, EKendall-Smith, AKennard, SKennedy, AKennedy, JKennedy, MKennedy-Hay, SKenny, JKent, MKeogan, LKeough, AKernaghan, DKerr, AKerrison, CKerry, AKerslake, HKerslake, IKerss, HKeshet-Price, JKestelyn, EKeyte, GKhadar, AKhadka, DKhairunnisa, PKhalid, AKhalid, HKhalid, MKhalid, MUKhalid, SKhalifa, TKhalil, AKhalil, SKhan, AKhan, BKhan, FKhan, MKhan, KKhan, MAKhan, NKhan, OKhan, RKhan, SKhan, TKhan, WKhan, ZKhan Tharin, MSKhatana, UKhatri, JKhatun, HKhatun, TKheia, MKhera, JKhiem, DKhin, HHEKhoja, NKhokhar, KKhong, MQKhoo, JKhurana, CKibaru, JKibutu, FKidd, AKidd, MKidney, JKidney, SKieffer, WKien, TKilbane, JKilby, CKillen, EKilner, BKilroy, SKim, BKim, JWKim, MKimber, AKimber, SKing, AKing, BKing, HKing, JKing, KKing, MKing, RKing, SKing, VKing-Oakley, EKingsmore, LKinnear, DJKinney, FKiran, SKirby, AKirk, AKirk, JKirkby, AKirkham, EKirkman, GKirkpatrick, LKirwan, UKitching, TKitto, LKittridge, LKjoa, TKlaczek, SKleemann, FKmachia, SKnapp, CPKnibbs, LKnight, AKnight, FKnight, MKnight, SKnight, TKnights, EKnights, JKnolle, MKnopp, PKnowles, CKnowles, KKnowles, LKnox, EKnox, LKoch, OKocsor, MKodituwakku, RKoduri, GKoe, YJKoirala, JKoirata, AKolakaluri, EKolodziej, MKolokouri, EKon, SKonar, NKononen, MKonstantinidis, AKontogonis, RKoo, HKoopmans, IKopyj, EKorcierz, LKorolewicz, JKoshy, GKosmidis, CKosztolanyi, CKotecha, JKothandaraman, EKothavale, RKoukou, KKountourgioti, AKouranloo, KKousar'c, RKousteni, MKoutalopoula, AKovac, MKozak Eskenazia, AKrasauskas, KKrishnamurthy, RKrishnamurthy, VKrishnan, MKrishnan, HKrishnapalli, NKrizak, SKrueper, SKrupej, SKrzowski, JKubaisi, RKubheka, SKubisz-Pudelko, AKuckreja, SKudsk-Iversen, SKudzinskas, AKukadiya, CKulkarni, NKumala Dewi, SKuma-Mintah, MKumar, AKumar, GKumar, MKumar, RKumar, SKumar, VKumar Panda, PKundu, AKunst, HKunwar, SSKupiec, KKurani, AKurdy, MKuriakose, KKurian, RKurmars, VKuronen-Stewart, CKusangaya, RSKushakovsky, VKutera, AKuverji, AKyei-Mensah, AKyepa, HKyere-Diabour, TKyi, MKyi, NMKyle, LKyriaki, K-TLabao, JLabuschagne, LLacey, LLack, NLacson, MLadan, ZLadlow, ELafferty, HLagnado, ALaha, SLahane, SLai, CLai, JLaidler, PLaing, RLaing-Faiers, ILaity, ELake, KLakeman, NLalloo, DLalloo, FLam, ALam, CLamb, FLamb, LLamb, TLambert, OLambert, PLameirinhas, CLami, MKGLamont, HLamparski, MLamrani, DLanaghan, CLancona-Malcolm, ILanders, GLandray, MJLane, MLane, NLang, ALang, SLanger, DLangley, MLangoya, CLangridge, ELangthorne, ELangton, HLara, BLarge, TLartey, LNLassa, SLast, ALatham, SLatham, VLatheef, ALatif, LLatt, NLau, CLau, DLau, ELaura, GGLaurenson, MLavington, ELaw, HLaw, JLaw, KYLaw, PLaw, RLawless, LLawrence, CLawrence, ELawrence, GLawrence, HMLawrence, NLawrie, RLawson, LLawson, NLawson, RLay, MLaybourne, SLaycock, CLayug, RLazo, MLe, TTLe, VLea, ALea, WLeach, LELeadbitter, ILeahy, TLean, RLeandro, LLeaning, DLeary, RLeason, SLedingham, MALee, CLee, ELee, HLee, ILee, JLee, SLee, SHLee, TLee, XLee, RLees, DLees, JLegge, HLeggett, JLeigh-Ellis, KLeitch, DLeitch, NLekoudis, ELemessy, PLemoine, NLenagh, RLeng, KLennon, KLennon, LLeonard, BLeonard, KLeong, WLeopold, NLepiarczyk, OLeslie, ILestari, ENLester, ELevell, ELevett, CLevynska, ALewin, ALewis, ALewis, CLewis, DLewis, HLewis, JLewis, KLewis, LLewis, MLewis, NLewis, RLewis-Clarke, CLewszuk, ALewthwaite, PLey, SLiao, ALicence, VLieberman, DLiebeschuetz, SLight, TLightfoot, NLillie, PLillis, ALim, BLim, CLim, ETLim, ILim, TLim, WLim, WSLimb, JLimbu, DLimbu, ULinares, CLinden, DLindergard, GLindley, KLindsay, CLindsay, ELindsay, MLindsay- Clarke, HLing, MLingam, CLinkson, LLinn, TLinney, MLippold, CLipscomb, GLipscomb, KLipskis, LLisboa, ALister, ELittle, JLittle, SLittlejohn, LLiu, SLiu, XLlanera, DKLlewellyn, RLlewelyn, MLloyd, ALloyd, OLloyd, RLo, SLoader, DLoan, CLobosco, LLock, LLock, SLocke, ALocke, JLocke, TLockett, TLodge, JLodhia, KLofthouse, MLoftus, HLogan, MLogue, CLoh, SYLokanathan, SLomme, KLondon, ELong, GLong, NLongbottom, KLonghurst, BLongshaw, MLongstaffe, SLonnen, JLonsdale, CLooby, LLoosley, RLopes, LLopez, PLord, RWLord, SLorimer, CLoro, FLorusso, RLoughlin, CLovegrove, WLoveless, RLovell, MLoverdou, ALow, ALow, JLow, SLowe, ALowe, CLowe, ELowe, FLowe, LLowe, MLowsby, RLowthorpe, VLubimbi, GLubina Solomon, ALucas, GLucas, JLucey, ALucey, OLuck, SLui, LHLuintel, ALuke, HLuke, JLungu, NLunia, ALunn, MLuo, JLuscombe, MLuveta, JLuximon, CNLwin, KLwin, MLye, ALyell, BLyka, ELynas, ALynch, CLynch, DLynch, SMaamari, R-GMabb, HMabelin, LMabeza, GMacaro, JMacconaill, KMacdonald, CMacduff, AMacfadyen, CMacfarlane, JGMacfarlane, JMacfarlane, LMacharia, IMacInnes, LMacIntyre, IMacIntyre, JMack, KMackay, CMackay, EMackay, LMackenzie, AMackenzie, MMacKenzie Ross, RMackey, AMackie, FMackie, JMackie, RMackinlay, CMackintosh, CMackintosh, KMacLeod, MJMacleod, SMacmahon, MMacNair, AMacphee, CMacpherson, IMacrae, CMacRaild, AMadani, YMadden, AMadden, MMadden-McKee, CMaddison, SMadeja, NMadhivathanan, PMadhusudhana, MMadu, AMadziva, LMafham, MMagee, NMagezi, FMaghsoodi, NMagier, CMagnaye, LMMagriplis, MMagtalas, MMagula, NPMahabir, NMahadevan-Bava, SMahajan, SMaharajh, AMaharjan, KMaharjan, MMahaveer, AMahay, BMahay, KMahdi, AMahdi, HMahdi, NMahendiran, TMahendran, SMaher, SMaheswaran, AMaheswaran, SMaheswaran, TMahjoob-Afag, PMahmood, AMahmood, FMahmood, HMahmood, WMahmood, ZMahmoud, HMahmud, MMahony, EMahungu, TMaiga, OMair, LMajekdunmi, TMajid, KMajor, AMajor, RMajumdar, JMajumder, MKHMak, TLAMakan, AMakanju, EMakin, SMakinde, W-OMakkeyah, YMakoetlane, ONMalanca, MMalcolm, HMalein, FMalhan, NMalicka, AMalik, AMalik, GMaljk, MMallett, PMallinder, PMallison, GMallon, LMalone, EMaloney, GMamman, MMan, IMan, KMancinelli, RMancuso-Marcello, MMandal, SKMandal, SManders, TManderson, LMandeville, JMane, TManhas, RManiero, CManikonda, RManjra, IMankiewitz, RMann, BManning, JManning, SMannion, PMansi, KManso, KMansour, DMansour, MMansour, RMapfunde, ITMappa, PMaqsood, AMaraj, HMarchand, CMarcus, NMarcyniuk, AMarecka, MMaren, DMargabanthu, GMargalef, JMargarit, LMargaritopoulos, GMargarson, MMaria del Rocio, FMaria Pfyl, TMariano, VMaric, AMarkham, GMarks, BMarks, MMarks, PMarler, EMarouzet, EMarriott, AMarriott, CMarriott, NMarsden, CMarsden, KMarsden, PMarsden, SMarsden, TMarsh, CMarsh, GMarsh, RMarshall, AMarshall, GMarshall, HMarshall, JMarshall, NMarshall, RMarshall, SMartin, EMartin, GMartin, HMartin, JMartin, KMartin, LMartin, MMartin, NMartin, TMartin, WMartin, SMartindale, TMartineau, MMartinez, LMartinez Garrido, JCMartin-Lazaro, JMaruthamuthu, VKMarwan, BMaryan, GMary-Genetu, RMaryosh, SMasani, VMascagni, AMaseda, DMaseko, ZMashate, SMashhoudi, YMashta, AMasih, IMasih, SMaskell, NMaskell, PMaskey, PMasoli, MMason, JMason, RMason, CMasood, MMasood, MTMasood, SSMEMassa, TMassey, IMasters, JMasud, AMatapure, LMatei, CMatewe, RMatey, EMatharu, MMathen, SMather, AMather, NMathers, JMatheson, JMathew, AMathew, MMathew, VMathews, JMathias, KMathioudakis, AMatibela, SMatila, DMatimba-Mupaya, WMatin, NMatisa, EMatkins, EMatonhodze, MMatovu, EMattappillil, JMatthews, AJMatthews, CMatthews, HMattocks, LMaughan, CMaulidya, TTMawson, EMaxton, FMaxwell, AMaxwell, VMay, EMay, JMay, PMayanagao, IMaycock, MMayer, JMayers, GMaynard, VAMayne, KMayo, TMayola, LMayor, SMazen, IMazhani, TMazzella, AMburu, NMbuyisha, AMc Cague, CMcAleese, EMcAlinden, PMcAllister, LMcAlpine, AMcAlpine, GMcAndrew, JMcAuley, HMcAuliffe, SMcBrearty, CMcBride, EMcBuigan, MMcBurney, JMcCabe, LMcCafferty, GLMcCafferty, LMcCairn, AMcCammon, JMcCammon, NMcCann, CMcCann, EMcCarrick, AMcCarron, BMcCarthy, EMcCarthy, MMcCarthy, NMcCaughey, SMcClay, TMcClelland, BMcClintock, DMcCloskey, MMcCollum, KMcCorkindale, AMcCormack, PMcCormick, JMcCormick, WMcCourt, PMcCrae, JMcCready, SMcCreath, GMcCreedy, HMcCue, CMcCullagh, IJMcCullagh, LMcCullagh, MMcCullough, CMcCullough, KMcCullough, NMcCullough, SMcCurrach, FMcDermott, JMcDermott, PMcDermott, RMcDevitt, KMcDill, HMcDonald, BMcDonald, CMcDonald, DMcDonald, RMcDonald, SMcDonnell, NMcDougall, CMcDougall, LMcDougall, RMcEleavy, IMcElwaine, FMcEntee, JMcEvoy, EMcEwan, CMcEwen, RMcFadden, MMcFarland, DMcFarland, MMcFarland, RMcFlynn, JMcGarry, EMcGarvey, LMcGeachan, AMcGee, FMcGenily, LMcGettigan, CMcGettrick, MMcGhee, CMcGill, FMcGinnity, SMcGlinchey, NMcGlone, PMcGlynn, DMcGoldrick, CMcGough, EMcGovern, CMcGovern, RMcGowan, AMcGown, AMcGrath, BMcGregor, AMcGuigan, MPMcGuinness, HMcGuire, SMcHugh, TMcInnes, CMcInnes, NMcIntosh, JMcIntyre, KMcIntyre, MMcKay, LMcKeag, CPMcKeane, JMcKee, MMcKeever, JMcKenna, JMcKenna, SMcKenzie, MMcKeogh, DMcKerr, CMcKie, AMMckie, HMckie, LMcKnight, GMcLachlan, HMcLaren, AMcLaren, BMcLarty, NMclaughlan, DMcLaughlin, MMcLay, JMcLeish, MMcLennan, TMcLure, SMcMahon, AMMcMahon, GMcMahon, MMcMahon, SMcManus, TMcMaster, MMcMaster, PMcmeeken, FMcMeekin, SMcMillan, NMcMillen, KMcMinn, JMcMorrow, LMcMullen, HMcMurran, CMcNally, HMcNeela, FMcNeil, LMcNeill, CMcNeill, JMcNeill, SMcNelis, UMcNulty, MMcNulty, RMcParland, CMcPhail, MMcQueen, AMcSkeane, AMcSorland, DMcSorley, TMcTaggart, GMcTaggart, JMead, JMead, PMeadows, EMeakin, OMearns, BMearns, CMears, KMears, WMeda, MMediana, AMedine, RMedveczky, TMeehan, SMeeks, EMegan, AMeghani, NMeghjee, SMegson, SMehar, AMehmood, MNMehra, RMehta, RMeintjes, GMeirill, JMeiring, JMejri, RMekonnen, EMelander, SMelinte, A-SMellersh, JMelling, LMellish, CMellor, FMellor, JMellor, SMellor, ZMellows, KMelnic, VMelville, AMelville, DMelville, JMembrey, HMencias, MMendelski, AMendelson, MMendonca, CMeney, CMenezes, CMensah, WMensshan, JEMentzer, AMenzies, DMenzies, SMepham, SMercer, OMercer, PMerchant, AMerchant, FMercioniu, MMeredith, MMerida Morillas, MMerrick, BMerritt, JMerritt, SMerron, PMerwaha, EMessage, SMessenger, JMetcalf-Cuenca, GMetcalfe, AMetcalfe, BMetcalfe, KMetherell, SMetryka, AMew, LMeyrick, SMguni, NMhlongo, JMiah, AMiah, JMiah, NMian, AMic, GMicah-Amuah, LMicallef, DMichael, AMichael, SMichalak, NMichalca-Mason, LMichalec, OMiddle, JMiddleton, HMiddleton, JMiddleton, MMiddleton, SMieres, SMihalca-Mason, LMikolasch, TMilgate, SMillar, CMillar, JMillard, JMiller, DMiller, JMiller, LMiller, RMiller-Biot, NMiller-Fik, AMillett, LMilligan, BMilligan, HMilligan, IMilliken, CMillington, KMillington, RMillington, SMills, HMills, JMills, RMillward, HMiln, RMilne, AMilne, CMilne, LMilner, JMilner, LMin, ZMindel, SMinh, NMinkah, PAMinnis, CMinnis, PMinou, KMinskip, NMinton, JMiranda, FMirela, MMirza, TMisbahuddin, AMishra, AMishra, BMishra, EMishra, RMisra, SMistry, DMistry, HMital, DMitchard, SMitchell, BMitchell, CMitchell, LJMitchell, PMitchelmore, PMitra, AMitra, SMlambo, NMoakes, EMoar, KMoatt, EMock Font, DModgil, GMohamed, AMohamed, OMohammad, AMohammad, WMohammed, AMohammed, OMohammed, YNSMohamud, BMoharram, AMok, H-PMok, JMokogwu, LMolina, MMoller-Christensen, CMollet, MMolloholli, MMolloy, AMolloy, LMolyneux, AMolyneux, RMomoniat, TMonaghan, HMonaghan, KMongolu, SMonika, TMonsell, KMontasser, MMontgomery, AMontgomery, HMoodley, PMoody, MMoody, NMoon, AMoon, JMoon, J-HMoon, MMoonan, MMoondi, PMoorby, SMoorcroft, JMoore, AMoore, CMoore, DAJMoore, FMoore, JMoore, LMoore, NMoore, SMoore, VMoores, RMorab, EMorales, JMoramorell, NMoran, LMoray, GMoreno-Cuesta, JMorgan, AMorgan, CMorgan, HMorgan, KMorgan, LMorgan, MMorgan, PMorgan-Jones, KMorgan-Smith, EMorilla, JMorley, AMorley, TMorley, WMorris, AMorris, DMorris, FMorris, HMorris, JMorris, KMorris, LMorris, M-AMorris, NMorris, PMorris, SMorrison, DMorrison, MMorrison, SMorrissey, MMorrow, ACMorrow, AMorselli, FMortem, GMortland, VMorton, CMorton, GMorzaria, PMosby, DMoseley, LMoshal, KMoshy, BMoss, AMoss, CMoss, JMoss, SMostafa, OMoth, GMotherwell, NMottershaw, SMoudgil, HMouland, JMoulds, CMoulton, HMounce, GMousley, EMowatt, CMoxham, KMoya, BMoyo, QMshengu, EMtuwa, SMuazzam, AMuazzam, IAMuchenje, NMudawi, DMuddegowda, GMufti, RMugal, IMughal, AMuglu, JMuhammad, FMuhammad, JMuir, CMukherjee, AMukherjee, DMukhtar, JMukhtar, SAAMukimbiri, DMulcahy, JMulcahy, MMulgrew, PMulhearn, BMulla, AMullan, DMullasseril Kutten, DMullen, NMullett, RMulligan, CMulligan, SMumelj, LMumford, AMunavvar, MMunby, HMunday, HMunro, AMunt, SMupudzi, MMurad, AMuraina, OHMuralidhara, KMurdoch, MMurira, JMurphy, AMurphy, BMurphy, CMurphy, EMurphy, GMurphy, HMurphy, PMurphy, RMurphy, SMurray, CMurray, DMurray, EMurray, KMurray, LMurray, TMurtagh, EMurthy, MMurton, CMurton, RMuru, NMusanhu, RMushabe, MMushtaq, OMusini, SMustafa, AMMMustafa, EMustafa, MMustapha, IMustfa, NMustufvi, ZMutch, CMutch, RMutema, EMuthukrishnan, BMutton, SMuzengi, NMwadeyi, MMwale, BMwaura, EMyagerimath, RMyers, AMyers, SMyerson, JSMyint, KMyint, YMynott, GMyslivecek, LNabayego, PNadar, ENadeem, INadheem, MNadjm, BNaeem, ANaeem, HNaeem, SNafees, SNafei, MNaftalia, WNagarajan, TNaglik, LNagra, INagra, DNaguib, MNaguleswaran, KNagumantry, KSNaicker, KNaidoo, SNaidoo, VNaik, GNaik, RNaik, SNair, DSNair, RNair, TNaisbitt, JNaismith, KNakiboneka-Ssenabulya, DNallapareddy, SNallapeta, SNallasivan, ANam, HXNanda, UNandani, ANandwani, TNaqvi, ARNaqvi, ANaqvi, SNasa, SNash, DNasheed, NNasimudeen, ANasir, UNasronudin, NNasser, TNatarajan, ANatarajan, GNatarajan, NNatarajan, RNath, PNathaniel, NNathvani, MNathwani, PNava, GNavaneetham, NNavaratnam, JNavarra, HNaveed, SNavin, JNawaz, KNawaz, SNayar, BNaylor, SNayyar, MNaz, FNaz, MNazari, BNazir, ANazir, SNcomanzi, DNdefo, ONdoumbe, NBNeal, ANeary, ENegmeldin, MNeil, JNeill, PNeils, HENejad, ANel, JNel, LNelson, ANelson, BNelson, LNelson, MNelson, RNelson, SNelwan, ENelwan, EJNemane, RNepal, SNethercott, DNetherton, KNettleton, KNeupane, KNewby, ANewby, DNewcombe, TNewell, HNewman, CNewman, DNewman, HNewman, JNewman, ONewman, TNewport, RNewton, MNg, AYKCNg, HEJNg, KWNg, MNg, SNg, WJNg, YWMNgan, TNgo, THNgui, GCENgumo, ANguyen, HKNguyen, MTNguyen, NNguyen, NTTNguyen, QNguyen, THTNguyen, TTNguyen, TTNNguyen, TTPNgwenya, KNic Fhogartaigh, CNicholas, NNicholas, PNicholas, RNicholls, DNicholls, LNicholls, SNicholson, ANickson, INicol, ENicol, RNicola, PNicoll, ANightingale, TNikita, FNikolaos, PNikonovich, GNilsson, ANimako, KNimako, LNimmo, CNinan, PNinh, TNirmalan, MNiroula, RNisar, ANisar, MNisar, TNisbett, TNisha James, ANishat, SNishiyama, TNix, SNixon, JNixon, MNizam Ud Din, KNizami, MNizamis, SNjafuh, RNoakes, INoba, LNoble, JNoble, HNoe, HMNolan, JNolasco, JNoor, ZNoori, ZNorcliffe, JNorman, LNorman, RNorris, ENorris, KNorris, LNortcliffe, SANorth, FNorth, JNorth, TNorthfield, JNorthover, SNortje, JNorton, DNorton, RNotman, HNourein, KNovak, TNovas Duarte, NNovis, CNowak, JANu, KPNugdallah, MNugent, ANugent, JNugroho, CWNumbere, NNundlall, KNune, ANunn, KNunn, MNunnick, JNupa, YNur, FNurgat, ZNurpeni, RNuttall, ANwafor, LNwajiugo, PNyamugunduru, GNyanor, LNyirenda, MNyland, KO Rinn, DO Shea, DO Toole, MO'Hara, MO'Hara, CO'Keefe, LO'Reilly, KO'Rourke, WOakley, COakley, NOakley, SObale, BOboh, CO'Brien, CO'Brien, JO'Brien, KO'Brien, LO'Brien, NO'Brien, RO'Brien, TO'Bryan, EObukofe, RO'Callaghan, CO'Connell, LOConnor, TO'Connor, CO'Connor, GOdam, MOddie, SOddy, SOdedina, YOdedra, KOdelberg, SOdell, NOderinde, OOdone, JO'Donohoe, LO'Donovan, COdysseos-Beaumont, IO'Farrell, SOfford, PO'Flaherty, MOfori, EOgbara, TOgilvie, CO'Gorman, COgunjembola, IOgunkeye, OOhia, UOjha, SOjo, OO'kane, FO'Kane, MOkeke, TOKell, EOkines, AOkpala, IOkpo, EOkpoko, FOkubanjo, MOladipo, COlaivar, LOlaiya, ROlatujoye, JOld, TOleszkiewicz, GOliver, AOliver, COliver, JOliver, LOliver, MOliver, ZOliver-Commey, JOlokoto, NOOlonipile, FOlufuwa, OOlukoya, OOluwole-Ojo, AO'Malley, LOmale, IVOmane-Donkor, PKOmar, MOmar, ZOmer, NOmoregie, EO'Neill, CO'Neill, LOng, COnuoha, OOnyeagor, COo, CNOo, ZOoi, HCOoi, SHOomatia, AOpata, AOpena, MOram, ROrd, COrd, JOreilly, COrekoya, LO'Riordan, DO'Riordan, SOrlikowska, IOrme, AOrme, HO'Rourke, LOrr, COrr, SOrton, COsadcow, AOsagie, ROsanlou, ROsborne, LOsborne, NOsborne, ROsborne, WOsbourne, COsei-Bobie, JOsman, JOsman, WOsman, BOsoata, GOstermann, MO'Sullivan, EO'Sullivan, SOteng, MAOtey, NOtite, OKOuyang, JOwen, ROwen, SOwens, EOwoo, COwoseni, YOwston, MOxlade, ROzdes, FPack, JPackham, APackham, SPaczko, PPadden, GPadmakumar, APage, CPage, IPage, JPage, SPage, VPaget, JPagett, KPaisley, LPajak, SPakou, GPakozdi, APal, SPalacios, APalagiri Sai, VBPalaniappan, VPalanivelu, PPalfreeman, APalfrey, HPalissery, VPalit, DPallipparambil Antony, SPalman, JPalmer, APalmer, HPalmer, JPalmer, LPalmer, RPambouka, APamphlett, IPan, DPandey, APandian, NPandya, KPandya, TPaneru, HRPanes, APang, JPang, YWPangeni, RPannell, LPannu, KPant, SPanthakalam, SPantin, CTPao, NPapaconstantinou, HPapavarnavas, NSPapineni, PPaques, KParacha, AWParadowski, KParambil, VParanamana, SParashar, SRParberry, IParekh, AParekh, DParfitt, LParfrey, HParikh, OParish, GPark, JParkash, VParker, AParker, BParker, EParker, HParker, JParker, LParker, NParker, SParkin, KParkinson, AParkinson, MParkinson, VParmar, CParmar, VParris, VParrish, CParry, BParry, HCParslow-Williams, SParsonage, MParsons, GParsons, JParsons, PPartridge, RParvez, ZParvin, KPassby, LPassey, SPassmore, HPastrana, JPatachako, JPatal, MPatch, SPatel, APatel, BPatel, DPatel, HPatel, JPatel, KPatel, MPatel, NPatel, PPatel, SPatel, TPatel, ZPatel, VPaterson, KPathak, SPathan, NPatience, APatience, DPatil, BPatmore, RPatole, SPaton, LPatrick, APatrick, GPatrick, JPatten, SPattenden, BPatterson, CPatterson, JPatterson, LPatterson, MPatterson, RPattrick, MPaudel, DPaudel, KPaudel, MPaudel, SPaul, MPaul, SPauls, LPaulus, SPavely, APavitt, MJPavord, SPayne, BPayne, EPayne, MPayne, RPeacock, LPeacock, SPeake, HPearce, JPearse, RPearson, APearson, DPearson, HPearson, KPearson, SPearson, SAPeasley, APeddie, HPeebles, SPeek, RPeer, APeerbhoy, SPegg, CPeggie, EPeggie, HPeglar, SPeirce, BHPeirse, MPelham, CPemberton, APenacerrada, MPender, APendlebury, CPendlebury, JPenfold, RPenman, CPenman, JPenman, RPenner, JPenney, KPennington, APenny, JPepperell, JPercival, RPereira, APereira, RPereira Dias Alves, CPerera, IPerera, MPerez, EPerez, JPerinpanathan, TPeriyasamy, LPerkins, EPernicova, IPerritt, EPerry, APerry, EPerry, MPerumpral, TMPessoa-Amorim, GPetch, RPeter, LPeters, CPeters, LPeters, MPeters, SPeters, TPeterson, APetersen, RPeto, LPetras, IPetrova, BPetrova, MPetrovics, EPettigrew, TPezard-Snell, MPfeffer, PPhalod, GPham, NTPham, VPPhan, TTHPhanish, MPhelan, PPhilbey, CPhilbin, JPhillips, APhillips, BPhillips, DPhillips, NPhillips, PPhillips, RPhillips, TPhipps, MPhong, NPhong, NTPhongsathorn, VPhuc, PPhull, MPhung, HTKPhuong, NPhuyal, APhyo, AKPI, MTTPick, SPickard, JPickering, CPickering, FPickering, GPickett, TPickles, JPickstock, SPickwell-Smith, BPieniazek, NPiercy, CPieris, APilgrim, SPillai, PAPillay, SPilling, LPilsworth, ZPinches, HPinches, SPine, KPinjala, MTPintus, SPiper, GPirani, TPitchford, MPittman, MPitts, SPlaatjies, NPlatt, NPleass, RPlowright, MPlummer, LPlumptre, CPobjoy, JPogreban, TPoku, CPoku, SPolgarova, PPollard, RPollock, LPoluyi, OPolwarth, GJPomery, FPonce, IMFPonnusamy, PPonnusamy, SPonnuswamy, APonte Bettencourt dos Reis, IPooboni, SPoole, APoole, LPoole, MPoon, SPoonian, TPorteous, JPorteous, MPorter, DPorter, JPorter, LPorter, RPosada, APostlethwaite, KPotdar, MPothecary, CPothina, NPotla, PPotoczna, DPott, JPotter, APotter, JPotter, SPotter, TPotton, EPotts, JBPotts, JPotts, KPoudyal, BPoultney, UPoulton, KPoustie, VPowell, JPowell, NPowell, SPower, DPower, NPower, SPoxon, JPoyner, EPoyner, RPrabhu, APrabowo, SPradhan, VPradip, GPrady, HPrananingtias, RPrasad, APrasad, KPrasad, UPrasanth Raj, FPrasath, SPratiwi, NPratley, APratt, SPrayuda, CBPreiss, DPrendergast, CPrentice, LPrentice, PPrescott, VPresland, LPrest, CPreston, SPretorius, MPrevatt, NPrew, SPrice, APrice, CPrice, DPrice, EPrice, KPrice, LJPrice, NPrice, VPrice-Eland, RPriest, APrieto, JPrimrose, LPrince, CPrince, JPrince, LPringle, SPrior-Ong, MPristopan, VPritchard, KPritchard, LPritchard, SPriyash, VProcter, AProctor, CProtopapas, MProudfoot, RPrudon, BPryor, DPudi, SPuffett, APugh, JPugh, LPugh, MTPugh, NPugh, RPuisa, VPuji Lestari, EPuliyakkadi, SPullen, JPunia, KPunnilath Abdulsamad, SPurandare, LPurchase, DPurdue, CPurdy, RPurewal, BPurnell, RPursell, MPurssord, GPurves, RPurvis, SPuspatriani, KPutensen, DPutu, SIPuvaneswaran, BPuxty, APuxty, KPuyrigaud, ZPyart, EPye, EPynn, MQadeer, TQayum, MQuah, CQuaid, SQuail, NQuamina, CQuang, KQuang, NNQuarm, LQuartermaine, GQuartey, RQuasim, TQuaye, SQuayle, AQuek, EQuenby, SQui, PQui, XQuick, VQuigley, JQuijano-Campos, J-CQuindoyos, JQuinn, AQuinn, JQuinn, TQuist, LJQuratulain, QQureshi, DQureshi, EQureshi, HQureshi, IQureshi, KQureshi, NQurratulain, QQutab, SRabbani, MSRabinowicz, SRaceala, MRachid, ARachman, BERachman, RRad, LRadford, JRadford, LRadhakrishnan, JRafferty, HRafiq, MYRafiq, SRafique, CRafique, JRafique, MRagatha, RRaghunathan, ARaguro, ARaha, SDRahama, SRahardjani, MRahilly, KRahim, FRahimi, AHRahimi, HRRahman, MRahman, SURahmany, SRai, PRai, SRaisova, LRaithatha, ARaj, ARajagopal, ARajagopalan, PRajaiah, NRajalingam, KRajasekaran, ARajasri, ARajbhandari, BRajbhandari, SRajeswaran, TRajeswary, JRajkanna, JRajkumar, IRajmohan, GRallan, RRalston, KRalston, MRam, MRamabhadran, BRamali, FRamali, MRamanan, ARamanna, SRamasamy, MRambe, IRamchandani, ARamdin, DRamirez, JRamirez, MRamnarain, GRamnarine, ARamos, LRampling, TRamraj, SRamsay, JRamshaw, ARana, ARana, GFRana, NRana, RRand, ARand, JRandheva, HRanga, PRangar, MRangarajan, HRanjan, SRank, HRanka, PRankhelawon, RRankin, ARao, ARao, SRao, DRasheed, AARashid, KRason, MRaspa, VRastogi, SRasul, FRatcliff, SRatcliffe, SRath, PRath, SRather, MIRathod, KRathore, SRatnakumar, ARatoff, JRattehalli, DRavaccia, DRaval, MRavencroft, PRaw, JRaw, RRawal, MRawashdeh, SARawlins, HRay, GRaymond-White, ARaynard, DRayner, HRayner, NRaynsford, ARazvi, SRazvi, ZRead, KRead, SReay, MReddington, AReddy, AReddy, HRedfearn, HRedfern-Walsh, ARedknap, IRedman, NRedome, ARedome, JReed, AReed, JRees, ARees, CRees, HRees, JRees, MRees, SRees, TRees-Jones, ERegan, FRegan, KRegan, MRegan, SRege, KRegmi, ARehan, ARehman, ARehman, HRehman, SRehman, ZReid, AReid, JReid, SReilly, MReilly, SReith, CReka, ARemegoso, ARengan, DRenouf, LRenshaw, SRenu Vattekkat, RReschreiter, HRevels, MRevill, ARewitzky, GRey, SReynard, CReynish, DReynolds, HReynolds, PRhodes, JRiaz, NRibeiro, PRice, ERice, MRice, NRich, MRichards, ARichards, LRichards, SRichardson, CRichardson, ERichardson, FRichardson, JRichardson, MRichardson, NRiches, JRiches, KRichmond, LRichmond, RRicketts, WRickman, HRiddell, ARidgway, SRidha, MRidley, CRidley, PRieck, GRigby, LRigby, MRigler, DRijal, SRika, NRiley, HRiley, MRiley, PRimainar, ARimba, ZVPRimmer, DRina, WRintoul, RRiordan, ARipley, DRippon, NRishton, CRiste, MRitchie, DRitchie, JRitchings, ARivera Ortega, PRivers, VRizvi, BRizvi, SASRizvi, SHMRobb, JRobbins, ERoberts, CRoberts, GRoberts, IRoberts, JRoberts, KRoberts, MRoberts, NRoberts, PRoberts, RRoberts, VRobertson, CRobertson, JRobertson, KRobertson, NRobertson, SRobertson, MRobin, NRobinson, CRobinson, ERobinson, GRobinson, HRobinson, JRobinson, KRobinson, LRobinson, MRobinson, NRobinson, RRobinson, SRobinson, ARobson, SRocca, ARoche, LRoche, SRodden, NRoddick, ARoddy, ERoddy, JRoderick, MRodger, ARodger, FRodger, MRodgers, ARodgers, DRodgers, NRodgers, PRodriguez-Belmonte, RRoe, NRoehr, CRogers, GRogers, JRogers, LRogers, MRogers, PRogers, SRogers, TRojkova, JRoka, KKRokadiya, SRollins, LRollo, JRolls, CRond-Alliston, ARook, CRooney, KRooney, LRosaroso, LPRosby, EJRose, ARose, SRose, ZRosier, JRoskilly, ARoss, GARoss, IRoss, JRossdale, JRoss-Parker, ARostron, ARosyid, ANRothman, ARothwell, JRoughley, LRourke, CARowan, KRowan, NRowan, SRowe, ARowe, NRowe-Leete, LRowlands, BRowlands, ERowley, MRoy, SRoycroft, MRoynon-Reed, ARoyson, ARRozewicz, SRudenko, ARudrakumar, SRudran, BRuff, SRughani, PRule, RRundell, SRushforth, ERushmer, JRusk, DRussell, PRussell, RRusso, CRutgers, MRutkowski, KRyan, ARyan, BRyan, KRyan, LRyan, MRyan, PRyan-Wakeling, DRybka, ERyder, MRyder, SSaad, MSaalmink, GSabale, JSabaretnam, SSadiq, NSadler, ESaffy, ASage, BSagoo, HSagrir, SSaha, RSaha, SSahdev, NSahedra, SSahota, JSaid, NSaini, SSaini, VSaint, BSairam, NSajid, ASakthi, SSakuri, HSaladi, MSalam, ASalberg, ASalciute, ESaleeb, GSaleh, MSalih, HSalih, LSalim, DSalisbury, SSaliu, SSalman, RSalmon, JSalmon, RSalutous, DSam, MSam, SSamakomva, TSaman, RSamar, SSaminathan, SSamlal, RSammons, ESammut, DSammut, MSammut, SSammut, TSampath, SSampson, CSampson, JSamson, ASamuel, JSamuel, MSamuel, RSamuel, TDLSamuel, YSamuels, KSamuels, TSamways, JSamyraju, MSana, ISanchez, VSanchez Gonzalez, ASanda-Gomez, ASandercock, PSanders, JSanderson, ASanderson, TSandhu, KSandhu, LSandow, SSandrey, VSands, SSanga, LSangha, HSanghera, JSangombe, MSanju, MSankaran, LSantos, FSantos Ferreira De Almeida, CSantosh, RSanyal, JSanz-Cepero, AFSapkota, YSaragih, DSaralaya, DSaraswati, ASaraswatula, ASaravanamuthu, PSarawade, SSarella, JSarfatti, ASargent, RSari, BSari, DSarkar, DSarkar, KSarkar, RSarma, SSarmiento, PSarwar, ZSass, TSatchithananthasivam, KSathe, SSathianandan, SSathyanarayanan, ASathyanarayanan, SJPSathyapalan, TSatodia, PSaulite, VSaunders, ASaunders, RSaunders, SSaunderson, ASavill, HSavlani, KSaxena, GSaxton, MSayan, ASayers, IScaletta, DScanlon, DScanlon, JScarratt, LScattergood, SSchadenberg, ASchafers, JSchneblen, WSchofield, ESchofield, RSchofield, SScholes, DScholes, KSchoolmeesters, ASchumacher, NSchunke, NSchuster Bruce, MSchwarz, KScobie, AScoones, TScorrer, TScott, AScott, CScott, EScott, KScott, LScott, MScott, SScott, TScott, ZScourfield, SScrase, WScriven, NAScullion, AScullion, TSeager, ESeagrave, CSeaman, RSear, ESeaton, ISeatter, ASeckington, ASedano, JSeddon, GSedgwick, GSee, YSeelarbokus, MASefton, CSegovia, MSeidu, FSekadde, GSelby, FSelby, GSellar, CSellars, RSellers, KSelley, JSellick, VSelvadurai, GSelvarajah, BSelvaskandan, HSelvendran, SSSelwyn, JSemmens, ASemple, GSen, MSen, NSen, SSengupta, ASengupta, NSenra, SSenya, HSerafimova, TSernicola, ESethi, DSethi, SSetty, NSeward, ASewdin, TSewell, T-ASeymour, JSeymour, KShabbir, HShackley, FShafi, TShafique, FShah, AShah, BShah, H-AShah, MShah, NShah, PShah, QShah, RShah, SShah, SHShah, WShahad, SShahi, SShahnazari, SShahzad, NShahzeb, MShaibu, AShaida, ZShaikh, AYShaikh, MShail, RShaji, MShakeel, MShakya, RShalan, KShameem, MShamim, NShamji, UShams, AShams, KShamsah, RShanahan, TSharaf, HSharif, ASharma, ASharma, BSharma, MSharma, OSharma, PSharma, RSharma, SSharma, SDSharp, ASharp, CSharp, GSharp, KSharp, LMSharratt, PSharrocks, KShashaa, SShaw, AShaw, CShaw, DShaw, JShaw, LShaw, MShaw, TGShawcross, AShawcross, JShawe, JShayler, LShedwell, SSheffield, JShehata, ZSheik, ASheikh, ASheikh, NShelley, BShelton, SShenoy, AShenton, JShephardson, SShepherd, AShepherd, KShepherd, LShepherd, SSheppard, GSheppeard, RSheridan, HSheridan, RSherridan, SSherris, LSherwin, SShibly, SShiham, FFShilladay, CShillitoe, BShingadia, DShioi, CShirgaonkar, AShirley, KShirt, HShonubi, AShoote, JShorrocks, RShortman, RShotton, RShotton, SShovelton, CShpuza, EShrestha, AShrestha, NShrestha, RShrestha, SShuker, KShurlock, JShurmer, JShuvo, ERSiabi, SKSiame, GSiamia, LSiaw-Frimpong, MSiddavaram, SSiddique, NSiddique, SSiddle, ESidebotham, ESidebottom, JSievers, RSiggens, KSikondari, NSilanas, ISilva, SVSilva Moniz, CSim, MSimangan, TSimbi, VSime, RSimmons, GSimmons, OSimms, RSimon, LSimon, MSimon, NSimpkins, SSimpson, ASimpson, DSimpson, GSimpson, JSimpson, KSimpson, MSimpson, PSimpson, TSinclair, SSing, CSingh, ASingh, CSingh, DSingh, JSingh, LSingh, MSingh, NSingh, PSingh, SSinghal, PSingizi, BSingler, VSinha, MSinha, PSinha, SSinha, USisson, GSithiravel, SSivakumar, KSivakumar, SSivakumran, DSivanadarajah, SSivasothy, P-RSkaria, ASkehan, NSkelly, RSkelton, OSkene, ISkinner, DSkinner, TSkinner, VSkorko, ASkorupinska, ISkorupinska, MSlack, ASlack, KSlade, HSlade, MSlater, LSlawson, NSlingsby, RSloan, ASloan, BSloan, DSloane, GSlowinska, MSmall, BSmall, ESmall, SSmallridge, ASmalls, DSmallshaw, KDSmallwood, ASmart, BSmart, LSmeaton, JSmit, CSmith, ASmith, CSmith, DSmith, ESmith, HSmith, ISmith, JSmith, KSmith, LSmith, MSmith, MASmith, NSmith, OSmith, PSmith, RSmith, SSmith, TSmith, VSmolen, SSmuts, SSmyth, NSnell, ASnell, DSnell, LSo, ASo, BSoan, MSobama, RFSobande, TSobowiec Kouman, SSobrino Diaz, ASohail, BSohal, HSoiza, RSolademi, OSoleimani, BSolesbury, ASoliman, MSolis, BSolly, RSolomon, LSomalanka, SSomashekar, CSommerfield, SSoni, GSonia, RSonoiki, TSoo, S-CSoor, PSoothill, GSoren, JSothinathan, ASothirajah, PSousa, JSoussi, NSoutham, DSouthern, DSouthern, ISouthern, LSouthin, SMSouthwell, JSouthworth, TSowden, SSowter, JSpalding, CSpata, ESpeare, CSpears, KSpears, MSpeirs, LSpeirs, SSpence, MSpence, NSpencer, BSpencer, GSpencer, RSpencer, SSpencer, TSpickett, HSpillane, JSpiller, WSpinks, KSpinks, MSpittle, NSpray, SSpriggs, JSpring, OSquires, GSquires, JSquires, RSreenivasan, RSreenivasan, SSri, MSri Paranthamen, KSrikantaiah, RSrinivasan, KSrinivasan, RSrirajamadhuveeti, ASrirathan, VSsiabi, SKStacey, RStacpoole, SStadon, LStagg, WJStaines, JStaines, NStammers, KStanciu, RStanczuk, GStandley, TStaniforth, BStanton, AStanton, LStaples, RStapley, SStaplin, NStark, AStarkey, EStarnes, DSStarr, MStead, RStebbing, CSteele, CSteer, HSteer, JStefania, VStefanowska, PSteffensen, FStemp, CStenson, EStephens, AStephensen, DStephenson, ESterrenburg, MStevens, JStevens, MStevens, WStevenson, AStevenson, LStevenson, SSteward, MStewart, CStewart, DAStewart, KStewart, MStewart, RStickley, JStiller, GStirrup, SStock, SStockdale, AStocker, DStockham, LStockton, PStoddard, EStoffberg, KStokes, CStone, BStone, RStone, SStoner, E-JStorey, IStorton, KStourton, FStrachan, AStrait, CStratton, EStratton, JStraw, SStreit, DStride, EStringer, SStrong-Sheldrake, SStruik, SStuart, CStubbs, AStubbs, HSturdy, ASturney, SStuttard, MSuarez, CSubba, KSubbe, CPSubramaniam, KSubramanian, MSubramanian, VSubudhi, CSuckling, RSudershan, SSugden, PSuherman, PASukla, RSukumaran, ASuleiman, ESuliman, ASuliman, FSultan, SSumardi, USundar, SSundaram, RSundhar, RSung, ESunni, NSuntharalingam, JSur, ASuresh, DSuresh, NSuresh, SSurtees, MSusan, CSuter, DSuthar, RSutherland, HSutherland, RSutherland, SSutinyte, DSutton, DSutton, SSutu, MSvensson, M-LSvirpliene, SSwain, ASwain, RSwaine, TSwales, CSwanson-Low, CSwart, TSweetman, SSwift, ESwift, PSwift, RSwingler, RSwinhoe, SSwist-Szulik, KSwithenbank, LSyed, OSykes, CSykes, DSykes, ESylvester, LSymington, DSymon, DSyndercombe, ASyrimi, ZSyson, JSzabo, GSzabó, DSzakmany, TSzarazova, NSzekely, MSzekeres, ASzeto, MSzymiczek, KTabish, MTadros, MTageldin, ATague, LTahir, HTahir, MTai, MTait, JTakyi, ATalbot, PTalbot -Smith, ATalbot-Ponsonby, JTallent, RTallon, BTalukdar, ATan, ATan, BTTan, HTan, JTan, JSTan, KTan, WTTana, ATanner, ATanney, CTanqueray, TTanton, ETantri, ATanzil-Al-Imran, TTarft, HTaribagil, PTarin, OTariq, STarpey, DTarr, ETarrant, LTasiou, ATate, ATate, MTate, MLTate, PTatham, KTavares, SSTavoukjian, VTay, SAITaylor, ATaylor, BTaylor, CTaylor, CATaylor, DTaylor, ETaylor, HTaylor, JTaylor, KTaylor, LTaylor, MTaylor, NTaylor, RTaylor, STaylor, TTaylor, VTaylor-Siddons, MTaynton, TTe, ATeasdale, FTeasdale, JTeasdale, KTebbutt, JTee, CTeeluck, ITejero Moya, BTejwani, RTelfer, ATeli, VTempany, JTemple, JTemple, NTench, HTeoh, YHTereszkowski-Kaminski, RTerrett, LTerry, LTesha, TIMTetla, DTewari, STewkesbury, DTexeira, JTey, CThake, MThakker, CThakker, MThakrar, JThakuri, BJThamu, BThao, HThao, NTThapa, AThatcher, HThayanandan, AThazhatheyil, KThein, ETheocharidou, LThet, PThevarajah, KThevendra, MThien, DThiri Phoo, NThirlwall, YThirumaran, MThomas, AThomas, CThomas, EThomas, HThomas, JThomas, JLThomas, KThomas, LThomas, RThomas, SThomas, TThomas, VThomasson, KThomas-Turner, RThompson, CThompson, EThompson, FThompson, HThompson, JThompson, KThompson, LThompson, MThompson, OThompson, RThompson, YThomson, BGThomson, NThorburn, PThorn, NThorne, CThorne, NThornton, AThornton, DThornton, JThornton, RThornton, SThornton, TThorpe, CThorpe, NThorpe, SThozthumparambil, PThrasyvoulou, LThraves, HThu, NThueux, GThuong, NTHThu-Ta, PThuy, DThwaiotes, VThwaites, CLThwaites, GTiberi, STieger, STierney, CTighe, MTilbey, STill, CTiller, ATiller, HTimerick, JTimlick, ETimmins, ATimmis, ATimms, HTimoroksa, A-MTinashe, STingley, STinker, NTinkler, HTinkler, MTipper, JTirumalai Adisesh, ATivenan, HTluchowska, KT-Michael, HTodd, ATodd, JTodd, SToffoletti, OTohfa, MTohill, STolson, MTomas, ATomasova, NTomlin, STomlins, STomlinson, JTomlinson, KTonkin, JTonna, IToohey, CTopham, KTopping, MTorokwa, ATorrance, CTouma, OTous Sampol, LTousis, RTout, MTovey, PTowersey, GTownley, JTozer, RTran, DKTran, HTran, HBTran, MTran, NBTran, VGTran, VKTranter, HTravers, JTravill, CTraynor, STrethowan, LTreus Gude, ETrevelyan, MTrewick, NATridente, ATrieu, HTriggs, STrim, FTrimmings, ATrinick, TTripathy, STrivedi, KTroedson, STropman, ETrotter, ATrous, STrower, HTrowsdale Stannard, MTrudgill, NTruell, RTruman, NTruslove, MTrussell, STrussell, TTsakiridou, KTsang, CTsang, PTsawayo, TTsilimpari, KKTsinaslanidis, GTsitsi, MTso, STucker, NTucker, STudor, DETufail, ATuff, JTuffney, JTully, RTulus Satriasih, TTunesi, GTung, DTurbitt, KTurel, RTurgut, TTurley, CTurnbull, ATurner, ATurner, CTurner, GTurner, KTurner, LTurner, LCTurner, MTurner, PTurner, STurner, VTurner-bone, ITurney, STurvey, JTweed, CTweed, DTwemlow, RTwohey, ETyagi, BTyagi, VTyer, ATyler, ATyler, JTyzack, ATzavaras, PTzinieris, IUddin, AWUddin, MSUddin, RUgoji, JUkaegbu, EUl Haq, MUl Hassan, WUl-Haq, ZUllah, SUm, JUmaipalan, AUmate, AUmeadi, JUmeh, AUmeojiako, WUmmat, BUnderhill, EUnderwood, CUnderwood, JUnsworth, AUppal, VUppal, VSUpson, GUr Rasool, MUriel, AUrruela, SUru, HUsher, JUsher, MUsher, RUsher-Rea, AUstianowski, AUsuf, EUtomo, FNUzu, HVaccari, LCVaghela, UVaidya, AVail, DValecka, BValentine, JValeria, BVallabhaneni, PValleri, TVallotton, NVamplew, LVamvakiti, EVamvakopoulos, JVan Blydenstein, Svan Bruggen, Lvan de Venne, Mvan der Meer, Avan der Stelt, NVan Doorn, Rvan Koutrik, LVan Loggerenberg, AVance-Daniel, JVancheeswaran, RVandeyoon, SIVankayalapati, PVanmali, PVansomeren, CVan't Hoff, WVanya, KNVara, SVardy, SJVarghese, AVarghese, MVarney, WVarnier, GVarouxaki, A-NVarquez, RVasadi, VVass, OVassell, KVasu, VVasudevan, VVatish, MVaughan, SVayalaman, HVayapooree, DVaz, CVeale, NVeerasamy, SVelankar, SVelauthar, LVeli, NVella, NVelugupati, AVelusamy, AVenables, IVenditti, MVenkataramakrishnan, RVenn, RVenter, MVentilacion, LVere, JVeres, MVergnano, SVerling, WVerma, AVernall, RVernon, BVertue, MVerueco, LVerula, JVeterini, AVethanayagam, NVettikumaran, SVeys, LVickers, CVictor, SVictoria, SVidaillac, CPVidler, JVijayakumar, BVijayaraghavan Nalini, VWVilcinskaite, BVileito, AVilimiene, NVinall, LVinay, SVinayakarao, LVincent, OVincent, RVirdee, PVirgilio, EVirk, AMVisentin, EVitaglione, MVithian, KVittoria, SVivekananthan, SVlad, EVlies, Bvon Oven, LVooght, CVu Thai, KTVutipongsatorn, KVuylsteke, AVyras, EWach, RWadams, BWadd, SWaddington, NWade, PWadsley, JWadsworth, KWafa, SEIWagstaff, DWagstaff, LWahab, DWahbi, ZWaheed Adigun, AWaidyanatha, SWaite, AWake, RWakefield, AWakeford, WWakinshaw, FWaldeck, EWalden, AWalding, LWaldron, AWaldron, JWales, EWali, BWalker, DWalker, GWalker, HWalker, IWalker, KWalker, LWalker, OWalker, RWalker, SWallace, GWallbutton, RWallen, JWallendszus, KWaller, AWaller, RWallis, GWallis, LWallis, MWalmsley, EWalsh, DWalsh, EWalsh, LWalstow, DWalter, DWalters, AWalters, HWalters, JWalton, EWalton, LWalton, MWalton, OWalton, SWan, MWanda, JWands, MWane, RWang, FWang, NWang, RWang, SWarbrick, DWarburton, SWard, CWard, DWard, EWard, HWard, JWard, LWard, NWard, RWard, TWarden, SAWardere, GWardle, SWardy, HWaring, GWaring, SWarmington, JWarner, BWarner, CWarnock, LWarran, SWarren, JWarren, LWarren, RWarren, YWarrender, DWarren-Miell, HWarris, AWarwick, GWassall, HWasserman, SWasson, EWatchorn, HJWaterfall, HWaters, AWaters, DWaterstone, MWatkin, AWatkins, CWatkins, EWatkins, KWatkins, LWatson, AWatson, AJRWatson, EWatson, FWatson, JGRWatson, LWatson, PWatson, RWatson, KWatters, MWatterson, DWattimena, KWatts, DWatts, JWatts, MWaugh, VWayman, EWayman, MWazir, AWeatherhead, MWeatherly, NWebb, CWebb, HWebb, KWebb, SWebsdale, CWebster, DWebster, IWebster, JWebster, TWedlin, JWee, LWeerakoon, RWeerasinghe, TWeeratunga, JWeetman, MWei, SWeichert, IWelch, EWelch, HWelch, JWelch, LWelch, SWelham, BWeller, SWellings, LWells, BWellstead, SWelsh, BWelsh, RWelters, IWelton, RWenn, VWentworth, LWesonga, JWesseldine, KWest, JWest, MWest, RWest, SWestern, LWesthead, RWeston, HWestwood, AWestwood, KWestwood, SWetherill, BWheaver, SWheeler, HWhelan, BWhelband, MWhileman, AWhitcher, AWhite, AWhite, BWhite, CWhite, DWhite, JWhite, KWhite, MWhite, NWhite, SWhite, TWhitehead, CWhitehorn, KWhitehouse, AWhitehouse, CWhitehouse, TWhiteley, JWhiteley, LWhiteley, SWhitham, RWhitlingum, GWhitmore, DWhittaker, EWhittam, LWhittington, AWhittle, HWhittle, RWiafe, EWiblin, LWickens, OWiddrington, JWieboldt, JWieringa, HWiesender, CWiffen, LWight, AWignall, AWignall, CWilce, AWilcock, DWilcock, EWilcox, LWild, BWild, LWild, SWilde, MWilding, LWilding, PWildsmith, TWileman, JWiles, JWiles, KWilhelmsen, EWiliams, TWilkie, JWilkin, DWilkins, HWilkins, JWilkins, SWilkinson, IWilkinson, LWilkinson, NWilkinson, SWilkinson, TWilletts, SWilliams, AWilliams, CWilliams, CVWilliams, DWilliams, EWilliams, GWilliams, HWilliams, JWilliams, KWilliams, MWilliams, PWilliams, RWilliams, SWilliams, TWilliamson, AWilliamson, CWilliamson, DWilliamson, JWilliamson, JDWilliamson, RWilliamson, HWillis, EWillis, HWillis, JWills, LWillsher, LWillshire, CWillson, FWillson, JWilson, AWilson, BWilson, DWilson, IWilson, JWilson, KWilson, K-AWilson, LWilson, MWilson, SWilson, TWin, KLYWin, MWin, TWin, TTWin, WYWWinckworth, LWinder, LWinder, PWinearl, SWinmill, HWinn, SWinpenny, CWinslow, HWinter, HWinter, JWinter-Goodwin, BWinterton, JWinwood, HWischhusen, JWisdom, SWise, MWiselka, MWiseman, RWiseman, SWishart, SWIshlade, TWitele, EWithers, NWittes, JWixted, DWodehouse, TWolf, WWolff, NWolffsohn, KWolf-Roberts, RWolodimeroff, EWolstencroft, AWong, AWong, CWong, C-HWong, C-MWong, EWong, JSYWong, KYWong, MYWong, NWong, SWong, TWongkyezeng, AAWood, AWood, CWood, DWood, FWood, GWood, HWood, JWood, LWood, MWood, SWood, TWoodall, KWoodfield, RWoodford, CWoodford, EWoodford, JWoodhead, LWoodhead, TWoodland, PWoodman, MWoodmansey, SWoods, CWoods, JWoods, KWoods, SWoodward, ZWoolcock, MWooldridge, GWoolf, RWoollard, CWoollen, LWoolley, EWoolley, JWoosey, DWootton, DWootton, JWorley, DWorton, SWraight, JWray, MWren, KWren, LWrey Brown, CWright, CWright, DWright, FWright, HWright, IWright, LWright, RWright, SWright, TWroe, CWroe, HWu, HWu, PWubetu, JWulandari, FWulandari, RWurie, SWyatt, CWyn-Griffiths, FWynter, IXavier, BXhikola, AXia, BEXia, ZYacoba, EYadav, SYakubi, MYan, MYanagisawa, YYang, FYang, YYanney, MYap, WLYaqoob, NYasmin, SYates, BYates, DYates, EYates, HYates, TYates, MYe, JYearwood Martin, CYein, KYelnoorkar, FYen, LMYeoh, AYeung, CYYew, PYewatkar, DYlquimiche Melly, LYnter, IYong, HYorke, JYouens, JYounes Ibrahim, AYoung, EYoung, GYoung, LYousafzar, AYoussouf, SYousuf, AYovita, HYu, CYuan, JSJYufaniaputri, NYung, BYusef, DYusef, SYusuf, IZafar, A-SZagalo, SZaher, SZahoor, AZainab, MZak, TZaki, KZakir, NZalewska, KZamalloa, AZaman, MZaman, SZamikula, JZammit, LZammit-Mangion, MZawadzka, MZayed, MZebracki, EZehnder, DZeidan, LZeinali, DZhang, JZhao, XZheng, DZhu, DZia, MZibdeh, OZill-E-Huma, RZin, ETZincone, EZindoga, GZinkin, EZinyemba, VZipitis, CZitter, LZmierczak, AZubikarai, GZubir, AZuhra, NZulaikha, RZulfikar, SZullo, CZuriaga-Alvaro, A
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 11(12):905-914
Academic Journal
Faust, Saul NHaynes, RichardJones, Christine EStaplin, NatalieWhittaker, ElizabethJaki, ThomasJuszczak, EdSpata, EntiWan, MandyBamford, AlasdairDimitri, PaulFinn, AdamFurness, JohnRamanan, Athimalaipet VGale, ChristopherCathie, KatrinaDrysdale, SimonBernatoniene, JolantaMurray, ClareRoehr, Charles CFleming, PaulRiordan, AndrewBandi, SriniJyothish, DeepthiEvans, JenniferEmonts, MariekeKelly, DominicPathan, NazimaDavies, PatrickHague, RosiePollock, LouisaSemple, Malcolm GPeto, LeonBaillie, J KennethBuch, MayaJeffery, KatieKnight, MarianLim, Wei ShenMontgomery, AlanMukherjee, AparnaMumford, AndrewRowan, KathrynThwaites, GuyMafham, MarionEmberson, JonathanLandray, Martin JHorby, Peter WChappell, LucyDay, JeremyDung, DVQuang, NNBinh, ProfBurhan, EAlisjahbana, BKoirala, JBasnet, SKestelyn, EBasnyat, BGyanwali, PHamers, RLSandercock, PDarbyshire, JDeMets, DFowler, RLalloo, DMunavvar, MRoberts, IWarris, AWittes, JCraddock-Bamford, ABarton, JBasoglu, ABrown, RBrudlo, WDenis, EFletcher, LHoward, 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KAbbas, MAbbasi, SAbbass, HAbbott, AAbdallah, NAbdelaziz, AAbdelfattah, MAbdelqader, BAbdul, AAbdul, BAbdul, SAbdul Rasheed, AAbdulakeem, AAbdul-Kadir, RAbdullah, AAbdulmumeen, AAbdul-Raheem, RAbdulshukkoor, NAbdusamad, KAbed El Khaleq, YAbedalla, MAbeer Ul Amna, AAbel, LAbernethy, KAbeywickrema, MAbhinaya, CAboaba, AAboagye-Odei, AAboelela, HAbo-Leyah, HAbouelela, KAbou-Haggar, AAbouibrahim, MAbousamra, AAbouzaid, MAbraham, MAbraham, TAbraheem, AAbrams, JAbrams, RAbu, HAbu-Arafeh, AAbubacker, SAbung, AAbusamra, YAceampong, YAchara, AAcharya, DAcheampong, SAcheampong, PAcheson, JAchieng, SAcosta, AAcquah, RActon, CAdabie-Ankrah, JAdair, PAdam, FAdam, MAdamali, HAdamczyk, MAdams, CAdams, DAdams, KAdams, LAdams, NAdams, RAdams, TAdamu-Ikeme, LAdati, KAdcock, KAddo, AAdeagbo, OAdebiyi, AAdedeji, OAdegeye, YAdegoke, KAdell, VAdenwalla, SAdeoye, FAdesemoye, OAdewunmi, EAdeyanju, AAdeyemi, JAdeyemo, TAdhikary, RAditya, AAdkins, GAdnan, AAeron-Thomas, JAffleck, DAfnan, CAfridi, MAftab, ZAgarwal, MAgbeko, RAgbo, CAggarwal, SAghababaie, AAguilar Jimenez, LAhamed Sadiq, SAhammed Nazeer, MAhmed, AAhmed, BAhmed, FAhmed, HAhmed, IAhmed, KAhmed, LAhmad, MAhmed, NAhmed, OAhmed, RAhmad, SAhmed, S HAhmed Ali, RAhmed Mohamud, BAhmer, SAhonia, AAiken, CAil, DAinsworth, MAissa, MAitken, LAjay, BAjibode, AAjmi, AAkhtar, NAkili, SAkinbiyi, BAkindolie, OAkinfenwa, YAkinkugbe, OAkinpelu, IAkram, MAktinade, OAkudi, UAl Aaraj, AAl Balushi, AAl Dakhola, MAl Swaifi, AAl-Abadi, EAlabi, AAladangady, NAlafifi, MAlam, AAlam, SAl-Asadi, AAlatzoglou, KAlbert, PAlbon, LAlcala, AAlcorn, GAlcorn, SAldana, AAlderdice, DAldesouki, AAldouri, RAldridge, JAldridge, NAlegria, AAlexander, CAlexander, JAlexander, PAl-Fori, JAlghazawi, LAlhabsha, OAl-Hakim, BAlhameed, RAl-Hayali, MAl-Hity, SAli, AAli, FAli, JAli, MAli, NAli, OAli, RAli, SAliberti, EAlin, JAlina, AAlipustain, AAliyuda, FAlizaedeh, KAl-Jibury, MAl-Juboori, SAl-Khalil, MAlkhudhayri, AAlkhusheh, MAllan, FAllan, NAllanson, AAllcock, RAllen, EAllen, JAllen, KAllen, LAllen, PAllen, RAllen, SAllen, TAlli, AAllison, KAllman, BAllsup, DAllsop, HAllsop, LAlmahroos, AAl-Moasseb, HAl-Obaidi, MAlomari, LAl-Rabahi, AAl-Ramadhani, BAl-Saadi, ZAl-Sammarraie, RAlshaer, IAl-Shahi Salman, RAl-Shamkhani, WAlsheikh, FAl-Sheklly, BAltaf, SAlty, AAlvarez, MAlvarez Corral, MAlveyn, EAlzetani, MAmamou, SAmar, NAmbalavanan, SAmbrogetti, RAmbrose, CAmeen, AAmes, KAmin, AAmin, KAmin, SAmin, TAmit, BAmjad, AAmjad, NAmosun, VAmsal, MAmsha, KAmutio Martin, NAmy, PAnada, AAnand, AAnandappa, SAnantapatnaikuni, SAnderson, EAnderson, JAnderson, LAnderson, MAnderson, NAnderson, RAnderson, SAnderson, WAndreou, PAndrews, AAndrews, JAneke, KAng, AAng, WAngel, TAngela, AAngelini, PAnguvaa, LAnichtchik, OAnim-Somuah, MAniruddhan, KAnnett, JAnning, LAnstey, PAnstey, RAnthony, AAnthony-Pillai, AAntill, PAntonnia, ZAnu, VAnwar, MApetri, EApostolopoulos, AAppleby, SAppleyard, DAquino, MAraba, BAransiola, SAraujo, MArcher, AArcher, DArcher, SArcoria, DArdley, CArias, AAribike, OArimoto, RArmata, IArmistead, JArmitage, AArmstrong, CArmstrong, MArmstrong, SArmstrong, WArmtrong, PArndt, HArnison-Newgass, CArnold, DArnold, RArnott, AArora, DArora, RArora, KArora, PArter, AArumaithurai, AArya, AArya, RAsandei, DAsghar, MAshab, MAshbrook-Raby, CAshby, HAshcroft, JAshcroft, SAsher, GAshfak, ZAshfaq, AAshish, AAshley, DAshman-Flavell, SAshok, SAshour, AAshraf, SAshraf, MAshraq, MAshton, DAshton, SAshworth, AAshworth, FAshworth, RAslam, AAslam, IAslam, SAslett, LAsogan, HAsrar, AAssaf, OAstin-Chamberlain, RAthorne, DAtkins, BAtkins, CAtkins, SAtkinson, JAtkinson, VAtomode, AAtraskiewicz, BAttia, AAttubato, EAttwood, MAuer, ZAujayeb, AAung, AAung, HAung, KAung, NAung, YAung, ZAustin, EAustin, KAuwal, AAvari, MAvery, MAveyard, NAvis, JAviss, GAvram, CAvram, PAwadelkareem, AAwadzi, GAwaly, MAwan, AAwoseyila, AAya, AAyaz, EAyers, AAzam, JAzeem, AAzharuddin, MAziz, AAziz, GAziz, IAziz, NAzkoul, AAzman Shah, AAzzopardi, GAzzoug, HBabatunde, FBabi, MBabiker, BBabington, GBabirecki, MBabores, MBabs-Osibodu, ABacciarelli, SBachar, RBachour, MBacon, GBacon, JBadal, BBader, MBadhan, GBadhrinarayanan, SBae, JBaggaley, ABaggott, ABagmane, DBagshaw, LBahadori, KBailey, ABailey, JBailey, KBailey, LBailey, MBailey, PBailey, SBaillie, HBaillie, JBain, JBains, VBaird, DBaird, EBaird, SBaird, TBaird, YBajandouh, ABaker, DBaker, EBaker, JBaker, KBaker, MBaker, RBaker, TBaker, VBakere, HBakerly, NBaker-Moffatt, MBakhai, ABakhtiar, NBakoulas, PBakthavatsalam, DBalachandran, NBalan, ABalasingam, PBalaskas, TBalasubramania, MBalatoni, NBalcombe, ABaldwin, ABaldwin, CBaldwin, DBaldwin, FBaldwin-Jones, RBale, NBalfour, JBall, RBall, MBallard, KBalluz, IBalmforth, CBalogh, EBaltmr, ABaluwala, ABambridge, GBamford, PBamford, ABamgboye, ABancroft, HBancroft, EBanda, JBandaru, KBandla, NBandyopadhyam, SBanerjee, ABanerjee, RBani-Saad, OBanks, HBanks, LBanks, PBann, CBannister, HBannister, OBanton, LBaptist, MBaqai, TBaral, ABaramova, DBarbe, RBarbon, EBarbosa, MBarbour, JBarclay, ABarclay, CBardsley, GBareford, SBari, SBarker, ABarker, DBarker, EBarker, HBarker, JBarker, LBarker, OBarkha, SBarla, JBarlow, GBarlow, RBarlow, VBarnacle, JBarnes, DBarnes, NBarnes, RBarnes, TBarnetson, CBarnett, ABarnett-Vanes, ABarnsley, WBarr, ABarr, CBarr, DBarr, JBarratt, NBarratt, SBarrera, MBarrett, ABarrett, FBarrett, JBarrett, SBarrow, EBartlett, CBartlett, GBartlett, JBartlett, LBartley, SBartolmeu-Pires, SBarton, ABarton, GBarton, LBarton, RBaruah, RBaryschpolec, SBashir, HBashyal, ABasker, BBasran, ABassett, GBassett, JBassford, CBassoy, BBastion, VBasumatary, ABasvi, PBataduwaarachchi, VBate, TBateman, HBateman, KBateman, VBates, EBates, HBates, MBates, SBatham, SBatista, ABatla, ABatra, DBatty, ABatty, HBatty, TBaum, MBaumbe, RBautista, CBawa, TBawa, FBawani, FBax, SBaxter, MBaxter, NBaxter, ZBayes, HBayo, L-ABazari, FBazaz, RBazli, ABeacham, LBeadles, WBeadon, KBeak, PBeale, ABeard, KBeardsal, KBearpark, JBeasley, ABeattie, SBeaumont, KBeaver, TBeavis, SBeazley, CBeck, SBeckett, VBeckitt, RBeckley, SBeddall, HBeeby, DBeeby, SBeech, GBeecroft, MBeer, SBeer, NBega, GBegg, ABegg, SBeghini, SBegum, ABegum, SBehan, TBehrouzi, RBeishon, JBeith, CBelcher, JBelfield, HBelfield, KBelgaumkar, ABell, DBell, GBell, JBell, LBell, NBell, PBell, SBellamu, JBellamy, MBellamy, TBellini, ABellis, ABellis, FBendall, LBenesh, NBenetti, NBenham, LBenison-Horner, GBenkenstein, SBenn, TBennett, ABennett, CBennett, DBennett, GBennett, KBennett, LBennett, MBennett, SBennion, KBenoy, GBenson, VBentley, ABentley, JBenton, IBeranova, EBeresford, MBergin, CBergstrom, MBerriman, TBerry, ZBest, KBest, FBester, ABeuvink, YBevan, EBevins, SBewick, TBexley, ABeyatli, SBeynon, FBhadi, ABhagani, SBhakta, SBhalla, RBhandal, KBhandari, ABhandari, SBhanich Supapol, JBhanot, ABhanot, RBhasin, SBhat, ABhat, PBhatnagar, RBhatt, KBhayani, JBhojwani, DBhuie, PBhuiyan, SBibby, ABibi, FBibi, NBibi, SBicanic, TBidgood, SBigg, JBiggs, SBiju, ABikov, ABillingham, SBillings, JBinns, ABinRofaie, MBintcliffe, OBirch, JBirchall, KBird, SBirt, MBishop, CBishop, KBishop, LBisnauthsing, KBiswas, NBiuk, SBlachford, KBlack, EBlack, HBlack, KBlack, MBlack, PBlack, SBlackgrove, HBlackledge, BBlackler, JBlackley, SBlackman, HBlackstock, CBlair, CBlakemore, FBlamey, HBland, ABlane, SBlankley, SBlaxill, PBlaylock, KBlazeby, JBlencowe, NBloom, BBloomfield, JBloss, ABlowers, ABlows, SBloxham, HBlundell, LBlunsum, ABlunt, MBlunt, TBlyth, IBlyth, KBlythe, ABlythe, KBoampoaa, MBoard, SBobie, BBobruk, KBodalia, PBodasing, NBoden, MBodenham, TBoehmer, GBoffito, MBohanan, KBohmov, KBohnacker, NBokhandi, SBokhar, MBokhari, SBokobza, IBoles, ABolger, CBond, CBond, HBond, SBond, TBone, ABoniface, GBonney, LBooker, LBoot, SBoothroyd, MBorbone, JBorman, NBosence, SBostock, KBotting, NBottrill, FBouattia, HBough, LBoughton, HBoult, ZBoumrah, TBourke, MBourke, SBourne, MBousfield, RBoustred, LBowes, ABowker, TBowler, HBowman, SBowmer, RBowring, ABowyer, HBoyd, ABoyd, JBoyd, LBoyer, NBoyle, NBoyle, RBoyles, LBrace, LBracken, ABradder, JBradley, CBradley, PBradley-Potts, JBradshaw, LBradshaw, ZBrady, CBrady, RBrady, SBraga Sardo, PBraganza, DBraithwaite, MBrammer, SBranch, MBrankin-Frisby, TBrannigan, JBrattan, SBray, FBray, NBrazil, MBrear, LBrear, TBrearey, SBremner, LBresges, XBressington, CBretland, GBrewer, CBridgett, MBridgwood, GBrigham, SBright, JBrightling, CBrigstock, TBrimfield, LBrinksman, PBrinkworth, EBrittain-Long, RBritten, VBritton, HBroad, LBroadhead, SBroadhurst, RBroadley, ABroadway, MBrockelsby, CBrocken, MBrockley, TBrodsky, MBrogan, FBrohan, LBrokke, FBrolly, JBromley, DBrooke-Ball, HBrooker, VBrooking, DBrooks, ABrooks, DBrooks, JBrooks, KBrooks, NBrooks, PBrooks, RBrooks, SBroom, MBroomhead, NBroughton, NBroughton, CBrouns, MBrown, ABrown, CBrown, EBrown, HBrown, JBrown, LBrown, NBrown, PBrown, SBrown, TBrowne, BBrowne, CBrowne, DBrowne, MBrowne, NBrownlee, SBrraka, ABruce, MBrunchi, ABrunskill, NBrunton, ABrunton, MBryant, MBryden, EBrzezicki, HBuazon, ABuchan, RBuchanan, RBuche, DBuck, LBuck, ABuckland, MBuckley, CBuckley, LBuckley, PBuckley, SBuckman, CBudds, ABugg, GBujazia, RBukhari, MBukhari, SBulbulia, RBull, ABull, DBull, KBull, RBull, TBullock, EBullock, SBulteel, NBumunarachchi, KBungue-Tuble, RBurbidge, OBurchett, CBurda, DBurden, CBurden, TBurgess, MBurgess, RBurgess, SBurhan, HBurke, HBurke, KBurman, ABurnard, SBurnett, CBurnett, SBurns, ABurns, CBurns, JBurns, KBurrage, DBurrows, KBurston, CBurton, ABurton, BBurton, FBurton, HBurton, MButcher, DButler, AButler, EButler, JButler, PButler, SButt, AButt, MButterworth, CButterworth-Cowin, NButtery, RButtle, TButton, HButtress, DBye, HByrne, JByrne, WC Ooi, HCabandugama, ACabrero, LCaddy, SCade, RCadwgan, ACahilog, ZCairney, DCalderwood, JCaldow, DCale, ECalisti, GCallaghan, DCallaghan, JCallum, DCalver, CCambell-Kelly, MCamburn, TCameron, DCameron, ECameron, FCamm, CCammack, RCampbell, ACampbell, BCampbell, JCampbell, KCampbell, RCampbell, WCampbell Hewson, QCamsooksai, JCanclini, LCandido, SCandlish, JCaneja, CCann, ACann, JCannan, RCannon, ACannon, ECannon, MCannon, PCannons, VCanonizado, ECantliff, JCaplin, BCapocci, SCaponi, NCapp, ACapstick, RCapstick, TCaraenache, CCard, ACardwell, MCarey, CCarey, RCarley, SCarlin, FCarlin, TCarmichael, SCarmody, MCarnahan, MCaroline, CCarpenter, JCarr, SCarrasco, ACarrington, ZCarroll, ACarroll, PCarson, RCart, CCarter, ECarter, JCarter, MCarter, NCarter, PCartwright, DCartwright, JCarty, CCarty, LCarungcong, JCarver, CCarver, ECarver, RCasey, SCassells, ACastiello, TCastle, GCastles, BCaswell, MCatana, ACatelan Zborowski, ACathcart, SCatibog, DCatley, CCatlow, LCaudwell, MCavazza, ACave, ACave, LCavinato, SCawa, FCawley, KCaws, CCawthorne, KCendl, HCentury, HCernova, JCesay, MCetti, EChabane, SChablani, MChabo, CChacko, CChadwick, RChadwick, JChadwick, DChakkaraphani, EChakraborty, AChakraborty, MChakravorty, MChalakova, PChalmers, RChalmers, JChamberlain, GChambers, JChambers, LChambers, NChan, AChan, CChan, EChan, JChan, KChan, PChan, RChan, XChandler, CChandler, HChandler, KChandler, ZChandra, SChandran, NChandrasekaran, BChang, YChanlder, SChaplin, GChaplin, JChapman, JChapman, LChapman, MChapman, PChapman, TChappel, LCharalambou, ACharles, BCharlton, DCharlton, SChatar, KChatha, CChatterton, DChaube, RChaudhary, MChaudhry, IChaudhry, ZChaudhuri, NChaudhury, MChauhan, AChauhan, RChavasse, AChavasse, NChawla, VCheater, LCheaveau, JCheeld, CCheeseman, MChen, HChen, TCheng, FCheng, LCheng, ZChenoweth, HCheong, CCherian, SCherrie, MCheshire, HCheung, CCheung, ECheung, KCheung, MCheyne, CChhabra, SChia, WChiang, EChiapparino, AChicano, RChikungwa, MChikwanha, ZChilcott, GChilcott, SChilvers, AChimbo, PChin, KChin, WChineka, RChingale, AChinonso, EChin-Saad, CChirgwin, MChisem, HChisenga, CChisholm, CChisnall, BChiswick, CChita, SChitalia, NChiu, MChiverton, LChivima, BChmiel, CChoi, SChoon Kon Yune, WChopra, MChoudhary, VChoudhury, OChoudhury, SChow, BChowdhury, MChowdhury, SChrisopoulou, AChristenssen, VChristian, PChristides, AChristie, FChristmas, DChristoforou, GChristopherson, TChristou, AChristy, MChrysostomou, PChua, YChudgar, DChudleigh, RChukkambotla, SChukwu, MChukwulobelu, IChung, CChurch, EChurch, SChurchill, DCianci, NCicconi, PCinardo, PCipinova, ZCipriano, BClamp, SClancy, BClapham, MClare, EClare, SClark, AClark, CClark, DClark, EClark, FClark, GClark, JClark, KClark, LClark, MClark, NClark, PClark, RClark, TClark, ZClarke, AClarke, JClarke, PClarke, SClaxton, AClaxton, LClay, KClayton, EClayton, CClayton, OClayton-Smith, JClearyb, BCleaver, CCleeton, RClement, IClemente de la Torre, CClements, JClements, SClenton, SCliff, SClifford, RClifford, SClive, AClouston, JClubb, VClueit, SClutterbuck, LClyne, ACoakley, MCoakley, PCobain, KCochrane, ACochrane, PCockayne, LCockerell, MCockerill, HCocks, SCodling, RCoetzee, SCoey, DCohen, DCohen, JCohen, OCohn, MCoke, LCoker, OColbeck, NColbert, RCole, ECole, JColeman, MColeman, NColes, HColin, MColino-Acevedo, AColley, JCollie, KCollier, ACollier, DCollier, HCollingwood, TCollini, PCollins, ECollins, KCollins, MCollins, NCollins, SCollins, VCollinson, ACollinson, BCollinson, JCollis, MColmar, MColton, HColton, JColville, KColvin, CCombes, EComer, DComerford, AConcannon, DCondliffe, ACondliffe, RConnell, EConnell, LConnell, NConnelly, KConnolly, GConnor, EConroy, AConroy, KConteh, VConvery, RConway, FConway, GConway, RConyngham, JCook, ACook, CCook, ECook, GCook, HCook, JCook, MCook, SCooke, DCooke, GCooke, HCooke, JCooke, KCooke, TCooke, VCooper, ACooper, CCooper, DCooper, HCooper, JCooper, LCooper, NCooper, RCooray, SCope, TCorbet, CCorbet, SCorbishley, ACorcoran, JCordell, CCordle, JCorfield, ACorless, JCorlett, ACornwell, JCornwell, MCorogeanu, DCorr, ACorredera, MCorrigan, RCorry, PCorser, RCort, JCosgrove, DCosier, TCosta, PCosta, TCoston, CCotgrove, SCoton, ZCottam, LCotter, RCotterill, DCotton, CCouch, GCoulding, MCoull, ACounsell, DCounter, DCoupland, CCourtney, ECourtney, JCousins, RCoutts, ACowan, ACowan, ECowan, RCowell, RCowen, LCowman, SCowton, ACox, ECox, GCox, HCox, KCox, MCoy, KCraig, HCraig, JCraig, VCraighead, FCramp, MCranston, HCrasta, SCrause, JCrawford, ACrawford, ECrawford, ICreagh-Brown, BCreamer, ACreaser-Myers, ACremona, JCremona, SCrepet, ACresswell, JCribb, MCrilly, DCrisp, LCrisp, NCrocombe, DCroft, MCrooks, JCrosby, HCross, ECross, TCrothers, ACrotty, SCrouch, SCrow, MCrowder, ACrowley, KCrowley, TCroysdill, RCruickshank, CCruickshank, ICruise, JCruz, CCruz Cervera, TCryans, DCui, HCullen, LCummings-Fosong, GCunliffe, VCunningham, NCupitt, JCurgenven, HCurnow, GCurran, DCurran, SCurrie, CCurrie, JCurrie, SCurtis, JCurtis, KCurtis, MCurtis, OCurtis, TCuthbertson, RCuthill, JCutler, SCutts, SCzekaj, MCzylok, Pd Sausmarez, ED'Souza, Sda Rocha, JDafalla, MDagens, ADaggett, HDaglish, JDahiya, SDale, ADale, KDale, MDale, SDales, JDalgleish, HDallow, HD'aloia, CDalton, DDalton, MDaly, ZDamani, MDamm, EDanga, ADangerfield, JDaniel, ADaniel, PDaniels, ADann, ADanso-Bamfo, SDarby, SDarbyshire, ADargan, PDark, PDarlington, KDarnell, SDarton, TDarylile, GDas, ADas, MDaschel, MDasgin, JDatta, DDaunt, ADave, VDavenport, EDavey, MDavid, MDavidson, ADavidson, LDavidson, NDavidson, RDavies, ADavies, BDavies, CDavies, DDavies, EDavies, FDavies, GDavies, HDavies, LDavies, MDavies, NDavies, ODavies, RDavies, SDavis, ADavis, JDavis, KDavis, PDavis-Cook, ADavison, ADawe, HDawe, CDawkins, MDawson, ADawson, DDawson, EDawson, IDawson, JDawson, LDawson, MDawson, SDawson, TDaxter, ADay, ADay, JD'Costa, JDe, Pde Fonseka, Dde Freitas, TDe Pretto, RDe Santana Miranda, Fde Silva, Sde Silva, TDe Sousa, JDe Sousa, Pde Souza, JDe Souza, Pde Vere, Nde Vos, JDeacon, BDealing, SDean, ADean, JDean, KDean, SDean, TDeane, JDear, JDearden, EDeas, CDebbie, SDebreceni, GDeelchand, VDeeley, MDeery, JDefever, EDel Forno, MDe-La-Cedra, GDell, ADelRosa, ADemetriou, CDemocratis, JDenham, JDenley, LDenmade, CDent, ADent, KDent, MDeole, NDepala, DDepante, MDermody, SDesai, ADesai, PDeshpande, SDeshpande, VDevkota, SDevonport, DDevonport, MDey, PDey, VDeylami, RDhaliwal, KDhani, SDhanoa, ADhar, MDhariwal, ADharmasena, DDhasman, DDhillon, EDhillon, RDhillon, SDhiru, DDhorajiwala, TDias, PDiaz, SDiaz-Pratt, KDibas, MDickerson, DDickson, MDickson, SDigby, JDigpal, RDillane, SDiment, SDimitriadis, GDin, SDipper, ADipro, SDirmantaite, LDismore, LDitchfield, LDiver, SDiwakar, LDiwan, PDixon, CDixon, GDixon, KDjeugam, BDlouhy, PD'Mello, ADobbie, LDobranszky Oroian, MDobson, CDobson, LDocherty, MDockrell, DDodd, JDodds, JDodds, RDodds, SDogra, RDoherty, CDoherty, EDoherty, WDoi, YDoig, IDoke, EDolan, DDolman, RDonald, KDonald, LDonaldson, CDonaldson, DDonaldson, GDonlon, SDonnachie, JDonnelly, EDonnelly, RDonnison, PDonohoe, ADonohoe, GDonohue, BDooks, EDoonan, RDoran, GDore, RDorey, KDorgan, SDos Santos, KDosani, MDosanjh, DDospinescu, PDoss, IDoudouliaki, TDougherty, ADoughty, JDouglas, KDouse, JDow, ADower, MDowner, NDownes, CDownes, RDownes, TDowney, DDowney, RDowning, CDowns, LDowson, SDragan, CDragos, CDrain, MDrew, VDrewett, ODrexel, ADriscoll, CDrogan, HDrosos, ODrummond, GDrury, KDruryk, KDruyeh, RDryburgh-Jones, JDu Thinh, ADube, HDube, JDuberley, SDuckenfield, PDuff, NDuffield, EDuffy, KDufour, LDuggan, ADugh, PDuhoky, RDuignan, JDulay, JDummer, SDuncan, ADuncan, CDuncan, FDuncan, GDuncan, HDuncan, RDundas, SDunleavy, ADunleavy, JDunn, ADunn, CDunn, DDunn, LDunn, PDunne, CDunne, KDunning, FDunphy, ADuraiswamy, VDuran, BDuRand, IDurdle, LDuric, NDurie, ADurie, EDurogbola, SDurojaiye, CDurrans, LDurrant, KDurrington, HDuru, IDuvnjak, HDwarakanath, ADwarakanath, LDwyer, EDyar, ZDyball, CDyer, KDymond, HDymond, TEades, CEadie, LEadie, REagles, LEapen, BEarl, NEarly, JEarwaker, MEasom, NEast, CEasthope, AEaston, FEaston, JEaston, PEatough, REbigbola, OEbon, MEccles, AEccles, SEddings, CEddleston, MEdgar, MEdgerley, KEdmond, NEdmondson, MEdmunds, TEdwards, AEdwards, CEdwards, JEdwards, KEdwards, MEdwards, SEedle, JEggink, AEgginton, DEggleston, SEhiorobo, LEisen, SE-J Stoner, E-JEkeowa, UEkoi, MEkunola, AEl Behery, SElashhar, NElawamy, LElbeshy, MEl-Bouzidi, KElder, JEl-Din, MEldridge, EEleanor, DElenwa, UEletu, IElfar, EElgamal, MElgohary, AElhadi, MElia, SElias, JElias, TElkaram, NElkins, AEllam, JEllard, NEllerton, LElliot, LElliott, AElliott, FElliott, KElliott, SEllis, AEllis, CEllis, KEllis, LEllis, REllis, YEllwood, AElmahdi, RElmahi, EElmasry, HEl-Naggar, MElndari, NElneima, OEloki, MElradi, AElsaadany, MElsayed, MEl-Sayeh, SEl-Sbahi, HElsebaei, MElsefi, TEl-Shakankery, KElsheikh, AEl-Taweel, HElyoussfi, SEmberey, JEmberton, JEmery, AEmmanuel, JEmmerson, IEmms, MEmond, FEnachi, NEnenche, DEngden, AEnglish, KEntwistle, EEnyi, HErotocritou, MEskander, PEsmail, HEssa, FEvans, BEvans, CEvans, DEvans, EEvans, GEvans, IEvans, JEvans, LEvans, MEvans, REvans, SEvans, TEverden, CEverden, SEvery, LEvison, LEvison, HEzenduka, CFaccenda, JFahel, LFahmay, YFairbairn, IFairbairn, SFairbairn, TFairclough, AFairlie, LFairweather, MFajardo, AFalcone, NFalconer, EFallon, JFallow, AFaluyi, DFancois, VFarah, AFarah, MFarah, QFard, NFares, LFarg, AFarmer, AFarmer, KFarmery, TFarnworth, SFarook, FFarooq, HFarooq, SFarquhar, FFarr, HFarrell, AFarrukh, FFarthing, JFarzana, SFasina, RFaterni, AFaterni, MFathima, SFatimah, NFaulkner, MFavager, CFawke, JFawohunre, SFazal, AFazleen, AFearby, SFearnley, CFeben, AFedel, FFedorova, DFegan, CFelongo, MFelton, LFelton, TFenlon, KFenn, AFennelly, RFenner, IFenton, CFenton, MFerenando, GFerguson, CFerguson, JFerguson, KFerguson, SFerguson, VFernado, CFernandez, CFernandes, DFernandez, EFernandez, MFernandez Lopez, SFernandez Roman, JFernando, JFeroz, AFerranti, PFerrari, TFerrelly, EFerrera, AFerriman, EFerron, SFethers, NField, BField, JField, RFielder, KFieldhouse, LFielding, AFielding, JFielding, SFikree, AFilipa, SFilson, SFinan, SFinbow, SFinch, DFinch, JFinch, LFinch, SFineman, NFinlayson, LFinlayson, JFinn, JFinnerty, DFinney, CFinucane, DFiouni, SFiquet, JFiri, PFisher, JFisher, NFishman, DFishwick, KFitton, CFitzgerald, FFitzjohn, KFlaherty, JFlanagan, MFlanders, CFlaris, NFleming, GFleming, JFleming, LFlesher, WFletcher, AFletcher, JFletcher, SFlett, FFlewitt, KFlockhart, SFlood, CFloodgate, IFlor, JFlorence, VFlowerdew, MFloyd, SFlynn, RFlynn, MFoden, CFofana, AFogarty, GFoley, PFolkes, LFong, TFont, DFoo, AFoo, JFoot, AFoot, HFoot, JForbes, JFord, AFord, JFordham, IForeman, JForester, MForkan, MFornolles, CForrest, AForsey, EForsey, MForshall, TForster, EForsyth, AForton, JFoster, CFoster, EFoster, JFoster, RFoster, TFoulds, AFoulds, IFowe, FFowkes, NFowler, EFowler, SFox, AFox, CFox, HFox, JFox, LFox, NFox, OFox, SFoxton, SFraile, EFrake, RFrancioni, SFrancis, OFrancis, RFrancis, SFrancis-Bacon, TFrankland, HFranklin, JFranklin, SFraser, CFratila, AFrayling, SFredlund, MFreeman, AFreeman, CFreeman, EFreeman, NFreer, CFrench, EFrench, TFreshwater, KFrise, MFromson, RFrosh, AFrost, JFrost, VFroud, OFrowd, RFryatt, AFrygier, AFuller, BFuller, LFuller, TFullerton, FFung, CFung, GFunnell, SFyfe, AG, NGabbitas, EGabriel, CGabriel, ZGachi, HGaffarena, SGage, SGahir, JGajebasia, SGajewska-Knapik, KGalani, ZGale, HGale, LGale, RGali, SGallagher, BGallagher, JGallagher, RGallagher, WGallam, FGalliford, JGalloway, CGalloway, EGalloway, JGalvin, AGalvis, VGamble, LGamble, GGammon, BGan, CGanaie, MGanapathi, JGanapathy, RGandhi, KGandhi, SGanesh, UGaneshanathan, TGanguly, SGani, AGanley, PGar, RGarcia, UGarden, EGardener, AGardiner, EGardiner, MGardiner, PGardiner, SGardiner-Hill, CGardner, LGardner, JGarfield, MGarg, AGarg, IGarlick, NGarner, DGarner, JGarner, LGarner, ZGarrero, KGarty, FGascoyne, RGashau, HGatenby, AGaughan, EGaurav, AGavrila, MGaylard, JGayle, SGeddie, CGedge, IGee, SGeele, FGeerthan, KGellamucho, MGelly, KGelmon, LGelves-Zapata, SGenato, GGent, DGent, NGeoghegan, NGeorge, AGeorge, BGeorge, SGeorge, TGeorge, VGeorges, SGeorgiou, DGerard, PGermain, LGerrish, HGetachew, AGethin, LGettings, SGhanayem, HGhavami Kia, BGhazal, SGherman, AGhosh, AGhosh, DGhosh, JGhosh, SGiannopoulou, SGibani, MGibb, CGibbison, BGibson, AGibson, BGibson, JGibson, KGibson, SGigi, MGilbert, CGilbert, JGilbert, KGiles, BGilham, JGill, MGillen, PGillesen, AGillespie, KGillham, EGillian, AGilliland, DGillott, RGilmour, DGilmour, LGinn, LGiokanini-Royal, TGipson, AGiri, BGirling, JGisby, RGkioni, AGkoritsa, AGkrania-Klotsas, EGladwell, AGlanville, JGlasgow, SGlasgow, JGlass, JGlass, LGlaysher, SGledhill, LGlenday, EGlennon, AGlossop, JGlover, JGlover, KGlover, MGlover Bengtsson, JGlowski, DGlynn, SGnanalingam, CGoddard, JGoddard, WGodden, EGodden, JGodlee, SGodson, EGodwin, GGogoi, SGoh, AGohel, MGoiriz, RGokaraju P Harman, SGoldsmith, AGoldsmith, PGomersall, DGomez, LGomez-Marcos, RGondal, AGonzalez, CGoodall, JGoodall, VGoodfellow, AGoodfellow, LGoodlife, JGoodwin, EGoodwin, CGoodyear, PGooentilleke, RGooseman, SGopal, SGordon, CGordon, SGore, RGorick, HGorman, CGormely, SGorniok, MGorog, DGorst, MGorsuch, TGosai, JGosling, RGosling, SGosney, GGoss, VGotham, DGott, NGoudie, EGould, NGould, SGoumalatsou, CGourbault, LGovind, AGovindan, RGowans, SGowda, GGowda, RGower, HGoyal, PGoyal, SGraham, CGraham, LGraham, RGraham, SGraham-Brown, MGrahamslaw, JGrana, GGrandison, TGrandjean, LGrant, AGrant, DGrant, KGrant, MGrant, PGravell, RGraves, JGray, AGray, CGray, GGray, KGray, NGray, RGray, SGrayson, AGreaves, FGreaves, PGreen, AGreen, DGreen, FGreen, JGreen, MGreen, NGreen, SGreene, DGreenfield, PGreenhalgh, AGreenwood, DGreer, SGregory, JGregory, KGregory, TGreig, JGrenfell, RGrenier, TGresty, JGrevatt, SGrey, GGribben, SGribbin, AGribble, AGrieg, NGrieve, DGriffin, BGriffin, DGriffin, MGriffith, SGriffiths, AGriffiths, DGriffiths, IGriffiths, MGriffiths, NGriffiths, OGriffiths, SGriffiths, YGrigoriadou, SGrigsby, SGrist, PGrobovaite, EGrogono, DGrondin, CGroome, RGrose, PGrosu, LGrounds, JGrout, MGrover, HGroves, JGrubb, NGrundy, JGuarino, FGudur, SGuerin, JGuettari, SGulati, SGulia, VGunasekara, HGunasekera, PGunawardena, MGunganah, KGunn, JGunter, EGupt, AGupt, VGupta, AGupta, RGupta, TGupta-Wright, AGuratsky, VGureviciute, AGurram, SGurung, BGurung, LGurung, SGurung Rai, SGuth, HGuthrine, NH Dinh, THabibi, RHack, BHackett, JHackney, PHacon, CHaddad, AHadfield, DHadfield, NHadfield, SHadjiandreou, MHadjisavvas, NHaestier, AHafiz, NHafiz-Ur-Rehman, RHafsa, JHagan, SHague, JHaider, NHaigh, KHaile, VHailstone, JHaines, CHainey, SHair, MHairsine, BHajnik, JHake, DHakeem, LHaldeos, AHalder, WHale, EHale, JHalevy, CHalford, PHalford, WHalim, AHall, EHall, FHall, HHall, JHall, KHall, LHallas, JHallas, KHallett, CHalliday, JHallman, AHamdollah-Zadeh, MHamed-Adekale, IHameed, BHameed, MHamid, IHamie, MHamill, RHamilton, BHamilton, FHamilton, GHamilton, LHamilton, MHamilton, NHamilton, SHamlin, RHamlyn, EHammans, BHammersley, SHammerton, KHammond, BHammond, EHammond, LHammond, SHammonds, FHamoodi, IHampson, JHampson, LHamzah, LHan, JHanci, OHand, SHandford, JHandrean, SHandzewniak, NHaney, SHanif, SHanison, EHannah, JHannington, AHannun, MHanrath, AHanratty, HHansen, DHanson, AHanson, HHanson, KHanson, SHaqiqi, AHaque, MHarcourt, HHarden, LHarding, ZHardman, SHardwick, MHardy, GHardy, JHaresh, KHarford, RHargadon, BHargraves, JHargreaves, CHarin, AHaris, MHarlock, EHarmer, MHaroon, MHarper, JHarper, PHarper, RHarrhy, SHarrington, KHarrington, SHarrington-Davies, YHarris, JHarris, LHarris, MHarris, NHarris, SHarrison, LHarrison, MHarrison, OHarrison, RHarrison, THarrison, WHarrod, EHart, CHart, DHartidge, PHartley, LHartley, JHartley, RHartley, THartrey, WHartshorn, SHarvey, AHarvey, MHarwood, HHarzeli, ZHaselden, BHashimm, MHashimoto, THashmi, IHaslam, JHaslam, ZHasnip, GHassan, AHassan, ZHassasing, SHassell, PHassell, JHastings, AHastings, BHastings, JHathaway-Lees, SHatton, JHau, JHavinden-Williams, MHavlik, SHawcutt, DHawes, KHawes, LHawes, NHawker, LHawkins, AHawkins, JHawkins, NHawkins, WHawley, DHawley-Jones, EHaworth, EHay, CHayat, AHayat, JHayathu, MHayes, AHayes, CHayes, FHayes, JHayes, KHayes, MHayle, PHaylett, CHayman, AHayman, MHaynes, MHayre, RHaysom, SHayward, JHaywood, PHazelton, THazenberg, PHe, ZHeadon, EHeal, CHealy, BHealy, JHearn, AHeasman, DHeath, AHeath, DHeath, RHeaton, DHeavens, AHebbron, KHector, GHeddon, SHedges, AHedges, KHeeley, CHeeney, EHeinink, RHeire, RHelgesen, IHemingway, JHemmings, BHemphill, SHemsley, DHenderson, AHenderson, EHenderson, JHenderson, SHenry, JHenry, KHenry, LHenry, MHenry, NHenshall, DHerdman, GHerdman-Grant, RHerkes, MHernandez, FHeron, EHeron, LHeselden, EHeslop, PHeslop, THester, SHetherington, EHetherington, JHettiarachchi, CHettiarachchi, PHewer, HHewertson, JHewetson, AHewins, SHewitson, NHewitt, CHewitt, DHewitt, RHey, SHeyderman, RHeydtmann, MHeys, JHeywood, JHibbert, MHickey, JHickey, PHickey, NHicks, AHicks, SHigbee, DHiggins, LHigham, AHighcock, MHighgate, JHikmat, MHill, AHill, HHill, JHill, LHill, PHill, UHilldrith, AHillman-Cooper, CHilton, JHilton, ZHinch, SHindle, AHindley, EHindmarsh, AHine, PHinshaw, KHird, CHirst, CHirst, LHives, JHlaing, HHo, BHo, RHoare, MHobden, GHobrok, MHobson, SHodge, CHodge, SHodgen, LHodgetts, GHodgkinson, HHodgkinson, SHodgson, DHodgson, LHodgson, SHodkinson, GHodson, MHogan, AHogben, MHogg, LHoggett, LHolborow, AHolbrook, CHolbrook, RHolden, CHolden, JHolden, MHolden, SHolder, THoldhof, NHoldsworth, HHolland, MHolland, NHolland, PHolland, SHollands, MHolliday, EHolliday, KHolliday, MHolling, NHollos, LHollos, NHolloway, LHolloway, SHollowday, MHollyer, MHolman, AHolmes, AHolmes, MHolmes, RHolroyd, KHolroyd-Hind, BHolt, LHolt, SHolyome, AHome, MHomewood, RHong, KHoole, LHooper, CHope, SHopkins, BHorler, SHormis, AHornan, DHornby, NHorne, THorne, ZHorner, RHorrobin, CHorsford, LHorsford, MHorsham, VHorsley, AHorsley, EHorton, SHosea, JHoskins, THossain, MHossain, RHough, SHoughton, CHoughton, KHoulihan, RHousely, KHouston, HHovvels, RHow, LHoward, JHoward, KHoward, LHoward, MHoward-Griffin, RHoward-Sandy, LHowe, SHowell, AHowells, MHowlett, KHowlett, SHowman, RHrycaiczuk, JHtet, HHtoon, NHtwe, SHu, YHuah, CHuang, SHubbard, KHuckle, AHuda, SHudak, AHudig, LHudson, OHudson, HHudson, SHufton, AHuggins, CHughes, AHughes, CHughes, EHughes, GHughes, HHughes, LHughes, MHughes, RHughes, SHughes, VHughes, WHuhn, LHui, CHulbert, RHull, DHull, GHull, RHulme, AHulme, PHulse, WHulston, GHum, RHume, MHumphrey, CHumphries, AHumphries, JHunt, CHunt, FHunt, JHunt, KHunt, LHunt, MHunt, SHunter, AHunter, CHunter, EHunter, KHunter, NHunter, RHunter, SHuq, FHurditch, EHurdman, JHurley, CHurley, KHusain, MHusaini, SHuson, CHussain, AHussain, CHussain, IHussain, MHussain, RHussain, SHussain, YHussam El-Din, MHussein, SHussein, ZHussey, RHussien, AHutchinson, AHutchinson, CHutchinson, DHutchinson, EHutchinson, JHutsby, CHutton, PHuynh, HHydes, DHyde-Wyatt, JHynes, NHyslop, MI Tay, SIakovou, AIbison, KIbraheim, MIbrahim, AIbrahim, JIbrahim, MIbrahim, WIcke, BIdowu, AIdrees, MIdrees, NIftikhar, HIftikhar, MIgwe, CIgwe, OIjaz, MIkomi, AIles, CIliodromiti, SIlsley, MIlves, LIlyas, FImam-Gutierrez, LIman, MImray, CImtiaz, HIngham, JIngham, RIngle, TInglis, JInglis-Hawkes, SIngram, AIngram, LIngram, TInnes, NInns, PInpadhas, VInweregbu, KIonescu, AIordanov, IIpe, AIqbal, JIqbal, MIqbal Sait, FIrabor, IIreland, JIrisari, JIrons, RIrshad, MIrvine, JIrvine, VIrving, RIshak, MIsherwood, EIsitt, GIslam, AIslam, MIslam, SIslim, AIsmail, AIsmail, OIson, CIsraa, MIsralls, SIvan, MIvenso, CIvin, NIvy, AIwanikiw, SIxer, KIyer, MJabbar, KJack, CJackman, JJackman, SJackson, AJackson, BJackson, EJackson, HJackson, LJackson, MJackson, NJackson, YJacob, JJacob, PJacob, RJacques, NJafar, AJafferji, DJaffery, AJagadish, CJagannathan, VJagpal, MJai, NJain, SJaiswal, SJajbhay, DJallow, BJaly, YJama, RJamal, AJamal, SJamal, ZJameel, YJames, AJames, CJames, KJames, LJames, MJames, NJames, OJames, PJames, RJames, SJames, TJameson, JJamieson, LJamison, AJane, PJanes, KJanmohamed, AJapp, DJaques, PJardim, VJardine, CJarman, CJarnell, EJarvie, EJarvis, CJarvis, RJastrzebska, PJaved, HJavier, AJawad, MJawaheer, LJayachandran, AJayachandran, DJayadev, AJayakumar, AJayaram, DJayaram, RJayasekera, GJayatilleke, TJayebalan, AJeater, JJeddi, SJeebun, VJeelani, MJeffery, HJeffery, KJeffrey, RJeffreys, NJeffs, BJeffs, CJeganathan Ponraj, JJegede, DJemima, TJenkin, IJenkin, SJenkins, AJenkins, CJenkins, DJenkins, EJenkins, IJenkins, PJenkins, SJennings, FJennings, JJennings, LJennings, VJerome, EJerry, DJervis, GJessup-Dunton, EJesus Silva, JJetha, CJethwa, KJhanji, SJian, KJiao, ZJimenez, LJimenez Gil, AJith, JJoefield, TJohal, SJohal, NJohannessen, KJohari, AJohn, AJohn, MJohn, NJohns, EJohns, MJohnson, AJohnson, EJohnson, KJohnson, LJohnson, MJohnson, NJohnson, OJohnson, RJohnston, BJohnston, CJohnston, JJohnston, SJohnston, VJohnstone, DJohnstone, EJohnstone, JJoishy, MJone, SJones, AJones, BJones, CJones, DJones, EJones, GJones, JJones, KJones, LJones, MJones, NJones, OJones, PJones, RJones, R EJones, SJones, TJonnalagadda, RJordache, RJordan, MJordan, SJose, AJose, LJose, SJoseph, AJoseph, GJoseph, PJoseph, RJoseph, SJoshi, DJoshi, PJoshi, TJoshi, MJosiah, BJoy, LJoyce, TJu, HJu Wen Kwek, AJudd, AJude, EJuhl, JJujjavarapu, SJuniper, MKabiru Dawa, KKacar, MKadam, NKader, NKailey, AKain, MKakoullis, GKalayi, RKalBhushan, AKaliannan Periyasami, RKallistrou, EKalmus Eliasz, TKalsoom, SKam, EKamara, JKamath, AKamath, PKamath, RKamerkar, SKametas, NKamfose, MKamundi, CKanabar, DKane, LKankam, OKannan, TKant, AKapil, VKapoor, RKapoor, SKaprapina, SKar, SKara, JKarbasi, EKarelia, SKark, RKarmali, SKarunanithi, VKarunaratne, NKasianczuk, NKasiappan Balasubramanian, AKasipandian, VKassam, RKathirgamachelvam, JKatsande, VKaul, KKaur, DKaur, JKaur, SKausar, ZKavanagh, LKavanagh, SKawser, MKay, AKay, JKay, RKay, SKayappurathu, JKaye, CKazeem, AKe, MKeady, TKearns, RKearsley, NKeating, JKeating, LKeddie-Gray, EKeegan, BKeen, RKeenan, NKefas, JKegg, SKeith, LKeke, UKellett, JKelliher, JKelly, AKelly, EKelly, HKelly, LKelly, MKelly, RKelly, SKelly-Baxter, MKelsall, OKeltos, MKemp, TKendall, EKendall-Smith, AKennard, SKennedy, JKennedy, MKennedy-Hay, SKenny, JKent, MKeogan, LKeough, AKernaghan, DKerr, AKerrison, CKerry, AKerslake, HKerslake, IKerss, HKeshet-Price, JKeyte, GKhadar, AKhalid, AKhalid, HKhalid, MKhalid, SKhalifa, TKhalil, AKhalil, SKhan, AKhan, BKhan, FKhan, KKhan, MKhan, NKhan, OKhan, RKhan, SKhan, TKhan, WKhan, ZKhan Tharin, MKhatana, UKhatri, JKhatun, HKhatun, TKheia, MKhera, JKhin, HKhoja, NKhokhar, KKhoo, JKhurana, CKibaru, JKibutu, FKidd, AKidd, MKidney, JKidney, SKieffer, WKilbane, JKilby, CKillen, EKilner, BKilroy, SKim, BKim, JKim, MKimber, AKimber, SKing, BKing, HKing, JKing, KKing, MKing, RKing, SKing, VKing-Oakley, EKingsmore, LKinnear, DKinney, FKiran, SKirby, AKirk, AKirkby, AKirkham, EKirkman, GKirkpatrick, LKirwan, UKitching, TKitto, LKittridge, LKlaczek, SKleemann, FKmachia, SKnapp, CKnibbs, LKnight, AKnight, SKnight, TKnights, EKnights, JKnolle, MKnopp, PKnowles, CKnowles, KKnowles, LKnox, EKnox, LKoch, OKocsor, MKodituwakku, RKoduri, GKoe, YKoirata, AKolakaluri, EKolodziej, MKolokouri, EKon, SKonar, NKononen, MKonstantinidis, AKontogonis, RKoo, HKoopmans, IKopyj, EKorcierz, LKorolewicz, JKoshy, GKosmidis, CKosztolanyi, CKotecha, JKothandaraman, EKoukou, KKountourgioti, AKouranloo, KKousar, RKousteni, MKoutalopoula, AKovac, MKozak Eskenazia, AKrasauskas, KKrishnamurthy, RKrishnamurthy, VKrishnan, HKrishnan, MKrishnapalli, NKrizak, SKrueper, SKrupej, SKrzowski, JKubaisi, RKubisz-Pudelko, AKuckreja, SKudsk-Iversen, SKudzinskas, AKukadiya, CKulkarni, NKumar, AKumar, MKumar, RKumar, SKumar, VKundU, AKunst, HKupiec, KKurani, AKurdy, MKuriakose, KKurian, RKurmars, VKuronen-Stewart, CKusangaya, RKushakovsky, VKutera, AKuverji, AKyei-Mensah, AKyere-Diabour, TKyi, MKyi, NKyle, LKyriaki, KLabao, JLacey, LLack, NLacson, MLadan, ZLadlow, ELafferty, HLagnado, ALaha, SLahane, SLai, CLai, JLaidler, PLaing, RLaing-Faiers, ILaity, ELake, KLakeman, NLalloo, FLam, ALam, CLamb, FLamb, LLamb, TLambert, PLameirinhas, CLami, MLamont, HLamparski, MLamrani, DLanaghan, CLancona-Malcolm, ILanders, GLane, MLane, NLang, ALang, SLanger, DLangley, MLangoya, CLangridge, ELangthorne, ELangton, HLara, BLarge, TLassa, SLast, ALatham, SLatham, VLatheef, ALatif, LLatt, NLau, CLau, DLau, ELaura, GLaurenson, MLavington, ELaw, HLaw, JLaw, KLaw, PLaw, RLawless, LLawrence, CLawrence, ELawrence, GLawrence, HLawrence, NLawrie, RLawson, LLawson, NLawson, RLaybourne, SLaycock, CLayug, RLazo, MLe, VLea, ALea, WLeach, LLeadbitter, ILeahy, TLean, RLeandro, LLeaning, DLeary, RLeason, SLedingham, MLee, CLee, ELee, HLee, ILee, JLee, RLee, SLee, TLee, XLees, DLees, JLegge, HLeggett, JLeigh-Ellis, KLeitch, DLeitch, NLekoudis, ELemessy, PLenagh, RLeng, KLennon, KLennon, LLeonard, BLeonard, KLeong, WLeopold, NLepiarczyk, OLeslie, ILester, ELevell, ELevynska, ALewazuk, ALewin, ALewis, ALewis, CLewis, DLewis, HLewis, JLewis, KLewis, LLewis, MLewis, NLewis, RLewis-Clarke, CLewthwaite, PLey, SLiao, ALicence, VLieberman, DLiebeschuetz, SLight, TLightfoot, NLillie, PLillis, ALim, BLim, CLim, ELim, ILim, TLim, WLimb, JLimbu, DLimbu, ULinares, CLinden, DLindergard, GLindley, KLindsay, CLindsay, ELindsay, MLindsay-Clarke, HLing, MLingam, CLinkson, LLinn, TLinney, MLippold, CLipscomb, GLipscomb, KLipskis, LLisboa, ALister, ELittle, JLittle, SLittlejohn, LLiu, SLiu, XLlanera, DLlewellyn, RLlewelyn, MLloyd, ALloyd, OLloyd, RLo, SLoader, DLoan, CLobosco, LLock, LLocke, ALocke, JLocke, TLodge, JLodhia, KLofthouse, MLoftus, HLogue, C ALoh, SLokanathan, SLondon, ELong, GLong, NLongbotttom, KLonghurst, BLongshaw, MLongstaffe, SLonita, ALonnen, JLonsdale, CLooby, LLoosley, RLopes, LLopez, PLord, RLord, SLorimer, CLoro, FLorusso, RLoughlin, CLovegrove, WLoveless, RLovell, MLoverdou, ALow, ALow, JLow, SLowe, ALowe, CLowe, ELowe, FLowe, LLowe, MLowsby, RLowthorpe, VLubimbi, GLubina Solomon, ALucas, GLucas, JLucey, ALucey, OLuck, SLui, LLuintel, ALuke, HLuke, JLungu, NLunia, ALuscombe, MLuveta, JLuximon, CLwin, KLwin, MLye, ALyell, BLyka, ELynas, ALynch, CLynch, DLynch, SMaamari, RMabb, HMabelin, LMabeza, GMacaro, JMacconaill, KMacdonald, CMacduff, AMacfadyen, CMacfarlane, JMacfarlane, LMacharia, IMacInnes, LMacIntyre, IMacIntyre, JMack, KMackay, CMackay, EMackay, LMackenzie, AMackenzie, MMacKenzie Ross, RMackey, AMackie, FMackie, JMackie, RMackinlay, CMackintosh, CMackintosh, KMacLeod, MMacleod, SMaclom, HMacmahon, MMacNair, AMacphee, CMacpherson, IMacrae, CMacRaild, AMadden, AMadden, MMadden-McKee, CMaddison, SMadeja, NMadhivathanan, PMadhusudhana, MMadu, AMadziva, LMagee, NMagezi, FMaghsoodi, NMagier, CMagnaye, LMagriplis, MMagtalas, MMahabir, NMahadevan-Bava, SMaharajh, AMahaveer, AMahay, BMahay, KMahdi, AMahdi, HMahdi, NMahendiran, TMahendran, SMaher, SMaheswaran, AMaheswaran, SMaheswaran, TMahjoob-Afag, PMahmood, AMahmood, FMahmood, HMahmood, WMahmood, ZMahmoud, HMahmud, MMahony, EMahungu, TMair, LMajekdunmi, TMajid, KMajor, AMajor, RMajumdar, JMajumder, MMak, TMakan, AMakanju, EMakin, SMakinde, W-OMakkeyah, YMalanca, MMalein, FMalhan, NMalicka, AMalik, AMalik, GMaljk, MMallett, PMallinder, PMallison, GMallon, LMalone, EMaloney, GMamman, MMan, IMan, KMancinelli, RMancuso-Marcello, MMandal, SManders, TManderson, LMandeville, JMane, TManhas, RManiero, CManikonda, RManjra, IMankiewitz, RMann, BManning, JManning, SMannion, PMansi, KManso, KMansour, DMansour, MMansour, RMapfunde, IMappa, PMaqsood, AMaraj, HMarchand, CMarcus, NMarcyniuk, AMarecka, MMaren, DMargabanthu, GMargalef, JMargarit, LMargaritopoulos, GMargarson, MMaria del Rocio, FMariano, VMaric, AMarkham, GMarks, BMarks, MMarks, PMarler, EMarouzet, EMarriott, AMarriott, CMarriott, NMarsden, CMarsden, KMarsden, PMarsden, SMarsden, TMarsh, CMarsh, GMarsh, RMarshall, AMarshall, GMarshall, HMarshall, JMarshall, NMarshall, RMarshall, SMartin, EMartin, GMartin, HMartin, JMartin, KMartin, LMartin, MMartin, NMartin, SMartin, TMartin, WMartindale, TMartineau, MMartinez, LMartinez Garrido, JMartin-Lazaro, JMaruthamuthu, VMarwan, BMaryan, GMary-Genetu, RMaryosh, SMasani, VMascagni, AMaseda, DMaseko, ZMashate, SMashhoudi, YMashta, AMasih, IMasih, SMaskell, NMaskell, PMasoli, MMason, CMason, JMason, RMasood, MMasood, SMassa, TMassey, IMasters, JMasud, AMatapure, LMatei, CMatewe, RMatharu, MMathen, SMather, AMathers, JMatheson, JMathew, AMathew, BMathew, MMathew, VMathews, JMathias, KMathioudakis, AMatila, DMatimba-Mupaya, WMatin, NMatisa, EMatkins, EMatonhodze, MMatovu, EMattappillil, JMatthews, AMatthews, CMatthews, HMattocks, LMaughan, CMauzzam, AMawson, EMaxton, FMaxwell, AMaxwell, VMay, JMay, PMay, EMayanagao, IMaycock, MMayer, JMayers, GMaynard, VMayo, TMayola, LMayor, SMazen, IMazhani, TMazzella, AMburu, NMbuyisha, AMc Cague, CMcAleese, EMcAlinden, PMcAllister, LMcAlpine, AMcAlpine, GMcAndrew, JMcAuley, HMcAuliffe, SMcBrearty, CMcBride, EMcBuigan, MMcBurney, JMcCabe, LMcCafferty, GMcCafferty, LMcCairn, AMcCallagh, LMcCammon, JMcCammon, NMcCann, CMcCann, EMcCarrick, AMcCarron, BMcCarthy, EMcCarthy, MMcCarthy, NMcCaughey, SMcClay, TMcClelland, BMcClintock, DMcCloskey, MMcCollum, KMcCorkindale, AMcCormack, PMcCormick, JMcCormick, WMcCourt, PMcCrae, JMcCready, SMcCreath, GMcCreedy, HMcCue, CMcCullagh, IMcCullagh, MMcCullough, SMcCullough, CMcCullough, KMcCullough, NMcCurrach, FMcDermott, JMcDermott, PMcDermott, RMcDevitt, KMcDill, HMcDonald, CMcDonald, DMcDonald, RMcDonald, SMcDonard, BMcDonnell, NMcDougall, CMcDougall, LMcDougall, RMcEleavy, IMcElwaine, FMcEntee, JMcEvoy, EMcEwan, CMcEwen, RMcFadden, MMcFarland, DMcFarland, MMcFarland, RMcFlynn, JMcGarry, EMcGarvey, LMcGeachan, AMcGee, FMcGenily, LMcGettigan, CMcGettrick, MMcGhee, CMcGill, FMcGinnity, SMcGlinchey, NMcGlone, PMcGlynn, DMcGoldrick, CMcGough, EMcGovern, CMcGovern, RMcGowan, AMcGown, AMcGrath, BMcGregor, AMcGuigan, MMcGuinness, HMcGuire, SMcHugh, TMcInnes, CMcInnes, NMcIntosh, JMcIntyre, KMcIntyre, MMcKay, LMcKeag, CMcKeane, JMcKee, MMcKeever, JMcKenna, JMcKenna, SMcKenzie, MMcKeogh, DMcKerr, CMckie, LMcKie, AMckie, HMcKnight, GMcLachlan, HMcLaren, AMcLaren, BMcLarty, NMclaughlan, EMcLaughlin, MMcLay, JMcLeish, MMcLennan, TMcLure, SMcMahon, AMcMahon, GMcMahon, MMcMahon, SMcManus, TMcMaster, PMcMaster, MMcmeeken, FMcMeekin, SMcMillen, KMcMinn, JMcMorrow, LMcMullen, HMcMurran, CMcNally, HMcNeela, FMcNeil, LMcNeill, CMcNeill, JMcNeill, SMcNelis, UMcNulty, MMcNulty, RMcParland, CMcPhail, MMcQueen, AMcSkeane, AMcSorland, DMcSorley, TMcTaggart, JMcTaggart, GMead, JMead, PMeadows, EMeakin, OMearns, BMearns, CMears, KMears, WMeda, MMediana, AMedine, RMedveczky, TMeehan, SMeeks, EMegan, AMeghani, NMeghjee, SMegson, SMehar, AMehmood, MMehra, RMehta, RMeirill, JMeiring, JMejri, RMekonnen, EMelander, SMelinte, AMellersh, JMelling, LMellish, CMellor, FMellor, JMellor, SMellor, ZMellows, KMelnic, VMelville, AMelville, DMelville, JMencias, MMendelski, AMendonca, CMeney, CMensah, WMentzer, AMenzies, DMenzies, SMepham, SMercer, OMercer, PMerchant, AMerchant, FMercioniu, MMeredith, MMerida Morillas, MMerrick, BMerritt, JMerritt, SMerron, PMerwaha, EMessage, SMessenger, JMetcalf-Cuenca, GMetcalfe, AMetcalfe, BMetcalfe, KMetherell, SMetryka, AMew, LMeyrick, SMiah, AMiah, JMiah, NMian, AMic, GMicallef, DMichael, AMichael, SMichalak, NMichalca-Mason, LMichalec, OMiddle, JMiddleton, HMiddleton, JMiddleton, MMiddleton, SMieres, SMihalca-Mason, LMikolasch, TMilgate, SMillar, CMillar, JMillard, JMiller, DMiller, JMiller, LMiller, RMiller-Biot, NMiller-Fik, AMillett, LMilligan, BMilligan, HMilligan, IMilliken, CMillington, KMillington, RMillington, SMills, HMills, JMills, RMillward, HMiln, RMilne, AMilne, CMilne, LMilner, JMilner, LMin, ZMindel, SMinnis, CMinnis, PMinou, KMinskip, NMiranda, FMirela, MMirza, TMisbahuddin, AMishr, EMishra, AMishra, BMishra, RMisra, SMistry, DMistry, HMital, DMitchard, SMitchell, BMitchell, CMitchell, LMitchell, PMitchelmore, PMitr, AMitra, SMlambo, NMoakes, EMoar, KMoatt, EMock Font, DModgil, GMohamed, AMohamed, OMohammad, AMohammad, WMohammed, AMohammed, OMohammed, YMohamud, BMoharram, AMok, H-PMok, JMokogwu, LMolina, MMoller-Christensen, CMollet, MMolloholli, MMolloy, AMolloy, LMolyneux, AMolyneux, RMomoniat, TMonaghan, KMongolu, SMonsell, KMontasser, MMontgomery, HMoodley, PMoody, MMoody, NMoon, AMoon, JMoon, MMoonan, MMoondi, PMoorby, SMoorcroft, JMoore, AMoore, CMoore, DMoore, FMoore, JMoore, LMoore, NMoore, SMoore, VMoores, RMorab, EMorales, JMoramorell, NMoran, LMoray, GMoreno-Cuest, JMorgan, AMorgan, CMorgan, HMorgan, KMorgan, LMorgan, MMorgan, PMorgan-Jones, KMorgan-Smith, EMorilla, JMorley, AMorley, TMorley, WMorris, AMorris, DMorris, FMorris, HMorris, JMorris, KMorris, LMorris, MMorris, NMorris, PMorris, SMorrison, DMorrison, MMorrison, SMorrissey, MMorrow, AMorselli, FMortem, GMortland, VMorton, CMorton, GMorzaria, PMosby, DMoseley, LMoshal, KMoshy, BMoss, AMoss, CMoss, JMoss, SMostafa, OMoth, GMotherwell, NMottershaw, SMouce, GMoudgil, HMouland, JMoulds, CMoulton, HMousley, EMowatt, CMoxham, KMoya, BMoyo, QMshengu, EMtuwa, SMuazzam, IMuchenje, NMudawi, DMuddegowda, GMufti, RMugal, IMughal, AMuglu, JMuhammad, FMuhammad, JMuir, CMukherjee, DMukhtar, JMukhtar, SMukimbiri, DMulcahy, JMulcahy, MMulgrew, PMulhearn, BMulla, AMullan, DMullasseril Kutten, DMulle, NMullett, RMulligan, CMulligan, SMumelj, LMunby, HMunday, HMunro, AMunt, SMupudzi, MMurad, AMuraina, OMuralidhara, KMurdoch, MMurira, JMurphy, AMurphy, BMurphy, CMurphy, EMurphy, GMurphy, HMurphy, PMurphy, RMurray, EMurray, KMurray, LMurray, TMurtagh, EMurthy, MMurton, CMurton, RMuru, NMusanhu, RMushabe, MMushtaq, OMustafa, AMustafa, EMustafa, MMustapha, IMustfa, NMustufvi, ZMutch, CMutch, RMutema, EMuthukrishnan, BMutton, SMwadeyi, MMwale, BMwaura, EMyagerimath, RMyers, AMyers, SMyerson, JMyint, KMyint, YMynott, GMyslivecek, LN Oo, ZNabayego, PNadar, ENadeem, INadheem, MNaeem, ANaeem, HNaeem, SNafees, SNafei, MNagarajan, TNaglik, LNagra, INagra, DNaguib, MNaguleswaran, KNagumantry, KNaicker, KNaidoo, SNair, DNaik, GNaik, RNaik, SNair, TNaisbitt, JNaismith, KNakiboneka-Ssenabulya, DNallapareddy, SNallapeta, SNallasivan, ANand, UNandani, ANandwani, TNaqvi, ANaqvi, SNasa, SNash, DNasheed, NNasimudeen, ANasir, UNasser, TNatarajan, ANatarajan, GNatarajan, NNatarajan, RNath, PNathaniel, NNathvani, MNathwani, PNava, GNavaneetham, NNavaratnam, JNavarra, HNaveed, SNavin, JNawaz, KNawaz, SNayar, BNaylor, SNayyar, MNaz, FNazari, BNazir, ANazir, SNcomanzi, DNdefo, ONdoumbe, NNeal, ANeary, ENegmeldin, MNei, LNeil, JNeill, PNeils, HNejad, ANelson, ANelson, BNelson, LNelson, MNelson, RNelson, SNemane, RNepal, SNethercott, DNetherton, KNettleton, KNewby, ANewby, DNewcombe, TNewell, HNewman, CNewman, DNewman, HNewman, JNewman, ONewman, TNewport, RNewton, MNg, ANg, HNg, KNg, MNg, WNg, YNgan, TNgui, GNgumo, SNguyen, QNgwenya, KNic Fhogartaigh, CNicholas, NNicholas, PNicholas, RNicholls, DNicholls, LNicholls, SNicholson, ANicol, ENicol, RNicola, PNicoll, ANightingale, TNikita, FNikolaos, PNikonovich, GNilsson, ANimako, KNimako, LNimmo, CNinan, PNirmalan, MNisar, ANisar, MNisar, TNisbett, TNisha James, ANishat, SNishiyama, TNix, SNixon, JNixon, MNizam Ud Din, KNizami, MNizamis, SNjafuh, RNoakes, INoba, LNoble, HNoble, JNoe, HNolan, JNolasco, JNoor, ZNoori, ZNorcliffe, JNorman, LNorman, RNorris, ENorris, KNorris, LNort e, JNortcliffe, SNorth, FNorth, JNorth, TNorthfield, JNorthover, SNorton, DNorton, RNotman, HNourein, KNovak, TNovas Duarte, NNovis, CNowak, JNu, KNugdallah, MNugent, ANugent, JNumbere, NNundlall, KNune, ANunn, KNunnick, JNupa, YNur, FNurgat, ZNuttall, ANwafor, LNwajiugo, PNyamugunduru, GNyirenda, MNyland, KO Rinn, DO Shea, DO Toole, MO'Hara, MO'Keefe, LO'Reilly, KO'Rourke, WOakley, COakley, NOakley, SObale, BOboh, CO'Brien, CO'Brien, JO'Brien, KO'Brien, LO'Brien, NO'Brien, RO'Brien, TO'Bryan, EObukofe, RO'Callaghan, CO'Connell, LO'Connor, CO'Connor, GOconnor, TOddie, SOddy, SOdedina, YOdedra, KOdelberg, SOdell, NOderinde, OOdone, JO'Donohoe, LO'Donovan, COdysseos-Beaumont, IO'Farrell, SOfford, PO'Flaherty, MOgbara, TOgilvie, CO'Gorman, COgunjembola, IOgunkeye, OO'Hara, COjha, SOjo, OO'kane, FO'Kane, MOkeke, TOkines, AOkpala, IOkpo, EOkpoko, FOkubanjo, MOladipo, COlaivar, LOlaiya, ROlatujoye, JOld, TOleszkiewicz, GOliver, COliver, JOliver, LOliver, MOliver, ZOlokoto, NOlonipile, FOlufuwa, OOlukoya, OOluwole-Ojo, AO'Malley, LOmar, MOmar, ZOmer, NOmoregie, EO'Neill, CO'Neill, LOng, COnuoha, OOnyeagor, COo, COoi, SOomatia, AOpena, MOram, ROrd, COrd, JOreilly, COrekoya, LO'Riordan, DO'Riordan, SOrlikowska, IOrme, AOrme, HO'Rourke, LOrr, COrr, SOrton, COsadcow, AOsagie, ROsanlou, ROsborne, LOsborne, NOsborne, WOsbourne, COsbourne, ROsei-Bobie, JOsman, BOsman, JOsman, WOsoata, GOstermann, MO'Sullivan, EO'Sullivan, SOtey, NOtite, OOuyang, JOwen, ROwen, SOwens, EOwoseni, YOwston, MOxlade, ROzdes, FPack, JPackham, APackham, SPaczko, PPadden, GPadmakumar, APage, CPage, IPage, JPage, SPage, VPaget, JPagett, KPaisley, LPajak, SPakou, GPakozdi, APal, SPalacios, APalagiri Sai, VPalaniappan, VPalanivelu, PPalfreeman, APalfrey, HPalissery, VPalit, DPallipparambil Antony, SPalman, JPalmer, APalmer, HPalmer, JPalmer, LPalmer, RPambouka, APamela, DPamphlett, IPan, DPandey, APandian, NPandya, KPandya, TPanes, APang, JPang, YPannell, LPannu, KPanthakalam, SPantin, CPao, NPapaconstantinou, HPapineni, PPaques, KParacha, AParadowski, KParambil, VParanamana, SParashar, SParberry, IParekh, AParekh, DParfitt, LParfrey, HParikh, OParish, GPark, JParkash, VParker, AParker, BParker, EParker, HParker, JParkin, KParker, LParker, NParker, SParkinson, AParkinson, MParkinson, VParmar, CParmar, VParris, VParrish, CParry, BParry, HParslow-Williams, SParsonage, MParsons, GParsons, JParsons, PPartridge, RParvez, ZParvin, KPassby, LPassey, SPassmore, HPastrana, JPatachako, JPatal, MPatch, SPatel, APatel, BPatel, DPatel, HPatel, JPatel, KPatel, MPatel, NPatel, PPatel, SPatel, TPatel, VPatel, ZPaterson, KPathak, SPatience, APatience, DPatmore, RPatole, SPaton, LPatrick, APatrick, GPatrick, JPatten, SPattenden, BPatterson, CPatterson, JPatterson, LPatterson, MPatterson, RPattrick, MPaul, MPaul, SPauls, LPaulus, SPavely, APavitt, MPayne, BPayne, EPayne, MPayne, RPeacock, LPeacock, SPeake, HPearce, JPearse, RPearson, APearson, DPearson, HPearson, SPeasley, APeddie, HPeebles, SPeek, RPeer, APeerbhoy, SPegg, CPeggie, EPeggie, HPeglar, SPeirce, BPeirse, MPelham, CPemberton, APenacerrada, MPender, APendlebury, CPendlebury, JPenfold, RPenman, CPenman, JPenman, RPenner, JPenney, KPennington, APenny, JPepperell, JPercival, RPereira, APereira, RPereira Dias Alves, CPerera, IPerera, MPerez, EPerez, JPerinpanathan, TPeriyasamy, LPerkins, EPernicova, IPerritt, EPerry, APerry, EPerry, MPerumpral, TPetch, RPeter, LPeters, CPeters, LPeters, MPeters, SPeters, TPetersen, RPeterson, APetras, IPetrova, BPetrova, MPetrovics, EPettigrew, TPezard-Snell, MPfeffer, PPfyl, T MariaPhalod, GPhanish, MPhelan, PPhilbey, CPhilbin, JPhillips, APhillips, BPhillips, DPhillips, NPhillips, PPhillips, RPhillips, TPhipps, MPhongsathorn, VPhull, MPhyo, APick, SPickard, JPickering, CPickering, FPickering, GPickett, TPickles, JPickstock, SPickwell-Smith, BPieniazek, NPiercy, CPieris, APilgrim, SPillai, PPilling, LPilsworth, ZPinches, SPinjala, MPintu, SPiper, GPirani, TPitchford, MPittman, MPitts, SPl, MPlaatjies, NPlatt, NPlowright, MPlummer, LPlumptre, CPobjoy, JPogreban, TPoku, SPolgarova, PPollard, RPoluyi, OPolwarth, GPomery, FPonce, IPonnusamy, PPonnusamy, SPonnuswamy, APonte Bettencourt dos Reis, IPooboni, SPoole, APoole, LPoole, MPoon, SPoonian, TPorteous, JPorteous, MPorter, JPorter, RPosada, APostlethwaite, KPotdar, MPothecary, CPothina, NPotla, PPotoczna, DPott, JPotter, JPotter, SPotter, TPotton, EPotts, JPotts, KPoultney, UPoulton, KPowell, JPowell, NPowell, SPower, DPower, NPower, SPoxon, JPoyner, EPoyner, RPrabhu, APradhan, VPrady, HPrasad, APrasad, KPrasad, UPrasanth Raj, FPrasath, SPrately, APrendergast, CPrentice, LPrentice, PPrescott, VPresland, LPrest, CPreston, SPretorius, MPrevatt, NPrew, SPrice, CPrice, DPrice, EPrice, KPrice, LPrice, NPrice, VPrice-Eland, RPrieto, JPrimrose, LPrince, CPrince, JPrince, LPringle, SPrior-Ong, MPristopan, VPritchard, KPritchard, LPritchard, SPriyash, VProcter, AProctor, CProtopapas, MProudfoot, RPrudon, BPryor, DPudi, SPuffett, APugh, JPugh, LPugh, MPugh, NPugh, RPuisa, VPuliyakkadi, SPullen, JPunia, KPunnilath Abdulsamad, SPurandare, LPurchase, DPurdue, CPurdy, RPurewal, BPurnell, RPursell, MPurssord, GPurves, RPurvis, SPutensen, DPuvaneswaran, BPuxty, APuxty, KPuyrigaud, ZPyart, EPye, EPynn, MQadeer, TQayum, MQuah, CQuaid, SQuail, NQuamina, CQuartermaine, GQuasim, TQuayle, AQuek, EQuenby, SQui, XQui ano-Campos, JQuick, VQuigley, JQuindoyos, JQuinn, AQuinn, JQuinn, TQuratulain, QQureshi, DQureshi, EQureshi, HQureshi, IQureshi, KQureshi, NQurratulain, QQutab, SR Naqvi, ARa eswary, JRa kanna, JRabinowicz, SRaceala, MRachid, ARachman, RRad, LRadford, LRadford, JRadhakrishnan, JRafferty, HRafiq, MRafiq, SRafique, CRafique, JRafique, MRagatha, RRaghunathan, ARaguro, ARaha, SRahama, SRahilly, KRahim, FRahimi, ARahimi, HRahman, MRahman, SRahmany, SRai, PRai, SRaisova, LRaithatha, ARaj, ARajagopal, ARajagopalan, PRajaiah, NRajalingam, KRajasekaran, ARajasri, ARajeswaran, TRajkumar, IRajmohan, GRallan, RRalson, MRalston, KRalston, MRam, MRamabhadran, BRamali, FRamali, MRamanna, SRamasamy, MRamchandani, ARamdin, DRamirez, JRamirez, MRamnarain, GRamnarine, ARamos, LRampling, TRamraj, SRamsay, JRamshaw, ARand, ARana, GRand, JRana, NRana, RRandheva, HRanga, PRangar, MRangarajan, HRanjan, SRank, HRanka, PRankhelawon, RRankin, ARao, ARao, DRao, SRarnakumar, ARasheed, ARashid, KRason, MRaspa, VRastogi, SRasul, FRatcliff, SRatcliffe, SRath, PRath, SRather, MRathod, KRathore, SRatoff, JRattehalli, DRavaccia, DRaval, MRavencroft, PRaw, JRaw, RRawashdeh, SRawlins, HRay, GRaymond-White, ARaynard, DRayner, HRayner, NRaynsford, ARazvi, SRazvi, ZRead, KRead, SReay, MReddington, AReddy, AReddy, HRedfearn, HRedfern-Walsh, ARedknap, IRedman, NRedome, ARedome, JReed, AReed, JRees, CRees, JRees, MRees, TRees-Jones, ERegan, FRegan, KRegan, MRegan, SRege, KRehan, ARehman, ARehman, HRehman, SRehman, ZReid, AReid, JReid, SReilly, MReilly, SReka, ARemegoso, ARengan, DRenouf, LRenshaw, CRenu Vattekkat, RRenville, JReschreiter, HRevels, MRevill, ARewitzky, GRey, SReynard, CReynish, DReynolds, HReynolds, PRhodes, JRiaz, NRibeiro, PRice, ERice, MRice, NRich, MRichards, ARichards, LRichards, SRichardson, CRichardson, ERichardson, FRichardson, JRichardson, MRichardson, NRiches, JRiches, KRichmond, LRichmond, RRicketts, WRickman, HRiddell, ARidgway, SRidha, MRidley, CRidley, PRieck, GRigby, LRigby, MRigler, DRiley, HRiley, MRiley, RRimba, ZRimmer, DRintoul, RRipley, DRippon, NRishton, CRiste, MRitchie, DRitchie, JRitchings, ARivera Ortega, PRivers, VRizvi, BRizvi, SRobb, JRobbins, ERoberts, GRoberts, JRoberts, KRoberts, MRoberts, NRoberts, PRoberts, RRoberts, VRobertson, CRobertson, JRobertson, KRobertson, MRobertson, NRobertson, SRobin, NRobinson, ARobinson, CRobinson, ERobinson, GRobinson, HRobinson, JRobinson, KRobinson, LRobinson, MRobinson, NRobinson, RRobinson, SRobson, SRoche, LRoche, SRodden, NRoddy, ERoddy, JRoderick, MRodger, ARodger, FRodger, MRodgers, DRodgers, NRodriquez-Belmonte, RRoe, NRogers, GRogers, JRogers, LRogers, MRogers, PRogers, SRojkova, JRokadiya, SRollins, LRollo, JRolls, CRond-Alliston, ARooney, KRooney, LRosaroso, LRosby, ERose, ARose, SRose, ZRosier, JRoskilly, ARoss, GRoss, IRoss, JRossdale, JRoss-Parker, ARostron, ARothman, ARothwell, JRoughley, LRourke, CRowan, NRowan, SRowe, ARowe, NRowe-Leete, LRowlands, ERowlands, BRowley, MRoy, SRoycroft, MRoynon-Reed, ARoyson, ARozewicz, SRudenko, ARudrakumar, SRudran, BRuff, SRughani, PRule, RRundell, SRushforth, ERushmer, JRusk, DRussell, PRussell, RRusso, CRutgers, MRutkowski, KRyan, ARyan, BRyan, KRyan, LRyan, MRyan-Wakeling, DRybka, ERyder, MRyder, SS Bhuiyan, MS Rabbani, MSaad, MSaalmink, GSabale, JSabaretnam, SSadiq, NSadler, ESaffy, ASage, BSagoo, HSagrir, SSaha, RSaha, SSahdev, NSahedra, SSahota, JSaid, NSaini, SSaint, BSajid, ASakthi, SSakuri, HSaladi, MSalam, ASalberg, ASalciute, ESaleeb, GSaleh, MSalih, LSalim, DSalisbury, SSaliu, SSalman, RSalmon, RSalmon, JSalutous, DSam, MSamakomva, TSaman, RSamar, SSaminathan, SSamlal, RSammut, DSammut, MSammut, SSammut, TSampath, SSampson, CSampson, JSamson, ASamuel, JSamuel, MSamuel, RSamuel, TSamuel, YSamuels, KSamuels, TSamways, JSamyraju, MSana, ISanches Gonzalez, ASanchez, VSanda-Gomez, ASanders, JSanderson, ASanderson, TSandhu, KSandhu, LSandow, SSandrey, VSands, SSanga, LSangha, HSanghera, JSangombe, MSanju, MSankaran, LSantos, FSantos FerreirDe Almeida, CSantosh, RSanyal, JSanz-Cepero, ASaralaya, DSaraswatula, ASaravanamuthu, PSarella, JSarfatti, ASargent, RSari, BSarkar, KSarkar, RSarma, SSarmiento, PSarwar, ZSass, TSatchithananthasivam, KSathe, SSathianandan, SSathyanarayanan, ASathyanarayanan, LSathyapalan, TSatodia, PSaulite, VSaunders, ASaunders, RSaunders, SSaunderson, ASavill, HSavlani, KSaxena, GSaxton, MSayan, ASayers, IScaletta, DScanlon, DScanlon, JScarratt, LScattergood, SSchadenberg, ASchafers, JSchneblen, WSchofield, ESchofield, RSchofield, SScholes, DScholes, KSchoolmeesters, ASchumacher, NSchunke, NSchuster Bruce, MSchwarz, KScobie, AScoones, TScorrer, TScott, AScott, CScott, EScott, KScott, LScott, MScott, SScott, TScott, ZScourfield, SScrase, WScriven, NScullion, AScullion, TSeager, ESeagrave, CSeaman, RSear, ESeaton, ISeatter, ASeckington, ASedano, JSeddon, GSedgwick, GSee, YSeelarbokus, MSefton, CSegovia, MSeidu, FSekadde, GSelby, FSelby, GSellar, CSellars, RSellers, KSelley, JSellick, VSelvadurai, GSelvarajah, BSelvaskandan, HSelvendran, SSelwyn, JSemmens, ASemple, GSen, NSen, MSen, SSengupta, ASengupta, NSenra, SSenya, HSerafimova, TSernicola, ESethi, DSethi, SSetty, NSeward, ASewdin, TSewell, TSeymour, JSeymour, KShabbir, HShackley, FShafi, TShafique, FShah, AShah, BShah, HShah, MShah, NShah, PShah, QShah, RShah, SShah, WShahad, SShahi, SShahnazari, SShahzad, NShahzeb, MShaibu, AShaida, ZShaikh, AShaikh, MShail, RShaji, MShakeel, MShalan, KShamim, NShamji, UShams, AShams, KShamsah, RShanahan, TSharaf, HSharif, ASharma, ASharma, BSharma, MSharma, OSharma, PSharma, RSharma, SSharp, ASharp, CSharp, GSharp, KSharp, LSharrocks, KShashaa, SShaw, AShaw, CShaw, DShaw, JShaw, LShaw, MShaw, TShawcross, AShawcross, JShawe, JShayler, LShedwell, SShehata, ZSheik, ASheikh, ASheikh, NShelley, BShelton, SShenoy, AShephardson, SShepherd, ASheppard, GShepherd, KShepherd, LShepherd, SSheppeard, RSheridan, HSheridan, RSherridan, SSherris, LSherwin, SShibly, SShiham, FShilladay, CShillitoe, BShingadia, DShioi, CShirgaonkar, AShirt, HShonubi, AShoote, JShorrocks, RShortman, RShotton, RShotton, SShovelton, CShpuza, EShrestha, NShuker, KShurlock, JShurmer, JShuvo, MSiame, GSiamia, LSiddavaram, SSiddique, NSiddique, SSiddle, ESidebotham, ESidebottom, JSievers, RSiggens, KSikondari, NSilva, SSilva Moniz, CSim, MSimangan, TSimbi, VSime, RSimmons, GSimmons, OSimms, RSimon, LSimon, MSimon, NSimpkins, SSimpson, ASimpson, DSimpson, GSimpson, JSimpson, KSimpson, MSimpson, PSimpson, TSinclair, DSing, CSingh, ASingh, CSingh, DSingh, JSingh, LSingh, MSingh, NSingh, PSingh, SSinghal, PSingizi, BSingler, VSinh, MSinha, USinha, PSinha, SSisson, GSithiravel, SSivakumar, KSivakumar, SSivakumran, DSivanadarajah, SSivasothy, PSkaria, ASkehan, NSkelly, RSkelton, OSkene, ISkinner, VSkinner, DSkorko, ASkorupinska, ISkorupinska, MSlack, ASlack, KSlade, MSlater, LSlawson, NSlingsby, RSloan, ASloan, BSloan, DSloane, GSlowinska, MSmall, BSmall, ESmall, SSmallridge, ASmalls, DSmallshaw, KSmallwood, ASmart, BSmart, LSmeaton, JSmit, CSmith, ASmith, CSmith, DSmith, ESmith, HSmith, ISmith, JSmith, KSmith, LSmith, MSmith, NSmith, OSmith, PSmith, RSmith, SSmith, TSmith, VSmolen, SSmuts, SSmyth, NSnell, ASnell, DSnell, LSo, ASo, BSoan, MSobande, TSobowiec Kouman, SSobrino Diaz, ASohail, BSohal, HSoiz, RSolademi, OSoleimani, BSolesbury, ASoliman, MSolis, BSolly, RSolomon, LSomalanka, SSomashekar, CSommerfield, SSoni, GSonia, RSonoiki, TSoo, SSoor, PSoothill, GSoren, JSothinathan, ASothirajah, PSousa, JSoussi, NSoutham, DSouthern, DSouthern, ISouthern, LSouthin, SSouthwell, JSouthworth, TSowden, SSowter, JSpalding, CSpeare, CSpears, KSpears, MSpeirs, LSpeirs, SSpence, MSpence, NSpencer, BSpencer, GSpencer, RSpencer, SSpencer, TSpickett, HSpillane, JSpiller, WSpinks, KSpinks, MSpittle, NSpray, SSpring, OSpringgs, JSquires, GSquires, JSquires, RSreenivasan, RSreenivasan, SSri Paranthamen, KSrikantaiah, RSrinivasan, KSrinivasan, RSrirajamadhuveeti, ASrirathan, VStacey, RStacpoole, SStadon, LStagg, WStaines, JStaines, NStammers, KStanciu, RStanczuk, GStandley, TStaniforth, BStanton, AStanton, LStaples, RStapley, SStark, AStarkey, EStarnes, DStarr, MStead, RStebbing, CSteele, CSteer, HSteer, JStefania, VStefanowska, PSteffensen, FStemp, CStenson, EStephens, AStephensen, DStephenson, ESterrenburg, MStevens, JStevens, MStevenson, AStevenson, LStevenson, SSteward, MStewart, CStewart, DStewart, KStewart, MStewart, RStickley, JStiller, GStirrup, SStock, SStockdale, AStocker, DStockham, LStockton, PStoddard, EStokes, CStone, BStone, RStone, SStorey, IStorton, KStourton, FStrachan, AStrait, CStratton, EStratton, JStraw, SStreit, DStride, EStringer, SStrong-Sheldrake, SStruik, SStuart, CStubbs, AStubbs, HSturdy, ASturney, SStuttard, MSuarez, CSubba, KSubbe, CSubramaniam, KSubramanian, MSubramanian, VSubudhi, CSuckling, RSudershan, SSugden, PSukla, RSukumara, ASuleiman, ESuliman, ASuliman, FSultan, SSundar, SSundaram, RSundhar, RSung, ESunni, NSuntharalingam, JSur, ASuresh, DSuresh, NSuresh, SSurtees, MSusan, CSuter, DSuthar, RSutherland, HSutherland, RSutherland, SSutinyte, DSutton, DSutton, SSvensson, MSvirpliene, SSwain, ASwain, RSwaine, TSwales, CSwanson-Low, CSwart, TSweetman, SSwift, ESwift, PSwift, RSwingler, RSwinhoe, SSwist-Szulik, KSwithenbank, LSyed, OSykes, CSykes, DSykes, ESylvester, LSymington, DSymon, DSyndercombe, ASyrimi, ZSyson, JSzabo, GSzabó, DSzakmany, TSzarazova, NSzekely, MSzekeres, ASzeto, MSzymiczek, KTadros, MTageldin, ATague, LTahir, HTahir, MTai, MTait, JTakyi, ATalbot, PTalbot -Smith, ATalbot-Ponsonby, JTallent, RTallon, BTan, ATan, BTan, HTan, JTan, KTan, WTana, ATanner, ATanney, CTanqueray, TTanton, ETanzil-Al-Imran, TTarft, HTaribagil, PTarin, OTariq, STarpey, DTarr, ETarrant, LTasiou, ATate, ATate, MTate, PTatham, KTavares, STavoukjian, VTaylor, ATaylor, BTaylor, CTaylor, DTaylor, ETaylor, HTaylor, LTaylor, MTaylor, NTaylor, RTaylor, STaylor, TTaylor, VTaylor-Siddons, MTaynton, TTe, ATeasdale, FTeasdale, JTeasdale, KTebbutt, JTee, CTeeluck, ITejero Moya, BTejwani, RTelfer, ATeli, VTempany, JTemple, JTemple, NTench, HTeoh, YTereszkowski-Kaminski, RTerrett, LTerry, LTetla, DTewari, STewkesbury, DTexeira, JTey, CThake, MThakker, CThakker, MThakrar, JThamu, BThatcher, HThayanandan, AThazhatheyil, KThein, ETheocharidou, LThet, PThevarajah, KThevendra, MThiri Phoo, NThirlwall, YThirumaran, MThomas, AThomas, CThomas, HThomas, JThomas, KThomas, LThomas, RThomas, SThomas, TThomas, VThomasson, KThomas-Turner, RThompson, CThompson, EThompson, FThompson, HThompson, JThompson, KThompson, LThompson, MThompson, OThompson, RThompson, YThomson, NThorburn, PThorn, NThorne, CThorne, NThornton, AThornton, DThornton, JThornton, RThornton, SThornton, TThorpe, SThorpe, CThorpe, NThozthumparambil, PThrasyvoulou, LThraves, HThueux, GThu-Ta, PThwaiotes, VTiberi, STieger, STierney, CTighe, MTilbey, STill, CTiller, ATiller, HTimerick, JTimlick, ETimmins, ATimmis, ATimms, HTimoroksa, ATinashe, STingley, STinker, NTinkler, MTipper, JTirumalai Adisesh, ATivenan, HTluchowska, KT-Michael, HTodd, ATodd, JTodd, SToffoletti, OTohfa, MTohill, STolson, MTomasova, NTomlin, STomlins, STomlinson, JTomlinson, KTonkin, JTonna, IToohey, CTopham, KTopping, MTorokwa, ATorrance, CTouma, OTous Sampol, LTousis, RTout, MTovey, PTowersey, GTownley, JTozer, RTran, MTranter, HTravers, JTravill, CTraynor, STrethowan, LTreus Gude, ETrevelyan, MTrewick, NTridente, ATriggs, STrim, FTrimmings, ATrinick, TTrivedi, KTroedson, STropman, ETrotter, ATrous, STrower, HTrowsdale Stannard, MTrudgill, NTruman, NTruslove, MTrussell, STrussell, TTsakiridou, KTsang, CTsang, PTsawayo, TTsilimpari, KTsinaslanidis, GTso, STucker, STucker, NTudor, DTufail, ATuff, JTuffney, JTully, RTunesi, GTurbitt, KTurel, RTurgut, TTurley, CTurnbull, ATurner, ATurner, CTurner, KTurner, LTurner, MTurner, PTurner, STurner, VTurner-bone, ITurney, STurvey, JTweed, CTweed, DTwemlow, RTwohey, ETyagi, BTyagi, VTyer, ATyler, ATyler, JTyzack, ATzavaras, PTzinieris, IUddin, AUddin, MUddin, RUgoji, JUkaegbu, EUl Haq, MUl Hassan, WUl-Haq, ZUllah, SUm, JUmaipalan, AUmate, AUmeadi, JUmeh, AUmeojiako, WUmmat, BUnderhill, EUnderwood, CUnderwood, JUppal, VUpson, GUr Rasool, MUriel, AUrruela, SUru, HUsher, JUsher, MUsher-Rea, AUstianowski, AUzu, HVaccari, LVaghela, UVaidya, AVail, DValecka, BValentine, JValeria, BVallabhaneni, PVallotton, NVamplew, LVamvakiti, EVamvakopoulos, Jvan Bruggen, Lvan de Venne, Mvan der Meer, Avan der Stelt, Nvan Koutrik, LVan Loggerenberg, AVance-Daniel, JVancheeswaran, RVandeyoon, SVankayalapati, PVanmali, PVansomeren, CVara, SVardy, SVarghese, AVarghese, MVarney, WVarnier, GVarouxaki, AVarquez, RVasadi, VVassell, KVassell, OVasu, VVasudevan, VVatish, MVaughan, SVayalaman, HVayapooree, DVaz, CVeale, NVeerasamy, SVelankar, SVelauthar, LVeli, NVella, NVelugupati, AVelusamy, AVenables, IVenditti, MVenkataramakrishnan, RVenn, RVentilacion, LVere, JVeres, MVergnano, SVerling, WVerma, AVernall, RVernon, BVertue, MVerueco, LVerula, JVethanayagam, NVettikumaran, SVeys, LVickers, CVictor, SVictoria, SVidler, JVijayakumar, BVijayaraghavan Nalini, VVilcinskaite, BVileito, AVilimiene, NVinall, LVinay, SVinayakarao, LVincent, OVincent, RVirdee, PVirgilio, EVirk, AVisentin, EVitaglione, MVithian, KVittoria, SVivekananthan, SVlad, EVlies, Bvon Oven, LVooght, CVutipongsatorn, KVuylsteke, AVyras, EW Hay, AWach, RWadams, BWadd, SWaddington, NWade, PWadsley, JWadsworth, KWafa, SWagstaff, DWagstaff, LWahab, DWahbi, ZWaheed Adigun, AWaidyanatha, SWaite, AWake, RWakefield, AWakeford, WWakinshaw, FWaldeck, EWalden, AWalding, LWaldron, AWaldron, JWales, EWali, BWalker, DWalker, GWalker, HWalker, IWalker, KWalker, LWalker, OWalker, RWallace, GWallbutton, RWallen, JWaller, AWaller, RWallis, GWallis, LWallis, MWalmsley, EWalsh, DWalsh, EWalsh, LWalstow, DWalter, DWalters, AWalters, HWalton, LWalton, MWalton, OWalton, SWands, MWane, RWang, FWang, NWang, RWang, SWarbrick, DWarburton, SWard, CWard, DWard, EWard, HWard, JWard, LWard, NWard, RWard, TWarden, SWardere, GWardle, SWardy, HWaring, GWaring, SWarner, BWarner, CWarnock, LWarran, SWarren, JWarren, LWarren, RWarren, YWarrender, DWarren-Miell, HWarwick, GWassall, HWasson, EWastson, EWatchorn, HWaterfall, HWaters, AWaters, DWaterstone, MWatkin, AWatkins, CWatkins, EWatkins, KWatkins, LWatson, AWatson, EWatson, FWatson, JWatson, KWatson, LWatson, PWatson, RWatters, MWatterson, DWatts, DWatts, JWatts, MWaugh, VWayman, MWazir, AWeatherhead, MWeatherly, NWebb, CWebb, HWebb, KWebb, SWebsdale, CWebster, DWebster, IWebster, JWebster, TWedlin, JWee, LWeerakoon, RWeerasinghe, TWeeratunga, JWeetman, MWei, SWeichert, IWelch, EWelch, HWelch, LWelch, SWelham, BWeller, SWellings, LWells, BWellstead, SWelsh, BWelters, IWelton, RWenn, VWentworth, LWesonga, JWesseldine, KWest, JWest, MWest, RWest, SWestern, LWesthead, RWeston, HWestwood, AWestwood, KWestwood, SWetherill, BWheaver, SWheeler, HWhelan, BWhelband, MWhileman, AWhitcher, AWhite, AWhite, BWhite, CWhite, DWhite, JWhite, KWhite, MWhite, NWhite, SWhite, TWhitehead, CWhitehorn, KWhitehouse, CWhitehouse, TWhiteley, JWhiteley, LWhiteley, SWhitham, RWhitlingum, GWhitmore, DWhittam, LWhittington, AWhittle, HWhittle, RWiafe, EWiblin, LWickens, OWiddrington, JWieboldt, JWieringa, HWiesender, CWiffen, LWight, AWignall, AWignall, CWilce, AWilcock, DWilcock, EWilcox, LWild, BWild, LWild, SWilde, MWilding, LWilding, PWildsmith, TWileman, JWiles, KWilhelmsen, EWiliams, TWilkie, JWilkin, DWilkins, HWilkins, JWilkins, SWilkinson, IWilkinson, LWilkinson, NWilkinson, TWilletts, SWilliams, AWilliams, CWilliams, DWilliams, EWilliams, GWilliams, HWilliams, JWilliams, KWilliams, MWilliams, RWilliams, SWilliams, TWilliamson, AWilliamson, HWilliamson, RWillis, EWillis, HWillis, JWills, LWillsher, LWillshire, CWilson, AWilson, BWilson, DWillson, FWilson, IWillson, JWilson, K-AWilson, LWilson, MWilson, TWin, KWin, MWin, TWin, WWinckworth, LWinder, LWinder, PWinearl, SWinmill, HWinn, SWinpenny, CWinslow, HWinter, HWinter, JWinter-Goodwin, BWinterton, JWinwood, HWischhusen, JWisdom, SWise, MWiselka, MWiseman, RWiseman, SWishart, SWishlade, TWitele, EWithers, NWixted, DWodehouse, TWolf, WWolff, NWolffsohn, KWolf-Roberts, RWolodimeroff, EWolstencroft, AWong, AWong, CWong, C HWong, EWong, JWong, KWong, MWong, NWong, SWong, TWood, AWood, DWood, FWood, GWood, HWood, JWood, LWood, MWood, SWood, TWoodall, KWoodfield, RWoodford, CWoodford, EWoodford, JWoodhead, LWoodhead, TWoodland, PWoodman, MWoodmansey, SWoods, CWoods, JWoods, KWoods, SWoodward, ZWoolcock, MWooldridge, GWoolf, RWoollard, CWoollen, LWoolley, EWoolley, JWoosey, DWootton, DWootton, JWorley, DWorton, SWraight, JWray, MWren, KWren, LWrey Brown, CWright, CWright, DWright, FWright, HWright, IWright, LWright, RWright, SWright, TWroe, CWroe, HWu, HWu, PWubetu, JWulandari, RWurie, SWyatt, CWyn-Griffiths, FWynter, IXavier, BXhikola, AXia, BXia, ZY Ellis, TYacoba, EYakubi, MYan, MYanagisawa, YYang, FYang, YYanney, MYap, WYaqoob, NYasmin, SYates, BYates, DYates, EYates, HYates, MYates, TYe, JYearwood Martin, CYein, KYeoh, AYeung, CYew, PYewatkar, DYlquimiche Melly, LYnter, IYong, HYorke, JYouens, JYounes Ibrahim, AYoung, EYoung, GYoung, LYousafzar, AYoussouf, SYousuf, AYu, CYuan, JYung, BYusef, DYusef, SYusuf, IZafar, A-MZagalo, SZaher, SZahoor, AZainab, MZak, TZaki, KZakir, NZalewska, KZamalloa, AZaman, MZaman, SZamikula, JZammit, LZammit-Mangion, MZawadzka, MZebracki, EZehnder, DZeidan, LZeinali, DZhang, JZhao, XZheng, DZia, MZibdeh, OZill-E-Huma, RZin, EZincone, EZindoga, GZinkin, EZinyemba, VZipitis, CZitter, LZmierczak, AZubikarai, GZubir, AZuhra, NZulaikha, RZulfikar, SZullo, CZuriaga-Alvaro, A
In The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health March 2024 8(3):190-200
Academic Journal
Herrington WG; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Staplin N; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Agrawal N; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Wanner C; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Green JB; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Hauske SJ; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Emberson JR; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Preiss D; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Judge P; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Zhu D; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Dayanandan R; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Arimoto R; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Mayne KJ; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Ng SYA; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Sammons E; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Hill M; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Stevens W; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Wallendszus K; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Brenner S; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Cheung AK; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Liu ZH; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Li J; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Hooi LS; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Liu W; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Kadowaki T; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Nangaku M; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Levin A; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Cherney DZI; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Maggioni AP; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Pontremoli R; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Deo R; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Goto S; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Rossello X; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Tuttle KR; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Steubl D; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Massey D; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Brueckmann M; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Landray MJ; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Baigent C; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).; Haynes R; From the Renal Studies Group, Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom (W.G.H., N.S., N.A., C.W., J.R.E., D.P., P.J., D.Z., R. Dayanandan, R.A., K.J.M., S.Y.A.N., E.S., W.S., K.W., M.H., M.J.L., C.B., R.H.); the University Clinic of Würzburg, Würzburg (C.W., S.B.), Boehringer Ingelheim International (S.J.H., D.S., M.B.), Elderbrook Solutions (D.M.), and the Fifth Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim (S.J.H.) and the First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim (M.B.), University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, and the Department of Nephrology, Hospital Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich (D.S.) - all in Germany; Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC (J.B.G.); the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (A.K.C.); the National Clinical Research Center of Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing (Z.-H.L.), and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing (J.L.) - both in China; Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia (L.S.H., W.L.); the University of Tokyo School of Medicine/Toranomon Hospital (T.K.) and the University of Tokyo School of Medicine (M.N.), Tokyo, and Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara (S.G.) - all in Japan; the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (A.L.), and the University of Toronto, Toronto (D.Z.I.C.) - both in Canada; Università degli Studi and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino di Genova, Genoa (R.P.), and Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri Research Center, Florence (A.P.M.) - both in Italy; the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia (R. Deo); Providence Health Care and University of Washington, Seattle (K.R.T.); and Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands, Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (X.R.).
Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0255562 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1533-4406 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00284793 NLM ISO Abbreviation: N Engl J Med Subsets: MEDLINE
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In: Diabetic Medicine. (Diabetic Medicine, September 2024, 41(9))
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