
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 9건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Ahluwalia, I.B.Akinkugbe, O.A.Aranas, A.Arons, M.Atherstone, C.Bampoe, V.Bessler, P.Bligh, L.Bonner, K.Bowen, V.B.Broadwater, K.Brunette, G.W.Brunkard, J.M.Burns, D.A.Cantrell, M.Christensen, B.E.Cope, J.R.Cory, J.Crawford, N.E.Daigle, D.Daly, S.M.Dejonge, P.Dualeh, M.Dunn, K.H.Eidex, R.B.Elgethun, K.Fajardo, G.Fonseca-Ford, M.Franc, K.Gaines, J.George, N.Goodson, J.Green, C.Grober, A.J.Hailu, K.Hammond, D.R.Harcourt, B.H.Hess, A.Hesse, E.Hirst, D.V.L.Hornsby-Myers, J.Humrighouse, B.Ishaq, M.Ishii, K.James, A.Jayapaul-Philip, B.Jentes, E.S.Johnson, L.Johnston, M.Jolley, C.D.Kacha-Ochana, A.Kaur, H.Keaveney, M.Kelly, H.C.Krishnasamy, V.Kumar, G.S.Larkin, M.Layde, M.LeBouf, R.F.Lee, D.Lira, R.C.Lopez, R.Lozier, M.J.Macler, A.Mainzer, H.Malden, D.Malenfant, J.Marano, N.Marsh, Z.Mayer, O.McDonald, R.Mehta, N.Menon, A.N.Meyer, E.Miles, S.T.Minhaj, F.Mirza, S.Moller, K.M.Morris, S.B.Neu, D.T.Oakley, L.P.Ocasio, D.V.Osborne, T.Ou, A.C.Peck, M.Pezzi, C.Person, M.Posey, D.Pullia, A.Qi, C.Raziano, A.J.Richmond-Crum, M.Roohi, S.Saindon, J.M.Sami, S.Sanchez-Gonzalez, L.Schweitzer, R.Schwitters, A.M.Shamout, M.Shockey, C.E.Shragai, T.Singler, K.B.Sison, E.J.Smith, D.Smith, M.Sood, N.J.Sunshine, B.J.Trujillo, A.Vallabhaneni, S.Wickson, A.Yoder, J.S.Zambuto, L.R.Cozzarelli, T.Rice, M.Ricks, M.Birchfield, J.S.Nambiar, A.Avrakatos, A.Ballard, T.P.Dennis, E.Gambino-Shirley, K.Huston, A.E.Jennings, M.G.Oldham, D.M.Rabener, M.J.Fandre, M.N.Jablonka, R.J.Love, A.Peduzzi, O.L.Snow, K.Greer, J.A.Hughes, C.A.Humphreys, M.A.Korduba, A.B.Neamand-Cheney, K.A.Pritchard, N.L.Smith, A.M.Whelpley, J.L.Griffin-Thomas, L.Kelly, S.McLeod, J.Masters, N.B.Mathis, A.D.Leung, J.Raines, K.Clemmons, N.S.Miele, K.Balajee, S.A.Lanzieri, T.M.Marin, M.Christensen, D.L.Clarke, K.R.Cruz, M.A.Gallagher, K.Gearhart, S.Gertz, A.M.Grady-Erickson, O.Habrun, C.A.Kim, G.Kinzer, M.H.Miko, S.Oberste, M.S.Petras, J.K.Pieracci, E.G.Rosenblum, H.G.Ross, J.M.Rothney, E.E.Segaloff, H.E.Shepersky, L.V.Skrobarcek, K.A.Sumner, K.M.Waltenburg, M.A.Weinberg, M.Worrell, M.C.Icenogle, J.P.Crooke, S.N.Bankamp, B.Charles, J.Y.Brown, C.M.Cetron, M.S.Pesik, N.Knight, N.W.Alvarado-Ramy, F.Bell, M.Talley, L.E.Rotz, L.D.Rota, P.A.Sugerman, D.E.Gastañaduy, P.A.Stadelman, A.M.Pray, I.W.Westergaard, R.P.Lambert, M.C.Bessette, N.E.Peake, L.R.Vogt, M.P.Robinson, M.Adekoya, S.Alexander, V.Davis, M.Falk, J.Kurkjian, K.McCarty, E.Moss, J.Myrick-West, A.Patel, C.Pruitt, R.Saady, D.Sockwell, D.Touma, A.Wheawill, S.Woolard, D.Young, A.Griesser, R.H.Danz, T.L.Davis, T.Guenther, K.Hanson, E.Stanley, S.E.Friedrichs, P.A.Fletcher, L.D.Zapata, I.A.Wolfe, H.O.Gandhi, P.H.
In: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 29 April 2022, 71(17):592-596)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of ASTM International. (Journal of ASTM International, October 2010, 7(9))
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Clinical Oncology. (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1989, 7(10):1573-1577)
In: Toward a Common European Union Energy Policy: Problems, Progress, and Prospects. (Toward a Common European Union Energy Policy: Problems, Progress, and Prospects, 18 July 2011, :1-9)
In: Toward a Common European Union Energy Policy: Problems, Progress, and Prospects. (Toward a Common European Union Energy Policy: Problems, Progress, and Prospects, 18 July 2011, :1-289)
In: Toward a Common European Union Energy Policy: Problems, Progress, and Prospects. (Toward a Common European Union Energy Policy: Problems, Progress, and Prospects, 18 July 2011, :xi-xii)
In: ASTM Special Technical Publication, Pesticide Formulations and Delivery Systems, 30th Volume: Regulations and Innovation. (ASTM Special Technical Publication, 2011, 1527 STP:238-248)
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003, 4991:158-165)
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[검색어] Birchfield, J.S.
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