에서 검색결과 27건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: Meteorological Applications . (Meteorological Applications, September/October 2023, 30(5))
Academic Journal
Gbode, I.E.; Ajayi, V.O.; Adefisan, E.A.; Okogbue, E.C.; Ogungbenro, S.B.; Oluleye, A.; Omotosho, J.A.; Cafaro, C.; Olaniyan, E.A.; Lawal, K.A.; Stein, T.
In: Meteorological Applications . (Meteorological Applications, July/August 2023, 30(4))
Academic Journal
Dione, C.; Kamga, A.F.; Savatia Indasi, V.; Adefisan, E.A.; Talib, J.; Bwaka, A.A.; Lingani, C.; Bita Fouda, A.A.; Hirons, L.; Thompson, E.; Woolnough, S.J.; Latt, A.
In: Climate Services . (Climate Services, December 2022, 28)
Academic Journal
Lamptey, B.; Parker, D.J.; SAHABI ABED, S.; Gudoshava, M.; Mutemi, J.; Bopape, M.-J.; Adefisan, E.A.; Igri, M.P.; Seidou Sanda, I.; Ndiaye, O.; Woolnough, S.; Kolstad, E.W.; Dougill, A.J.; Fink, A.H.; Knippertz, P.
In: Nature Communications . (Nature Communications, December 2024, 15(1))
Academic Journal
Olaniyan, E.A.; Lawal, K.A.; Cafaro, C.; Ogungbenro, S.B.; Gbode, I.E.; Ajayi, V.O.; Oluleye, A.; Adefisan, E.A.; Schwendike, J.
In: Meteorological Applications . (Meteorological Applications, July/August 2022, 29(4))
Academic Journal
In: Heliyon . (Heliyon, July 2022, 8(7))
Academic Journal
In: Natural Hazards . (Natural Hazards, July 2022, 112(3):2465-2492)
Academic Journal
White, C.J.; Bertram, D.; Robertson, D.J.C.; Domeisen, D.I.V.; Acharya, N.; Adefisan, E.A.; Anderson, M.L.; Aura, S.; Kilavi, M.; Balogun, A.A.; Bluhm, S.; Risbey, J.S.; Tozer, C.R.; Brayshaw, D.J.; Charlton-Perez, A.; Halford, A.; Huang, W.T.K.; Sun, T.; Browell, J.; Graham, R.M.; Büeler, D.; Grams, C.M.; Chourio, X.; Goddard, L.; Romero, C.G.; Robertson, A.W.; Christel, I.; Manrique-Suñén, A.; Muñoz, Á.G.; Palma, L.; Soret, A.; Vigo, I.; Coelho, C.A.S.; DeFlorio, M.J.; Monache, L.D.; Gibson, P.B.; Ralph, F.M.; Giuseppe, F.D.; Wetterhall, F.; García-Solórzano, A.M.; Graham, R.J.; Jensen, K.; Lawal, K.A.; Olaniyan, E.; Lee, R.W.; MacLeod, D.; Martins, E.S.P.R.; Vasconcelos, F.C.; Maxwell, C.J.; Wilson, R.G.; Merryfield, W.J.; Otieno, G.; Oyedepo, J.A.; Pechlivanidis, I.G.; Pons, D.; Reis, D.S.; Remenyi, T.A.; Smith, S.; Todd, M.C.; Waliser, D.E.
In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society . (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, June 2022, 103(6):E1448-E1472)
Academic Journal
In: Modeling Earth Systems and Environment . (Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, March 2022, 8(1):173-198)
Academic Journal
Parker, D.J.; Dougill, A.J.; Birch, C.E.; Carr, H.; Clarke, S.J.; Coskeran, H.; James, T.D.; Marsham, J.H.; Schwendike, J.; Taylor, A.L.; Taylor, C.M.; Woodhams, B.J.; Blyth, A.M.; Lamptey, B.; Fletcher, J.K.; Groves, J.L.; Roberts, A.J.; Youds, L.; Woolnough, S.J.; Hirons, L.C.; Bain, C.L.; Hartley, A.J.; Webster, S.; de Coning, E.; Diop-Kane, M.; Foamouhoue, A.K.; Dione, C.; Ndiaye, O.; Ruti, P.; Adefisan, E.A.; Amekudzi, L.K.; Antwi-Agyei, P.; Danuor, S.K.; Cafaro, C.; de Andrade, F.M.; Stein, T.H.M.; Chanzu, B.; Diakaria, K.; Gaye, A.T.; Gudoshava, M.; Segele, Z.T.; Ibrahim, I.; Lawal, K.A.; Olaniyan, E.; Mutemi, J.N.; Okogbue, E.C.; Omotosho, J.B.; Portuphy, J.; Diop, C.A.; Warnaars, T.A.
In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society . (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, February 2022, 103(2):E349-E369)
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[검색어] Adefisan, E.A.
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