에서 검색결과 72건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Rayner, C.K; Schwartz, M.P; van Dam, P.S; Renooij, W; de Smet, M; Horowitz, M; Smout, A.J.P.M; Samsom, M
In The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2002 97(12):3123-3130
Academic Journal
Cocquyt, V; Van Belle, S ; Reinhardt, R.R; Decramer, M.L.A; O'Brien, M; Schellens, J.H.M; Borms, M; Verbeke, L; Van Aelst, F; De Smet, M; Carides, A.D; Eldridge, K; Gertz, B.J
In European Journal of Cancer May 2001 37(7):835-842
Academic Journal
Fisher, A.L ; DePuy, E; Shih, T; Stearns, R; Lee, Y; Gottesdiener, K; Flattery, S; De Smet, M; Keymeulen, B; Musson, D.G
In Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2001 26(5):739-752
Electronic Resource
Freislederer, P; Batista, Victor; Öllers, Michel; Buschmann, Malte; Steiner, Erich; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0565-5685; Kügele, M; Fracchiolla, F; Corradini, Stefanie; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8709-7252; de Smet, M; Moura, F; Perryck, S; Dionisi, F; Nguyen, David; Bert, C; Lehmann, Julia; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3717-7603
Freislederer, P; Batista, Victor; Öllers, Michel; Buschmann, Malte; Steiner, Erich; Kügele, M; Fracchiolla, F; Corradini, Stefanie; de Smet, M ; Moura, F; Perryck, S; Dionisi, F; Nguyen, David; Bert, C; Lehmann, Julia (2022). ESTRO-ACROP guideline on surface guided radiation therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 173:188-196.
Academic Journal
The New England Journal of Medicine. Jan 07, 2016 374(1)
Academic Journal
Stangier, J; Schmohl, M; Glund, S; Harada, A; Imazu, S; De Smet, M; Moschetti, V; Ramael, S; Ikushima, I; Gruenenfelder, F; Reilly, P
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Jun 01, 2015 13 Suppl 2:217-217
Academic Journal
Austin, S; Glund, S; Stangier, J; Schmohl, M; Moschetti, V; Haazen, W; De Smet, M; Gansser, D; Norris, S; Lang, B; Reilly, P
British Journal of Haematology. Apr 01, 2015 169 Suppl 1:10-11
Academic Journal
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. Mar 01, 2015 74(Suppl_1 Suppl 1):A82-A83
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[AR] de Smet, M
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