에서 검색결과 60건 | 목록
Schepis, D.J.; Assaderaghi, F.; Yee, D.S.; Rausch, W.; Bolam, R.J.; Ajmera, A.C.; Leobandung, E.; Kulkarni, S.B.; Flaker, R.; Sadana, D.; Hovel, H.J.; Kebede, T.; Schiller, C.; Wu, S.; Wagner, L.F.; Saccamango, M.J.; Ratanaphanyarat, S.; Kuang, J.B.; Hsieh, M.C.; Tallman, K.A.; Martino, R.M.; Fitzpatrick, D.; Badami, D.A.; Hakey, M.; Chu, S.F.; Davari, B.; Shahidi, G.G.
International Electron Devices Meeting. IEDM Technical Digest Electron Devices Electron Devices Meeting, 1997. IEDM '97. Technical Digest., International. :587-590 1997
2001 Symposium on VLSI Circuits. Digest of Technical Papers (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37185) VLSI circuits VLSI Circuits, 2001. Digest of Technical Papers. 2001 Symposium on. :167-170 2001
Harame, D.L.; Ganin, E.; Comfort, J.H.; Sun, J.Y.-C.; Acovic, A.; Cohen, S.A.; Ronsheim, P.A.; Verdonckt-Vandebroek, S.; Restle, P.J.; Ratanaphanyarat, S.; Saccamango, M.J.; Johnson, J.B.; Furkay, S.A.
International Electron Devices Meeting 1991 [Technical Digest] Electron Devices Meeting, 1991. IEDM '91. Technical Digest., International. :645-648 1991
Harame, D.L.; Crabbe, E.F.; Cressler, J.D.; Comfort, J.H.; Sun, J.Y.-C.; Stiffler, S.R.; Kobeda, E.; Burghartz, J.N.; Gilbert, M.M.; Malinowski, J.C.; Dally, A.J.; Ratanaphanyarat, S.; Saccamango, M.J.; Rausch, W.; Cotte, J.; Chu, C.; Stork, J.M.C.
1992 International Technical Digest on Electron Devices Meeting Electron Devices Meeting, 1992. IEDM '92. Technical Digest., International. :19-22 1992
Wagner, L.F.; Kim, K.M.; Nguyen, P.T.; Saccamango, M.J.; Cunningham, B.; DeVries, K.; Ratanaphanyarat, S.; Fischer, S.E.; Snare, J.L.; Lucchese, A.; Strugazow, P.; Peressini, P.; Chu, S.F.; Knepper, R.W.
Proceedings of the 1992 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1992., Proceedings of the 1992. :130-133 1992
Pelella, M.M.; Nguyen, P.T.; Saccamango, M.J.; Ratanaphanyarat, S.; Comfort, J.H.; Fischer, S.E.; Knepper, R.W.; Peressini, P.P.; Chu, S.F.
Proceedings of the 1992 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1992., Proceedings of the 1992. :46-49 1992
Academic Journal
Kuang, J.B.; Ratanaphanyarat, S.; Saccamango, M.J.; Hsu, L.L.-C.; Flaker, R.C.; Wagner, L.F.; Chu, S.-F. S.; Shahidi, G.G.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of. 32(6):837-844 Jun, 1997
Academic Journal
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Trans. Electron Devices Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on. 38(2):355-364 Feb, 1991
Academic Journal
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Trans. Electron Devices Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on. 37(9):1948-1958 Sep, 1990
Academic Journal
Ratanaphanyarat, S.; Rausch, W.; Smadi, M.; Saccamango, M.J.; Mei, S.N.; Chu, S.-F.; Ronsheim, P.A.; Chu, J.O.
IEEE Electron Device Letters IEEE Electron Device Lett. Electron Device Letters, IEEE. 12(6):261-263 Jun, 1991
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[검색어] Ratanaphanyarat, S.
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