
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 1,040건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Cossarizza, AChang, HDRadbruch, AAcs, AAdam, DAdam-Klages, SAgace, WWAghaeepour, NAkdis, MAllez, MAlmeida, LNAlvisi, GAnderson, GAndra, IAnnunziato, FAnselmo, ABacher, PBaldari, CTBari, SBarnaba, VBarros-Martins, JBattistini, LBauer, WBaumgart, SBaumgarth, NBaumjohann, DBaying, BBebawy, MBecher, BBeisker, WBenes, VBeyaert, RBlanco, ABoardman, DABogdan, CBorger, JGBorsellino, GBoulais, PEBradford, JABrenner, DBrinkman, RRBrooks, AESBusch, DHBuscher, MBushnell, TPCalzetti, FCameron, GCammarata, ICao, XCardell, SLCasola, SCassatella, MACavani, ACelada, AChatenoud, LChattopadhyay, PKChow, SChristakou, ECicin-Sain, LClerici, MColombo, FSCook, LCooke, ACooper, AMCorbett, AJCosma, ACosmi, LCoulie, PGCumano, ACvetkovic, LDang, VDDang-Heine, CDavey, MSDavies, DDe Biasi, SDel Zotto, GDela Cruz, GVDelacher, MDella Bella, SDellabona, PDeniz, GDessing, MDi Santo, JPDiefenbach, ADieli, FDolf, ADorner, TDress, RJDudziak, DDustin, MDutertre, CAEbner, FEckle, SBGEdinger, MEede, PEhrhardt, GRAEich, MEngel, PEngelhardt, BErdei, AEsser, CEverts, BEvrard, MFalk, CSFehniger, TAFelipo-Benavent, MFerry, HFeuerer, MFilby, AFilkor, KFillatreau, SFollo, MForster, IFoster, JFoulds, GAFrehse, BFrenette, PSFrischbutter, SFritzsche, WGalbraith, DWGangaev, AGarbi, NGaudilliere, BGazzinelli, RTGeginat, JGerner, WGherardin, NAGhoreschi, KGibellini, LGinhoux, FGoda, KGodfrey, DIGoettlinger, CGonzalez-Navajas, JMGoodyear, CSGori, AGrogan, JLGrummitt, DGrutzkau, AHaftmann, CHahn, JHammad, HHammerling, GHansmann, LHansson, GHarpur, CMHartmann, SHauser, AHauser, AEHaviland, DLHedley, DHernandez, DCHerrera, GHerrmann, MHess, CHofer, THoffmann, PHogquist, KHolland, THollt, THolmdahl, RHombrink, PHouston, JPHoyer, BFHuang, BHuang, FPHuber, JEHuehn, JHundemer, MHunter, CAHwang, WYKIannone, AIngelfinger, FIvison, SMJack, HMJani, PKJavega, BJonjic, SKaiser, TKalina, TKamradt, TKaufmann, SHEKeller, BKetelaars, SLCKhalilnezhad, AKhan, SKisielow, JKlenerman, PKnopf, JKoay, HFKobow, KKolls, JKKong, WTKopf, MKorn, TKriegsmann, KKristyanto, HKroneis, TKrueger, AKuhne, JKukat, CKunkel, DKunze-Schumacher, HKurosaki, TKurts, CKvistborg, PKwok, ILandry, JLantz, OLanuti, PLaRosa, FLehuen, ALeibundGut-Landmann, SLeipold, MDLeung, LYTLevings, MKLino, ACLiotta, FLitwin, VLiu, YLjunggren, HGLohoff, MLombardi, GLopez, LLopez-Botet, MLovett-Racke, AELubberts, ELuche, HLudewig, BLugli, ELunemann, SMaecker, HTMaggi, LMaguire, OMair, FMair, KHMantovani, AManz, RAMarshall, AJMartinez-Romero, AMartrus, GMarventano, IMaslinski, WMatarese, GMattioli, AVMaueroder, CMazzoni, AMcCluskey, JMcGrath, MMcGuire, HMMcInnes, IBMei, HEMelchers, FMelzer, SMielenz, DMiller, SDMills, KHGMinderman, HMjosberg, JMoore, JMoran, BMoretta, LMosmann, TRMuller, SMulthoff, GMunoz, LEMunz, CNakayama, TNasi, MNeumann, KNg, LGNiedobitek, ANourshargh, SNunez, GO'Connor, JEOchel, AOja, AOrdonez, DOrfao, AOrlowski-Oliver, EOuyang, WOxenius, APalankar, RPanse, IPattanapanyasat, KPaulsen, MPavlinic, DPenter, LPeterson, PPeth, CPetriz, JPiancone, FPickl, WFPiconese, SPinti, MPockley, AGPodolska, MJPoon, ZPracht, KPrinz, IPucillo, CEMQuataert, SAQuatrini, LQuinn, KMRadbruch, HRadstake, TRDJRahmig, SRahn, HPRajwa, BRavichandran, GRaz, YRebhahn, JARecktenwald, DReimer, DReis e Sousa, CRemmerswaal, EBMRichter, LRico, LGRiddell, ARieger, AMRobinson, JPRomagnani, CRubartelli, ARuland, JSaalmuller, ASaeys, YSaito, TSakaguchi, SSala-de-Oyanguren, FSamstag, YSanderson, SSandrock, ISantoni, ASanz, RBSaresella, MSautes-Fridman, CSawitzki, BSchadt, LScheffold, AScherer, HUSchiemann, MSchildberg, FASchimisky, ESchlitzer, ASchlosser, JSchmid, SSchmitt, SSchober, KSchraivogel, DSchuh, WSchuler, TSchulte, RSchulz, ARSchulz, SRScotta, CScott-Algara, DSester, DPShankey, TVSilva-Santos, BSimon, AKSitnik, KMSozzani, SSpeiser, DESpidlen, JStahlberg, AStall, AMStanley, NStark, RStehle, CSteinmetz, TStockinger, HTakahama, YTakeda, KTan, LTarnok, ATiegs, GToldi, GTornack, JTraggiai, ETrebak, MTree, TIMTrotter, JTrowsdale, JTsoumakidou, MUlrich, HUrbanczyk, Svan de Veen, Wvan den Broek, Mvan der Pol, EVan Gassen, SVan Isterdael, Gvan Lier, RAWVeldhoen, MVento-Asturias, SVieira, PVoehringer, DVolk, HDvon Borstel, Avon Volkmann, KWaisman, AWalker, RVWallace, PKWang, SAWang, XMWard, MDWard-Hartstonge, KAWarnatz, KWarnes, GWarth, SWaskow, CWatson, JVWatzl, CWegener, LWeisenburger, TWiedemann, AWienands, JWilharm, AWilkinson, RJWillimsky, GWing, JBWinkelmann, RWinkler, THWirz, OFWong, AWurst, PYang, JHMYang, JHYazdanbakhsh, MYu, LPYue, AZhang, HLZhao, YZiegler, SMZielinski, CZimmermann, JZychlinsky, A
European journal of immunology. 49(10):1457-1973
Academic Journal
Cossarizza, AChang, HDRadbruch, AAkdis, MAndra, IAnnunziato, FBacher, PBarnaba, VBattistini, LBauer, WMBaumgart, SBecher, BBeisker, WBerek, CBlanco, ABorsellino, GBoulais, PEBrinkman, RRBuscher, MBusch, DHBushnell, TPCao, XTCavani, AChattopadhyay, PKCheng, QYChow, SClerici, MCooke, ACosma, ACosmi, LCumano, ADang, VDDavies, DDe Biasi, SDel Zotto, GDella Bella, SDellabona, PDeniz, GDessing, MDiefenbach, ADi Santo, JDieli, FDolf, ADonnenberg, VSDorner, TEhrhardt, GRAEndl, EEngel, PEngelhardt, BEsser, CEverts, BDreher, AFalk, CSFehniger, TAFilby, AFillatreau, SFollo, MForster, IFoster, JFoulds, GAFrenette, PSGalbraith, DGarbi, NGarcia-Godoy, MDGeginat, JGhoreschi, KGibellini, LGoettlinger, CGoodyear, CSGori, AGrogan, JGross, MGrutzkau, AGrummitt, DHahn, JHammer, QHauser, AEHaviland, DLHedley, DHerrera, GHerrmann, MHiepe, FHolland, THombrink, PHouston, JPHoyer, BFHuang, BHunter, CAIannone, AJack, HMJavega, BJonjic, SJuelke, KJung, SKaiser, TKalina, TKeller, BKhan, SKienhofer, DKroneis, TKunkel, DKurts, CKvistborg, PLannigan, JLantz, OLarbi, ALeibundGut-Landmann, SLeipold, MDLevings, MKLitwin, VLiu, YLLohoff, MLombardi, GLopez, LLovett-Racke, ALubberts, ELudewig, BLugli, EMaecker, HTMartrus, GMatarese, GMaueroder, CMcGrath, MMcInnes, IMei, HEMelchers, FMelzer, SMielenz, DMills, KMirrer, DMjosberg, JMoore, JMoran, BMoretta, AMoretta, LMosmann, TRMuller, SMuller, WMunz, CMulthoff, GMunoz, LEMurphy, KMNakayama, TNasi, MNeudorfl, CNolan, JNourshargh, SO'Connor, JEOuyang, WJOxenius, APalankar, RPanse, IPeterson, PPeth, CPetriz, JPhilips, DPickl, WPiconese, SPinti, MPockley, AGPodolska, MJPucillo, CQuataert, SARadstake, TRDJRajwa, BRebhahn, JARecktenwald, DRemmerswaal, EBMRezvani, KRico, LGRobinson, JPRomagnani, CRubartelli, ARuckert, BRuland, JSakaguchi, SSala-De-Oyanguren, FSamstag, YSanderson, SSawitzki, BScheffold, ASchiemann, MSchildberg, FSchimisky, ESchmid, SASchmitt, SSchober, KSchuler, TSchulz, ARSchumacher, TScotta, CShankey, TVShemer, ASimon, AKSpidlen, JStall, AMStark, RStehle, CStein, MSteinmetz, TStockinger, HTakahama, YTarnok, ATian, ZToldi, GTornack, JTraggiai, ETrotter, JUlrich, Hvan der Braber, Mvan Lier, RAWVeldhoen, MVento-Asturias, SVieira, PVoehringer, DVolk, HDvon Volkmann, KWaisman, AWalker, RWard, MDWarnatz, KWarth, SWatson, JVWatzl, CWegener, LWiedemann, AWienands, JWillimsky, GWing, JWurst, PYu, LPYue, AZhang, QJZhao, YZiegler, SZimmermann, J
European journal of immunology. 47(10):1584-1797
Academic Journal
Shekarkar Azgomi M; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (B.N.D.), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Badami GD; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (B.N.D.), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Di Caro M; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (B.N.D.), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Tamburini B; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Childcare, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, University of Palermo, 90129 Palermo, Italy.; Fallo M; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Dieli C; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Ebrahimi K; Faculté d'Ingénierie et Management de la Santé (ILIS), Université de Lille, 59120 Loos, France.; Dieli F; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (B.N.D.), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; La Manna MP; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (B.N.D.), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Caccamo N; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (A.O.U.P.) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (B.N.D.), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.
Publisher: MDPI Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 101600052 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2073-4409 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 20734409 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Cells Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Paterson RL; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; La Manna MP; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Arena De Souza V; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Walker A; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Gibbs-Howe D; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Kulkarni R; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Fergusson JR; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Mulakkal NC; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Monteiro M; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Bunjobpol W; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Dembek M; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Martin-Urdiroz M; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Grant T; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Barber C; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Garay-Baquero DJ; National Institute for Health and Care Research, Biomedical Research Centre and Institute for Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton SO16 6YD, United Kingdom.; Tezera LB; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Lowne D; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Britton-Rivet C; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Pengelly R; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Chepisiuk N; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Singh PK; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Woon AP; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Powlesland AS; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; McCully ML; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Caccamo N; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Salio M; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Badami GD; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Dorrell L; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Knox A; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Robinson R; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Elkington P; National Institute for Health and Care Research, Biomedical Research Centre and Institute for Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton SO16 6YD, United Kingdom.; Dieli F; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127, Italy.; Lepore M; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Leonard S; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.; Godinho LF; Immunocore Ltd., Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4RY, United Kingdom.
Publisher: National Academy of Sciences Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 7505876 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1091-6490 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00278424 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Subsets: MEDLINE
Trailer / Body Builders. Mar2007, Vol. 48 Issue 5, p70-72. 2p.
Academic Journal
Di Simone M; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Child Care, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neuroscience and Advanced Diagnosis, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Corsale AM; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Child Care, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neuroscience and Advanced Diagnosis, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Toia F; Laboratory of Biology and Regenerative Medicine-Plastic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncological and Oral Sciences, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Shekarkar Azgomi M; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Child Care, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Di Stefano AB; Laboratory of Biology and Regenerative Medicine-Plastic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncological and Oral Sciences, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Lo Presti E; National Research Council Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation, Via Ugo La Malfa 153, 90146, Palermo, Italy.; Cordova A; Laboratory of Biology and Regenerative Medicine-Plastic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncological and Oral Sciences, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Montesano L; Laboratory of Biology and Regenerative Medicine-Plastic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncological and Oral Sciences, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Dieli F; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neuroscience and Advanced Diagnosis, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Meraviglia S; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neuroscience and Advanced Diagnosis, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, 90127, Palermo, Italy.
Publisher: Oxford University Press Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 8405628 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1938-3673 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 07415400 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Leukoc Biol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Shekarkar Azgomi M; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (BND), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Badami GD; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Lo Pizzo M; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Tamburini B; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Childcare, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, University of Palermo, 90129 Palermo, Italy.; Dieli C; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; La Manna MP; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (BND), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Dieli F; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (BND), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Caccamo N; Central Laboratory of Advanced Diagnosis and Biomedical Research (CLADIBIOR), Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.; Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostic (BND), University of Palermo, 90127 Palermo, Italy.
Publisher: MDPI Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 101600052 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2073-4409 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 20734409 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Cells Subsets: MEDLINE
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