
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 28건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Abdelhamid, NAbdul Rahman, DAbdul-Saheb, MAbreu, PAbroskina, MAbu Ahmad, FAccassat, SAcciaresi, MAdami, AAhmad, NAhmed, FAlberto Hawkes, MAlemseged, FAli, AAltavilla, RAlwis, LAmarenco, PAmaro, SAmaya Sanchez, LEAmelia Pinto, AAmeriso, SFAmin, HAmino, TAmjad, AKAnagnostou, EAndersen, GAnderson, CAnderson, DCAndrea Falco, MAndres Mackinnon, FAndreu, DAndroulakis, MAngel Gamero, MAngel Saredo, GAngeles Diaz, RAngels Font, MAnticoli, SArauz, AArauz Gongora, AAAraya, PArenillas Lara, JFArias Rivas, SArnold, MAugustin, SAvelar, WAzevedo, EBabikian, VBacellar, ABadalyan, KBae, HJBaez Martinez, EMBagelmann, HBailey, PBak, ZBaker, MBalazs, ABaldaranov, DBalogun, IBalueva, TBankuti, ZBar, MBaranowska, ABardutzky, JBarker Trejo, SBarlinn, JBaronnet, FBarroso, CBarteys, MBartolottiova, TBarulin, ABas, MBashir, SBasile, VBathe-Peters, RBathula, RBatista, CBatur Caglayan, HBaumgartner, PBazan, RBazhenova, OBeaudry, MBeer, JBehnam, YBeilei, CBeinlich, ABejot, YBelkin, ABenavente, ORBenjamin, ABerardi, VBereczki, DBerkowitz, SDBerlingieri, JBerrios, WBerrouschot, JBhandari, MBhargavah, MBicker, HBicsak, TBilik, MBindila, DBirchenall, JBirnbaum, LBlack, TBlacker, DBlacquiere, DBlanc-Labarre, CBlank, CBlazejewska-Hyzorek, BBloch, SBodiguel, EBogdanov, EBoos, LBorcsik, LBornstein, NBouly, SBraga, GBragado, IBravi, MCBrokalaki, CBrola, WBrouns, RBruce, DBrzoska-Mizgalska, JBuck, BBuksinska-Lisik, MBurke, JBurn, MBustamante, GCabrejo, LCai, KCajaraville, SCalejo, MCalvet, DCampillo, JCampos Costa, ECamps, PCan Alaydin, HCandeloro, ECanepa, CCantu Brito, CGCappellari, MCarcel, CCardona Portela, PCardoso, FCarek, MCarletti, MCarlos Portilla, JCaruso, PCasado-Naranjo, ICastellini, PCastro, DCastro Meira, FCavallini, ACayuela Caudevilla, NCenciarelli, SCereda, CCerrone, PChakrabarti, AChaloulos-Iakovidis, PChamorro, AChandrasena, DChang, DIChe, CChembala, JChen, JChen, ZChen, TChen, HChen, XChen, GChen, LChen, SCheripelli, BChin, MChiquete Anaya, EChorazy, MChristensen, HChristensen, TChristian, LChu, FChung, CSClark, WClarke, RClaverie, SClemente Agostoni, EClissold, BCoelho, JCohen, DColakoglu, SCollas, DCondurso, RConnolly, SJConsoli, DConstantin, CConstantino Silva, ABContardo, LCorlobe, ACorreia, MCorreia, CCortijo Garcia, ECoull, BCoutts, SCoveney, SCras, PCrols, RCrozier, SCsanyi, ACsiba, LCsontos, KCsuha, RCui, LCunha, LCurtze, SCzerska, MCzlonkowska, ACzurko, MCzuryszkiewicz, MDagnino, MDai, CDaineko, ADalek, GDamgaard, DDanese, ADani, KDanku, VDario Toledo, WDávalos, ADe Havenon, ADe Keyser, JDe Klippel, NDe La Torre, JDe Pauw, ADe Smedt, ADe Torres, RDe Vries Basson, MMDearborn, JDeganutto, RDegeorgia, MDeguchi, IDel Giudice, ADelcourt, CDelgado-Mederos, RDella Marca, GDelpont, BDeltour, SDemets, DLDennis, MDesai, JDevine, JDhollander, IDi Mascio, MTDiaconu, MDiaz Otero, FDietzel, JDiez-Tejedor, EDing, NDing, JDiomedi, MDioszeghy, PDistefano, MDomigo, VDorodnicov, EDossi, DDoubal, FDruzenko, IDu, PDu, JDuman, TDuodu, YDutta, DDylewicz, LEckstein, JEhrensperger, EEhrlich, SEiner Allende, GElena Halac, BElyas, SEndres, MEngelbrecht, JMEngelter, SEpinat, MEren, FEsbjornsson, MEscribano, BEscudero, IEsisi, BEssa, BEsterbauer, MEvans, NEveson, DFabio, SFang, LFanta, SFares, MFatar, MFaust, KFavate, AFazekas, FFederica Denaro, MFedin, AFelipe Amaya, PFeng, JFerencova, KFernanda Gilli, MFernandez, MDFernandez Pirrone, PNFernandez Vera, JFerrari, JFerreira, AFerreira Junior, GFidler, MField, DField, TFigueroa, CFiksa, JFilipov, AFirstenfeld, AFisch, LFischer, UFisselier, MFiszer, UFluri, FFortea, GFotherby, KFraczek, AFrance, EFreitas, GFrey, SFrick, MFriedman, AFriedrich, MFrisullo, GFryze, WFuentes Gimeno, BFujigasaki, HFukuyama, KFurlan, AFurlanis, GFurnace, JGabriel, MGabriel Reich, EGagliardi, RJGalati, FGalli Giqueauk, EGallina, AGallinella, EGallo, JGangadharan, SGao, YGarcia Lopez, RGarcia Pastor, AGarcia Sanchez, SMGarnauf, MGarnier, PGasecki, DGasic, KGasiorek, KGasser, SGaugg, MGebreyohanns, MGebura, KGeng, JGeniz Clavijo, MGeorg Haeusler, KGeran, RGeremek, MGerocs, ZGhia, DGiannandrea, DGiatsidis, FGien Lopez, JAGil Nunez, AGimenez, LGiralt, EGlabinski, AGladstone, DGliem, MGluszkiewicz, MGoddeau, RGogoleva, EGokce, MGoldemund, DGolikov, KGomes Neto, AGomez Schneider, MGomez-Choco, MGomis, MGongora-Rivera, JFGonysheva, YGonzalez, LGonzalez Toledo, MEGottschal, MGozdzik, IGrabowski, SGraf, SGreen, DGreer, DGregorio, TGreisenegger, SGreshnova, IGriebe, MGrzesik, MGuan, JGuarda, SGueguen, AGuidoux, CGuillermo Povedano, PGuillon, BGuiraudg, VGunathilagan, GGuryanova, NGusev, VGustavo Persi, GGutiérrez, RGuyler, PGyuker, NHachinski, VHajas, AHallevi, HHankey, GHankey, GJHanouskova, LHao, LHaraguchi, KHaralur Sreekantaiah, YHaratz, SHargroves, DHarkness, KHarmel, PHarrasser, MHart, RGHarvey, MHasan, RHasegawa, YHassan, AHattori, MHatzitolios, AHauk, MHayashi, THayhoe, HHedna, VSHeine, MHeld, VHellwig, SHenkner, JHenninger, NHermans, SHernandez, JHerrero, DHervieu-Begue, MHerzig, RHicken, LHieber, MHill, MHirose, MHobeanu, MCHobson, BHochstetter, MHoe Heo, JHoffmann, MHolmstedt, CHon, PHong, KSHonma, YHorev, AHorgan, GHorvath, LHorvath, MHoyer, CHuang, DHuang, HHuber, BHuhtakangas, JHussain, MIgarashi, SIglesias Mohedano, AMIgnacio Tembl, JImpellizzeri, MInanc, YIoli, PIrina Aniculaesei, AIshida, KItabashi, RIversen, HJagolino, AJakab, KJander, SJanka, HJankovych, JJansen, JJasek, LJavier Alet, MJavor, LJin, XJing, PJoachim, BJoan Macleod, MJohnson, MJose Martin, JJoyner, CJudit Szabo, KJun-Oconnell, AJura, RKaczorowska, BKadlcikova, JKahles, TKakaletsis, NKakuk, IKalinowska, KKaminska, KKaneko, CKanellos, IKapeller, PKapica-Topczewska, KKarasz, OKarlinski, MKarlsson, JEKasa, KKashaeva, EKasner, SEKaste, MKasza, JKatalin Iljicsov, AKatsurayama, MKaur, SKawanishi, MKaygorodtseva, SKe, KKei, AKeilitz, JKellner, JKelly, PKelly, SKemlink, DKerekgyarto, MKeskinarkaus, IKhairutdinova, DKhanna, AKhaw, AKholopov, MKhoumri, CKirpicheva, SKirshner, HKitagawa, KKittner, SKivioja, RKlein, FKleindorfer, DKleinig, TKlivenyi, PKnecht, SKobayashi, YKobayashi, AKoch, MKoehler, LKoivu, MKolianov, VKoltsov, IKondo, TKonkov, IKopecky, SKorompoki, EKorpela, JKosarz-Lanczek, KKoutroubi, AKovacs, KKovacs, TKovacs, HKowalczyk, KKowalska, MKrajickova, DKral, MKrarup Hansen, CKraska, JKrebs, SKrejci, VKremer, CKreuzpointer, RKrzyzanowska, MKucken, DKulakowska, AKunzmann, JKurenkova, NKuris, AKurkowska-Jastrzebska, IKurtenkova, NKurushina, OKusnick, GKustova, MKuwashiro, TKwan Cha, JLago, ALagutenko, MLajos, BLambeck, JLamy, CLandolfi, ALanfranconi, SLang, WLara Lezama, LBLara Rodriguez, BLargo, TLasek-Bal, ALatte, LLauer, VLavados, PLe Bouc, RLeal Cantu, RLechner, HLecouturier, KLeder, SLee, JLee, BCLeger, ALeira, ELeisse, ILeker, RLembo, GLenskaya, LLeyden, JLi, GLi, MLi, SLi, JLiamis, GLiang, HLiang, ZLigot, NLin, HLindert, RLindgren, ALinna, MLitwin, TLiu, KLiu, XLlull, LLohninger, BLongoni, MLoomis, CLopes, DLopez Fernandez, MLopez Garza, NLord, ALouw, SLovasz, RLowenkopf, TLu, ZLubke-Detring, SCLuder, RLujan, SLuo, BLupinogina, LLuschin, GLutsep, HLvova, ALy, JGrosse, G.M.Ma, HMa, CMachado, MMachado, CMacher, SMachetanz, JMacian-Montoro, FMackey, EMackey, AMaclean, GMaestre-Moreno, JMagadan, AMagyar, TMahagney, AMajid, AMajjhoo, AMakaritsis, KMandzia, JMangas Guijarro, MMangion, DManios, EMann, SManning, LManno, CManuel Garcia, JMaqueda, VMar Castellanos, MMar Freijo, MMarando, CMarcela Lepera, SMarcos Couto, JMaria Bruera, GMaria Greco, LMaria Lorenzo, AMaria Obmann, SMaria Roa, AMarini, CMarinkovic, IMario Sumay, GMario Torres, CMarko, MMarkova, SMarkus, HMarsh, RMarsili, EMarta Esnaola, MMarta Moreno, JMarti-Fabregas, JMartina Angelocola, SMartínez Sánchez, PMartinez-Majander, NMartins, SMarzelik, OMastrocola, SMatamala, GMatoltsy, AMatosevic, BMatsumoto, SMaud, AMauri Cabdevila, GMay, ZMayasi, YMayr, AMazzoli, TMcarthur, KMccullough, LMedina Pech, CEMedlin, FMehdiratta, MMehta, SMehta, DMehta, BMelis, MMelnikova, EMendez, BMendonca, TMengual Chirifie, JJMenon, NMensch, AMeseguer, EMesse, SMetcalf, KMeyer, NMichas, FMicheletti, NMikulik, RMilionis, HMiller, BMilling, TMinelli, CMinhas, JMinns, MMircea, DMishra, SMismas, AMistri, AMitrovic, NMiyake, HModrau, BMoey, AMolina, CMolina, JMolis, AMoller, JMolnar, SMoniche, FMonosi, CMonzani, VMoonis, MMorais, RMorales, LMorales, AMorar-Precup, DMoreton, FMoro, CMorozova, EMorton, MMorvan, TMorvan, EMotko, TMowla, AMozhejko, EMuddegowda, GMudhar, OMueller, TMuhl, CMuir, KWMundl, HMunoz, SMurphy, CMurphy, SMurtuzova, AMusuka, TMutzenbach, JMyint, MMysliwy, WNaccarato, MNaeije, GNagakane, YNatarajan, INavaratnam, DNave, ANazliel, BNedeltchev, KNel, JNell, HNemeth, RNemeth, LNeto, ONg, KNgeh, JNicolas Chialvo, LNieminen, TNikkanen, MNikl, JNikoforova, MNishino, SNishiyama, YNjovane, XNogawa, SNombela, FNorrving, BNosek, KNowak, BNowakowska-Sledz, ENtaios, GNumminen, HNunez, FObadia, MOberndorfer, SObrezan, AOchiai, JOczkowski, WO'Donnell, MJOdyniec, AOh, KOhira, MOkamoto, YOkpala, MOkubo, SOlah, LOlavarria, VOleszek, JOnat Demirci, NOndar, VOngun, GOoyama, KOrosz, VOrtiz, ROsseby, GÖsterlund-Tauriala, EOvesen, COzcekic Demirhan, SOzdoba-Rot, JOzturk, SOzyurt, EPablo Grecco, MPablo Povedano, GPaciaroni, MPadiglioni, CPagola, JPalasik, WPanczel, GPanos, LPapadopoulos, GPapadopoulou, EPapagiannis, APapavasileiou, VPapina, MPardo De Donlebun, JRParisi, VPark, JMPasten, JPatel, NPavlik, OPawelczyk, MPeacock, WFPei, HPeisker, TPena Sedna, LFPenn, APentek, SPepper, EPereira, LPerera, KPerez, YPerez, SPerez Leguizamon, PPernicka, MPerry, RPersico, APesant, YPeska, SPeters, DPeters, GPettigrew, LPhan, TPhilippi, SPhinney, TPico, FPidal, APiechowski-Jozwiak, BPieroni, APineiro, SPiras, VPizova, NPolanco, JPolin, MPolyakov, APolychronopoulou, EPolymeris, APopov, DPoppe, APostorino, PPozzerese, CPradhan, MPrats, LPrazdnichkova, EPrendl, BPretorius, MProfice, PProkopenko, SPudov, EPujol Lereis, VPunzo Bravo, GPurroy, FQiu, JQu, XQuenardelle, VQuesada Garcia, HRadrizzani, LRadtke, ARaffelsberger, TRamirez Moreno, JMRamos-Estebanez, CRani, ARapantova, PRashed, KRasheed Nihara, ARasmussen, JRedondo Robles, LReif, MReiner, PRekova, PRenu, ARepetto, MReyes, PReyes Morales, SRha, JHRibeiro, JRicci, SRichard, CRigual, RRinaldi, CRiveira Rodriguez, CRizzato, BRobinson, TGRocco, ARodrigues, MRodriguez, GRodriguez Campello, ARodriguez Lucci, FRodriguez Yanez, MRoesler, CRoffe, CRoine, RRoine, SRoldan, ARomana Pezzella, FRomano, MRoos, JSRosso, CRostrup Kruuse, CRoth, YRoukens, RRoveri, LRozanski, DRozniecki, JRozsa, CRudilosso, SRuiz Ares, GRuiz Franco, ARum, GRuuskanen, JRybinnik, IRyota, KSaarinen, JSaavedra, VSabben, CSabet, ASagris, DSahlas, JSakai, NSalamanca, PSalgado, PSalig, SSalletmayr, TSalnikov, MSamoshkina, OSamson, YSanak, DSànchez Cerón, MSantalucia, PSantamaria Cadavid, MSantiago, PSanto, GSanz Cuesta, BSargento, JSarraj, ASas, KSas, ASatoshi, OSatsoglou, SSattar, NSavitz, SSavopoulos, CSaw, JSawicka, MSawyer, RScandura, TSchillinger, NSchindler, JSchlachetzki, FSchneider, ISchuppner, RSchurig, JSchwarzbach, CJSebejova, MSeidel, GSekaran, LSelcuk, DSelvarajah, JSemerano, ASemjen, JSemushina, DSen, SSeok Park, MSerena, JSerhat Tokgoz, OSerles, WSerrano, FSevin, MSeynaeve, LShah, SShamalov, NShang, TSharma, MSharrief, AShazam Hussain, MShchukin, IShen, WShepeleva, EShinsuke, IShmonin, AShoamanesh, AShuaib, AShulga, ASibolt, GSibon, ISicilia, ISiebert, MSieczkowska, ESila, CSilva, AASilva, DSilva, PSilva, YSilvestrini, MSimony, ZSimpkins, ASingh, BSinha, DSipos, ISkoda, OSkowron, PSkowronska, MSliwinska, BSlonkova, JSmolkin, ASmyth, ASobolewski, PSobota, ASohn, SISoldatov, MSolganov, ISoloveva, LSolovyeva, ESonntag, NSoors, PSorgun, MSoriano, CSpence, DSpengos, KSposato, LStaaf, GStadler, KStakhovskaya, LStamatelopoulos, KSteinert, SStetkarova, IStiehm, MStocker, RStoinski, JStoll, AStotts, GStumpp, ASucapane, PSuenaga, TSun, XSundararajan, SSung Kim, JSuzuki, HSvaneborg, NSzasz, GSzczuchniak, WSzczyrba, SSzegedi, NSzekely, ASzewczyk, ZSzilagyi, GSzlufik, SSzoboszlai, KSzpisjak, LSztajzel, RSztriha, LTa Wil, SETaggeselle, JTakamatsu, KTakao, MTaki, WTakizawa, STalahma, MTamayo, ATan, JTanne, DTapanainen, ATapiola, TTarasiuk, JTatlisumak, TTayal, ATcvetkova, STeal, PTejada Garcia, JTejada Meza, HTenora, DTerceno, MTerentiou, ATezcan, SThaler, DThomson, AThouvenot, ETiainen, MTimberg, ITimsit, STinchon, ATirschwell, DTogay Isikay, CTokunaga, KTolino, MToloza, CTomelleri, GTomoyuki, KTomppo, LMTong, ZTong, LToni, DTorres, JTossavainen, CToth, GTountopoulou, ATouze, ETovar, MToyoda, KTrillo, STrommer, ATropepi, DTryambake, DTu, HTuetuencue, STumova, RTumpula, OTurc, GTutaj, ATynkkynen, JUchiyama, SUchwat, UUhrinyakova, LUlku Acar, RUluduz Ugurlu, DUrra, XUrui, SUsero Ruiz, MVaclavik, DVahedi, KValikovics, AValpas, JVan Acker, PVan Daele, WVanderschueren, GVanina Jure, LVarela, RVarga, ZVarvat, JVarvyanskaya, NVasco Salgado, AVasko, PVass, LVassilopoulou, SVastagh, IVazquez, PVecsei, LVeltkamp, RVenti, MVerdugo, MVerocai, VVeronica Marroquin, MVeronica Simonsini, CVeverka, TVigl, MVila, AVilar, CVillanueva Osorio, JAVirta, JVitkova, EVoglsperger, BVolna, JVon Weitzel-Mudersbach, PAVora, NVoznyuk, IWach-Klink, AWacongne, AWalters, DWang, YWang, JWang, LWang, XWang, WWang, NWang, DWang, HWarnack, WWartenberg, KWaters, RWaters, MWebb, TWeber, JWeiss, GWeissenborn, KWeitz, JIWeller, BWen, GWeng, GWerner, PWerring, DWester, PWhiteley, WWhiting, RWijeratne, TWillems, CWilson, LWilson, CWinder, TWindt, JWinkler, AWinska-Tereszkiewicz, AWisniewska, AWittayer, MWlodek, AWojnarowska-Arendt, AWolf, MWolff, VWolter, CWong, AWook Nah, HWorthmann, HWu, WWu, SWunderlich, SWurzinger, HWyse, DGXiao, BXiaopeng, WXimenez-Carrillo, AXiong, LXiong, YXiong, WXu, YXu, JXu, ZYalo, BYamada, TYamasaki, MYang, LYang, YYang, XYang, QYang, BYang, JYasuhiro, IYee Lam, MYegappan, CYip, SYlikallio, EYlikotila, PYongwon Jin, AYoon, BWYoshida, YYperzeele, LYuan, HYuasa, HZalewska, JZanferrari, CZapata, EZboznovits, DZelenka, IZhang, CZhang, BZhang, SZhang, MZhang, XZhang, JZhao, LZhirnova, OZhou, LZielinska-Turek, JZinchenko, IZiomek, MZitzmann, AZweifler, RZwiernik, JKasner, Scott ESwaminathan, BalakumarLavados, PabloSharma, MukulMuir, KeithVeltkamp, RolandAmeriso, Sebastian FEndres, MatthiasLutsep, HelmiMessé, Steven RSpence, J DavidNedeltechev, KrassenPerera, KanjanaSanto, GustavoOlavarria, VeronicaLindgren, ArneBangdiwala, ShrikantShoamanesh, AshkanBerkowitz, Scott DMundl, HardiConnolly, Stuart JHart, Robert G
In The Lancet Neurology December 2018 17(12):1053-1060
Gómez-Roldós A; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; González-Sánchez M; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; Vales-Montero M; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; Vázquez-Alen P; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; Fernández-Bullido Y; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; Iglesias-Mohedano AM; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; Díaz-Otero F; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; García-Pastor A; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; Gil-Núñez A; Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.
Publisher: Revista De Neurologia Country of Publication: Spain NLM ID: 7706841 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1576-6578 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 02100010 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Rev Neurol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Mas-Serrano M; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; García-Pastor A; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain. agpastor@salud.madrid.org.; Iglesias-Mohedano AM; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; Díaz-Otero F; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; Vázquez-Alén P; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; Fernández-Bullido Y; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; Vales-Montero M; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; Amaya-Pascasio L; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; Portela-Sánchez S; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; Cátedra-Caramé C; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.; Gil-Núñez AC; Stroke Centre - Department of Vascular Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Calle del Doctor Esquerdo, 46, 2800, Madrid, Spain.
Publisher: Springer-Verlag Italia Country of Publication: Italy NLM ID: 100959175 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1590-3478 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 15901874 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Neurol Sci Subsets: MEDLINE
Editorial & Opinion
López Anguita S; Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla, Madrid, Spain. Electronic address: sergio.lopezanguita@gmail.com.; Iglesias Mohedano AM; Sección Neurología Vascular, Servicio de Neurología, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Palacios Mendoza MA; Servicio de Neurología, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Muñoz Blanco JL; Unidad de ELA/Neuromuscular, Servicio de Neurología, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.
Publisher: Elsevier España Country of Publication: Spain NLM ID: 101778590 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2173-5808 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 21735808 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Neurologia (Engl Ed) Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Velilla-Alonso G; Department of Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain, gabriel.velilla@salud.madrid.org.; García-Pastor A; Department of Neurology, Vascular Neurology Section - Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Rodríguez-López Á; Department of Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Gómez-Roldós A; Department of Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Sánchez-Soblechero A; Department of Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Amaya-Pascasio L; Department of Neurology, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Díaz-Otero F; Department of Neurology, Vascular Neurology Section - Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Fernández-Bullido Y; Department of Neurology, Vascular Neurology Section - Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Iglesias-Mohedano AM; Department of Neurology, Vascular Neurology Section - Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Vázquez-Alén P; Department of Neurology, Vascular Neurology Section - Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Vales-Montero M; Department of Neurology, Vascular Neurology Section - Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.; Gil-Núñez AC; Department of Neurology, Vascular Neurology Section - Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain.
Publisher: Karger Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 9100851 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1421-9786 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10159770 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Cerebrovasc Dis Subsets: MEDLINE
Editorial & Opinion
López Anguita S; Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla, Madrid, España. Electronic address: sergio.lopezanguita@gmail.com.; Iglesias Mohedano AM; Sección Neurología Vascular, Servicio de Neurología, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; Palacios Mendoza MA; Servicio de Neurología, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.; Muñoz Blanco JL; Unidad de ELA/Neuromuscular, Servicio de Neurología, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.
Publisher: Elsevier España Country of Publication: Spain NLM ID: 101778590 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2173-5808 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 21735808 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Neurologia (Engl Ed) Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Ntaios G; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy. gntaios@med.uth.gr.; Georgiopoulos G; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Perlepe K; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Sirimarco G; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Strambo D; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Eskandari A; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Nannoni S; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Vemmou A; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Koroboki E; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Manios E; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Rodríguez-Campello A; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Cuadrado-Godia E; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Roquer J; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Arnao V; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Caso V; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Paciaroni M; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Diez-Tejedor E; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Fuentes B; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Rodríguez Pardo J; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Sánchez-Velasco S; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Arauz A; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Ameriso SF; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Pertierra L; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Gómez-Schneider M; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Hawkes MA; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Barboza MA; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Chavarria Cano B; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Iglesias Mohedano AM; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; García Pastor A; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Gil-Núñez A; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Putaala J; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Tatlisumak T; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Karagkiozi E; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Papavasileiou V; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Makaritsis K; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Bandini F; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Vemmos K; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.; Michel P; From the Department of Internal Medicine (G.N., K.P., E. Karagkiozi, V.P., K.M.), Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; Department of Clinical Therapeutics (G.G., A.V., E. Koroboki, E.M., K.V.), Medical School of Athens, Alexandra Hospital, Greece; Stroke Center and Neurology Service (G.S., D.S., A.E., S.N., P.M.), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Department of Neurology (E.K.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; Division of Brain Sciences (E.K.), Department of Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; Stroke Unit (A.R.-C., E.C.-G., J.R.), Department of Neurology, Hospital del Mar, Neurovascular Research Group, IMIM-Hospital del Mar (Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Stroke Unit (V.A., V.C., M.P.), University of Perugia, Italy; Department of Neurology and Stroke Center (E.D.-T., B.F., J.R.P., S.S.-V.), La Paz University Hospital-Autónoma University of Madrid, IdiPAZ Health Research Institute, Spain; Stroke Clinic (A.A.), Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez, Mexico City, Mexico; Department of Neurology (S.F.A., L.P., M.G.-S., M.A.H.), Institute for Neurological Research, FLENI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Neurosciences Department (M.A.B.), Hospital Dr. Rafael A. Calderón Guardia, CCSS, University of Costa Rica; Vascular Neurology Section (B.C.C., A.M.I.M., A.G.P., A.G.-N.), Stroke Center, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, IiSGM Health Research Institute, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Department of Neurology (J.P., T.T.), Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland; Department of Clinical Neurosciences (T.T.), Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg; Department of Neurology (T.T.), Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Stroke Service (V.P.), Department of Neurosciences, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Medical School, University of Leeds, UK; and Department of Neurology (F.B.), S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0401060 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1526-632X (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00283878 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Neurology Subsets: MEDLINE
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[검색어] Iglesias Mohedano, AM
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