에서 검색결과 8건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Amadei, G.; Zander, M.A.; Yang, G.; Vessey, J.P.; Kaplan, D.R.; Miller, F.D.; Lipshitz, H.D.; Smibert, C.A.; Dumelie, J.G.
In: Journal of Neuroscience . (Journal of Neuroscience, 25 November 2015, 35(47):15666-15681)
Academic Journal
Badouel, C.; Liscio, N.; Bagherie-Lachidan, M.; Zander, M.A.; Miller, F.D.; Sopko, R.; Coyaud, E.; Raught, B.; McNeill, H.
In: Development (Cambridge) . (Development (Cambridge), 15 August 2015, 142(16):2781-2791)
Academic Journal
Gallagher, D.; Voronova, A.; Zander, M.A.; Cancino, G.I.; Bramall, A.; Krause, M.P.; Scherer, S.W.; Kaplan, D.R.; Miller, F.D.; Keller, G.M.; Abad, C.; Tekin, M.; Walz, K.; Neilsen, P.M.; Callen, D.F.
In: Developmental Cell . (Developmental Cell, 2015, 32(1):31-42)
Academic Journal
In: PLoS ONE . (PLoS ONE, 19 August 2014, 9(8))
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Neuroscience . (Journal of Neuroscience, 2014, 34(15):5164-5175)
Academic Journal
In: Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society . (Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, February 2006, 73(1):147-158)
Academic Journal
In: Mathematical Logic Quarterly . (Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 2005, 51(1):104-108)
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[AR] Zander, M.A.
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