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Academic Journal
In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters . (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 1 October 2024, 534(1):L58-L64)
Lundgren, Erik; Locke, Macauley; Romero-Severson, Ethan; Dimitrijevic, Mira; Axelsson, Maria; Andersson, Emmi; Carlander, Christina; Brännström, Johanna; Norrgren, Hans; Mansson, Fredrik; Elvstam, Olof; Gisslén, Magnus; Fohlin, Lisa; Sönnerborg, Anders; Albert, Jan; Leitner, Thomas
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health. 29(42):1-9
2022 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) Development and Learning (ICDL), 2022 IEEE International Conference on. :36-41 Sep, 2022
Anderson, G; Anderson, J; Anderson, M; Aveni, G; Bame, D; Barela, P; Blackman, K; Carmain, A; Chen, L; Cherng, M; Clark, S; Connally, M; Connolly, W; Conroy, D; Cooper, M; Cutler, C; D'Agostino, J; Demmons, N; Dorantes, E; Dunn, C; Duran, M; Ehrbar, E; Evans, J; Fernandez, J; Franklin, G; Girard, M; Gorelik, J; Hruby, V; Hsu, O; Jackson, D; Javidnia, S; Kern, D; Knopp, M; Kolasinski, R; Kuo, C; Le, T; Li, I; Liepack, O; Littlefield, A; Maghami, P; Malik, S; Markley, L; Martin, R; Marrese-Reading, C; Mehta, J; Mennela, J; Miller, D; Nguyen, D; O'Donnell, J; Parikh, R; Plett, G; Ramsey, T; Randolph, T; Rhodes, S; Romero-Wolf, A; Roy, T; Ruiz, A; Shaw, H; Slutsky, J; Spence, D; Stocky, J; Tallon, J; Thorpe, I; Tolman, W; Umfress, H; Valencia, R; Valerio, C; Warner, W; Wellman, J; Willis, P; Ziemer, J; Zwahlen, J; Armano, M; Audley, H; Baird, J; Binetruy, P; Born, a M; Bortoluzzi, D; Castelli, E; Cavalleri, A; Cesarini, A; Cruise, A M; Danzmann, K; Silva, M de Deus; Diepholz, I; Dixon, G; Dolesi, R; Ferraioli, L; Ferroni, V; Fitzsimons, E D; Freschi, M; Gesa, L; Gibert, F; Giardini, D; Giusteri, R; Grimani, C; Grzymisch, J; Harrison, I; Heinzel, G; Hewitson, M; Hollington, D; Hoyland, D; Hueller, M; Inchauspe, H; Jennrich, O; Jetzer, P; Karnesis, N; Kaune, B; Korsakova, N; Killow, C J; Lobo, J A; Lloro, I; Liu, L; Lopez-Zaragoza, J P; Maarschalkerweerd, R; Mance, D; Meshksar, N; Martin, V; Martin-Polo, L; Martino, J; Martin-Porqueras, F; Mateos, I; McNamara, P W; Mendes, J; Mendes, L; Nofrarias, M; Paczkowski, S; Perreur-Lloyd, M; Petiteau, A; Pivato, P; Plagnol, E; Ramos-Castro, J; Reiche, J; Robertson, D I; Rivas, F; Russano, G; Sopuerta, C F; Sumner, T; Texier, D; Vetrugno, D; Vitale, S; Wanner, G; Ward, H; Wass, P J; Weber, W J; Wissel, L; Wittchen, A; Zweifel, P
Phys. Rev. D 98, 102005 (2018)
Academic Journal
Tevendale, Heather D.; Garraza, Lucas Godoy; Brooks, Megan A. M.; Koumans, Emilia H.; House, L. Duane; Sommerfeldt, Hope M.; Brittain, Anna; Mueller, Trisha; Fuller, Taleria R.; Romero, Lisa; Fasula, Amy; Warner, Lee
Prevention Science: Official Journal of the Society for Prevention Research. 25(3):545-565
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[검색어] Romero, Lisa
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