
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 61건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Klionsky, DJAbdel-Aziz, AKAbdelfatah, SAbdellatif, MAbdoli, AAbel, SAbeliovich, HAbildgaard, MHAbudu, YPAcevedo-Arozena, AAdamopoulos, IEAdeli, KAdolph, TEAdornetto, AAflaki, EAgam, GAgarwal, AAggarwal, BBAgnello, MAgostinis, PAgrewala, JNAgrotis, AAguilar, PAhmad, STAhmed, ZMAhumada-Castro, UAits, SAizawa, SAkkoc, YAkoumianaki, TAkpinar, HAAl-Abd, AMAl-Akra, LAl-Gharaibeh, AAlaoui-Jamali, MAAlberti, SAlcocer-Gomez, EAlessandri, CAli, MAl-Bari, MAAAliwaini, SAlizadeh, JAlmacellas, EAlmasan, AAlonso, AAlonso, GDAltan-Bonnet, NAltieri, DCAlves, Sda Costa, CAAlzaharna, MMAmadio, MAmantini, CAmaral, CAmbrosio, SAmer, AOAmmanathan, VAn, ZYAndersen, SUAndrabi, SAAndrade-Silva, MAndres, AMAngelini, SAnn, DAnozie, UCAnsari, MYAntas, PAntebi, AAnton, ZAnwar, TApetoh, LApostolova, NAraki, TAraki, YArasaki, KAraujo, WLAraya, JArden, CArevalo, MAArguelles, SArias, EArikkath, JArimoto, HAriosa, ARArmstrong-James, DArnaune-Pelloquin, LAroca, AArroyo, DSArsov, IArtero, RAsaro, DMLAschner, MAshrafizadeh, MAshur-Fabian, OAtanasov, AGAu, AKAuberger, PAuner, HWAurelian, LAutelli, RAvagliano, LAvalos, YAveic, SAveleira, CAAvinWittenberg, TAydin, YAyton, SAyyadevara, SAzzopardi, MBaba, MBacker, JMBackues, SKBae, DHBae, ONBae, SHBaehrecke, EHBaek, ABaek, SHBagetta, GBagniewska-Zadworna, ABai, HBai, JBai, XYBai, YDBairagi, NBaksi, SBalbi, TBaldari, CTBalduini, WBallabio, ABallester, MBalazadeh, SBalzan, RBandopadhyay, RBanerjee, SBao, YBaptista, MSBaracca, ABarbati, CBargiela, ABarila, DBarlow, PGBarmada, SJBarreiro, EBarreto, GEBartek, JBartel, BBartolome, ABarve, GRBasagoudanavar, SHBassham, DCBast, RCBasu, ABatoko, HBatten, IBaulieu, EEBaumgarner, BLBayry, JBeale, RBeau, IBeaumatin, FBechara, LRGBeck, GRBeers, MFBegun, JBehrends, CBehrens, GMNBei, RBejarano, EBel, SBehl, CBelaid, ABelgareh-Touze, NBellarosa, CBelleudi, FPerez, MBBello-Morales, RBeltran, JSDBeltran, SBenbrook, DMBendorius, MBenitez, BABenito-Cuesta, IBensalem, JBerchtold, MWBerezowska, SBergamaschi, DBergami, MBergmann, ABerliocchi, LBerlioz-Torrent, CBernard, ABerthoux, LBesirli, CGBesteiro, SBetin, VMBeyaert, RBezbradica, JSBhaskar, KBhatia-Kissova, IBhattacharya, RBhattacharya, SBhattacharyya, SBhuiyan, MSBhutia, SKBi, LRBi, XLBiden, TJBijian, KBilles, VABinart, NBincoletto, CBirgisdottir, ABBjorkoy, GBlanco, GBlas-Garcia, ABlasiak, JBlomgran, RBlomgren, KBlum, JSBoada-Romero, EBoban, MBoeszeBattaglia, KBoeuf, PBoland, BBomont, PBonaldo, PBonam, SRBonfili, LBonifacino, JSBoone, BABootman, MDBordi, MBorner, CBornhauser, BCBorthakur, GBosch, JBose, SBotana, LMBotas, JBoulanger, CMBoulton, MEBourdenx, MBourgeois, BBourke, NMBousquet, GBoya, PBozhkov, PBozi, LHMBozkurt, TOBrackney, DEBrandts, CHBraun, RJBraus, GHBravo-Sagua, RBravo-San Pedro, JMBrest, PBringer, MABriones-Herrera, ABroaddus, VCBrodersen, PAlvarez, EMCBrodsky, JLBrody, SLBronson, PGBronstein, JMBrown, CNBrown, REBrum, PCBrumell, JHBrunetti-Pierri, NBruno, DBryson-Richardson, RJBucci, CBuchrieser, CBueno, MBuitrago-Molina, LEBuraschi, SBuch, SBuchan, JRBuckingham, EMBudak, HBudini, MBultynck, GBurada, FBurgoyne, JRBuron, MIBustos, VButtner, SButturini, EByrd, ACabas, ICabrera-Benitez, SCadwell, KCai, JJCai, LCai, QCairo, MCalbet, JACaldwell, GACaldwell, KACall, JACalvani, RCalvo, ACBarrera, MCRCamara, NOCamonis, JHCamougrand, NCampanella, MCampbell, EMCampbell-Valois, FXCampello, SCampesi, ICampos, JCCamuzard, OCancino, Jde Almeida, DCCanesi, LCaniggia, ICanonico, BCanti, CCao, BCaraglia, MCarames, BCarchman, EHCardenal-Munoz, ECardenas, CCardenas, LCardoso, SMCarew, JSCarle, GFCarleton, GCarloni, SCarmona-Gutierrez, DCarneiro, LACarnevali, OCarosi, JMCarra, SCarrier, ACarrier, LCarroll, BCarter, ABCarvalho, ANCasanova, MCasas, CCasas, JCassioli, CCastillo, EFCastillo, KCastillo-Lluva, SCastoldi, FCastori, MCastro, AFCastro-Caldas, MCastro-Hernandez, JCastro-Obregon, SCatz, SDCavadas, CCavaliere, FCavallini, GCavinato, MCayuela, MLRica, PCCecarini, VCecconi, FCechowska-Pasko, MCenci, SCeperuelo-Mallafre, VCerqueira, JJCerutti, JMCervia, DCetintas, VBCetrullo, SChae, HJChagin, ASChai, CYChakrabarti, GChakrabarti, OChakraborty, TChami, MChamilos, GChan, DWChan, EYWChan, EDChan, HYEChan, HHChan, HChan, MTChan, YSChandra, PKChang, CPChang, CMChang, HCChang, KChao, JChapman, TCharlet-Berguerand, NChatterjee, SChaube, SKChaudhary, AChauhan, SChaum, EChecler, FCheetham, MEChen, CSChen, GCChen, JFChen, LLChen, LChen, MLChen, MKChen, NChen, QChen, RHChen, SChen, WChen, WQChen, XMChen, XWChen, XChen, YChen, YGChen, YYChen, YQChen, YJChen, ZSChen, ZChen, ZHChen, ZJChen, ZXCheng, HHCheng, JCheng, SYCheng, WCheng, XDCheng, XTCheng, YYCheng, ZYCheong, HCheong, JKChernyak, BCherry, SCheung, CFRCheung, CHACheung, KHChevet, EChi, RJChiang, AKSChiaradonna, FChiarelli, RChiariello, MChica, NChiocca, SChiong, MChiou, SHChiramel, AChiurchiu, VCho, DHChoe, SKChoi, AMKChoi, MEChoudhury, KRChow, NSChu, CTChua, JPChua, JJEChung, HChung, KPChung, SChung, SHChung, YLCianfanelli, VCiechomska, IACifuentes, MCinque, LCirak, SCirone, MClague, MJClarke, RClementi, ECoccia, EMCodogno, PCohen, ECohen, MMColasanti, TColasuonno, FColbert, RAColell, AColl, NSCollins, MOColombo, MColon-Ramos, DACombaret, LComincini, SCominetti, MRConsiglio, AConte, AConti, FContu, VRCookson, MRCoombs, KMCoppens, ICorasaniti, MTCorkery, DPCordes, NCortese, KCosta, MDCostantino, SCostelli, PCoto-Montes, ACrack, PJCrespo, JLCriollo, ACrippa, VCristofani, RCsizmadia, TCuadrado, ACui, BCui, JCui, YXCui, YCuletto, ECumino, ACCybulsky, ACzaja, MJCzuczwar, SJD'Adamo, SD'Amelio, MD'Arcangelo, DD'Lugos, ACD'Orazi, Gda Silva, JADafsari, HSDagda, RKDagdas, YDaglia, MDai, XDai, YDai, YYDal Col, JDalhaimer, PDalla Valle, LDallenga, TDalmasso, GDamme, MDando, IDantuma, NPDarling, ALDas, HDasarathy, SDasari, SKDash, SDaumke, ODauphinee, ANDavies, JSDavila, VADavis, RJDavis, TNaidu, SDDe Amicis, FDe Bosscher, KDe Felice, FDe Franceschi, LDe Leonibus, CBarbosa, MGDDe Meyer, GRYDe Milito, ADe Nunzio, CDe Palma, CDe Santi, MDe Virgilio, CDe Zio, DDebnath, JDeBosch, BJDecuypere, JDeehan, MADeflorian, GDeGregori, JDehay, BDel Rio, GDelaney, JRDelbridge, LMDDelorme-Axford, EDelpino, MVDemarchi, FDembitz, VDemers, NDDeng, HBDeng, ZQDengjel, JDent, PDenton, DDePamphilis, MLDer, CJDeretic, VDescoteaux, ADevis, LDevkota, SDevuyst, ODewson, GDharmasivam, MDhiman, Rdi Bernardo, DDi Cristina, MDi Domenico, FDi Fazio, PDi Fonzo, ADi Guardo, GDi Guglielmo, GMDi Leo, LDi Malta, CDi Nardo, ADi Rienzo, MDi Sano, FDiallinas, GDiao, JJDiaz-Araya, GDiaz-Laviada, IDickinson, JMDiederich, MDieude, MDikic, IDing, SPDing, WXDini, LDinic, JDinic, MDinkova-Kostova, ATDionne, MSDistler, JHWDiwan, ADixon, IMCDjavaheri-Mergny, MDobrinski, IDobrovinskaya, ODobrowolski, RDobson, RCJEmre, SDDonadelli, MDong, BDong, XNDong, ZWIi, GWDDotsch, VDou, HDou, JDowaidar, MDridi, SDrucker, LDu, ALDu, CGDu, GWDu, HNDu, LLdu Toit, ADuan, SBDuan, XQDuarte, SPDubrovska, ADunlop, EADupont, NDuran, RDwarakanath, BSDyshlovoy, SAEbrahimi-Fakhari, DEckhart, LEdelstein, CLEfferth, TEftekharpour, EEichinger, LEid, NEisenberg, TEissa, NTEissa, SEjarque, MEl Andaloussi, AEl-Hage, NEl-Naggar, SEleuteri, AMEl-Shafey, ESElgendy, MEliopoulos, AGElizalde, MMElks, PMElsasser, HPElsherbiny, ESEmerling, BMEmre, NCTEng, CHEngedal, NEngelbrecht, AMEngelsen, ASTEnserink, JMEscalante, REsclatine, AEscobar-Henriques, MEskelinen, ELEspert, LEusebio, MOFabrias, GFabrizi, CFacchiano, AFacchiano, FFadeel, BFader, CFaesen, ACFairlie, WDFalco, AFalkenburger, BHFan, DPFan, JFan, YBFang, EFFang, YSFang, YQFanto, MFarfel-Becker, TFaure, MFazeli, GFedele, AOFeldman, AMFeng, DFeng, JCFeng, LFFeng, YBFeng, YCFeng, WAraujo, TFFerguson, TAFernandez-Checa, JCFernandezVeledo, SFernie, ARFerrante, AW JrFerraresi, AFerrari, MFFerreira, JCBFerro-Novick, SFigueras, AFiladi, RFiligheddu, NFilippiChiela, EFilomeni, GFimia, GMFineschi, VFinetti, FFinkbeiner, SFisher, EAFisher, PBFlamigni, FFliesler, SJFlo, THFlorance, IFlorey, OFlorio, TFodor, EFollo, CFon, EAForlino, AFornai, FFortini, PFracassi, AFraldi, AFranco, BFranco, RFranconi, FFrankel, LBFriedman, SLFrohlich, LFFruhbeck, GFuentes, JMFujiki, YFujita, NFujiwara, YFukuda, MFulda, SFuric, LFuruya, NFusco, CGack, MUGaffke, LGaladari, SGalasso, AGalindo, MFKankanamalage, SGGalluzzi, LGaly, VGammoh, NGan, BYGanley, IGGao, FGao, HGao, MHGao, PGao, SJGao, WTGao, XBGarcera, AGarcia, MNGarcia, VEGarcia-Del Portillo, FGarcia-Escudero, VGarciaGarcia, AGarcia-Macia, MGarcia-Moreno, DGarcia-Ruiz, CGarcia-Sanz, PGarg, ADGargini, RGarofalo, TGarry, RFGassen, NCGatica, DGe, LGe, WZGeiss-Friedlander, RGelfi, CGenschik, PGentle, IEGerbino, VGerhardt, CGermain, KGermain, MGewirtz, DAAfshar, EGGhavami, SGhigo, AGhosh, MGiamas, GGiampietri, CGiatromanolaki, AGibson, GEGibson, SBGinet, VGiniger, EGiorgi, CGirao, HGirardin, SEGiridharan, MGiuliano, SGiulivi, CGiuriato, SGiustiniani, JGluschko, AGoder, VGoginashvili, AGolab, JGoldstone, DCGolebiewska, AGomes, LRGomez, RGomez-Sanchez, RGomez-Puerto, MCGomez-Sintes, RGong, QGoni, FMGonzalez-Gallego, JGonzalez-Hernandez, TGonzalez-Polo, RAGonzalez-Reyes, JAGonzalez-Rodriguez, PGoping, ISGorbatyuk, MSGorbunov, NGorojod, RMGorski, SMGoruppi, SGotor, CGottlieb, RAGozes, IGozuacik, DGraef, MGraler, MHGranatiero, VGrasso, DGray, JPGreen, DRGreenhough, AGregory, SLGriffin, EFGrinstaff, MWGros, FGrose, CGross, ASGruber, FGrumati, PGrune, TGu, XYGuan, JLGuardia, CMGuda, KGuerra, FGuerri, CGuha, PGuillen, CGujar, SGukovskaya, AGukovsky, IGunst, JGunther, AGuntur, ARGuo, CYGuo, CGuo, HQGuo, LWGuo, MGupta, PFernandez, AFGupta, SKGupta, SGupta, VBGupta, VGustafsson, ABGutterman, DDRanjitha, HBHaapasalo, AHaber, JEHadano, SHafren, AJHaidar, MHall, BSHallden, GHamacher-Brady, AHamann, AHamasaki, MHan, WDHansen, MHanson, PHao, ZJHarada, MHarhaji-Trajkovic, LHariharan, NHaroon, NHarris, JHasegawa, TNagoor, NHHaspel, JAHaucke, VHawkins, WDHay, BAHaynes, CMHayrabedyan, SBHays, TSHe, CCHe, QHe, RRHe, YWHe, YYHeakal, YHeberle, AMHejtmancik, JFHelgason, GVHenkel, VHerb, MHergovich, AHerman-Antosiewicz, AHernandez, AHernandez, CHernandez-Diaz, SHernandez-Gea, VHerpin, AHerreros, JHervas, JHHesselson, DHetz, CHeussler, VTHiguchi, YHilfiker, SHill, JAHlavacek, WSHo, EAHo, IHTHo, PWLHo, SHo, WYHobbs, GAHochstrasser, MHoet, PHMHofius, DHofman, PHohn, AHolmberg, CHombrebueno, JRHong, CWHong, YRHooper, LHoppe, THoros, RHoshida, YHsin, ILHsu, HYHu, BHu, DHu, LFHu, MCHu, RGHu, WHu, YCHu, ZWHua, FHua, JLHua, YQHuan, CMHuang, CHHuang, CSHuang, CXHuang, CLHuang, HSHuang, KHuang, MLHHuang, RHuang, SHuang, TZHuang, XHuang, YJHuber, TBHubert, VHubner, CAHughes, SMHughes, WEHumbert, MHummer, GHurley, JHHussain, SHussey, PJHutabarat, MHwang, HYHwang, SIeni, AIkeda, FImagawa, YImai, YImbriano, CImoto, MInman, DMInoki, KIovanna, JIozzo, RIppolito, GIrazoqui, JEIribarren, PIshaq, MIshikawa, MIshimwe, NIsidoro, CIsmail, NIssazadeh-Navikas, SItakura, EIto, DIvankovic, DIvanova, SIyer, AKIzquierdo, JMIzumi, MJaattela, MJabir, MSJackson, WTJacobo-Herrera, NJacomin, ACJacquin, EJadiya, PJaeschke, HJagannath, CJakobi, AJJakobsson, JJanji, BJansenDurr, PJansson, PJJantsch, JJanuszewski, SJassey, AJean, SJeltschDavid, HJendelova, PJenny, AJensen, TEJessen, NJewell, JLJi, JJia, LJJia, RJiang, LWJiang, QJiang, RCJiang, TJiang, XJJiang, YJimenez-Sanchez, MJin, EJJin, FYJin, HCJin, LJin, LQJin, MYJin, SJo, EKJoffre, CJohansen, TJohnson, GVWJohnston, SAJokitalo, EJolly, MKJoosten, LABJordan, JJoseph, BJu, DWJu, JSJu, JFJuarez, EJudith, DJuhasz, GJun, YJung, CHJung, SJung, YKJungbluth, HJungverdorben, JJust, SKaarniranta, KKaasik, AKabuta, TKaganovich, DKahana, AKain, RKajimura, SKalamvoki, MKalia, MKalinowski, DSKaludercic, NKalvari, IKaminska, JKaminskyy, VOKanamori, HKanasaki, KKang, CKang, RKang, SSKaniyappan, SKanki, TKanneganti, TDKanthasamy, AGKanthasamy, AKantorow, MKapuy, OKaramouzis, MKarim, MRKarmakar, PKatare, RGKato, MKaufmann, SHEKauppinen, AKaushal, GPKaushik, SKawasaki, KKazan, KKe, PYKeating, DJKeber, UKehrl, JHKeller, KEKeller, CWKemper, JKKenific, CMKepp, OKermorgant, SKern, AKetteler, RKeulers, TGKhalfin, BKhalil, HKhambu, BKhan, SYKhandelwal, VKMKhandia, RKho, WKhobrekar, NKhuansuwan, SKhundadze, MKillackey, SAKim, DKim, DRKim, DHKim, DEKim, EYKim, EKKim, HKim, HSKim, HRKim, JHKim, JKKim, JKim, KIKim, PKKim, SJKimball, SRKimchi, AKimmelman, ACKimura, TKing, MAKinghorn, KJKinsey, CGKirkin, VKirshenbaum, LAKiselev, SLKishi, SKitamoto, KKitaoka, YKitazato, KKitsis, RNKittler, JTKjaerulff, OKlein, PSKlopstock, TKlucken, JKnovelsrud, HKnorr, RLKo, BBKo, FKo, JLKobayashi, HKobayashi, SKoch, IKoch, JCKoenig, UKogel, DKoh, YHKoike, MKohlwein, SDKocaturk, NMKomatsu, MKonig, JKono, TKopp, BTKorcsmaros, TKorkmaz, GKorolchuk, VKorsnes, MSKoskela, AKota, JKotake, YKotler, MLKou, YJKoukourakis, MKoustas, EKovacs, ALKovacs, TKoya, DKozako, TKraft, CKrainc, DKramer, HKrasnodembskaya, ADKretz-Remy, CKroemer, GKtistakis, NTKuchitsu, KKuenen, SKuerschner, LKukar, TKumar, AKumar, DKumar, SKume, SKumsta, CKundu, CNKundu, MKunnumakkara, ABKurgan, LKutateladze, TGKutlu, OKwak, SKwon, HJKwon, TKKwon, YTKyrmizi, ILa Spada, ALabonte, PLadoire, SLaface, ILafont, FLagace, DCLahiri, VLai, ZBLaird, ASLakkaraju, ALamark, TLan, SHLandajuela, ALane, DJRLane, JDLang, CHLange, CLanger, RLapaquette, PLaporte, JLaRusso, NFLastres-Becker, ILau, WCYLaurie, GWLavandero, SLaw, BYKLaw, HKWLayfield, RLe, WDLe Stunff, HLeary, AYLebrun, JJLeck, LYWLeduc-Gaudet, JPLee, CLee, CPLee, DHLee, EBLee, EFLee, GMLee, HJLee, HKLee, JMLee, JSLee, JALee, JYLee, JHLee, MLee, MGLee, MJLee, MSLee, SYLee, SJLee, SBLee, WHLee, YRLee, YHLee, YLefebvre, CLegouis, RLei, YLLei, YCLeikin, SLeitinger, GLemus, LLeng, SLLenoir, OLenz, GLenz, HJLenzi, PLeon, YLeopoldino, AMLeschczyk, CLeskela, SLetellier, ELeung, CTLeung, PSLeventhal, JSLevine, BLewis, PALey, KLi, BLi, DQLi, JMLi, JLi, KLi, LWLi, MLi, MCLi, PLLi, MQLi, QLi, SLi, TGLi, WLi, WMLi, XLi, YPLi, YLi, ZQLi, ZYLian, JQLiang, CYLiang, QRLiang, WCLiang, YHLiang, YTLiao, GHLiao, LJLiao, MZLiao, YFLibrizzi, MLie, PPYLilly, MALim, HJLima, TRRLimana, FLin, CLin, CWLin, DSLin, FCLin, JDDLin, KMLin, KHLin, LTLin, PHLin, QLin, SFLin, SJLin, WYLin, XYLin, YXLin, YSLinden, RLindner, PLing, SCLingor, PLinnemann, AKLiou, YLipinski, MMLipovsek, SLira, VALisiak, NLiton, PBLiu, CLiu, CHLiu, CFLiu, FLiu, HLiu, HSLiu, HFLiu, JLiu, JLLiu, LYLiu, LHLiu, MLLiu, QLiu, WLiu, WDLiu, XHLiu, XDLiu, XGLiu, XLiu, YFLiu, YLiu, YYLiu, YLLivingston, JALizard, GLizcano, JMLjubojevic-Holzer, SLLeonart, MELlobet-Navas, DLlorente, ALo, CHLobato-Marquez, DLong, QLong, YCLoos, BLoos, JALopez, MGLopez-Domenech, GLopez-Guerrero, JALopez-Jimenez, ATLopez-Valero, ILorenowicz, MJLorente, MLorincz, PLossi, LLotersztajn, SLovat, PELovell, JFLovy, ALu, GLu, HCLu, JHLu, JJLu, MJLu, SYLuciani, ALucocq, JMLudovico, PLuftig, MALuhr, MLuis-Ravelo, DLum, JJLuna-Dulcey, LLund, AHLund, VKLunemann, JDLuningschror, PLuo, HLLuo, RCLuo, SQLuo, ZLuparello, CLuscher, BLuu, LLyakhovich, ALyamzaev, KGLystad, AHLytvynchuk, LMa, ACMa, CLMa, MXMa, NFMa, QHMa, XLMa, YYMa, ZYMacDougald, OAMacian, FMacIntosh, GCMacKeigan, JPMacleod, KFMaday, SMadeo, FMadesh, MMadl, TMadrigal-Matute, JMaeda, AMaejima, YMagarinos, MMahavadi, PMaiani, EMaiese, KMaiti, PMaiuri, MCMajello, BMajor, MBMakareeva, EMalik, FMallilankaraman, KMalorni, WMaloyan, AMammadova, NMan, GCWManai, FMancias, JDMandelkow, EMMandell, MAManfredi, AAManjili, MHManjithaya, RManque, PManshian, BBManzano, RManzoni, CMao, KMarchese, CMarchetti, SMarconi, AMMarcucci, FMardente, SMareninova, OAMargeta, MMari, MMarinelli, SMarinelli, OMarino, GMariotto, SMarshall, RSMarten, MRMartens, SMartin, APJMartin, KRMartin, SMartin-Segura, AMartin-Acebes, MAMartin-Burriel, IMartin-Rincon, MMartin-Sanz, PMartina, JAMartinet, WMartinez, AMartinez, JVelazquez, MMMartinez-Lopez, NMartinez-Vicente, MMartins, DOLange, ULopez-Perez, OMartins, JOMartins, WKMartins-Marques, TMarzetti, EMasaldan, SMasclaux-Daubresse, CMashek, DGMassa, VMassieu, LMasson, GRMasuelli, LMasyuk, AMasyuk, TMatarrese, PMatheu, AMatoba, SMatsuzaki, SMattar, PMatte, AMattoscio, DMauriz, JLMauthe, MMauvezin, CMaverakis, EMaycotte, PMayer, JMazzoccoli, GMazzoni, CMazzulli, JRMcCarty, NMcDonald, CMcGill, MRMcKenna, SLMcLaughlin, BMcLoughlin, FMcNiven, MAMcWilliams, TGMechta-Grigoriou, FMedeiros, TCMedina, DLMegeney, LAMegyeri, KMehrpour, MMehta, JLMeijer, AJMeijer, AHMejlvang, JMelendez, AMelk, AMemisoglu, GMendes, AFMeng, DMeng, FMeng, TMenna-Barreto, RMenon, MBMercer, CMercier, AEMergny, JLMerighi, AMerkley, SDMerla, GMeske, VMestre, ACMetur, SPMeyer, CMeyer, HMi, WYMialet-Perez, JMiao, JYMicale, LMiki, YMilan, EMilczarek, MMiller, DLMiller, SMillward, SWMilosevic, IMinina, EAMirzaei, HMirzaei, HRMirzaei, MMishra, AMishra, NMishra, PKMarjanovic, MMMisasi, RMisra, AMisso, GMitchell, CMitou, GMiura, TMiyamoto, SMiyazaki, MMiyazaki, TMiyazawa, KMizushima, NMogensen, THMograbi, BMohammadinejad, RMohamud, YMohanty, AMohapatra, SMohlmann, TMohmmed, AMoles, AMoley, KHMolinari, MMollace, VMuller, ABMollereau, BMollinedo, FMontagna, CMonteiro, MJMontella, AMontes, LRMontico, BMony, VKCompagnoni, GMMoore, MNMoosavi, MAMora, ALMora, MMorales-Alamo, DMoratalla, RMoreira, PMorelli, EMoreno, SMoreno-Blas, DMoresi, VMorga, BMorgan, AHMorin, FMorishita, HMoritz, OLMoriyama, MMoriyasu, YMorleo, MMorselli, EMoruno-Manchon, JFMoscat, JMostowy, SMotori, EMoura, AFMoustaid-Moussa, NMrakovcic, MMucinoHernandez, GMukherjee, AMukhopadhyay, SLevy, JMMMulero, VMuller, SMunch, CMunjal, AMunoz-Canoves, PMunoz-Galdeano, TMunz, CMurakawa, TMuratori, CMurphy, BMMurphy, JPMurthy, AMyohanen, TTMysorekar, IUMytych, JNabavi, SMNabissi, MNagy, PNah, JNahimana, ANakagawa, INakamura, KNakatogawa, HNandi, SSNanjundan, MNanni, MNapolitano, GNardacci, RNarita, MNassif, MNathan, INatsumeda, MNaude, RJNaumann, CNaveiras, ONavid, FNawrocki, STNazarko, TYNazio, FNegoita, FNeill, TNeisch, ALNeri, LMNetea, MGNeubert, PNeufeld, TPNeumann, DNeutzner, ANewton, PTNey, PANezis, IPNg, CCWNg, TBNguyen, HTTNguyen, LTNi, HMCheallaigh, CNNi, ZNicolao, MCNicoli, FNieto-Diaz, MNilsson, PNing, SNiranjan, RNishimune, HNiso-Santano, MNixon, RANobili, ANobrega, CNoda, TNogueira-Recalde, UNolan, TMNombela, INovak, INovoa, BNozawa, TNukina, NNussbaum-Krammer, CNylandsted, JO'Donovan, TRO'Leary, SMO'Rourke, EJO'Sullivan, MPO'Sullivan, TEOddo, SOehme, IOgawa, MOgier-Denis, EOgmundsdottir, MHOgretmen, BOh, GTOh, SHOh, YJOhama, TOhashi, YOhmuraya, MOikonomou, VOjha, ROkamoto, KOkazawa, HOku, MOlivan, SOliveira, JMAOllmann, MOlzmann, JAOmari, SOmary, MBOnal, GOndrej, MOng, SBOng, SGOnnis, AOrellana, JAOrellana-Munoz, SOrtega-Villaizan, MDOrtiz-Gonzalez, XROrtona, EOsiewacz, HDOsman, AHKOsta, ROtegui, MSOtsu, KOtt, COttobrini, LOu, JHJOuteiro, TFOynebraten, IOzturk, MPages, GPahari, SPajares, MPajvani, UBPal, RPaladino, SPallet, NPalmieri, MPalmisano, GPalumbo, CPampaloni, FPan, LFPan, QJPan, WLPan, XPanasyuk, GPandey, RPandey, UBPandya, VPaneni, FPang, SYPanzarini, EPapademetrio, DLPapaleo, EPapinski, DPapp, DPark, ECPark, HTPark, JMPark, JPark, JTPark, SCPark, SYParola, AHParys, JBPasquier, APasquier, BPassos, JFPastore, NPatel, HHPatschan, DPattingre, SPedraza-Alva, GPedraza-Chaverri, JPedrozo, ZPei, GPei, JMPeled-Zehavi, HPellegrini, JMPelletier, JPenalva, MAPeng, DPeng, YPenna, FPennuto, MPentimalli, FPereira, CMPereira, GJSPereira, LCde Almeida, LPPerera, NDPerezOliva, ABPerez-Perez, MEPeriyasamy, PPerl, APerrotta, CPerrotta, IPestell, RGPetersen, MPetrache, IPetrovski, GPfirrmann, TPfister, ASPhilips, JAPi, HFPicca, APickrell, AMPicot, SPierantoni, GMPierdominici, MPierre, PPierrefite-Carle, VPierzynowska, KPietrocola, FPietruczuk, MPignata, CPimentelMuinos, FXPinar, MPinheiro, ROPinkas-Kramarski, RPinton, PPircs, KPiya, SPizzo, PPlantinga, TSPlatta, HWPlaza-Zabala, APlomann, MPlotnikov, EYPlun-Favreau, HPluta, RPocock, RPoggeler, SPohl, CPoirot, MPoletti, APonpuak, MPopelka, HPopova, BPorta, HAlcon, SPPortilla-Fernandez, EPost, MPotts, MBPoulton, JPowers, TPrahlad, VPrajsnar, TKPratico, DPrencipe, RPriault, MProikasCezanne, TPromponas, VJProud, CGPuertollano, RPuglielli, LPulinilkunnil, TPuri, DPuri, RPuyal, JQi, XPQi, YMQian, WBQiang, LQiu, YQuadrilatero, JQuarleri, JRaben, NRabinowich, HRagona, DRagusa, MJRahimi, NRahmati, MRaia, VRaimundo, NRajasekaran, NSRao, SRRami, ARamirez-Pardo, IRamsden, DBRandow, FRangarajan, PNRanieri, DRao, HRao, LRao, RRathore, SRatnayaka, JARatovitski, EARavanan, PRavegnini, GRay, SKRazani, BRebecca, VReggiori, FRegnier-Vigouroux, AReichert, ASReigada, DReiling, JHRein, TReipert, SRekha, RSRen, HMRen, JRen, WCRenault, TRenga, GReue, KRewitz, KRamos, BRDRiazuddin, SARibeiro-Rodrigues, TMRicci, JERicci, RRiccio, VRichardson, DRikihisa, YRisbud, MRisueno, RMRitis, KRizza, SRizzuto, RRoberts, HCRoberts, LDRobinson, KJRoccheri, MCRocchi, SRodney, GGRodrigues, TSilva, VRRRodriguez, ARodriguez-Barrueco, RRodriguez-Henche, NRodriguez-Rocha, HRoelofs, JRogers, RSRogov, VVRojo, ARolka, KRomanello, VRomani, LRomano, ARomano, PSRomeo-Guitart, DRomero, LCRomero, MRoney, JCRongo, CRoperto, SRosenfeldt, MTRosenstiel, PRosenwald, AGRoth, KARoth, LRoth, SRouschop, KMARoussel, BDRoux, SRovere-Querini, PRoy, ARozieres, ARuano, DRubinsztein, DCRubtsova, MPRuckdeschel, KRuckenstuhl, CRudolf, ERudolf, RRuggieri, ARuparelia, AARusmini, PRussell, RRRusso, GLRusso, MRusso, RRyabaya, OORyan, KMRyu, KYSabater-Arcis, MSachdev, USacher, MSachse, CSadhu, ASadoshima, JSafren, NSaftig, PSagona, APSahay, GSahebkar, ASahin, MSahin, OSahni, SSaito, NSaito, SSaito, TSakai, RSakai, YSakamaki, JISaksela, KSalazar, GSalazar-Degracia, ASalekdeh, GHSaluja, AKSampaio-Marques, BSanchez, MCSanchez-Alcazar, JASanchez-Vera, VSancho-Shimizu, VSanderson, JTSandri, MSantaguida, SSantambrogio, LSantana, MMSantoni, GSanz, ASanz, PSaran, SSardiello, MSargeant, TJSarin, ASarkar, CSarkar, SSarrias, MRSarmah, DTSarparanta, JSathyanarayan, ASathyanarayanan, RScaglione, KMScatozza, FSchaefer, LSchafer, ZTSchaible, UESchapira, AHScharl, MSchatzl, HMSchein, CHScheper, WScheuring, DSchiaffino, MVSchiappacassi, MSchindl, RSchlattner, USchmidt, OSchmitt, RSchmidt, SDSchmitz, ISchmukler, ESchneider, ASchneider, BESchober, RSchoijet, ACSchott, MBSchramm, MSchroder, BSchuh, KSchuller, CSchulze, RJSchurmanns, LSchwamborn, JCSchwarten, MScialo, FSciarretta, SScott, MJScotto, KWScovassi, AIScrima, AScrivo, ASebastian, DSebti, SSedej, SSegatori, LSegev, NSeglen, POSeiliez, ISeki, ESelleck, SBSellke, FWPerez-Lara, ASelsby, JTSendtner, MSenturk, SSeranova, ESergi, CSerra-Moreno, RSesaki, HSettembre, CSetty, SRGSgarbi, GSha, OShacka, JJShah, JAShang, DTShao, CSShao, FSharbati, SSharkey, LMSharma, DSharma, GSharma, KSharma, PSharma, SShen, HMShen, HTShen, JGShen, MShen, WLShen, ZNSheng, RSheng, ZSheng, ZHShi, JJShi, XBShi, YHShiba-Fukushima, KShieh, JShimada, YShimizu, SShimozawa, MShintani, TShoemaker, CJShojaei, SShoji, IShravage, BShridhar, VShu, CWShu, HBShui, KShukla, AKShutt, TESica, VSiddiqui, ASierra, ASierra-Torre, VSignorelli, SSil, PSilva, BJDSilva, JDSilva-Pavez, ESilvente-Poirot, SSimmonds, RESimon, AKSimon, HUSimons, MSingh, ASingh, LPSingh, RSingh, SSingh, SKSingh, SBSingh, SPSinha, DSinha, RASinha, SSirko, ASirohi, KSivridis, ELSkendros, PSkirycz, ASlaninova, ISmaili, SSSmertenko, ASmith, MDSoenen, SJSohn, EJSok, SPMSolaini, GSoldati, TSoleimanpour, SASoler, RMSolovchenko, ASomarelli, JASonawane, ASong, FYSong, HKSong, JXSong, KHSong, ZYSoria, LRSorice, MSoukas, AASoukup, SFSousa, DSousa, NSpagnuolo, PASpector, SABharath, MMSSt Clair, DStagni, VStaiano, LStalnecker, CAStankov, MStathopulos, PBStefan, KStefan, SMStefanis, LSteffan, JSSteinkasserer, AStenmark, HSterneckert, JStevens, CStoka, VStorch, SStork, BStrappazzon, FStrohecker, AMStupack, DGSu, HXSu, LYSu, LXSuarezFontes, AMSubauste, CSSubbian, SSubirada, PSudhandiran, GSue, CMSui, XBSummers, CSun, GCSun, JSun, KSun, MXSun, QMSun, YSun, ZJSunahara, KKSSundberg, ESusztak, KSutovsky, PSuzuki, HSweeney, GSymons, JDSze, SCWSzewczyk, NJTabolacci, CTacke, FTaegtmeyer, HTafani, MTagaya, MTai, HRTait, SWGTakahashi, YTakats, STalwar, PTam, CTam, SYTampellini, DTamura, ATan, CTTan, EKTan, YQTanaka, MTang, DTang, JFTang, TSTanida, ITao, ZPTaouis, MTatenhorst, LTavernarakis, NTaylor, ATaylor, GATaylor, JMTchetina, ETee, ARTegeder, ITeis, DTeixeira, NTeixeira-Clerc, FTekirdag, KATencomnao, TTenreiro, STepikin, ATestillano, PSTettamanti, GTharaux, PThedieck, KThekkinghat, AAThellung, SThinwa, JWThirumalaikumar, VPThomas, SMThomes, PGThorburn, AThukral, LThum, TThumm, MTian, LTichy, ATill, ATimmerman, VTitorenko, VTodi, STodorova, KToivonen, JMTomaipitinca, LTomar, DTomas-Zapico, CTong, BCKTong, CTong, XTooze, SATorgersen, MLTorii, STorres-Lopez, LTorriglia, ATowers, CGTowns, RToyokuni, STrajkovic, VTramontano, DTran, QTravassos, LHTrelford, CBTremel, STrougakos, IPTsao, BPTschan, MPTse, HFTse, TFTsugawa, HTsvetkov, ASTumbarello, DATumtas, YTunon, MJTurcotte, STurk, BTurk, VTurner, BJTuxworth, RTyler, JKTyutereva, EUchiyama, YUgunKlusek, AUhlig, HHUlasov, IUmekawa, MUngermann, CUnno, RUrbe, SUribe-Carretero, EUstun, SUversky, VNVaccari, TVaccaro, MVahsen, BFVakifahmetoglu-Norberg, HValdor, RValente, MJValko, AVallee, RBValverde, AMVan den Berghe, Gvan Der Veen, SVan Kaer, Lvan Loosdregt, Jvan Wijk, SJLVandenberghe, WVanhorebeek, IVannier-Santos, MAVannini, NVanrell, MCVantaggiato, CVarano, GVarela-Nieto, IVarga, MVasconcelos, MHVats, SVavvas, DGVegaNaredo, IVega-Rubin-de-Celis, SVelasco, GVelazquez, APVellai, TVellenga, EVelotti, FVerdier, MVerginis, PVergne, IVerkade, PVerma, MVerstreken, PVervliet, TVervoorts, JVessoni, ATVictor, VMVidal, MVidoni, CVieira, OVVierstra, RDVigano, SVihinen, HVijayan, VVila, MVilar, MVillalba, JMVillalobo, AVillarejo-Zori, BVillarroya, FVillarroya, JVincent, OVindis, CViret, CViscomi, MTVisnjic, DVitale, IVocadlo, DJVoitsekhovskaja, OVVolonte, CVolta, MVomero, MVon Haefen, CVooijs, MAVoos, WVucicevic, LWade-Martins, RWaguri, SWaite, KAWakatsuki, SWalker, DWWalker, MJWalker, SAWalter, JWandosell, FGWang, BWang, CYWang, CWang, CRWang, CWWang, DWang, FYWang, FWang, FMWang, GSWang, HWang, HXWang, HGWang, JRWang, JGWang, JWang, JDWang, KWang, LRWang, LMWang, MHWang, MQWang, NBWang, PWWang, PPWang, PWang, QJWang, QWang, QKWang, QAWang, WTWang, WYWang, XNWang, XJWang, YWang, YCWang, YZWang, YYWang, YHWang, YPWang, YQWang, ZWang, ZYWang, ZGWarnes, GWarnsmann, VWatada, HWatanabe, EWatchon, MWeaver, TEWegrzyn, GWehman, AMWei, HFWei, LWei, TTWei, YJWeiergraber, OHWeihl, CCWeindl, GWeiskirchen, RWells, AWen, RXHWen, XWerner, AWeykopf, BWheatley, SPWhitton, JLWhitworth, AJWiktorska, KWildenberg, MEWileman, TWilkinson, SWillbold, DWilliams, BWilliams, RSBWilliams, RLWilliamson, PRWilson, RAWinner, BWinsor, NJWitkin, SSWodrich, HWoehlbier, UWollert, TWong, EWong, JHWong, RWWong, VKWWong, WWLWu, AGWu, CBWu, JWu, JFWu, KKWu, MWu, SYWu, SZWu, SFWu, WKKWu, XHWu, XQWu, YWWu, YHXavier, RJXia, HGXia, LXXia, ZYXiang, GXiang, JXiang, MLXiang, WXiao, BXiao, GZXiao, HYXiao, HTXiao, JXiao, LXiao, SXiao, YXie, BMXie, CMXie, MXie, YXXie, ZPXie, ZLXilouri, MXu, CFXu, EXu, HXXu, JXu, JRXu, LXu, WWXu, XLXue, YYakhine-Diop, SMSYamaguchi, MYamaguchi, OYamamoto, AYamashina, SYan, SMYan, SJYan, ZYanagi, YYang, CBYang, DSYang, HYang, HTYang, JMYang, JYang, JYYang, LYang, MYang, PMYang, QYang, SYang, SFYang, WNYang, WYYang, XYYang, XSYang, YYao, HHYao, SGYao, XQYao, YGYao, YMYasui, TYazdankhah, MYen, PMYi, CYin, XMYin, YHYin, ZYYing, MDYing, ZYip, CKYiu, SPTYoo, YHYoshida, KYoshii, SRYoshimori, TYousefi, BYu, BXYu, HYYu, JYu, LYu, MLYu, SWYu, VCYu, WHYu, ZPYu, ZYuan, JYYuan, LQYuan, SLYuan, SSFYuan, YGYuan, ZQYue, JBYue, ZYYun, JYung, RLZacks, DNZaffagnini, GZambelli, VOZanella, IZang, QSZanivan, SZappavigna, SZaragoza, PZarbalis, KSZarebkohan, AZarrouk, AZeitlin, SOZeng, JLZeng, JDZerovnik, EZhan, LXZhang, BZhang, DDZhang, HLZhang, HZhang, HHZhang, HFZhang, HYZhang, JBZhang, JHZhang, JPZhang, KLYBZhang, LSWZhang, LZhang, LSZhang, LYZhang, MHZhang, PZhang, SZhang, WZhang, XNZhang, XWZhang, XLZhang, XYZhang, XZhang, XXZhang, XDZhang, YZhang, YJZhang, YDZhang, YMZhang, YYZhang, YCZhang, ZZhang, ZGZhang, ZBZhang, ZHZhang, ZYZhang, ZLZhao, HBZhao, LZhao, SZhao, TBZhao, XFZhao, YZhao, YCZhao, YLZhao, YTZheng, GPZheng, KZheng, LZheng, SZZheng, XLZheng, YZheng, ZGZhivotovsky, BZhong, QZhou, AZhou, BZhou, CFZhou, GZhou, HZhou, HBZhou, JZhou, JYZhou, KLZhou, RJZhou, XJZhou, YSZhou, YHZhou, YBZhou, ZYZhou, ZZhu, BLZhu, CLZhu, GQZhu, HNZhu, HXZhu, HZhu, WGZhu, YPZhu, YSZhuang, HXZhuang, XHZientara-Rytter, KZimmermann, CMZiviani, EZoladek, TZong, WXZorov, DBZorzano, AZou, WPZou, ZZou, ZZZuryn, SZwerschke, WBrand-Saberi, BDong, XCKenchappa, CSLi, ZGLin, YOshima, SRong, YGSluimer, JCStallings, CLTong, CK
Autophagy. 17(1):1-382
Academic Journal
Okafor J; Department of Echocardiography, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom. Electronic address: j.okafor2@rbht.nhs.uk.; Khattar R; Department of Echocardiography, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Kouranos V; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Ohri S; Department of Echocardiography, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Diana D; Department of Echocardiography, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Ebeke E; Department of Echocardiography, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Azzu A; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom; Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Ahmed R; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Wells A; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Baksi AJ; Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Sharma R; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Wechalekar K; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
Publisher: Springer Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9423534 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1532-6551 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10713581 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Nucl Cardiol Subsets: MEDLINE
Publisher: Radiological Society of North America, Inc Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101748663 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2638-6135 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 26386135 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE; MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Nazir MS; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Okafor J; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Murphy T; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Andres MS; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Ramalingham S; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Rosen SD; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Chiribiri A; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Plein S; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Prasad S; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Mohiaddin R; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Pennell DJ; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Baksi AJ; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Khattar R; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).; Lyon AR; From the Cardio-Oncology Service (M.S.N., T.M., M.S.A., S.R., S.D.R., A.R.L.), Department of Echocardiography (J.O., R.K.), and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit (S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B.), Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EU, United Kingdom (M.S.N., A.C., S. Plein); and National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (S.D.R., S. Prasad, R.M., D.J.P., A.J.B., A.R.L.).
Publisher: Radiological Society of North America, Inc Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101748663 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2638-6135 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 26386135 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Jones RE; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK.; Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, Basildon, UK.; Hammersley DJ; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Zheng S; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK.; McGurk KA; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK.; de Marvao A; Department of Women and Children's Health, King's College London, London, UK.; British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence, School of Cardiovascular Medicine and Sciences, King's College London, London, UK.; Theotokis PI; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Owen R; Department of Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.; Tayal U; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Rea G; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Hatipoglu S; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Buchan RJ; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Mach L; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Curran L; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Lota AS; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Simard F; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Reddy RK; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Talukder S; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Yoon WY; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Vazir A; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Pennell DJ; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; O'Regan DP; MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Baksi AJ; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Halliday BP; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Ware JS; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Prasad SK; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
Publisher: Wiley Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 100887595 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1879-0844 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 13889842 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Eur J Heart Fail Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Curran L; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; de Marvao A; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Department of Women and Children's Health (A.d.M.).; British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence, School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Medicine and Sciences, King's College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M.).; Inglese P; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; McGurk KA; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Schiratti PR; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Clement A; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Zheng SL; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Li S; Biomedical Image Analysis Group, Department of Computing (S.L., W.B.).; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Pua CJ; National Heart Research Institute Singapore, Singapore, PRC (C.J.P., C.W.L.C., S.A.C.).; Shah M; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Jafari MTheotokis P; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Buchan RJ; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; Jurgens SJ; Department of Experimental Cardiology, Heart Center, Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (S.J.J., C.R.B.).; Cardiovascular Disease Initiative, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA (S.J.J.).; Raphael CE; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN (C.E.R.).; Baksi AJ; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Pantazis A; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Halliday BP; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Pennell DJ; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Bai W; Biomedical Image Analysis Group, Department of Computing (S.L., W.B.).; Department of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (W.B.).; Chin CWL; National Heart Research Institute Singapore, Singapore, PRC (C.J.P., C.W.L.C., S.A.C.).; Department of Cardiology, National Heart Center Singapore, Singapore, PRC (C.W.L.C.).; Cardiovascular Sciences ACP, Duke NUS Medical School, Singapore (C.W.L.C.).; Tadros R; Cardiovascular Genetics Centre, Montreal Heart Institute (R.T.).; Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, QC, Canada (R.T.).; Bezzina CR; Department of Experimental Cardiology, Heart Center, Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (S.J.J., C.R.B.).; Watkins H; Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (H.W.).; Cook SA; Department of Women and Children's Health (A.d.M.).; National Heart Research Institute Singapore, Singapore, PRC (C.J.P., C.W.L.C., S.A.C.).; Prasad SK; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Ware JS; National Heart and Lung Institute (L.C., K.A.M., S.L.Z., P.T., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (L.C., R.J.B., C.E.R., A.J.B., A.P., B.P.H., D.J.P., S.K.P., J.S.W.).; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).; O'Regan DP; Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (A.d.M., P.I., K.A.M., P.-R.S., A.C., S.L.Z., S.L., M.S., M.J., P.T., R.J.B., S.A.C., J.S.W., D.P.O.).
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101714113 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2574-8300 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 25748300 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Circ Genom Precis Med Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Hammersley DJ; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Jones RE; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Anglia Ruskin Medical School, UK, Cambridge, UK.; Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, Basildon, UK.; Owen R; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.; Mach L; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Lota AS; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Khalique Z; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; De Marvao A; Department of Women and Children's Health, King's College London, London, UK.; British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence, School of Cardiovascular Medicine and Sciences, King's College London, London, UK.; Androulakis E; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Hatipoglu S; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Gulati A; Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, London, UK.; Reddy RK; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Yoon WY; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Talukder S; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Shah R; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Baruah R; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Guha K; Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Portsmouth, UK.; Pantazis A; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Baksi AJ; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Gregson J; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.; Cleland JGF; British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence, School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.; Tayal U; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Pennell DJ; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Ware JS; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Halliday BP; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Prasad SK; National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.; Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
Publisher: Wiley Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 100887595 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1879-0844 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 13889842 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Eur J Heart Fail Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Okafor J; Department of Echocardiography, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. j.okafor2@rbht.nhs.uk.; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, Guy Scadding Building, Dovehouse St, London, SW3 6LY, UK. j.okafor2@rbht.nhs.uk.; Azzu A; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, Guy Scadding Building, Dovehouse St, London, SW3 6LY, UK.; Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Ahmed R; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, Guy Scadding Building, Dovehouse St, London, SW3 6LY, UK.; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Cassimon B; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Wechalekar K; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Wells A; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Kouranos V; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Baksi AJ; Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Sharma R; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; Guha K; Department of Cardiology, Portsmouth Hospitals University Trust, Portsmouth, UK.; Khattar R; Department of Echocardiography, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.; National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, Guy Scadding Building, Dovehouse St, London, SW3 6LY, UK.; Cardiac Sarcoidosis Service, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals, Guy's and St, Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
Publisher: Springer Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9423534 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1532-6551 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10713581 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Nucl Cardiol Subsets: MEDLINE
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