
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 37건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Fong Y; Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Dang L; Biostatistics Research Branch, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.; Zhang B; Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Fintzi J; Biostatistics Research Branch, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.; Chen S; Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Wang J; Clinical Monitoring Research Program Directorate, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Frederick, MD, USA.; Rouphael NG; Hope Clinic, Emory University, Decatur, Georgia, USA.; Branche AR; Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA.; Diemert DJ; George Washington Vaccine Research Unit, George Washington University, Washington, District of Columbia, USA.; Falsey AR; Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA.; Losada C; Hope Clinic, Emory University, Decatur, Georgia, USA.; Baden LR; Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.; Frey SE; Center for Vaccine Development, Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA.; Whitaker JA; Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology and Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA.; Little SJ; Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA.; Kamidani S; Center for Childhood Infections and Vaccines, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Georgia, USA.; Department of Pediatrics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.; Walter EB; Duke Human Vaccine Institute, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA.; Novak RM; Project WISH, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA.; Rupp R; Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.; Jackson LA; Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Yu C; Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Magaret CA; Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Molitor C; Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Borate B; Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Babu TM; Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Kottkamp AC; Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit, Manhattan Research Clinic, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, New York, USA.; Luetkemeyer AF; Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, San Francisco, California, USA.; Immergluck LC; Clinical Research Center, Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Immunology, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.; Presti RM; Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri, USA.; Bäcker M; Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit, Long Island Research Clinic, New York University, Long Island School of Medicine, Mineola, New York, USA.; Winokur PL; Department of Medicine, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.; Mahgoub SM; Howard University College of Medicine, Howard University Hospital, Washington, District of Columbia, USA.; Goepfert PA; Department of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA.; Fusco DN; Department of Medicine, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.; Atmar RL; Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology and Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA.; Posavad CM; Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Consortium (IDCRC) Laboratory Operations Unit, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Mu J; The Emmes Company, LLC, Rockville, Maryland, USA.; Makowski M; The Emmes Company, LLC, Rockville, Maryland, USA.; Makhene MK; Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.; Nayak SU; Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.; Roberts PC; Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.; Follmann D; Biostatistics Research Branch, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.; Gilbert PB; Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.; Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Publisher: Oxford University Press Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9203213 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1537-6591 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10584838 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Clin Infect Dis Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Behavioral Neuroscience. Aug98, Vol. 112 Issue 4, p1001. 11p. 10 Graphs.
Academic Journal
Puttnam, R.Barzilay, J.I.Furberg, C.D.Davis, B.R.Pressel, S.L.Ghosh, A.Whelton, P.K.Cushman, W.C.Louis, G.T.Margolis, K.L.Oparil, S.Williamson, J.Einhorn, P.T.Wright, J.Cutler, J.Alderman, M.Black, H.Grimm, R.Haywood, L.Leenen, F.Probstfield, J.Piller, L.B.Cutler, J.Nwachuku, C.Gordon, D.Proschan, M.Ford, C.E.Dunn, K.Bettencourt, J.DeLeon, B.Simpson, L.M.Blanton, J.Geraci, T.Walsh, S.M.Nelson, C.Wright, J.Rahman, M.Juratovac, A.Pospisil, R.Suhan, P.Alderman, M.Carroll, L.Russo, J.Sullivan, S.Black, H.Barone, G.Christian, R.Feldman, S.Lucente, T.Calhoun, D.Jenkins, K.McDowell, P.Probstfield, J.Alzate, J.Johnson, J.Kingry, C.Grimm, R.Holland, L.Jaeger, B.Ragusa, P.Williard, A.Adler, L.Leenen, F.Ferguson, R.Tanner, J.Eckfeldt, J.Bucksa, J.Nowicki, M.Pelosi, J.Crow, R.Thomas, S.Califf, R.Applegate, W.Buring, J.Cooper, E.Ferdinand, K.Fisher, M.Gifford, R.Sheps, S.Ada, L.Alexander, D.Black, L.Davis, C.Davis, W.Farooqui, S.Fritz, H.Kessler, T.Ledbetter, S.Means, L.Patterson, J.Qureshi, N.Redcross, L.Reeves, R.Tucker, T.Wettermark, N.Williams, A.Yarbrough, W.Cohen, I.Dachman, W.Estrada, N.Felicetta, J.Fowler, D.Fowler, R.Goldman, S.Lui, C.Morris, S.Morrison, D.Nelson, J.Ohm, J.Paull, D.Pulliam, G.Roberts, D.Ruiz, I.Thai, H.Acklin, J.Azhar, M.Berry, F.Burns, D.Carter, W.Dixon, M.Eldridge, S.Fendley, A.Fendley, H.Flowers, M.Goss, S.Guyer, M.Harris, G.Hawkins, M.Hopson, D.Kern, P.King, R.Lynch, M.Maples, E.McCafferty, R.McGehee, M.Miller, J.Neil, D.Oakum, M.Paslidis, N.Riordan, K.Robbins, G.Simmons, D.Vilayvanh, C.Whitmer, S.Cameron, D.Alvarez, C.Anderson, D.Ariani, M.Barrett, S.Boggess, J.Brackeen, B.Bui, A.Callaham, P.Calong, M.Camacho, J.Cavendish, J.Chao, G.Cheung, D.Christianson, B.Dempsey, W.Dennish, G.Dharawat, R.Dizmang, D.Doherty, N.Donnell, M.Edmondson, S.Falcone, D.Franklin, S.Frazee, J.Frivold, G.Ghattas, S.Goldfarb-Waysman, D.Haskett, T.Haywood, L.Horton, N.Huang, Y.Hui, K.Jacob, N.Jolley, K.Jurado, B.Karns, A.Karns, R.Karunaratne, K.Katchem, A.Katchem, 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G.Durr, J.Evans, J.Feld, S.Feldman, R.Fischer, L.Fisher, S.Formoso, M.Fulford, S.Galler, M.Hildner, J.Holman, K.Jackson, A.Jackson, C.Khan, G.Khan, M.Kronen, S.Lehmann, J.Littles, A.Lopez, R.Madhany, N.McCarty, L.Mullinax, K.Murray, M.Navas, J.Peguero-Rivera, A.Preston, R.Rolbiecki, N.Rolle, J.Rosenfield, L.Saavedra, O.Schlau, A.Stein, M.Stokes, J.Strickland, S.Tran, U.Videau, B.Webster, J.Webster, T.Weinstein, A.Westfall, T.Williams, D.Yoham, M.Anderson, U.Austin, B.Bianco, L.Griffith, F.Jaffe, J.Killeavy, E.Kwon, A.Lewis, C.Manoucheri, M.Nitzberg, L.Ramos, G.Seabrooks, P.Sheikh, K.John, H.John, T.Zafar, F.Anderson, D.Anderson, R.Boyce, S.Brackett, P.Bradley, P.Brown, W.Carter, R.Carter, S.Castro, D.Duty, L.Ellison, H.Francis, A.Goodman, L.Harrelson, D.Hartney, T.Heldreth, J.Heneisen, J.Hicks, A.Hornsby, L.Hudson, J.Hurst, S.Iskhakova, L.James, S.James, S.Jones, Y.Kersey, K.Kitchens, W.London, N.Loraditch, M.Lowe, G.Maddox, R.Malcolm, R.Mathis, D.Mayers, C.McDaniel, M.McPhail, 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P.Diggs, J.Lakshmiprasad, P.Leitz, A.Richardson, B.Burton, J.Carr, W.Chance, P.Childs, S.Compton, C.Cook, J.Coombs, V.Daniels, J.Death, P.Essandoh, L.Ferguson, Y.Fraley, D.Freedman, M.Gary, M.Gloth, F.Gottlieb, S.Gregory, M.Hairston, S.Hall, P.Hamilton, B.Hamilton, J.Harrison, D.James, D.Kerzner, B.Lancaster, A.Lutz, H.Marks, J.Martin, J.Mersey, J.Nelson, L.Obah, E.Ong, S.Palacios, J.Park, S.Partlow, M.Posner, M.Rachocka, H.Rubin, M.Rubinstein, M.Rykiel, M.Smith, C.Socha, B.Thompson, K.Walker, K.Webber, J.Williams, K.Brightwell, E.Chandler, J.Denton, G.Kelemen, M.Tesch, D.Bradshaw, L.Chakraborty, A.DiMario, F.Ingelfinger, J.Pincus, J.Sobrado, A.Cassidy, M.Sbarra, T.Bey-Knight, L.Carson, D.Cavanaugh, A.Chertok, M.Church, K.Colfer, H.Diaz, I.Dobbs, B.Edelson, G.Fabello-Gamiao, J.Gappy, S.Grove, J.Johnson, D.Johnson, M.Jones, C.Jones, E.Kelly, T.Kerin, N.Letzring, B.Oleszkowicz, M.Raffee, A.Rasikas, K.Shaw, C.Siddique, M.VanOver, B.Zervos, M.Gudipati, R.Janners, C.Janners, S.Keshishian, 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L.English, S.Knapp, H.Sokoloski, L.Berry, M.Butkus, E.Byers, S.Colan, D.Dobesh, R.Hilleman, N.Hranac, R.Klein, P.McKnight, T.Mohiuddin, S.Mooss, A.Moyer, R.Myers, P.Rasmussen, L.Schafersman, J.Chinn, J.Collins, R.Samols, E.Akgun, S.Bastian, A.Bordone, L.Cosgrove, N.Costa, A.Cuyjet, A.Daniels, S.DeEugenio, L.DeEugenio, L.Denniston, R.Duh, L.Farber, M.Farber, M.Ferguson, S.Ferranti, K.Flanagan, G.Garofalo, J.Hassman, H.Hassman, J.Jacobs, H.Kostis, J.Kudryk, A.Kutza, M.Liang, R.McArthur, G.McGann, B.Miller, R.Moser, E.Nash, F.Niblack, P.Ogunmefun, E.Raghuwanshi, M.Sastrasinh, S.Seely, T.Stanley, J.Suarez, S.Vaughn, A.Wong-Liang, R.Young, J.Yuchnovitz, S.Zolnowski, M.Graves, D.Groves, M.Iwan, E.Shipley, J.Aliseo, J.Jacobs, M.Almelda, N.Anderson, S.Andres, J.Ankomah, N.Anteola, E.Assadi, C.Assadi, M.Atlas, S.Baruth, J.Barz, D.Begley, J.Bharathan, T.Bova, A.Brautigam, D.Brown, C.Canaan, S.Candelas, M.Caraballo, P.Chapman, J.Clark, L.Desai, K.Dowie, D.Dwyer, C.Farag, A.Flanders, C.Foster, 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L.Schlau, V.Smith, R.Spruill, J.Summerson, J.Chelliah, N.Garten, E.Hagen, K.Jafri, S.Vold, D.Westacott, B.Anderson, C.Athanail, S.Castaldo, D.Castaldo, R.Clark, D.Copley, D.Dobrzynski, B.Dobrzynski, D.Farron, R.Hoffman, B.McLaughlin, J.Ong, K.Peoples, T.Price, M.Salom, I.Sears, S.Sutton, R.Zugibe, A.Zugibe, F.Barnes-Lark, L.Blanck, C.Casterline, K.Chen, D.Cowens, K.Cubick, M.Davidson, D.Dockery, P.Finocchio, J.Gundrum, T.Hentenaar, T.Hulisz, D.Hull, D.Keaton, K.Kikano, G.Klyn, K.Lazaron, L.Lukie, D.Medwid, S.Miller, L.Murden, R.Neff, H.Ospelt, E.Patel, M.Pelecanos, E.Pfister, E.Sadler, L.Saklayen, M.Salomon, A.Schmidt, A.Stein, S.Subich, D.Thiel, D.Thompson, L.Toltzis, R.Tucker, J.Vidt, D.Wise, G.Wray, D.Ballone, L.Barnett, G.Bradford, D.Feeman, W.Griffin, C.Moore, S.Narraway, A.Novak, G.Schroeder, G.Wiggins, J.Abott, D.Cook-Greenwood, J.Jelley, M.Kipperman, R.Leverett, J.Manion, C.Mears, S.Parker, B.Ringrose, R.Scholl, L.Schoshke, J.Shelton, F.Stephens, M.Thadani, U.Walters, K.Dissanayake, M.Falley, S.Harris, H.MacKenzie, S.McBarron, F.Murray, S.Christy, V.Ong, Y.Abbott, G.Baessler, C.Benioff, M.Bowens, A.Burke, J.Carradine, L.Devine, K.Duzy, M.Dy, G.Fontaine, J.Fox, D.Gilhool, W.Grasso, J.Ham, T.Heaney, S.Hefner, J.Herr, D.Hollywood, L.Jones, L.Kauffman, M.Kemler, E.Koduri, S.Kopyt, N.Kutalek, S.MacIntyre, M.Martsolf, R.McLeod, A.Miller, A.Minnock, A.Mishriki, Y.Nace, D.Nagy, L.Nastico, P.Olasin, R.Oschwald, C.Potts, N.Reinhard, R.Reinhard, R.Roberts, N.Rogers, B.Sant Ram, D.Sessoms, F.Shore, M.Shore, S.Singley, D.Spencer, J.Spigner, D.Springer, B.Swagler, W.Tanzer, P.Walker, S.Walls, N.Whyte, D.Worley, S.Ziady, G.Friedman, A.Matelan, C.Reyes, M.Sessoms, F.Silver, S.Watson, D.Agosto, A.Aguilera-Montalvo, J.Algarin-Sanchez, H.Alvarado, J.Andino, I.Aponte Pagan, J.Arce, M.Benabe, J.Cangiano, J.Catoni, L.Cianchini, J.Claudio, J.Collazo, M.Colon, P.Cruz-Lugo, Y.DaMore, J.Edwards Volquez, E.Feliberti-Irizarri, A.Felix-Ramos, P.Fernandez-Quintero, J.Geo, M.Gomez, M.Gomez Adrover, R.Gonzalez-Bermudez, L.Guerrero, M.Guzman, E.Heredia, J.Irizarry, C.Leon, A.Lugardo, T.Martinez, G.Martinez, R.Melendez, M.Natal, M.Padilla, M.Pagan, W.Perez, Z.Pimentel, J.Pimentel Lebron, M.Ramos, A.Rios, M.Rivera, C.Rivera, E.Rivera Santiago, J.Rodriquez, E.Romero, D.Ruiz, R.Sanchez, C.Sanchez, J.Sosa-Padilla, M.Sotomayor-Gonzalez, I.Tavarez, J.Toro-Grajales, I.Torres, B.Vazquez, N.Vazquez, S.Vega, M.Vidal Oviedo, Z.Zapata, V.Zayas-Toro, I.Alteri, C.Galli, J.Hordes, A.Laflamme, L.MacLean, K.Marquis, L.Ruggieri, R.Sharma, S.Basile, J.Clarke, L.Coley, I.Devlin, D.Eggleston, S.Goforth, G.Ham, D.Hampton, A.Hill, P.Jones, K.Jones, R.Jumper, P.Kitchens, A.Lieberman, C.McAlpine, J.Moloo, J.Saenz, A.Sheek, D.Smith-Salley, A.Snape, P.Sterrett, J.Stone, C.Strossner, M.Sullivan, C.Vear, T.Weathers, D.Weeks, M.Williams, J.Williams, M.Ageton, C.Brown, M.Dale, L.Duncan, L.Eckrich, S.Kearns, P.Lankhorst, B.McDougall, K.Schuster, V.Wegenke, J.Woehl, J.Zawada, E.LaSalle-Ruiz, C.Anderson, D.Bounds, C.Caldwell, J.Cannon, W.Cassidy, R.DeJesus, C.Dilworth, L.Duffy, S.Hamilton, B.Harrell, T.Harris, K.Herr, M.Jones, J.Jones, L.Marker, H.Miller, J.Miller, S.Putman, F.Reaves, A.Rhule, V.Ross-Clunis, H.Satterfield, S.Siami, G.Smith, R.Smuckler, A.Snorton, C.Stern, T.Venugopal, D.Hays, L.Houston, M.Abbas, A.Adrogue, H.Amador, A.Arango, L.Arroyo, C.Battles, V.Beard, M.Beasley, J.Bhalla, R.Chauca, G.Damico, P.Davison, S.Dlabal, P.Duronio, N.East, C.Eelani, F.Farmerie, C.Fowler, E.Gambini, O.Griego, E.Habib, G.Hanna, S.Harden, D.Harrington, T.Herrera, C.Hicks, T.Hiltscher, B.Hyman, D.Lalani, I.Levine, A.Lu, S.Martinez, I.Martinez, Y.Mata, N.Motaparthi, R.Norch, B.Ottosen, M.Pavlik, V.Pearce, L.Periman, J.Pickard, M.Pokala, N.Ray, A.Richard, D.Rogers, K.Ruggles, M.Seals, L.Shafer, D.Shamsi, T.Sherwood-Berner, D.Soltero, E.Sy, A.Tomlinson, J.Vallbona, C.Verrett, D.Victor, R.Vongpatanasin, W.Young, R.Callihan, R.Henderson, G.O'Donnell, J.Slot, C.Swauger, J.Westenfelder, C.Williams, C.Armstrong, B.Buckley, B.Courchesne, P.Cushman, P.Gallant, F.Howard, T.Osborne, J.Primeau, R.Tanner, T.Alexander, L.Corral, D.Montgomery, B.Pappas, J.Rocha, R.Bryan-Christian, K.Christian, C.Morris, M.Bryan, D.Connito, D.Damico, K.Gendron, L.Goudreau, E.Juarez, M.Lemly, R.Macklin, L.McCall, K.Moore, J.Panebianco, D.Paulson, D.Pemberton, A.Renzi, R.Rice, D.Schmitt, J.Speese, S.Sperling, J.Thompson, L.Vetrovec, G.Williams, A.Williams, D.Zambrana, B.Anderson, J.Capoccia, K.Deger, G.Ellsworth, A.Micketti, A.Neighbor, W.Yarnall, S.Blackwood, H.Grubb, S.Ackell, P.Arnold, A.Blumenthal, S.Bodmer, P.Dart, R.David, D.Duffy, D.Egbujiobi, L.Faignant, M.Friedman, A.Friedman, B.Koeppl, C.Lintereur, M.Morledge, J.Neu, D.Noble, M.Rassier, M.Shove, G.Stevens, M.Wergin, R.Wollet, L.Yug, B.Zyniecki, C.Baer, C.LeBlanc, J.Withers, R.Yang, J.Collingwood, J.Crocker, P.Jardine, F.Newman, S.Rideout, G.Sussex, B.Baker, J.Bishop, D.Brose, C.Carswell, D.Charles, L.Coates, D.Coletta, E.Courtland, M.Crocker, S.Dhaliwal, R.Doey, T.Guy, D.Harterre, D.Harterre, G.Henry, C.Henry, D.Hutton, D.Janzen, I.Kafka, H.Kendrick, W.Kumar, N.Lan, R.Leenen, F.Lovell, R.McAuley, B.Melbourne, B.Melbourne, S.Morwood, H.Munro, S.Nawaz, S.O'Callahan, T.Prasad, S.Richardson, P.Rose, R.Sanderson-Guy, C.Schmidt, N.Spink, D.Spink, P.Stajfer, A.Tee, R.Usher, K.Wahby, M.Wahby, R.Wattam, D.Wells, L.Wiebe, M.Zarnke, K.Zuliani, P.Cha, J.Dejewski, D.Jones, D.Jones, L.Lubelsky, B.Luton, R.Maczko, A.Otis, J.Bailey-Walton, P.Bednarski, N.Chen, M.Fochler, S.Gross, S.Harper, T.Hilliard, G.Holmes, B.Jacobson, E.Kirkland, P.Lepor, N.Moorehead, K.Portnoy, E.Rieux, S.Rodriguez, N.Schneidman, D.Yuen, F.Galiber, D.Healy, S.Machel, T.Morash, J.Wright, J.T.Cutler, J.A.Alderman, M.Black, H.Grimm, R.Haywood, L.J.Leenen, F.Probstfield, J.Nwachuku, C.Gordon, D.Proschan, M.Ford, C.E.Dunn, K.Goff, D.Bettencourt, J.DeLeon, B.Simpson, L.M.Blanton, J.Geraci, T.Walsh, S.M.Nelson, C.Rahman, M.Juratovac, A.Pospisil, R.Carroll, L.Sullivan, S.Russo, J.Barone, G.Christian, R.Feldman, S.Lucente, T.Calhoun, D.Jenkins, K.McDowell, P.Johnson, J.Kingry, C.Alzate, J.Holland, L.A.Jaeger, B.Ragusa, P.Williard, A.Ferguson, R.L.S.Tanner, J.Eckfeldt, J.Crow, R.Pelosi, J.
In: JAMA Internal Medicine. (JAMA Internal Medicine, 1 January 2017, 177(1):67-76)
In: Proceedings - A&WMA Annual Meeting. (Proceedings - A&WMA Annual Meeting, 1989, 1) 24p.
Academic Journal
Rabl M; Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University of Zurich, Psychiatric University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland.; Clark C; Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University of Zurich, Psychiatric University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland.; Dayon L; Nestlé Institute of Food Safety & Analytical Sciences, Nestlé Research, Lausanne, Switzerland.; Institut des Sciences et Ingénierie Chimiques, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.; Popp J; Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University of Zurich, Psychiatric University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland julius.popp@uzh.ch.; Old-Age Psychiatry Service, Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 2985191R Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1468-330X (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00223050 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Altmann A; UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing, Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.; Aksman LM; Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA.; Oxtoby NP; UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing, Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.; Young AL; UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing, Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.; Alexander DC; UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing, Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.; Barkhof F; UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing, Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.; UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, WC1N 3BG, UK.; Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 1081 HV, The Netherlands.; Shoai M; UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, WC1N 3BG, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.; Hardy J; UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, WC1N 3BG, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.; Schott JM; UK Dementia Research Institute, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK.; Dementia Research Centre, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, WC1N 3AR, UK.
Publisher: Oxford University Press Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 0372537 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1460-2156 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00068950 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Brain Subsets: MEDLINE
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