
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 180건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Campbell, PJGetz, GKorbel, JOStuart, JMJennings, JLStein, LDPerry, MDNahal-Bose, HKOuellette, BFFLi, CHRheinbay, ENielsen, GPSgroi, DCWu, CLFaquin, WCDeshpande, VBoutros, PCLazar, AJHoadley, KALouis, DNDursi, LJYung, CKBailey, MHSaksena, GRaine, KMBuchhalter, IKleinheinz, KSchlesner, MZhang, JWang, WWheeler, DADing, LSimpson, JTO'Connor, BDYakneen, SEllrott, KMiyoshi, NButler, APRoyo, RShorser, SVazquez, MRausch, TTiao, GWaszak, SMRodriguez-Martin, BShringarpure, SWu, DYDemidov, GMDelaneau, OHayashi, SImoto, SHabermann, NSegre, AGarrison, ECafferkey, AAlvarez, EGHeredia-Genestar, JMMuyas, FDrechsel, OBruzos, ALTemes, JZamora, JBaez-Ortega, AKim, HLMashl, RJYe, KDiBiase, AHuang, KLLetunic, IMcLellan, MDNewhouse, SJShmaya, TKumar, SWedge, DCWright, MHYellapantula, VDGerstein, MKhurana, EMarques-Bonet, TNavarro, ABustamante, CDSiebert, RNakagawa, HEaston, DFOssowski, STubio, JMCDe La Vega, FMEstivill, XYuen, DMihaiescu, GLOmberg, LFerretti, VSabarinathan, RPich, OGonzalez-Perez, AWeiner, ATFittall, MWDemeulemeester, JTarabichi, MRoberts, NDVan Loo, PCortes-Ciriano, IUrban, LPark, Pin ZhuPitkaenen, ELi, YSaini, NKlimczak, LJWeischenfeldt, JSidiropoulos, NAlexandrov, LBRabionet, REscaramis, GBosio, MHolik, AZSusak, HPrasad, AErkek, SCalabrese, CRaeder, BHarrington, EMayes, STurner, DJuul, SRoberts, SASong, LKoster, RMirabello, LHua, XTanskanen, TJTojo, MChen, JAaltonen, LARatsch, GSchwarz, RFButte, AJBrazma, AChanock, SJChatterjee, NStegle, OHarismendy, OBova, GSGordenin, DAHaan, DSieverling, LFeuerbach, LChalmers, DJoly, YKnoppers, BMolnar-Gabor, FPhillips, MThorogood, ATownend, DGoldman, MFonseca, NAXiang, QCraft, BPineiro-Yanez, EMunoz, APetryszak, RFullgrabe, AAl-Shahrour, FKeays, MHaussler, DWeinstein, JHuber, WValencia, APapatheodorou, IZhu, JFan, YTorrents, DBieg, MChen, KChong, ZCibulskis, KEils, RFulton, RSGelpi, JLGonzalez, SGut, IGHach, FHeinold, MHu, THuang, VHutter, BJaeger, NJung, JKumar, YLalansingh, CLeshchiner, ILivitz, DMa, EZMaruvka, YEMilovanovic, ANielsen, MMParamasivam, NPedersen, JSPuiggros, MSahinalp, SCSarrafi, IStewart, CStobbe, MDWala, JAWang, JWendl, MWerner, JWu, ZXue, HYamaguchi, TNYellapantula, VDavis-Dusenbery, BNGrossman, RLKim, YHeinold, MCHinton, JJones, DRMenzies, AStebbings, LHess, JMRosenberg, MDunford, AJGupta, MImielinski, MMeyerson, MBeroukhim, RReimand, JDhingra, PFavero, FDentro, SWintersinger, JRudneva, VPark, JWHong, EPHeo, SGKahles, Ajong-Van LehmannSoulette, CMShiraishi, YLiu, FHe, YDemircioglu, DDavidson, NRGreger, LLi, SLiu, DStark, SGZhang, FAmin, SBBailey, PChateigner, AFrenkel-Morgenstern, MHou, YHuska, MRKilpinen, HLamaze, FCLi, CLi, XLiu, XMarin, MGMarkowski, JNandi, TOjesina, APan-Hammarstrom, QPark, PJPedamallu, CSSu, HTan, PTeh, BXiong, HYe, CYung, CZhang, XQZheng, LTZhu, SAwadalla, PCreighton, CJWu, KYang, HMGoke, JZhang, ZBrooks, ANMartincorena, IRubio-Perez, CJuul, MSchumacher, SShapira, OTamborero, DMularoni, LHornshoj, HDeu-Pons, JMuinos, FBertl, JGuo, QBazant, WBarrera, EAl-Sedairy, STAretz, ABell, CBetancourt, MBuchholz, CCalvo, FChomienne, CDunn, MEdmonds, SGreen, EGupta, SHutter, CMJegalian, KJones, NLu, YYNakagama, HNettekoven, GPlanko, LScott, DShibata, TShimizu, KStratton, MRYugawa, TTortora, GVijayRaghavan, KZenklusen, JCKnoppers, BMAminou, BBartolome, JBoroevich, KABoyce, RBuchanan, AByrne, NJChen, ZCho, SChoi, WClapham, PDow, MTEils, JFarcas, CFayzullaev, NFlicek, PHeath, APHofmann, OHong, JHHudson, TJHuebschmann, DIvkovic, SJeon, SHJiao, WKabbe, RKerssemakers, JNAKim, HKim, JKoscher, MKoures, AKovacevic, MLawerenz, CLiu, JMijalkovic, SMijalkovic-Lazic, AMMiyano, SNastic, MNicholson, JOcana, DOhi, KOhno-Machado, LPihl, TDPrinz, MRadovic, PShort, CSofia, HJSpring, JStruck, AJTijanic, NVicente, DWang, ZWilliams, AWoo, YWright, AJYang, LHamilton, MPJohnson, TAKahraman, AKellis, MPolak, PSallari, RSinnott-Armstrong, Nvon Mering, CBeltran, SGerhard, DSGut, MTrotta, JRWhalley, JPNiu, BEspiritu, SMGGao, SHuang, YLalansingh, CMTeague, JWWendl, MCAbascal, FBader, GDBandopadhayay, PBarenboim, JBrunak, SFita, JCChakravarty, DChan, CWYChoi, JKDiamanti, KFink, JLFrigola, JGambacorti-Passerini, CGarsed, DWHaradhvala, NJHarmanci, AOHelmy, MHerrmann, CHobolth, AHodzic, EHong, CIsaev, KIzarzugaza, JMGJohnson, RJuul, RIKim, JKKomorowski, JLanzos, ALarsson, ELee, DLin, ZLiu, EMLochovsky, LLou, SMadsen, TMarchal, KFundichely, AMMcGillivray, PDMeyerson, WPaczkowska, MPark, KPons, TPulido-Tamayo, SSalazar, IRReyna, MARubin, MASalichos, LSander, CSchumacher, SEShackleton, MShen, CShrestha, RShuai, STsunoda, TUmer, HMUuskula-Reimand, LVerbeke, LPCWadelius, CWadi, LWarrell, JWu, GYu, JZhang, XZhang, YZhao, ZZou, LLawrence, MSRaphael, BJBailey, PJCraft, DGoldman, MJAburatani, HBinder, HDinh, HQHeath, SCHoffmann, SImbusch, CDKretzmer, HLaird, PWMartin-Subero, JNagae, GShen, HWang, QWeichenhan, DZhou, WBerman, BPBrors, BPlass, CAkdemir, KCBowtell, DDLBurns, KHBusanovich, JChan, KDueso-Barroso, AEdwards, PAEtemadmoghadam, DHaber, JEJones, DTWJu, YSKazanov, MDKoh, YKumar, KLee, EALee, JJKLynch, AGMacintyre, GMarkowetz, FNavarro, FCPPearson, JRippe, KScully, RVillasante, IWaddell, NYao, XYoon, SSZhang, CZBergstrom, ENBoot, ACovington, KFujimoto, AHuang, MNIslam, SMAMcPherson, JRMorganella, SMustonen, VNg, AWTProkopec, SDVazquez-Garcia, IWu, YYousif, FYu, WRozen, SGRudneva, VAShringarpure, SSTurner, DJXia, TAtwal, GChang, DKCooke, SLFaltas, BMHaider, SKaiser, VBKarlic, RKato, MKubler, KMargolin, AMartin, SNik-Zainal, SP'ng, CSemple, CASmith, JSun, RXThai, KWright, DWYuan, KBiankin, AGarraway, LGrimmond, SMAdams, DJAnur, PCao, SChristie, ELCmero, MCun, YDawson, KJDentro, SCDeshwar, AGDonmez, NDrews, RMGerstung, MHa, GHaase, KJerman, LJi, YJolly, CLee, JLee-Six, HMalikic, SMitchell, TJMorris, QDOesper, LPeifer, MPeto, MRosebrock, DRubanova, YSalcedo, ASengupta, SShi, RShin, SJSpiro, OVembu, SWintersinger, JAYang, TPYu, KZhu, HSpellman, PTWeinstein, JNChen, YFujita, MHan, LHasegawa, TKomura, MLi, JMizuno, SShimizu, EWang, YXu, YYamaguchi, RYang, FYang, YYoon, CJYuan, YLiang, HAlawi, MBorozan, IBrewer, DSCooper, CSDesai, NGrundhoff, AIskar, MSu, XZapatka, MLichter, PAlsop, KBruxner, TJCChrist, ANCordner, SMCowin, PADrapkin, RFereday, SGeorge, JHamilton, AHolmes, OHung, JAKassahn, KSKazakoff, SHKennedy, CJLeonard, CRMileshkin, LMiller, DKArnau, GMMitchell, CNewell, FNones, KPatch, AMQuinn, MCTaylor, DFThorne, HTraficante, NVedururu, RWaddell, NMWaring, PMWood, SXu, QDeFazio, AAnderson, MJAntonello, DBarbour, APBassi, CBersani, SCataldo, IChantrill, LAChiew, YEChou, ACingarlini, SCloonan, NCorbo, VDavi, MVDuthie, FRGill, AJGraham, JSHarliwong, IJamieson, NBJohns, ALKench, JGLandoni, LLawlor, RTMafficini, AMerrett, NDMiotto, MMusgrove, EANagrial, AMOien, KAPajic, MPinese, MRobertson, AJRooman, IRusev, BCSamra, JSScardoni, MScarlett, CJScarpa, ASereni, ESikora, KOSimbolo, MTaschuk, MLToon, CWVicentini, CWu, JZeps, NBehren, ABurke, HCebon, JDagg, RADe Paoli-Iseppi, RDutton-Regester, KField, MAFitzgerald, AHersey, PJakrot, VJohansson, PAKakavand, HKefford, RFLau, LMSLong, GPickett, HAPritchard, ALPupo, GMSaw, RPMSchramm, SJShang, CAShang, PSpillane, AJStretch, JRTembe, VThompson, JFVilain, REWilmott, JSYang, JYHayward, NKMann, GJScolyer, RABartlett, JBavi, PChadwick, DEChan-Seng-Yue, MCleary, SConnor, AACzajka, KDenroche, REDhani, NCEagles, JGallinger, SGrant, RCHedley, DHollingsworth, MAJang, GHJohns, JKalimuthu, SLiang, SBLungu, ILuo, XMbabaali, FMcPherson, TAMiller, JKMoore, MJNotta, FPasternack, DPetersen, GMRoehrl, MHASam, MSelander, ISerra, SShahabi, SThayer, SPTimms, LEWilson, GWWilson, JMWouters, BGMcPherson, JDBeck, TABhandari, VCollins, CCFleshner, NEFox, NSFraser, MHeisler, LELalonde, ELivingstone, JMeng, ASabelnykova, VYShiah, YJVan Der Kwast, TBristow, RGDing, SFan, DLi, LNie, YXiao, XXing, RYang, SLYu, YYZhou, YBanks, REBourque, GBrennan, PLetourneau, LRiazalhosseini, YScelo, GVasudev, NViksna, JLathrop, MTost, JAhn, SMAparicio, SArnould, LAure, MRBhosle, SGBirney, EBorg, ABoyault, SBrinkman, ABBrock, JEBroeks, ABorresen-Dale, ALCaldas, CChin, SFDavies, HDesmedt, CDirix, LDronov, SEhinger, AEyfjord, JEFatima, AFoekens, JAFutreal, PAGarred, OGiri, DDGlodzik, DGrabau, DHilmarsdottir, HHooijer, GKJacquemier, JJang, SJJonasson, JGJonkers, JKim, HYKing, TAKnappskog, SKong, GKrishnamurthy, SLakhani, SRLangerod, ALarsimont, DLee, HJLee, JYLee, MTMLingjaerde, OCMacGrogan, GMartens, JWMO'Meara, SPauporte, IPinder, SPivot, XProvenzano, EPurdie, CARamakrishna, MRamakrishnan, KReis, JRichardson, ALRingner, MRodriguez, JBRodriguez-Gonzalez, FGRomieu, GSalgado, RSauer, TShepherd, RSieuwerts, AMSimpson, PTSmid, MSotiriou, CSpan, PNStefansson, OAStenhouse, AStunnenberg, HGSweep, FTan, BKTThomas, GThompson, AMTommasi, STreilleux, ITutt, AUeno, NTVan Laere, SVan den Eynden, GGVermeulen, PViari, AVincent-Salomon, AWong, BHYates, LZou, Xvan Deurzen, CHMvan de Vijver, MJvan't Veer, LAmmerpohl, OAukema, SBergmann, AKBernhart, SHBorkhardt, ABorst, CBurkhardt, BClaviez, AGoebler, MEHaake, AHaas, SHansmann, MHoell, JHummel, MKarsch, DKlapper, WKneba, MKreuz, MKube, DKueppers, RLenze, DLoeffler, MLopez, CMantovani-Loeffler, LMoeller, POtt, GRadlwimmer, BRichter, JRohde, MRosenstiel, PCRosenwald, ASchilhabel, MBSchreiber, SStadler, PFStaib, PStilgenbauer, SSungalee, SSzczepanowski, MToprak, UHTruemper, LHPWagener, RZenz, THovestadt, Vvon Kalle, CKool, MKorshunov, ALandgraf, PLehrach, HNorthcott, PAPfister, SMReifenberger, GWarnatz, HJWolf, SYaspo, MLAssenov, YGerhauser, CMinner, SSchlomm, TSimon, RSauter, GSueltmann, HBiswas, NKMaitra, AMajumder, PPSarin, RBarbi, SBonizzato, GCantu, CDei Tos, APFassan, MGrimaldi, SLuchini, CMalleo, GMarchegiani, GMilella, MPaiella, SPea, APederzoli, PRuzzenente, ASalvia, RSperandio, NArai, YHama, NHiraoka, NHosoda, FNakamura, HOjima, HOkusaka, TTotoki, YUrushidate, TFukayama, MIshikawa, SKatai, HKatoh, HKomura, DRokutan, HSaito-Adachi, MSuzuki, ATaniguchi, HTatsuno, KUshiku, TYachida, SYamamoto, SAikata, HArihiro, KAriizumi, SChayama, KFuruta, MGotoh, KHayami, SHirano, SKawakami, YMaejima, KNakamura, TNakano, KOhdan, HSasaki-Oku, ATanaka, HUeno, MYamamoto, MYamaue, HChoo, SPCutcutache, IKhuntikeo, NOng, CKPairojkul, CPopescu, IAhn, KSAymerich, MLopez-Guillermo, ALopez-Otin, CPuente, XSCampo, EAmary, FBaumhoer, DBehjati, SBjerkehagen, BMyklebost, OPillay, NTarpey, PTirabosco, RZaikova, OFlanagan, AMBoultwood, JBowen, DTCazzola, MGreen, ARHellstrom-Lindberg, EMalcovati, LNangalia, JPapaemmanuil, EVyas, PAng, YBarr, HBeardsmore, DEldridge, MGossage, JGrehan, NHanna, GBHayes, SJHupp, TRKhoo, DLagergren, JLovat, LBMacRae, SO'Donovan, MO'Neill, JRParsons, SLPreston, SRPuig, SRoques, TSanders, GSothi, STavare, STucker, OTurkington, RUnderwood, TJWelch, IFitzgerald, RCBerney, DMDe Bono, JSCahill, DCamacho, NDennis, NMDudderidge, TEdwards, SEFisher, CFoster, CSGhori, MGill, PGnanapragasam, VJGundem, GHamdy, FCHawkins, SHazell, SHowat, WIsaacs, WBKaraszi, KKay, JDKhoo, VKote-Jarai, ZKremeyer, BKumar, PLambert, ALeongamornlert, DALivni, NLu, YJLuxton, HJMarsden, LMassie, CEMatthews, LMayer, EMcDermott, UMerson, SNeal, DENg, ANicol, DOgden, CRowe, EWShah, NCThomas, SThompson, AVerrill, CVisakorpi, TWarren, AYWhitaker, HCZhang, Hvan As, NEeles, RAAbeshouse, AAgrawal, NAkbani, RAl Ahmadie, HAlbert, MAldape, KAlly, AAppelbaum, ELArmenia, JAsa, SAuman, JTBalasundaram, MBalu, SBarnholtz-Sloan, JBathe, OFBaylin, SBBenz, CBerchuck, ABerrios, MBigner, DBirrer, MBodenheimer, TBoice, LBootwalla, MSBosenberg, MBowlby, RBoyd, JBroaddus, RRBrock, MBrooks, DBullman, SCaesar-Johnson, SJCarey, TECarlsen, RCerfolio, RChandan, VSChen, HWCherniack, ADChien, JCho, JChuah, ECibulskis, CCope, LCordes, MGCurley, ECzerniak, BDanilova, LDavis, IJDefreitas, TDemchok, JADhalla, NDhir, RDoddapaneni, HEl-Naggar, AFelau, IFerguson, MLFinocchiaro, GFong, KMFrazer, SFriedman, WFronick, CCFulton, LAGabriel, SBGao, JGehlenborg, NGershenwald, JEGhossein, RGiama, NHGibbs, RAGomez, CGovindan, RHayes, DNHegde, AMHeiman, DHeins, ZHepperla, AJHolbrook, AHolt, RAHoyle, APHruban, RHHu, JHuang, MHuntsman, DHuse, JDonahue, CAIIttmann, MJayaseelan, JCJefferys, SRJones, CDJones, SJMJuhl, HKang, KJKarlan, BKasaian, KKebebew, EKim, HKKorchina, VKundra, RLai, PHLander, ELe, XLevine, DALewis, LLey, TLi, HILin, PLinehan, WMLiu, FFLu, YLype, LMa, YMaglinte, DTMardis, ERMarks, JMarra, MAMatthew, TJMayo, MMcCune, KMeier, SRMeng, SMieczkowski, PAMikkelsen, TMiller, CAMills, GBMoore, RAMorrison, CMose, LEMoser, CDMungall, AJMungall, KMutch, DMuzny, DMMyers, JNewton, YNoble, MSO'Donnell, PO'Neill, BPOchoa, AParker, JSPass, HPastore, APennell, NAPerou, CMPetrelli, NPotapova, ORader, JSRamalingam, SRathmell, WKReuter, VReynolds, SMRingel, MRoach, JRoberts, LRRobertson, AGSadeghi, SSaller, CSanchez-Vega, FSchadendorf, DSchein, JESchmidt, HKSchultz, NSeethala, RSenbabaoglu, YShelton, TShi, YShih, JShmulevich, IShriver, CSignoretti, SSimons, JSinger, SSipahimalani, PSkelly, TJMcCune, KSSocci, NDSoloway, MGSood, AKTam, ATan, DTarnuzzer, RThiessen, NThompson, RHThorne, LBTsao, MUmbricht, CVan Den Berg, DJVan Meir, EGVeluvolu, UVoet, DWang, LWeinberger, PWeisenberger, DJWigle, DWilkerson, MDWilson, RKWinterhoff, BWiznerowicz, MWong, TWong, WXi, LYau, C
Nature. 578(7793):82
Academic Journal
Lehtovirta-Morley LE; School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK.; Ge C; Wuhan Institute of Technology, 206 Guanggu 1st Road, Wuhan 430205, PR China.; Ross J; Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Cruickshank Building, St Machar Drive, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, Scotland, UK.; Yao H; Wuhan Institute of Technology, 206 Guanggu 1st Road, Wuhan 430205, PR China.; Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1799 Jimei Road, Xiamen, 361021, PR China.; Hazard C; Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère, UMR5005, 69134 Ecully, France.; Gubry-Rangin C; Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Cruickshank Building, St Machar Drive, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, Scotland, UK.; Prosser JI; Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Cruickshank Building, St Machar Drive, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, Scotland, UK.; Nicol GW; Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère, UMR5005, 69134 Ecully, France.
Publisher: Microbiology Society Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 100899600 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1466-5034 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 14665026 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Int J Syst Evol Microbiol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
McLendon, RogerFriedman, AllanBigner, DarrellVan Meir, Erwin GBrat, Daniel JM. Mastrogianakis, GenaOlson, Jeffrey JMikkelsen, TomLehman, NormanAldape, KenAlfred Yung, WKBogler, OliverVandenBerg, ScottBerger, MitchelPrados, MichaelMuzny, DonnaMorgan, MargaretScherer, SteveSabo, AnikoNazareth, LynnLewis, LoraHall, OtisZhu, YimingRen, YanruAlvi, OmarYao, JiqiangHawes, AliciaJhangiani, ShaliniFowler, GeraldSan Lucas, AnthonyKovar, ChristieCree, AndrewDinh, HuyenSantibanez, JirehJoshi, VanditaGonzalez-Garay, Manuel LMiller, Christopher AMilosavljevic, AleksandarDonehower, LarryWheeler, David AGibbs, Richard ACibulskis, KristianSougnez, CarrieFennell, TimMahan, ScottWilkinson, JaneZiaugra, LiudaOnofrio, RobertBloom, TobyNicol, RobArdlie, KristinBaldwin, JenniferGabriel, StaceyLander, Eric SDing, LiFulton, Robert SMcLellan, Michael DWallis, JohnLarson, David EShi, XiaoqiAbbott, RachelFulton, LucindaChen, KenKoboldt, Daniel CWendl, Michael CMeyer, RickTang, YuzhuLin, LingOsborne, John RDunford-Shore, Brian HMiner, Tracie LDelehaunty, KimMarkovic, ChrisSwift, GaryCourtney, WilliamPohl, CraigAbbott, ScottHawkins, AmyLeong, ShinHaipek, CarrieSchmidt, HeatherWiechert, MaddyVickery, TammiScott, SachaDooling, David JChinwalla, AsifWeinstock, George MMardis, Elaine RWilson, Richard KGetz, GadWinckler, WendyVerhaak, Roel GWLawrence, Michael SO’Kelly, MichaelRobinson, JimAlexe, GabrieleBeroukhim, RameenCarter, ScottChiang, DerekGould, Josh
Nature. 455(7216)
Academic Journal
Ni G; Department of Microbiology, Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Leung PM; Department of Microbiology, Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Daebeler A; Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry, Biology Centre CAS, Ceske Budejovice, Czechia.; Guo J; Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology (Formerly AWMC), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Hu S; Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology (Formerly AWMC), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Cook P; School of Chemistry, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Nicol GW; Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère, UMR5005, 69134 Ecully, France.; Daims H; Division of Microbial Ecology, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; The Comammox Research Platform, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Greening C; Department of Microbiology, Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Centre to Impact AMR, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Publisher: Portland Press on behalf of the Biochemical Society Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 0043306 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1744-1358 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00711365 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Essays Biochem Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Lee S; Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère, UMR5005, 69134 Ecully, France.; Sieradzki ET; Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère, UMR5005, 69134 Ecully, France.; Nicol GW; Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère, UMR5005, 69134 Ecully, France. graeme.nicol@ec-lyon.fr.; Hazard C; Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère, UMR5005, 69134 Ecully, France. christina.hazard@ec-lyon.fr.
Publisher: Nature Pub. Group Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101301086 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1751-7370 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 17517362 NLM ISO Abbreviation: ISME J Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Papadopoulou ES; Laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.; Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.; Bachtsevani E; Laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.; Papazlatani CV; Laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.; Rousidou C; Laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.; Brouziotis A; Laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.; Lampronikou E; Laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.; Tsiknia M; Laboratory of Soils and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece.; Vasileiadis S; Laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.; Ipsilantis I; Laboratory of Soil Sciences, School of Agriculture, Forestry and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.; Menkissoglu-Spiroudi U; Pesticide Science Laboratory, School of Agriculture, Forestry and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.; Ehaliotis C; Laboratory of Soils and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece.; Philippot L; Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, INRAE, AgroSup Dijon, Agroécologie, Dijon, France.; Nicol GW; Environmental Microbial Genomics Group, Laboratoire Ampère, École Centrale de Lyon, CNRS UMR 5005, Université de Lyon, Lyon, France.; Karpouzas DG; Laboratory of Plant and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece.
Publisher: ASM Press Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101634614 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2165-0497 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 21650497 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Microbiol Spectr Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Cai YJ; Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 111 Ren'ai Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China.; Department of Geography & Planning, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool, Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, L697ZX, UK.; Liu ZA; Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 111 Ren'ai Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China.; Zhang S; Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 111 Ren'ai Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China.; Department of Geography & Planning, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool, Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, L697ZX, UK.; Liu H; Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 111 Ren'ai Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China.; Department of Geography & Planning, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool, Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, L697ZX, UK.; Nicol GW; Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère, UMR5005, 69134, Ecully cedex, France.; Chen Z; Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 111 Ren'ai Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China. Zheng.Chen@xjtlu.edu.cn.
Publisher: Springer Nature on behalf of the International Society for Microbial Ecology Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 9918205372406676 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2730-6151 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 27306151 NLM ISO Abbreviation: ISME Commun Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE
Electronic Resource
Thompson, LRSanders, JGMcDonald, DAmir, ALadau, JLocey, KJPrill, RJTripathi, AGibbons, SMAckermann, GNavas-Molina, JAJanssen, SKopylova, EVazquez-Baeza, YGonzalez, AMorton, JTMirarab, SXu, ZZJiang, LHaroon, MFKanbar, JZhu, QSong, SJKosciolek, TBokulich, NALefler, JBrislawn, CJHumphrey, GOwens, SMHampton-Marcell, JBerg-Lyons, DMcKenzie, VFierer, NFuhrman, JAClauset, AStevens, RLShade, APollard, KSGoodwin, KDJansson, JKGilbert, JAKnight, RRivera, JLAAl-Moosawi, LAlverdy, JAmato, KRAndras, JAngenent, LTAntonopoulos, DAApprill, AArmitage, DBallantine, KBarta, JBaum, JKBerry, ABhatnagar, ABhatnagar, MBiddle, JFBittner, LBoldgiv, BBottos, EBoyer, DMBraun, JBrazelton, WBrearley, FQCampbell, AHCaporaso, JGCardona, CCarroll, JCary, SCCasper, BBCharles, TCChu, HClaar, DCClark, RGClayton, JBClemente, JCCochran, AColeman, MLCollins, GColwell, RRContreras, MCrary, BBCreer, SCristol, DACrump, BCCui, DDaly, SEDavalos, LDawson, RDDefazio, JDelsuc, FDionisi, HMDominguez-Bello, MGDowell, RDubinsky, EADunn, POErcolini, DEspinoza, REEzenwa, VFenner, NFindlay, HSFleming, IDFogliano, VForsman, AFreeman, CFriedman, ESGalindo, GGarcia, LAlexandra Garcia-Amado, MGarshelis, DGasser, RBGerdts, GGibson, MKGifford, IGill, RTGiray, TGittel, AGolyshin, PGong, DGrossart, H-PGuyton, KHaig, S-JHale, VHall, RSHallam, SJHandley, KMHasan, NAHaydon, SRHickman, JEHidalgo, GHofmockel, KSHooker, JHulth, SHultman, JHyde, EIbanez-Alamo, JDJastrow, JDJex, ARJohnson, LSJohnston, ERJoseph, SJurburg, SDJurelevicius, DKarlsson, AKarlsson, RKauppinen, SKellogg, CTEKennedy, SJKerkhof, LJKing, GMKling, GWKoehler, AVKrezalek, MKueneman, JLamendella, RLandon, EMLane-deGraaf, KLaRoche, JLarsen, PLaverock, BLax, SLentino, MLevin, IILiancourt, PLiang, WLinz, AMLipson, DALiu, YLladser, MELozada, MSpirito, CMMacCormack, WPMacRae-Crerar, AMagris, MMartin-Platero, AMMartin-Vivaldi, MMargarita Martinez, LMartinez-Bueno, MMarzinelli, EMMason, OUMayer, GDMcDevitt-Irwin, JMMcDonald, JEMcGuire, KLMcMahon, KDMcMinds, RMedina, MMendelson, JRMetcalf, JLMeyer, FMichelangeli, FMiller, KMills, DAMinich, JMocali, SMoitinho-Silva, LMoore, AMorgan-Kiss, RMMunroe, PMyrold, DNeufeld, JDNi, YNicol, GWNielsen, SNissimov, JINiu, KNolan, MJNoyce, KO'Brien, SLOkamoto, NOrlando, LCastellano, YOOsuolale, OOswald, WParnell, JPeralta-Sanchez, JMPetraitis, PPfister, CPilon-Smits, EPiombino, PPointing, SBPollock, FJPotter, CPrithiviraj, BQuince, CRani, ARanjan, RRao, SRees, APRichardson, MRiebesell, URobinson, CRockne, KJRodriguezl, SMRohwer, FRoundstone, WSafran, RJSangwan, NSanz, VSchrenk, MSchrenzel, MDScott, NMSeger, RLSeguin-Orlando, ASeldin, LSeyler, LMShakhsheer, BSheets, GMShen, CShi, YShin, HShogan, BDShutler, DSiegel, JSimmons, SSjoling, SSmith, DPSoler, JJSperling, MSteinberg, PDStephens, BStevens, MATaghavi, STai, VTait, KTan, CLTas, NTaylor, DLThomas, TTimling, ITurner, BLUrich, TUrsell, LKvan der Lelie, DVan Treuren, Wvan Zwieten, LVargas-Robles, DThurber, RVVitaglione, PWalker, DAWalters, WAWang, SWang, TWeaver, TWebster, NSWehrle, BWeisenhorn, PWeiss, SWerner, JJWest, KWhitehead, AWhitehead, SRWhittingham, LAWillerslev, EWilliams, AEWood, SAWoodhams, DCYang, YZaneveld, JZarraonaindia, IZhang, QZhao, H
Academic Journal
Jung MY; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. myjung@jejunu.ac.kr.; Department of Biology Education, Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea. myjung@jejunu.ac.kr.; Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Advance Convergence Technology and Science, Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea. myjung@jejunu.ac.kr.; Sedlacek CJ; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. sedlacekc88@univie.ac.at.; The Comammox Research Platform, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. sedlacekc88@univie.ac.at.; Kits KD; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Mueller AJ; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Rhee SK; Department of Microbiology, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea.; Hink L; Environmental Microbial Genomics Group, Laboratoire Ampere, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon, Ecully cedex, France.; Institute of Microbiology, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany.; Nicol GW; Environmental Microbial Genomics Group, Laboratoire Ampere, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon, Ecully cedex, France.; Bayer B; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, Division of Bio-Oceanography, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.; Lehtovirta-Morley L; School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, UK.; Wright C; School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, UK.; de la Torre JR; Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Herbold CW; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Pjevac P; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Joint Microbiome Facility of the Medical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Daims H; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; The Comammox Research Platform, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Wagner M; Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; The Comammox Research Platform, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.; Center for Microbial Communities, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
Publisher: Nature Pub. Group Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101301086 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1751-7370 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 17517362 NLM ISO Abbreviation: ISME J Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Finn DR; Thünen Institut für Biodiversität, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany.; Environmental Microbial Genomics, Laboratoire Ampère, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon, 69134 Écully, France.; Lee S; Environmental Microbial Genomics, Laboratoire Ampère, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon, 69134 Écully, France.; Lanzén A; NEIKER, Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development, c/ Berreaga 1, 48160 Derio, Spain.; Bertrand M; UMR Agronomie, INRAE AgroParisTech Université Paris-Saclay, 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France.; Nicol GW; Environmental Microbial Genomics, Laboratoire Ampère, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon, 69134 Écully, France.; Hazard C; Environmental Microbial Genomics, Laboratoire Ampère, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon, 69134 Écully, France.
Publisher: Oxford University Press Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 8901229 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1574-6941 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 01686496 NLM ISO Abbreviation: FEMS Microbiol Ecol Subsets: MEDLINE
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